a.n. this chapter is rated M for matured content. so please be careful. i am changing the rating of this story to M for now.

Chapter 12

Quickly gathering his clothes from the floor and dressing himself Zero fled the house of Kuran's. Even before he could step into his bedroom he heard Yuki's soft voice humming. He was a bit startled to see her coming out of the shower wrapped in a towel. Yuki did not usually shower in the morning but every time they spend the nights together in passion, shower was the first thing she did after waking up the next morning. Violent rage pulsated all through his body with the realization that Kaname Kuran was most probably with her last night…just the way he was with Aiyora. His anger has built upto a point where his head no longer functioned.

Sitting before the dressing combing her hair Yuki finally noticed her husband. "Finally you've come home." She said looking through the mirror. "Had fun? Satisfied?" she asked and Zero closed his eyes in shame what she was referring to.

"Did Kaname Kuran come here last night?" Zero bit his bottom lip in anticipation of her response.

"Yes…" she said quite casually like it was no big deal. "You were the one who sent him."

"What did he say?" Zero clenched his fist.

"Exactly what you asked him to." She replied switching on the blow dryer. "Kaname is a very wild man. He knows how to get things done his way either by hook or crook." Zero's heart stopped as Yuki continued. "At first I did not want to agree…but God he is so persistent. He would not take no for an answer. If needed I'm sure he would have used force. However he has his smooth skills to get yes out of anyone. And finally I said yes."

"You said 'yes'?" Zero hissed through clenched teeth.

"The only reason I said yes because it was a special occasion. If I refused he would have been hurt. Besides I have no problem as long as this does not turn out to be an everyday habit. God Kaname is shamelessly savage I don't want you to turn out to be like him. Next time I see Aiyora I will be sure to tell her to keep her husband in control!"

Zero ran! He ran as fast as he could. Like he wanted to run his way out of this world and never return.

Kaname is a very wild man.

However he has his smooth skills to get yes out of anyone. And finally I said yes.

If I refused he would have been hurt.

Kaname is shamelessly savage

Next time I see Aiyora I will be sure to tell her to keep her husband in control!

It was as if his head was a tape recorder and the tape playing Yuki's voice was set on the repeat mode. Her words kept hammering into his head. At the rise of his anger to an extreme point Zero suddenly came to a halt. He dropped to his knees and continued to gasp for air. His eyes closed down only to snap open the second became the moment his eyes shut his mind automatically started to make visual picture of the images of what could have transpired between his wife Yuki and Kaname Kuran last night. After-all he has eye witnessed Kaname Kuran in action with his wife…the beastly way he moved, the way Aiyora screamed, not for a single second could she close her mouth. The way he kissed her, licked her, bit her, sucked her, drank her orgasm…her released juices…with his own eyes Zero has seen it all and those are surely some images that he will definitely never forget. However the only difference is the image of aiyora underneath Kaname Kuran was slowly replaced by Yuki…his Yuki.

Zero's eyes clenched tightly. His hands balled into his making his nails dug so tightly that his palm bled. But Zero did not feel any pain all he could sense was the anger that washed him from within as images of Yuki withering under Kaname flashed before his eyes.

Kaname pushed Yuki against the wall, with his one hand pinned both her hands above her head and other he used to cup her face before capturing her mouth into a lustful, forceful kiss. His long tongue shamelessly dancing inside of her mouth. Surprised Yuki continued to watch him with wide eyes but then pushes him back as her senses return. Kaname only smirks, he was confident about himself but Yuki was not. He once more starts to take his steps towards her. Yuki warns him not to but he does not listen. Within the next few moments he has Yuki corned. They were playing the game of predator and prey and like norm the prey has won.

Kaname forcefully turn Yuki towards the wall and rips her dress open from the back. She gasps but her cover her mouth a hand of his. Her eyes turn into wide plates as she feels him start to kiss her naked spine, back, shoulders, neck. His other hand slowly makes its way through under the reminder of her dress. He pulls her already soaked undergarment down to her mid-thigh and tears it off with ease. His finger then slides back to touch her in the most sensitive zone of her body and she reacts immediately by pushing her head back against his shoulders. With his fingers Kaname continued to please her while Yuki withering in his arms in the overwhelming bliss but right before she could reach the peak of her pleasure Kaname pulls his fingers back making her scream in pain…pain of not being able to receive her orgasm.

All she does is helpless watch as the male standing before her sucks onto his fingers tasting her fluids. And she shivers at the sight of him tasting her. She no longer has any control over herself, nor does she know what to do. But Kaname does! He picks her up, throws her form over his shoulders and walk into their bedroom.

Yuki gives out a delightful scream at the sensation of being thrown onto the bed. She has lost all the power in her body; she has lost her remaining sanity. She can no longer deny Kaname Kuran! She does the only thing she can do at the moment that is enjoy the sight of Kaname slowly stripping down to his skin.

On his bare skin the dark haired male climbs onto the bed and slowly…slowly crawls towards innocent Yuki like some wild cat in the jungle. With ease he rids off the last remaining fabric covering Yuki. With that gone Yuki uses her hands to shield her breast from the man's shameless gaze. But the does not concern about that. Instead he spreads her legs wide apart. Yuki clenches her eyes close in shame. But soon her mouth gaps at the tickling sensation of his mouth kissing the inner part of her thigh. She cried out as his nose brushed against her sensitive folds. Once more with his tongue he starts to tease her precious pearl. Yuki's body trembles, she has surrendered herself. Her back arched up to make her hips meet his mouth as he teased to pull away. Her hands now grab fistful of his hair, her nails almost digging into his scalp. Anything to keep him down there…anything for him to torture her like that.

