"Ah! Meyome! Welcome back to the Outrealms! What do you need today?" Anna's younger sister greeted me as I walked through the gate.

"Well I was wondering if we could locate some more recruits."

"But Meyome, you already have the max amount of recruits, anymore and you'll have to release some people."

"That's the point," I chuckled, "there are too many clashing ideals between Ermm and Walhart, and lately their disagreements are getting violent." I sighed as I hung my head. "And they aren't the only two either. Kain, Justin and Orion keep picking fights with Basilio, Vaike and Owain. Minerva keeps getting into fights with Minerva's wyvern. Alinia and Tharja are at each other's throats when it comes to Henry. And every female is hating Clive due to his view that war is man's territory."

"Wow, ok I'll see who's out there." She said looking at her roster. "Well you already have Florina, Nino and Karel. Would you like to summon the rest of their team?" Anna's sister looked up with a smile.

"Who's on there?" I tilted my head.

"Serra, the cleric. Matthew, the thief. Jaffar, the assassin. Lyn, the swordmaster. General Hector. The young Paladin Eliwood. And the sorcerer Nergal."

I stood there silent, as it happened before all of their names were ringing bells. As if a weird Deja vu swept over me. I had sent separate forces to recruit Nino and Florina, Karel sort of bumped into us as we were looking for him. They all had smiling faces as they happily joined, all saying 'it be an honor to work with you again'. I was curious, but had avoided the subject nonetheless.

"Summon all of them. I'll go for them immediately."

"Take your most experienced warriors, they have already saved their own world and are very strong." She said seriously before showing me where they all waited.

Serra was at Carrion Isle. Matthew at Sage's Hamlet. Jaffar was at the ruins of time. Lyn was at Plegia castle. Hector was at the far fort. Eliwood waited at the sea kings throne. And finally Nergal waited at the twin's hideout. I thanked her before leaving, waiting at the gate was my husband, Chrom.

"So how did it go?" Chrom looked hopeful.

I smiled sweetly before kissing his cheek. "I found seven warriors, and they all hail from the same world as Nino, Florina, and Karel so we should be fine as far as people getting along."

"Well Grandmaster tactician? Where to first?" he asked as he drew me into a hug.

"First we shall seek the swordmaster, Lyn. We march to Plegia castle." I gave the order. With the battle against Grima approaching quickly we needed all the help we can get.

"All right," Chrom kissed my temple before heading back to the camp.

I on the other hand walked off on my own, the breeze blowing through my hair as I stood looking over the waters of the small island. I sighed and furrowed my brows. I apparently lost track of time because Chrom sent Florina and Nino after me. I only noticed their presence when Nino grabbed my arm.

"Meyome, we're ready to go." Nino smiled as she tugged me along.

"Nino," I started.


"Why do you speak to me so fondly? We only met a couple of weeks ago."

"Because you're the same as our Meyome!" She smiled. "Plus, you helped Florina and I train, and even intervened when it was too much for us. Thanks to you I'm finally a sage!"

"And I always wanted to be a falcon knight." Florina smiled timidly, grabbing onto my other arm.

"I see," I smiled. "Then I guess we both have surprises in store." In my head thinking, 'they see their friends and I can learn what she meant by that.'

They looked at me curiously, but I merely laughed and ran towards camp, where everything was wrapped up and ready to go. Chrom smiled before giving the order to move out.

-A trek later-

We walked up to the entrance of Plegia castle, my most experienced soldiers ready as Anna's sister had advised. Priam, Lucina, Lon'qu, Roathus, Yarne, Panne, Henry, Lissa, Libra, and Nowi. Along with Chrom and myself.

Uncharacteristically, I charged in first. Everyone called my name before charging in as well Panne and Lon'qu going to my left, Priam and Yarne going to my right.

"Meyome are you nuts!" Chrom scowled as he caught up to me, as the others crowded around me and him.

I looked off to the side to see Lon'qu had been attacked by several units and was barely hanging on, "Lissa! Heal Lon'qu!"

"Right!" Lissa nodded as she rushed to his side and healed his wounds.


"Right." Panne nodded before transforming, taking out the paladin that guarded the doorway.

"Henry, the archer on the other side."

"Got it!" He smiled as he used Bolganone.

"AHHH!" was heard on the other side as I cast Rexcaliber, taking out someone else on the other side.

As Lucina and Roathus went to my left, Chrom came beside me. "Meyome, what's wrong, you're acting strange."

"Nothing, the quicker we take out the units the quicker I can go after Lyn." I looked to the side, Signaling Priam and Yarne to continue down the hall, Libra and Nowi following behind them.

"Meyome, so YOU can?"

"Yes, dammit! I want to fight them! Is there anything wrong with that?!" I felt the tears threaten my eyes. "I don't even know who I was here, and yet Nino, Florina and Karel come from another world saying they know me?!"

"Hey, hey, hey. It's all right." Chrom quickly pulled me in.

I leaned my head against Chrom's chest. "I've gotta find out, and for some reason, I'm positive Lyn will have the answers I need."

"Which is why we came after her first."

"That's right." I nodded, pushing away from his chest.

