Author's Note: I actually started this story over the summer, before S2. It's set in the future. At this point I'm not going to incorporate anything that happens … but that may change.

Either way, I don't own Blindspot, these characters, or anything of importance.

"Reade, Zapata – You check the cousin's place. I'll take his work. Jane, you stay here, see if there is any more information in those emails that could help us figure out what he's planning." Weller purposely avoided looking at Jane as he walked towards the elevator. Kurt knew she would be angry; they'd had this same fight every day for the past few weeks. But he wouldn't get into it, not right now. Not in the office, not in front of their team, and certainly not when a bomb could detonate somewhere in the city at any moment.

Tasha smirked, biting her lip as she tried not to give herself away – she didn't need Weller angry at her also. They must have had an argument last night or something, she thought. Weller would never miss an opportunity to spend more time with Jane, even if it was the middle of the case. It seemed like their own twisted version of a date night sometimes, chasing criminals through the streets instead of dinner and a movie.

It took Zapata a while to notice it though, the subtle change in their dynamic. But slowly, Reade and she were the first ones there; they were the ones chasing the criminals, taking the shots, throwing the punches. At first, Weller had started making Jane stay back, keeping an eye out at the crime scenes, instead of coming in with the rest of them. And now, he was refusing to allow her into the field at all – even when they really could have used a fourth pair of hands. They had been a foursome for so long that to suddenly loose Jane was unsettling. But whatever it was, Tasha was glad they were mostly keeping it at home; she could barely deal with the two of them when they were happy. If they were angry at each other? She didn't even want to think about what that would be like.

Jane scowled at Kurt's receding frame. Of course he wouldn't even look at her. "The FBI has translators. A few hundred of them, if I remember correctly. They can look at the emails, and I'll go with Zapata and Reade," she said pointedly. She knew exactly what he was doing. He'd only allowed her out in the field a few times, making up excuses left and right trying to keep her in the office. Whenever she did go out, she would be sent wherever he deemed safer. Which often meant staying by the car, far away from the action.

"Jane. You're staying here. Call us when you find something," Weller's voice left no room for argument. Jane glared at him, but dutifully went back to her computer, pulling up the emails and other files from the server. She didn't even look at them as they left, just stared straight ahead at her computer. She'd deal with him later.

A few days later, Patterson pulled them into the lab, having unlocked another tattoo. Everett Markey was a federal witness with information about a terrorist group suspected to be starting operations in New York. Three members had just been spotted coming into JFK, and they needed to know what he knew. "Tasha, Reade, let's go," Weller directed.

Jane said nothing; just glaring at Kurt as she grabbed her things, and walked towards the elevator with them. "I'll go with Tasha," she said, her voice firm. She understood why he had kept her back before, but she was going with them today. Besides, this was just one guy, a federal witness, they were only going to talk with him, find out what he knew. She'd be more likely to get a paper cut at the office than hurt out in the field.

"Jane," Kurt's voice was warning her.

"God, Kurt! I'm just pregnant, I can still do my job!" Jane's eyes went wide as she realized what she'd just done. She bit her lip, praying, somehow, that no one had heard. They weren't going to tell anyone yet, it was still so early. And now, after they had been trying to be discreet for weeks, she just had to blurt it out, right in the middle of the office, so everyone could hear. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for what would follow.

Kurt froze, slightly panicked. In everything that had happened, everything they'd talked about, they had never discussed how and when to let other people know. But it wasn't supposed to be like this. It was going to be later, when it felt safe to share, after they'd allowed themselves time to adjust to the idea. They wanted it to be their little secret for a while, before telling others.

Kurt knew she had been having a hard time accepting light duty, but they both knew she couldn't keep going out in the field. As soon as they saw the positive test (and the five others they took before they could believe it was actually true), it was the first thing he'd told her. It was too dangerous, and with everything they had been through, they couldn't keep risking it. Jane had agreed, immediately. It was too risky. But then the reality set in. When you've spent your entire life chasing down criminals and saving the world, sitting at a desk all day was not an attractive option. Which is why they had been arguing about it nearly every day for weeks. Neither of them really knew how to handle this, the sudden shift in priorities.

The office was silent, even the other agents stood there, watching Jane, Weller, and the team as they processed what was just said. Patterson was the first one to break their collective trance, running over and enveloping Jane in a hug. "Jane! Oh my goodness! That's so great! I knew it would happen! How far along are you? You're still so tiny!" She quickly pulled Jane into a tighter hug, "Congratulations!"

Zapata smiled at her boss standing beside her. She could tell he was still in a bit of shock. She gently elbowed Weller in the side, "Congratulations daddy." Tasha walked over to where Jane and Patterson were standing, and, as soon as Patterson let Jane go, she pulled her into a hug.

Reade smiled at his boss, "That's great, guys. I'm happy for you."

Jane accepted the hugs and tried to listen to what Tasha and Patterson were chattering on about. Their overlapping voices had become white noise around her, and although she felt them hugging her, and even how they gently touched her stomach, she couldn't concentrate on anything except Kurt. She had avoided looking up at him, worried about how he'd react. She took a deep breath, giving a hopeful smile as she looked towards Kurt.

He knew this wasn't the way either one of them had planned… but then again, nothing about this had exactly been planned. But it had finally happened, and he didn't care how and when people found out. So when Jane finally raised her eyes, all she could see was his smile, lighting up the room.

So as I mentioned, I'd had this idea over the summer. But I suddenly needed to push to get it done before 205 and whatever happens then (spoiler free and quite happy about it).

This story will likely be multi chapter. But still marking it as finished for now, because the plan is, that even if I continue, every chapter will be it's own individual story, not a continuing progression.

Favorite and review as you see fit (please!).