Marauder Cafe
After the war ended...
Nobody saw coming that after the war, the national heroine who finished off Voldemort disappeared for three years...and came back at age 21...
With this number on the Daily Prophet.
Marauder Cafe Soon to Open!
-B. Braithwhite
She has disappeared for four years since the Battle of Hogwarts as everyone knows.
Nobody has heard a peep and not even close friends know where she is, with people
fearing the worst, thinking some nut job decided to avenge the fallen Dark Lord or
something, but thankfully, that wasn't the case as we received a letter lately from
She-Who-Conquered herself, asking us to print this letter on the front news.
To everyone who worried,
Sorry about my disappearance, but I've been planning this for years since I saw a
cookbook in the Hogwarts Library since my Fifth Year and I got hooked. OWL year
is pure hell as you all know especially with Umbitch being a total bitch in school that
year that I decided to de-stress in the kitchens by asking the elves to teach me how
to cook since I plan on opening my own cafe someday since I can picture myself in
it. Even with my OWL and NEWT grades, I just can't see myself in an office cubicle.
Seriously, just NO. I enjoy cooking more. Unless its bills or writing letters, I don't
want to see any quill, ink, paper and a desk for a loooooong while!
After the war, I had to do this and that to get into Muggle College to study more in
Culinary Arts, considering I HAVE NO PROPER PAPERS for Credentials in Elementary,
Junior High School and Senior High School to enroll in College. Bloody hell, finding the
right guys to help me out was one big headache. And College is worse than worrying
about OWLs and NEWTs. Highly Competitive too with snobby strict chef teachers. Well,
I do need credentials to open up a shop since cooking is involved...and frankly, I want
a normal, peace and quiet life. I'd like to throw away hair-raising thrills and adventures
and fighting in a closet I'd rather forget about. To anyone nagging me about becoming
an Auror or Hitwizard, go jump in a ditch! Some people just don't appreciate peace!
Oh, and kindly do NOT bother me for appearing in anything public, I EARNED MY peace
and quiet. I'll hex you!
-V. Potter
According to Ms. Potter, she bought a nice space in Diagon Alley and she would soon
open up shop once she's done preparing for the Opening and we wonder what kind of
cafe she'll open! She'll open at July 30 2001, a day away from her 22nd Birthday.
That headline stirred the whole community.
That, and in the space she opened, Vivianne was preparing with her House Elves whom she employed from the House-Elf Placement Agency, having employed two of them. One as a Dishwasher and Baker and the other is her Waitress and Janitress.
'Well, everything all squeaky clean!' said Vivianne, liking the very clean place. 'Goodness knows Leaky Cauldron can take a leaf out of our book in cleanliness!
Marauder Cafe is a building of Victorian Architecture and Interior, meaning, its all about fancy looks, but also comfort. She had a Muggle Architect and Interior Designer design this for her since she doesn't like wizarding architecture, seriously.
'Well, let's get baking so we can officially open tomorrow.' she told her elves. 'And check our inventory.'
And so...when opening day came, she opens at 8:00 am. Curious people curious about her cafe came in and she was fully-booked on her first day!
'Vivi!' George and Lee greeted. 'Its been years!'
'But...whoa!' Lee exclaimed as Vivianne Potter changed a lot.
She grew five centimeters taller, her skin devoid of war stress and blemishes, looking younger than her age. Her skin is smooth and her complexion became fairer, and slim and slender. She wore a white frilly silk blouse with a white cravat and a brooch containing a crest. A Dog, Wolf, Stag, and a rather weird-looking Fox. She wore a black twill skirt that ended above her ankles, and she wore black leather boots. Her hair is cut in a way that her fringes frames her face nicely, with the rest of her hair up in a neat bun covered in white silk cloth and secured with white ribbons. Her glasses are now simple but still fashionable.
'You...changed a lot Vivi.' said Lee as they sat at her counter-top.