Once more as Yuki was about to reach her climax he pulls away making her scream out in frustrating ache. He enjoyed her body crying for him for a while before finally hovering over her. He penetrates her and both their head shot back moaning and groaning at the raw pleasure! Thus from there begins his animalistic thrust. The hard, deep, heavy and fast pace. Yuki hold the man into her arms like she is holding her the most desired treasure. Her nails cut into his back drawing blood while her mouth bits onto his shoulder blade. That only encourages his pace faster…harder…faster…deeper…and faster!

She reaches her desired orgasm, fast, very fast. Then before the first one could fade she reaches her second and then with her third she too reaches the great height of his pleasure but soon as reaching his release her pulls himself off her and straightens on his knees, pulls her up forcefully by the wrist parts her mouth with hand and inserts himself with another and continues to thrust inside her mouth grunting with each thrust loudly before finally releasing loads after loads making her drink all of it…every single drop!

Zero shook himself out of the disgusting imagination. His gut knotted and twisted. His angering now almost bursting! He wanted to kill and destroy everything that was in front him. He spat out of disgust. Wiping the tears that he did not even know gathered at the corner of his eyes. Then his mind started to wonder what could have happened between him Aiyora.

When he jogged his way back home Zere noticed few police vans and an ambulance in front of the Kuran's house. He was curious to see what could have gone wrong this time. So instead of going home he entered the same house he where slept last night.

Zero was shocked to see the house was full of cops spread all over in small groups. Some searching for clues, some using the dog to sniff the areas and some writing reports and taking statements. Akatsuki Kain and Hanabusa Aidou were among the ones giving out statements. He found Yuki in one corner slowly sobbing.

"Yuki what happened…?" Pushing past people and cops Zero his way to Yuki.

"Zero…Zero…" She was sobbing from inside for so long that she could barely talk. "…Ai…Aiyora was found dead. She has been murdered."

Thunder struck Zero!

He could not believe it. It is impossible after all. No this cannot happen…it simply can't! His eyes then followed his wife's wife find the body cover in white sheet placed on a stretcher on floor in front of the stairs. Kaname was there too he was sitting on the stairs, almost curling up, still wearing the same clothes from last night. His head was rested in Ruka Souen- Kain's arms who was try her best to console him. Seiran was standing next to them speaking to another cop.

Zero slowly waked to Aiyora's body. He bent down before it and was about to pull the cover when suddenly Kaname lashed out.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" In a split second he was up on his feet. "DON'T DARE TO TOUCH HER!"

And the next words that left his lips changed the whole scenario over there.

"YOU!" this time Kaname cried pointing at Zero, his hair fell over his face almost covering his eyes.

"You. Murdered. Her!" He screamed. "YOU KILLED MY WIFE. YOU KILLED MY AI."

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Zero too protested. "Me?"

"If not you then who?" Kaname chared. "DID'T YOU SPEND THE WHOLE NIGHT WITH HER?"

"What the fuck?" someone from the crown reacted. After all nobody could believe what they were hearing. Zero killed Aiyora!

"KANAME?" Yuki too rushed towards the said male. "Have you gone mad? What are you saying? You came to me last night to ask for permission to go out to drink. You told me you and Zero will spend the night at big bar near the airport."

Zero was stunned to figure out that Kaname did not spend the night at his house like he thought.

"Yuki…Yuki we went there but he," Kaname once agin pointed his finger towards Zero. "He left within an hour promising to return soon. BUT NEVER RETURNED!"

"YOU FUCKING LIAR WE NEVER WENT ANYWHERE." Zero said pulling Kaname by the collar. "Tell everyone the truth. BASTARD!"

Kaname snarled and pulled himself out of Zero's grasp and ran towards the man leading the cops.

"OFFICER! HE IS THE ONE…HE KILLED MY WIFE." Pointed towards Zero. "Seiran! Seiran come here." The female rushed to her master's side. "Our maid she saw them together in bed. He was with my wife all night."

"Officer he is lying!" Zero continued to protest. "I did not kill his wife."

"Seiran tell him what you saw. TELL HIM."

"They are lying officer! They are lying."


"When I opened the door I the morning I found madam asleep in the arms of a man with silver hair. It was him." she pointed Zero out. "They were naked, with their clothes laying scattered on the floor."

Yuki, Yori, Akatsuki, Hanabusa and Ruka all had their jaws parted in shock. Yuki even had tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.

"Believe me officer please believe…I did not kill his wife."

"Ask him officer ask him why did he spend the whole night with my wife?" Kaname went on. "Seiran tell me what you saw."

"Mr. Zero Kiryu did you spend your nights with her? Is this man's claim true? Whatever this lady witnessed is it true?" Officer gave Zero a chance to speak for himself.

"I did not kill his wife." Zero defenced himself.


"Yes but-" he was cut off as the commanding officer gave out the order.

Yuki gasped in shock and heartbreak.

"Officers arrest this man!"

"I told you…I told you he murdered my wife. He raped her, killed her." A loud sob left Kaname's mouth as he almost dived down to his knees crying at the top of his lungs while the cops put handcuff on Zero. "It is all my foult I should have noticed that his lustful eyes were on my Ai. I should have known."

Seiran was having real hard time to pull Kaname back onto his feet but as for Kaname his body almost gave away as he continued to cry for his wife while Zero was being dragged by the police.

"How shall I live another day…another day without my wife….my Aiyora…my Ai?"

Nobody could believe that this is how this day would turn out to be especially Zero because even before he could realize he was already sitting behind the bars.

a.n. thank you all for reading hope you guys enjoyed. also i hope you guys are sad for Zero cause i definitely am.