It hadn't exactly been easy. Not the dying part,that she remembered as safe in the arms of the woman she loved,but the transpassing. That had hurt. Surely not physically,her body had felt so detatched. But her mind had been well aware of what it was leaving behind. A life which had ended up being appreciated. At first her death had been as she had imagined it. She had come back between familiar faces,familiar ways to live,she had hugged back the family she hadn't seen in many years,and hugged back the one who had stood by her side up 'till a few months ago. There had been even some being scolded like a child for what she had pulled,and Kara couldn't think anything else but that she had been pretty stupid. She should've never taken that way,she never wanted that path again. Shame it was too late to change the way of destiny. One of those times as she had been floating in the light she had known so well even just as a child,long before just by her father's story,something had changed. There had been darkness,a sort of warp in it,and she had been taken. Hence her current situation. She wasn't sure what it was,but it had to be an into the space limbo or a purgatory,with an alien she knew all too well who had stolen her soul as payment. For the record she was glad that all he wanted was to have her soul as a personal trophy,so he didn't rapresent the biggest threat,at first,but Kara had seen people rebelling and those people hadn't ended up well. Now their souls would've never found any rest. So she had waited,prayed,and thought about her family everyday,thought about a way to get out. She was aware of the fact that the people who were already in the light of Rao had no way to reach out to her again,they would've caused immense damage to the laws which had been so well crafted a long time ago,but Kara also knew she had another way out,a way which might have made all the difference. After having trained for so long,and taking her memory back to her life down on earth,and the teachings on Krypton she had managed to let her mind float. With the advantage of her ghostly form she had traveled and traveled with it,tried harder and harder till she hadn't entered the realm of dreams in a similar way to the hologram of her mother at the DEO. Still partly inconsistent but pretty much there. Even so as it was her very own soul. She was just supposed to go. If she could've found a way out,she would've been okay. Her soul had been stolen by her dealer. She supposed one thing more. He had escaped. This was his realm. If she could keep on appearing to the people she loved,than maybe,she could've actually been saved. Kara didn't know what her destiny would've been once she had managed. If she was either to go back to what she had had with the loved ones she had lost before,or the family she had left behind on earth,but her will to live hadn't dwindled. She wanted to have something to fight for again. In the early days the first mind she had managed to enter had been Carter's. Cat's had been too full of sorrow,and Alex was too young and she didn't want her involved if she could avoid it. They had talked but she had never had the heart to tell him about her conditions,so she had let him be. Lately she had somehow managed to feel Cat enough to finally enter her mind. She would enter memories she had lived into and tell her wife about her ordeal. If she could stick to earth longer her soul would've spent enough time in there to escape the clutches of the Dealer.
Cat Danvers Grant entered CatCo that morning in the same fool mood as the beginning of the week. There had been several issues and the paper had been published a few minutes later than usual. She was aware of the motivation being pretty stupid,but she couldn't bring herself to notice. Kara had been gone for three years,and last night she had had another one of her dreams. For a long time after Kara had died,all she had woken up to were empty cold sheets and a dreamless sleep. But now they were there again,and her wife seemed to be there always. She had never taken down her old rules of no tears and no pictures,but everybody was too polite to tell her that she was the only one to break those rules. Kara had been there. It was as if a switch had been turned on. They made things harder,for the fear she could feel in her wife's voice,but peace too to her when she couldn't rest. It helped nothing that she seemed to have acquired the fear to look too much into Alex's eyes and see Kara back into them. Every day she would panic over how similar they were,but also marvel at it. Every day she would panic over something she had forgotten:either the timber of Kara's voice,or the shade of her eyes,than find it all back in their daughter. Sometimes she still wondered how she had survived before looking back at what they had been given. It wasn't easy,as she went through her days wondering what exactly had been the meaning of Kara's words,and every night she went to sleep her mind would punish her for not understanding. It didn't make much of a sense,anymore. So she had one last resort. Somebody who could understand her and had eased her into the idea that Alex had entered a period in which if she could already fly she would've soon learned to use all her other inherited powers . So she called J'onn.