'Well, I had to since the stupid war stress aged all of us.' Vivianne sighed. 'My classmates at Culinary School told me I don't look 18 when I enrolled! They mistook me for a haggard overworked mom in my early 30s!' she cried indignantly. 'And since I can't hex a muggle I settled for stepping on their toes! So yes, I went shopping to look my age, dammit.' Lee and George laughed at that.
'So what have you got, Vi?' George asked his old teammate and sponsor.
'Well, I sell chilly drinks, tea and coffee, pastries, dessert pudding and cakes, sandwiches and jellies. said Vivianne. 'Its a cafe after all. Alcoholic stuff ain't my thing.'
'I can see you have some House Elves.' George noted, seeing the busy waitress. 'Mione's gonna have a fit.'
'Hey, I treat them well you know.' said Vivianne with a sigh. 'They know Dobby's story so they know that I'm no asshole for a master who'd mistreat them. I had to drill into them they have rights and I gave them proper working uniforms and shoes and bedrooms. No elf of mine will work barefoot and wearing filthy rags! I mean, Dobby wore sweaters and scarves Hermione knitted for him since he has way too many socks as if its going out of style since he likes them too much! But its hard to get Kreacher to wear them so I ordered him to wear a clean, brand new pillowcase since the Blacks who aren't Sirius and Andy are so damn traditionalistically prejudiced and its drilled in him even though he's getting better. He won't wear the uniform I gave him at all!'
'Well, that's one weird but heroic elf.' said George. 'Those two elves played a big part during those hellish days but its easy to forget the little guys for most people. By the way a li'l warning, expect some serious nagging later. You know mum and Mione by now.' Vivianne gulped and blanched.
'Bloody hell...'
The day went by with her serving many customers, and receiving praises about her menu and her restaurant, she was glad her first day went off without a hitch. She's open until 6 pm after which, she'll close down her shop. After closing hours, she still has to work, meaning, stocking up on her inventory for the next day.
Her first day has reviews on the second page of the Prophet.
Her restaurant is fancy-looking, very spacious and squeaky clean, tasty food and drink, a cool comfortable breeze blows into the cafe as comfort from the summer heat. Even the cafe toilet rooms are so clean and fresh-smelling it doesn't stink. The cafe can seat up to 50 people at a time. Tables for one, tables for two, tables for four and her menu is reasonably-priced, barely-reaching a Galleon...unless you order a lot.
She sells sweets in the first four hours, then savory snacks at the next. Due to ahem, international variety of the latter, its highly popular that she learned to memorize who comes for sweets and who comes for savory.
Her schedule is this:
Monday to Friday: 8:00-6:00 pm
Saturday-Sunday: Off-days
Well, her normal life has begun.
Around 5...
People from the Ministry are her next customers this time!
'Vivi!' said Ministry members, are also Order Members and former DA Members.
'Hey guys!' Vivianne greeted.
'Gee Vivi, what's with the costume?' Hermione, working for the DMLE in the Department for Magical Creatures asked her. 'That's something I'd see in history books.'
'Well, for fun of course!' said Vivianne. 'Victorian Era inspired! And no, I don't wear a Corset. I'm not a masochist...' she added quickly. 'So what it'll be? Find some seats fellas! My menu book has colorful pictures and Milky will take your orders!'
'Milky?' Neville blinked as Milky appeared on the Counter Top, dressed like a maid and curtsied.
'Milky be your waitress, sirs and ma'ams!' said Milky as Hermione STARED at the elf with a glint in her eyes before approving.
'Hm! Now that's a proper working uniform.' she said approvingly. 'I've been working on House-Elf rights since I got employed!'
'Ahahaha I figured.' said Vivianne wryly, hands on her hips as Milky began taking orders. 'By the way, I'll drop by later to get Registered alright? I've just been super-busy lately I barely had an open time in my schedule.'
'Register for what?' Ron asked cluelessly.