"Meyome, their leader is heading this way!" Henry informed me.

"Everybody, come back to heal yourselves!" I headed out ahead of them as they fell back, while I had conversed with Chrom, everyone had taken care of the remaining units. I met Lyn in the large hall with the four stairways.

Her eyes widened, "Meyome?"

"That is my name, but I don't think I'm the one you seem to know," I struck up conversation, taking my brave sword in hand.

"I see, you're not the same. In this world you fight."

"In this world?"

"But even though you share her face... in this world... I got to fight back!" She said as she charged.

"Meyome!" Chrom called out after me, he had to be held back by Priam, Roathus and Lon'qu.

Her attacks hit me one after the other, an ability I knew as Astra, when she finally jumped back I took my opportunity. I lunged, first blow was obviously a critical hit as she stumbled backwards, and I knocked her to the ground with my second blow.

"I yield." She smiled as she panted, "You're strong here in body as you are in mind in my own world. Would you let me travel with you once again?"

"Just tell me," I was panting as well, "What did you mean by 'in this world'?"

"There is a version of you in my own world." She smiled. "You were the one who helped us all accomplish our goals, Me, Eliwood, even Hector. You were our tactician. When you weren't traveling the countryside studying that is."

"That sounds like something she would do." Chrom chuckled as the rest of the group walked up behind me.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously as I reached out my hand. As she took it, my eyes widened at the visions of what her and the other me had. When the visions were done, I smiled and pulled her to her feet. "I'd love for you to join us, Lady Lyndis."

She smiled as well. "Thank you, my friend."

When we returned to camp, Lyn and I headed to the medical tent. As we were being treated by Lissa, both Chrom and Frederick stood at the opening of the tent.

"I would love to hear of the other me's shenanigans." I smiled as Lissa used her heal staff.

"Well, we had a lot of time getting to know one another and we became close on our journey. But if I start from the beginning, I first met you by finding you passed out in the middle of the fields just outside of my tribes camp."

Chrom and Lissa busted out laughing; even Frederick let out a chuckle. I gained a blush that rivaled the color of a rose.

"What are they laughing at?"

"That's where we first met her too!" Lissa busted out laughing once again. This time Lyn began to chuckle as well.

"Shut up! All of you!" I screamed out all flustered. Chrom came to my side and held me close.

"I'm sorry my love, but its adorable that even in another world, you're as you are here. Makes me jealous that someone will get to have you as I do."

"You're married here?" Lyn asked.

Before I could answer, "Lady Lyndis!" Florina busted through the opening of the tent, followed by Nino.

"Florina!? Nino!"

"Come, let them have their moment." I spoke as I made my leave allowing them to talk and catch up with one another. Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick followed me.

"So what's next?"

"Queen of field naps." Lissa snickered.

"Get everyone ready to go to the ruins of time. We're getting Jaffar next." I smiled as I noogied the young princess I had caught in a headlock.

"Ok, ok. Ok! I give, let go!" She laughed as I let her go.

"Frederick please oversee the preparations." Chrom smiled at the man he spoke to.

"Yes, my lord." He bowed walking off.

"I'm going to get my staff and my axe ready!" the young war cleric smiled running off as well.

"What are we up against?" Chrom asked me despite that we were both watching the camp wrap up.

"Seven assassins, three sorcerers."

"Same team as last time?"

"Let Libra rest, we'll take Lyn this time."

"Right. I am to assume you want to fight him as well?"

"I want to fight them all." I narrowed my eyes as the final things were being packed up.

"At least let me support you." He said turning towards me.

"Chrom, I need you to lead the others against the enemy units. Please."

He sighed, but reluctantly agreed. After arriving and setting up that night's camp, those in the attack group made our way towards the ruins. Morgan going on about how it brought back our reunion.

He clung to my arm, "Mom can I go this time? I really want to go!"

"But Morgan, who will guide the others if risen attack camp?" I smiled at my son, several times he almost beat me in strategical board games. "They'll need a great tactician."

"All right then! I won't let you down mom!" he smiled running back to camp.

"You're a wonderful mother." Lyn set her hand on my shoulder.

When we attempted to enter, we were rejected, 'you have one unit too many' a voice called out.

"Nowi, go rest, you been on the past several groups."

"Are you sure? I can still fight!" she pumped her fist with a smirk on her face.

"It's fine, go take a well-earned rest."

She sighed, "Yes ma'am."

'Enter' the voice boomed and the doors opened. Unfortunately with only one way to go, Chrom felt uncomfortable letting me lead the way, but had all the others clear the way as I trekked onwards. Finally catching sight of the red haired assassin, I called out to him.

"So be it, beat me, and I will join you once again." He said before he charged. I managed to move enough to where the attack grazed my arm.

"Shit", I cursed to myself as I retaliated with Rexcaliber. He took the full brunt of the hit, but remained on his feet, not even staggering. I came once again with my attack, this time knocking him down.

"Very well, I will join you, but do not think of us as 'friends'."

He refused my hand as he stood up on his own.


Lissa ran over and healed his wounds. Chrom walked over to me, "It's getting late."

"I know, we'll look for the others tomorrow."