Hekki bottom everyone,


inuyasha16451: Thank you and I am so sorry that I didn't update sooner.

lara5170: Their mating ritual is tough because of many reasons that you will find out in this chapter. If the mating ritual doesn't go through many things can go wrong. You will see.

Titania1796: gracias Aqui tienes.

teardrop765: It's not about Sasuke messing it up because in the ritual all of them can fuck up and not succeed with what they have to do. You will see in this chapter. Thank you for loving my stories.

falsedfaith691: Yeah thank you.

Wetsky97: Thank you.

MESSAGE TO EVERYONE WHO READS THIS STORY: I am sorry for not updating this story sooner. But here it is and hopefully, I can update it faster now.

Enjoy everyone.

It was now the night of the ritual and the mating couple was both nervous. They didn't know what was going to happen to them they just hoped it would be good. They tried their best to get a lot of information from each other from the night before but they couldn't find out all the nooks and cranny's that this ritual actually had. It was all up in the air because the other two vampires that were there didn't know what happened in ritual either.

"Sasuke, you need to calm down. You're making me nervous too." Naruko said shaking her head.

"How do you expect me to calm down? This is some scary shit if we fail it could leave you going insane." Sasuke said grabbing her around the waist.

"I know but it's the risk we have to take," Naruko said leaning against him.

Sasuke wasn't sure what would really come up from his memories but he knew it wouldn't be roses he knew it could get really dark and he wasn't sure how he could fair with that.

"Okay, you two will have weapons to protect yourself in this realm. Remember you won't die but it will hurt if they stab you anywhere in your body." Kurama explained.

"So, if I get stabbed in the heart I won't die?" Sasuke asked.

"Not in this realm but it will hurt like hell," Kurama answered as he bound them to separate statue like beds.

"Will he be okay?" Fugaku asked Gaara who was out of the room with them.

"They should be okay," Gaara said honestly because he wasn't sure either because they never had to do the ritual.

"THEY SHOULD BE!" Fugaku screamed outraged.

Gaara turned rather quickly Neji and Itachi bared their swords ready to fight.

"Listen to me and listen closely because I won't repeat myself. I don't know what will happen because I have never been in a ritual before but I also never conducted one either so I clearly don't know how to answer your questions." Gaara stopped because he noticed he was scaring them by walking near them. "As for your son, I only ever heard that in the end if the ritual isn't a success the vampire loses their mind nothing happens to the mate," Gaara said to look back in the room as Kurama did the ritual marks.

"Naruko, are you sure that you will be okay?" Kurama asked worried about his sister.

"Honestly no but I am willing to at least try to get my mate," Naruko said confidently with a bright smile.

"Okay," Kurama said in between the two as he placed his hands above them then onto their foreheads and placed their minds into the realm.

Both of them were knocked out instantaneously and Kurama looked at both of them sure he did what was right for an Elder of the ritual. When he was sure they were both restrained perfectly he walked out of the room to face the other hunters and his best friend was.

"Will they be okay?" Itachi asked his vampire partner.

"Honestly it all depends on their state of minds and if they get to each other in seventy-two hours," Kurama said honestly not able to lie to someone so concerned and in his position.

(Ritual Realm- Land of Memories)
"NARUKO! Where are you?" Sasuke screamed as he looked around.

He started to look around and noticed a bundle of blonde hair.

"BIG BROTHER! WHERE ARE YOU? I'M SCARED!" a little girl that looked exactly like Naruko.

"What's wrong with you little girl?" Sasuke said kind of scared because he knew young vampires couldn't control their bloodlust glad that he had his stake in his pocket.

"I can't find my big brother." Mini Naruko said turning to Sasuke with her little blue eyes.

"How did you get out here?" Sasuke asked.

"Someone was attacking our family and then he told me to not come out until he came but he hasn't come and I'm scared without him." Mini Naruko said.

"Want me to help you find him or sit here with you until he comes?" Sasuke asked as he looked at the watch on his wrist from when the realm world started.

