
I headed straight for the kitchen, figuring that was the best place to get a knife. At this point I wasn't even thinking about how painful it would be to cut into my own flesh, or how deep the device may even be. I was in a blind rage. The only thing I was concerned with was getting the thing out of my body and then confronting Edward with it.

Carlisle was already in the kitchen when I walked into the room. He was leaning against the island, eating an apple with a knife. Upon my entrance, he cocked an eyebrow at me, but I didn't pay him any attention. I walked straight over to the drawers and started opening them one at a time until I found a knife I could use. If he tried to stop me, I would gut him like a fish before removing the device from my hip.

"Bella!" Mateo shouted in protest. Clearly not liking what he was seeing. In my rage I had actually forgotten about him. I worried that he would try to stop me, but when I looked up Carlisle held his hand up and shook his head.


I had no clue what that meant, but it would appear neither of them was going to stop me, which was fine by me. I pulled up my top and pushed my pants down over my hips. There was a small mark on my right hip, but nothing really noticeable. Feeling around the mark, I could feel a small lump the size of a BB, nothing that I would have thought twice about. If Alice hadn't of told me I would never have known it was there.

I took a deep breath and then sliced the knife into my skin, just to the right of the mark, hissing at the pain. It stung like a bitch, but I didn't expect anything else. Blood trickled down my side onto my pants as I squeezed near the mark, hoping to simply pop the device out, but I hadn't cut deep enough.

I glanced up at Carlisle and Mateo, ensuring that they were still on the other side of the room. Mateo was standing with both of his fists clenched by his side. His face contorted with pain. Carlisle, however, looked the complete opposite of Mateo. He looked calm and composed as he leaned against the kitchen island, continuing to eat his apple. "You're not going to stop now, are you?" he asked, with a smirk. The fucker was actually egging me on.

I shook my head, trying to shake off the anger his mere presence instilled in me and tried to focus on the task in hand. I made a few my slices into my flesh, which of course meant I lost a lot more blood. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling the effects of the blood loss and the sight of it pooling all over the floor, but I had to focus on the task in hand. Another slice, and then I pushed my finger into the wound, digging around for the device. That was when I heard Edward's voice. "What the fuck?"