"I can't believe we got sick..." Akito pouted as he was in his bed across from Estelle's. "We never get sick!"

"And we're stuck inside all day..." Estelle sniffled. "What're we supposed to do?"

There came a knock at their bedroom door and Drell came inside with a smile to the Fudo twins. "Are my favorite little Wiccan twins awake?"

"Yes, we're awake." Akito and Estelle said.

Drell chuckled and sat in a chair in between the twins as he took out a giant storybook. "How you kids doing?"

"I feel like I wanna die..." Akito groaned.

"I feel like my saliva is acid..." Estelle shuddered.

"How about a story from your favorite uncle?" Drell smiled to the twins.

"Sounds good." Akito smiled.

"But where is he?" Estelle asked.

Drell bore a deadpan expression and cracked open the book. He then tried to pick a story, but the twins had already heard most of them from their parents until he found one that he knew they couldn't had known about. "How about when I sent your parents and aunt back in time to reunite the King and Queen of Udrogoth with their children?"

"Yeah!" The Fudo twins smiled.

"Gotcha." Drell smirked as he then flipped through the pages to find said story. "It all started long before you were even born... Long when Cherry, Atticus, and Mo were my students..."

We cut back to high school with the mentioned three in their senior year of high school.

"I can't believe we're graduating soon..." Mo said. "Didn't we just start school like yesterday?"

"I think so." Atticus said.

"Sure feels like that..." Mo shrugged.

Drell walked by in his gym coach uniform and looked to the three seniors. "I'd like to see you three pronto."

"We're right here, end of story, bye-bye!" Cherry smirked like a sassy back-talker toward him.

"NOW!" Drell yelled.

Cherry, Atticus, and Mo then ran into the gym.

"That's better." Drell nodded.

The three teenagers then stood in the gym floor as Drell walked over to them.

"We've been through a lot together, the three of us," Drell said. "However, before you graduate, I have a very important task for you all... You must travel to the land known as Udrogoth. Do either of you have prior knowledge to it?" he then had a knowing and hopeful smile more to Atticus than to Cherry or Mo.

"I've done my research." Atticus said.

"Good and what have you found out?" Drell asked.

"It's a land back in the Middle Ages," Atticus said. "King Throtkar and Queen Gilmia ran it until they were asked to fight evil around the world and left their oldest child, their daughter Candy in charge, but the children have had as much adventures as much as their parents have while being left with the queen's brother, a sorcerer named Oswidge."

"Excellent." Drell said.

Mo smiled while Cherry rolled her eyes.

"Why can't you be more like Atticus?" Drell asked.

"Well, for one, I don't have a-" Cherry shrugged.

"Anyway, I'd like you all to go there." Drell said.

"You won't come with us?" Mo asked sadly.

"I'll be there, but it won't be me." Drell replied.

"Huh?" The three of them asked out of confusion.

'I'll be there, but it'll be me from the past along with your father, Atticus." Drell explained.

"Ohh." Atticus smiled.

"Yeah, I'm not going so I don't draw attention to myself." Drell explained.

"Okay." Atticus said.

Drell then took out his wand and waved it which made a portal appear. "To the Middle Ages you all go."

"Wait!" Mo said. "What exactly are we doing?"

"You must help Throtkar and Gilmia get back home in one piece," Drell warned. "They've made so many enemies over the years that evil keeps trying to prevent them from going back home and reuniting with their children."

"Really?" Cherry asked.

"Yes," Drell replied. "Their youngest child is devastated."

"Wow." Mo said.

"I feel like there's something else..." Drell scratched his chin in thought. "What was it...?"

"I'm not taking part of this?" Cherry deadpanned.

"Of course you are." Mo said.

"Says who?" Cherry replied.

"SAYS THIS!" Drell shook his fist in her face.

Cherry's eyes widened slightly.

"Now you three are going." Drell said.

"Um, right..." Cherry smiled nervously.

"You really need to learn how to stand up for yourself..." Drell said. "Atticus can't always fight your battles."

"Gee, thanks for the advice." Cherry groaned.

"He's kinda right, Cherry..." Atticus said.

"Why don't you make her strong like you?" Drell whispered to Atticus.

"I don't know if she would like it." Atticus whispered back.

Drell then shrugged to that and stepped back so they could all get through the portal, even if he had to push them in.

"And in we go." Atticus said.

"You can't make me go in there." Cherry said.

"Yes, I can!" Drell grinned as he grabbed her and chucked her into the portal.

"Whoa!" Cherry yelped.

Drell laughed at her as he then walked off after the portal closed once they were all inside.

Drell laughed outside of the story until Akito punched him slightly. "Ow!"

"That's for being mean to Aunt Cherry!" Akito firmly pouted.

"Okay, I deserved that." Drell said.

Estelle even punched his arm.

"Doesn't hurt." Drell smirked to her.

Teddy walked over, then jumped up and hit Drell with his Fury Swipes.

"OKAY, THAT DOES!" Drell cried out.

"Thank you, Teddy." Estelle smiled.

Teddy smiled back. "You're welcome, Mama."

"Damned Pokemon..." Drell growled.

"If only there were Pokémon back in the day of when Mom, Dad, and Aunt Cherry were young." Akito said.

"Well, in a way, they did something like that, only with illegal genetic experiments created by Dr. Jumba Jookiba," Drell replied. "And Stitch lives in Japan now." he then cupped his mouth and his eyes darted around nervously as he had confessed that.

"Really?" Akito smiled.

"Uh, anyway..." Drell went back to the story.