He has only been in this realm for ten minutes.

"Do you really think that is a good idea? You're not a vampire and from the smell of you-you're a hunter." Mini Naruko asked.

"You won't let anything happen to me would you?" Sasuke asked.

Mini Naruko shook her head no quickly and held his hand. She didn't understand why but she felt a connection with the human.

"Who are you?" mini Naruko asked.

"You will see," Sasuke said and started to disappear when Kurama started to come to Naruko.

Naruko, on the other hand, was running away from something in Sasuke's memories not trying to attack anything just yet until she smelled her mate but instead she smelled a younger version of him.

"Who's there?" younger Sasuke called out.

"Hello," Naruko said coming out slowly kind of scared on what would happen.

"Who are you? Are you a vampire?" younger Sasuke asked pulling out a blade.

"My name is not a pressing matter. What's wrong with you? You seem sad?" Naruko questioned walking toward Sasuke even though he was holding a blade.

She pushed the blade away from him and continued to push toward him. Sasuke didn't understand why he felt safe around the blonde vampire but he did a lot.

"My mother just passed away." Younger Sasuke said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. My parents died when I was younger too by hunters. It broke my heart. Were you really close to your mother?" Naruko questioned.

Sasuke sat down as he let out a deep sigh. Naruko followed suit sitting down next to him.

"Yes, I was closest to her. It hurts way more than my father can understand but he doesn't seem to understand that I can't simply cover my emotions like he and my brother can since she died. It makes me angry doing it like its destroying her memory." Young Sasuke vented.

"You can cry if you want too I won't say anything," Naruko said with a warm smile that shocked Sasuke.

"I don't want to cry…" young Sasuke whispered turning his head.

"It's okay to cry it shows that you're not emotionless," Naruko said hugging him.

"Thank you," young Sasuke said hugging her back while crying in her back.

Naruko started to vanish when they heard Itachi coming to Sasuke's room.

"Where the hell am I now?" Naruko questioned but continued down the dark hall that she saw a door down.

Sasuke was on the other side of the dream realm running away from a group of vampires with a younger version of Naruko. He didn't understand why they were running but he was running with her. He figured out after the first memory was that they were supposed to be together until someone came to Naruko. That every memory was to lead him to his next path. He was just hoping that Naruko understood what was going on with them. He just knew he had to get out of this and he had to do it before seventy-two hours or his mate and love would go insane and he would forget all about her. That can't happen he won't let it.

"Naruko we got to get out of here," Sasuke said running toward another door.

"No, I have to stay Gaara's coming." Young Naruko said letting Sasuke's hand go.

"Okay be careful," Sasuke said softly running out the door to end up in a hallway again.

'Where am I now?' Sasuke thought as he walked slowly down a hallway.

He kept walking and his hunter skills kicked in when he felt something following him. He turned just in time to end up in a different place from the hall he was just in and a vampire was attacking him. He was on the ground wrestling with a strong vampire. Sasuke noticed that he didn't seem to have all his strength. He thought he would be done for until the vampire got lifted up and tossed to the other side of a lake.

"Are you okay?" A young Naruko asked.

"You shouldn't be out here. You're a human right?" Naruko asked until she heard the vampire coming.

Sasuke just watched as she flashed away from him and killed the vampire quickly. When it was over she walked back over to Sasuke sitting next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Naruko asked the non-talking Uchiha.

"Where is here exactly?" Sasuke asked.

"My family compound," Naruko said sadly looking at the flames.

"What happened here?" Sasuke asked beside himself knowing she probably wouldn't tell him.

"The vampires burned it to the ground because they hated that we collaborate with the hunters. My mother is still in there while my brother is trying to help while I kill these vamps." Naruko said.

"Do you want me to help?" Sasuke asked.

"No, you should get out of here before someone else spots you," Naruko said quickly killing a vampire running at them.

"NARUKO!" Kurama screamed and Sasuke was gone again.

How old was she there? She looked to be in her teenage years.