'It can only be Animagus Registration Ron.' said Percy Weasley.
'You're an Animagus?!' Hermione gasped. 'What is it?' she asked excitedly.
'Well, something cute and'll see later.' Vivianne smiled. Her friends exchanged looks. Cute and small...?
When they ordered up and got their orders, Hermione and Justin who knew muggle luxury, were stunned with her porcelain.
'Vivi! These are expensive aren't they?' Hermione squeaked as she was fearful of touching AND possibly-breaking the porcelain. 'I've seen some of these in my Aunt Sophie's cabinets!' she stammered in fear.
'Don't worry, all of em' are exposed to Unbreakable Charms that last 15 hours!' said Vivi casually. 'I'm aware of their nightmarish price you know!'
'Bloody hell, how much can a tea cup be?' Ron asked in a deadpan. 'They're just teacups and small plates.' he said uncaringly.
'Ron, muggles know luxury better than wizarding kind.' Vivianne deadpanned. 'They know luxury living and sought luxury they keep inventing them to earn big to please wealthy clientele. Luxury is where wizarding communities are grossly left-behind at.' she pointed out, making Percy twitch. 'These Chinaware cost me five times the price of the Tri-Wizard Prize Money.' she said wryly as she earned horrified looks for her explanation. 'And wealthy muggles own them just for their dining tables and some are expensive collectibles even to impress visitors.'
'She's not kidding Ron.' Hermione said. 'These are Augarten Dishes...and you're using them just for a cafe?' she asked Vivianne incredulously.
'Yep. I'm going for a Victorian Era theme right? Victorian Era is all about beauty and fancy.' said Vivianne. 'Since you're working at the Ministry, you might wanna tell Kingsley what to work on since I studied their security developments meticulously and I made friends with some Italian Squibs who work for the police.' she said. 'I've seen how muggles developed since I was in Italy for my schooling...I'd say in no time at all, if our citizens are careless, we'll be discovered quickly. It's year 2000 now and technology has since evolved.' she stated grimly.
'What?!' now that, the Weasleys didn't take too kindly to.
'Here's my findings.' she said, giving them a file case from under her counter. 'I'd say you got your work cut out for you.'
'You've got, to be kidding...' Percy twitched, taking the file case. 'So you've also been working on information while studying?'
'Of course Percy. The Italian Wizarding Community is very well-hidden and disciplined since they respected muggles and how Squibs can contribute to the community even without Magic. Their Squibs work in strategical workplaces in the Muggle Judicial and Political Departments there. Its them who bring information so Wizarding Italy is very modern and disciplined there's not even a single incident of exposed magic to a muggle. Their wizarding alley is beautiful!' she gushed out.
'Well, have fun fellas.' Vivianne smiled. 'I'd say its a rough road ahead. There's even photos in there you know.'
'...we'll take that in mind.' Hermione coughed.
'Oh yes, I also published a new book for Muggle Studies and its the only book I'll ever author unless something else came up. It should be of great help in modernizing ol' left-behind Britain. My italian friends would tell me how a laughingstock we are...'
'Well, with Kingsley as our new Minister, changes really WILL happen. Hopefully nobody's gonna play ostrich this time because we're still in danger and we're close to that danger!' Vivianne stated grimly. 'They showed me how Apparition and spell-using wizards can be recorded from afar on video by security cameras, its scary!'
A certain bug has something to print out for the next day.
Later in DMLE...
Vivianne had to follow her peers on closing time to get registered in the Ministry but considering she has LOTS of enemies, while she will be listed publicly as one, her form is NOT publicly available.
The Registry Office shook because...well...Hermione squealed so loudly it dawned on them what Vivianne meant by 'small and cute'.
Vivianne, is a Fennec Fox, as small as a freaking Chihuahua. But a fox with her vivid-green eyes when normally, they have black eyes.
Vivianne had to run from Hermione who wanted to pick her up and squeeze her in a panic, having had to hide under the table.