Disclaimer: This is just a fanfic. I own nothing!

We all know that Hae Soo somehow befriended with Woo Hee. And they saw each other's scars. Isn't it obvious that Hae Soo hadn't worn the bracelet WW gave her anymore. Anyway, this is my imagination of their first encounter. Who doesn't like our beloved heroines to be friends and live happily ever after...

It was not a quiet day for Hae Soo when she was dragged out and lectured about how to take care of herself by Baek Ah. Actually, since the day the 13th prince had discovered her working as a water maid, she didn't have a quiet day. If it was not sending medicine then it was about escape. Hae Soo asked him, no, pleaded to him to ignore her because it would be big trouble if the King knew her meeting a prince. But the 13th prince left out all the words.

'I come here not only because of you' He said while shoving the aid kit in her hands 'Now I'm in hurry and we may not see each other in a few day but I will come back. So take care. See you!' He tightened the bag with his instruments behind his back then left, didn't forget to turn back and give her a small wave.

Hae Soo mind-absently walked back to Gyobang. On the way, a sight caught her attention. A young kisaeng was practicing her sword dance. The amazing dance made her unable to turn the eyes away. Each move was fast, strong, determinant but still graceful enough. Normally, enjoying a dance would bring people joy, excitement but somehow the dance of this particular girl stirred the anger and hatred inside her. Such strong emotion she couldn't feel for months since the death of Oh sang gong. Her vision blurred by tears. She felt hateful but toward no one or no certain thing. If there was anything detestable, it was herself and the fate which brought her here, made her relive in Goryeo era.

The sound of metals clashed pulled her back to reality. The dancer fell on the ground along with her swords. The naive kind hearted Hae Soo before might rush toward the girl to see if she was ok but this Hae Soo just stood and stared hesitantly. It took her a long moment, when the girl was still on the ground, to slowly approach her. The dancer was clutching her wrist painfully as it got cut by her sword. The red liquid surprised Hae Soo a second, made her feel like déjà vu. She immediately knelt down, opened the aid kit looking for a band aid.

The dancer was caught off guard when Hae Soo seized her wrist and put against the cut a cool soft material to stop the bleeding. She looked up at the strange girl helping her, who didn't bother to meet her eyes but fully paid attention to her wound. They stayed like that for a minute until the herb Hae Soo used took effect and the cut stopped bleeding out.

'Thank you' The dancer said softly but Hae Soo played indifferent. Not returning the gaze, she turned away to find a clean bandage, while her hand was still kept in place to hold the herb against the wound.

No bandage could be found. Hae Soo reluctantly looked at the dancer, said to her in an emotionless voice:

'Hold it tight'

The dancer clutched her wrist now so Hae Soo could untie the white bandage on her own wrist. She gestured to the other girl so that she could cover the wound. The wrist stained with dried blood was held before her when Hae Soo tied the band around it. Scars on the wrist seemed not unnoticeable. Pitifulness rose in her chest. Unintentionally, Hae Soo heaved out the words which could not be withdrawn:

'The cut will leave a scar'

The dancer stared down at her scarred wrist then smiled sadly 'I know' She said then moved her eyes an inch forward just to catch the shade of a deep scar on the wrist of her helper.

'You also have one?' It was more a statement than a question.

Hae Soo's eyes followed the gaze on her uncovered scar. It used to be covered by the bracelet, which now was not on her wrist anymore but in a small chest hidden among her belongings. Such bracelet was not suitable for a water maid. She untied it the day she left the palace, afraid it would be broken but the main reason was its disturbing while working. People changed, of which she was scared. But even when people didn't change, situation changed then nothing could be the same anymore.

'Yes, I do' Hae Soo said while finishing the final knot on the wound. Then she quickly stood up, took her kit, limped away from the dancer who was till on ground, dumfounded by her sudden leave.

'SEE YOU' The girl called after her. But Hae Soo didn't turn back. She had doubt if they would see each other ever again.