(Outside World)
"It has been sixteen hours that they have been under this mating ritual. How long does it go on?" Itachi asked sitting next to Kurama.

"It depends on how fast they find each other," Kurama said watching his sister.

"What happens in it?" Itachi asked curiously.

"They go through their partner's memories. I don't know what memories they go in. If I remember correctly they go through the memories that are the most prominent in their heads." Kurama said.

"So basically, the memories that most affect them," Itachi said.

"Yes, I guess. I never had to go through this so I couldn't exactly tell you." Kurama said.

"You don't have a mate?" Itachi asked.

"No, or my mate would be here," Kurama said glancing at his sister he only hoped she would be okay.

The two have been with each other non-stop since before the ritual started and no one bothered to disturb them either, not even Gaara. It was like they had caution tape surrounding them and whenever someone got near it was overwhelming to breathe around the two.

"Are you okay with not being over there?" Neji asked Gaara as they walked in the red-light district to find a vampire that was supposed to help them.

"They will be fine," Gaara grumbled, yeah, he didn't want to be here but he wasn't going to complain about it.

"If you say so," Neji said as he contacted Shikamaru on the radio. "Where is its location?" Neji asked.

"Fifty meters ahead to your right," Shikamaru said through the radio.

"Let me go in first and I have any problems come and help me," Neji said.

"Okay," Gaara said thinking about Naruko.

The thoughts were shortly broken out of when he heard Neji struggling and ran into the building.

"You have a pureblood with you huh? And he's from the Sabuku clan how nice. It would be a good collection for my army." The vampire said as he licked Neji's neck.

"So, you want my blood is it?" Gaara spoke not really caring about what was going on around him.

"More like we need your blood." The vampire said and the other vampires attacked.

Purebloods are different for more than reasons and one is their abilities that they are born with that turned vampires don't have. As the vampires got close to him an air of sad was shot at them.

"Do you know what they say about purebloods? They speak of powers for them." Gaara said as he grabbed one of the choking vampires by the throat. "You see when a pureblood is about to be attacked they could choose to do one of two things they could choose to activate their ability or fight like a regular vampire. But you see unlike a lot of my pureblood friends I choose to fight with my ability and as you can see your vampire army is turning into dust as we speak." Gaara said as he walked toward the vampire that had Neji.

The vampire looked around noticing the change in his men and got freaked out. He knew about the abilities of the purebloods but he didn't know what that had this type of power.

"Now want me to tell you a little secret?" Gaara asked as he ended up behind the vampire grabbing him roughly from Neji.

The vampire could honestly say he was freaked out and wasn't sure what to do to ensure his survival so he fought.

"I will tell you a little secret since you won't be alive to tell anyone but my sand holds particles that can kill vampires just from breathing it in," Gaara said before his teeth grew and he drank the vampire's blood till the vampire became a dust pile.

Gaara looked around the room and noticed Neji was finishing off the vampires that were slowly dying. Gaara didn't really care if they got a slow death or fast they just needed to be dead.

"Are you okay?" Gaara asked.

"Yeah, I am fine, thanks for helping me," Neji said.

"It's no problem but where is the vamp that we're looking for?" Gaara asked getting restless.

"I am upstairs." The vampire said.

"Asuma you couldn't come down here and help me," Neji said.

"I was going to but I didn't want to be mistaken for a rogue like those," Asuma said.

"Asuma Sarutobi?" Gaara asked.

"Yup from the Sarutobi clan," Asuma said nodding his head.

"Wow, it is an honor to meet you. I'm Gaara Sabuku from the Sand Clan." Gaara said.

"I thought you were with the Uzumaki Namikaze clan now," Asuma said.

"I am," Gaara said they are just currently not here at the moment. "They happen to be here too but Kurama is busy with some elder business involving his sister," Gaara said secretively.

"Well tell him I am here in town so we can talk before I leave," Asuma said walking out the room heading out the building.

"WAIT! Fugaku Uchiha wants to speak to you about some business." Neji said before Asuma walked out.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that meeting," Asuma said giving off that same lazy vibe as Shikamaru.

"We shall take you there," Gaara said.

"I appreciate that," Asuma said.

As they walked to the car they realized just how much bloodlust vampires there really was.

"Hey don't you think there are more vampires raging?" Asuma asked glancing at Gaara.

"I noticed that too," Gaara said nodding his head.

"So, you got paired up with a human?" Asuma asked curiously.

"Yeah," Gaara said as Neji just sat there quietly.

"So where is Kurama?" Asuma asked.

"He is at the estate right now," Gaara said.

"So, am I going to finally meet his sister?" Asuma asked.

"I don't think for another sixty-four hours," Gaara said.

"Did she find her mate? Are you guys doing the ritual?" Asuma asked.

"We are," Gaara said.

"Well let's get going to this nest then," Asuma said.

The rest of the drive was quiet and no one planned to say anything. They pulled into the Uchiha estate without a problem.

"Asuma it is good to see you," Fugaku said as he walked out the door.

"Yes, it's also good to see you again," Asuma said as he followed Fugaku into the door.

"Now onto what we need to talk about, come to my office," Fugaku said.

Asuma didn't say anything he just followed him.

"Neji, Gaara come with us," Fugaku said as they looked like they were about to walk away.

Both nodded and followed him to the office. They sat down the moment they got in the office aside from Gaara who stood by the door.

"I want to talk to you about the den of vampires in the forest," Fugaku said.

"Rogue?" Asuma asked.

"Yes sadly, I sent some of my people up there and only two of them came back. They said they barely got away," Fugaku explained.

"That explains why six people got docked from the hunter list," Neji said.

"List?" Gaara asked.

"It's how we keep track of each other; we mark ourselves here the moment we get in the door," Neji explained a tad bit.

"Sounds resourceful," Gaara said.

"I want to send some more hunters up there but I need some trained vampires so we don't get ambushed again. Do you think you can take the job?" Fugaku asked.

"I don't see why not, is your older boy coming with?" Asuma asked wanting to work with Itachi.

"No, but Neji and Shikamaru will be going with along with Gaara," Fugaku said.

"Shikamaru Nara?" Asuma asked a little excited to work with one of the smartest human clans in the world.

"Yes Shikamaru Nara," Fugaku said.

"Shit let's get ready to go. But before we go I think we should only go as a small group and go during the day to check out the den." Asuma said.

"I agree Fugaku sir," Shikamaru said walking into the office.

"What did you find out?" Fugaku asked as Shikamaru stood there with a report.

"They told me there was at the very least forty that attacked all of them. They also said they don't know how they even got away considering how many were there but it seemed like they were organized." Shikamaru explained.

"Organized rogues?" Asuma questioned his interest piqued.

"Seems so," Shikamaru said.

"Get ready to go in a week; the same people that went last time will drop you off where they went into the forest," Fugaku said.

"Isn't that a bit dangerous considering the smell of their blood is already recognizable to the vampires there?" Neji asked.

"Good point but you know they can take the car that protects the smell of your blood while dropping you off," Fugaku explained.

"How many people are coming?" Gaara asked.

"I think you four going would suffice," Fugaku said.

"If we're going to wait a week my siblings along with a werewolf will be here and they can come with us. The more purebloods the better," Gaara said.

"Sounds like a very good plan," Fugaku said.

"Good, now can someone tell me where I can sleep?" Asuma asked.

Shikamaru raised his hand and walked toward the door.

"You can go with Shikamaru and he will show you to a guest bedroom," Fugaku said.

"Gaara make sure you send Kurama to me so I can talk to him," Asuma said as he walked out the room following Shikamaru.

It was going to be a long week at the Uchiha estate.

As for Naruto, she was fighting a battle that needed to happen in order for her to be with her mate. If she didn't succeed she would be destroyed. It was sixty more hours to go.


They have to go to each other's memories and find each other in time of 72 hours or they won't become mates.