AN: Ah, here's the next update to this at long last! Two of our parties have joined together, and information is being passed around- some good, and some less so. As always, thanks for reading!

Until next time!

By the Moon's Light

Chapter Eleven

Those Who Cross Paths, By Fate

"...hey, Neechan."

"What is it, Hattori-kun?"

"Do I have somethin' on my face, by any chance?"

With a slight frown, Ran turned her head, as if to check. "No, nothing. Why do you ask?"

"No... it's just, ever since we arrived here, I can't shake the feelin' that people have been lookin' at me funny." With a faint twitch of his eye, Heiji fought back against the urge to pivot on his heel, and shout out that he wasn't here to be anyone's damn spectacle- but since he was entirely certain that would do nothing to help matters, he fought back the urge.

"You're not imagining it." Butting into the conversation was not going to win him any points, Heiji thought, his attention turning over in the direction of Eisuke. "The people in this country aren't used to witch's children, especially male ones."

"What, so that's all?" Heiji asked, slumping in his chair. "I thought it was somethin' else. Just more of the usual, then."

"From the sound of it, you seem more accustomed to this than I thought." Eisuke observed. "I was under the impression that your country was more friendly to witches."

"Yeah, friendly alright." Heiji told him. "It's just me they're not awfully fond of."

"Eh, why's that, Hattori-kun?" Ran asked, sounding rather surprised to hear it. "I would have thought that the royal knight of the princess would have been more well liked."

"Well, that's how it usually goes." Heiji remarked, letting out a loud sigh. "But even in Naniwa, they've never had one that's a witch's child before. Not ta mention, there's plenty of folks who feel that I got the job because of my parents, rather than on my own merit."

"You call it merit, but aren't the knights chosen by prophecy?" It was clear from his tone that he meant no harm by his question- but that didn't stop him from annoying Heiji all the further.

He had to wonder if it would have bothered him half as much were he not under the influence of her curse- he wasn't just imagining things, he thought, he knew for a fact that people were staring at him. Whispering, too- and he could half make out what they were saying, in spite of the distance between them.

"Future merit, then." Heiji said, pushing himself up in his chair. "Anyways, that's enough about me already. When's Kudo comin' back?"

"It might take awhile longer." Ran told him, giving him a reassuring smile. "Even for a noble, there's certain things that need to be put in order before one can meet royalty, especially from a foreign country."

"Isn't it like that in your country?" Eisuke inquired.

"Ya really do like askin' questions about me, don't ya?" Heiji asked, his gaze flickering over in his direction, witch ringed eyes meeting with witch ringed eyes. He'd expected him to flinch, but he guessed he'd have to give the guy a bit more credit than that. "Well, it's a bit more lax over there. Mostly because there's nobody stupid enough to go up against my old man."

"Guessin' we were tossed out here because we're not nobles, though." Heiji remarked, turning his attention towards the door that Shinichi had been whisked away through. "Ya don't think we're gonna be left out of the meeting entirely, do ya?"

"I don't think so." Ran told him. "Prince Hakuba isn't that sort of person."

"So ya say." Heiji noted, looking vaguely unconvinced. "Me, I'll believe it when I see it."

"For a witch's child, that's a pretty strange attitude to take." Eisuke couldn't help but observe. "I was always taught that-"

"Some of us can't use magic, ya know." Heiji cut him off, narrowing his eyes- and this time, he did flinch. "Well, it's not like I'm some kind of skeptic or anythin' like that. I just choose ta not believe in things there's no proof fer. I am a detective, ya know."

"I thought you were a knight." Eisuke noted.

"Yeah, that too." Heiji said simply, letting out a rather irritated sigh, folding his arms behind his head. "Well, since it seems I'll be able ta find what I'm lookin' fer by bein' good an' followin' behind that runaway princess of yers, I guess I'll just grin an' bear it fer now."

"Eh? What do you mean by that?" Eisuke asked. "I gather that you're searching for Princess Toyama, but..."

"Yer really persistent, aren't ya." Heiji observed, arching a brow. Well, if he was right, it was probably this kid's job to wean information from him, but like he was going to tell him anything that it was that he actually wanted to know. If it was other facts about himself, then it would be no problem, but even then, it was kind of annoying to be asked question after question about yourself, particularly when they came from someone he wasn't sure he much liked.

If the kid would stop asking him a million question, maybe.

"He's just curious, Hattori-kun." Ran told him, offering him up a smile. "I'm sure Eisuke-kun doesn't mean any harm."

"Curious, huh?" Heiji noted, deciding if it were for the best if he just left it at that. "Well, I might not be able ta use magic, but I did at least inherit just a bit of my mother's ability."

"I see." Eisuke mused. "In other words, you had a prophecy that you'd find the one that you're seeking by following Kudo-san and Ran-san?"

"Yeah, that's about the basics of it." Heiji told him.

...ah. Hoping it didn't look too much like he perked up at a sound that nobody else could hear, Heiji leaned forward, making out the sound of Shinichi's footsteps. Biting back a comment, he waited until the door itself opened up before he said anything further. Having increased senses could be a boon, but it was a pain to constantly have to check himself to make sure he didn't slip. "...looks like Kudo's back."

Good. Maybe now they could get somewhere.

And maybe he could get away from mister twenty questions for awhile.

Never could he have imagined that one of the very people that he was looking for would simply walk through his door. Now if only they could find the missing Nakamori Aoko as simply.

Perhaps it was the correct choice to leave Kaito and Akako waiting in the chambers that he had arranged for them. Akako, at the very least, had seemed intrigued at the prospect of meeting the young detective from Beika, but he couldn't say that Kaito had shard her same enthusiasm.

It wasn't as if could entirely blame him. To him, this probably seemed like an entirely unneeded detour. There was very little doubt in his mind that he simply wanted to return to searching for Aoko as quickly as possible.

Still, perhaps the news that the mysterious dark skinned stranger from his village had turned up like this. He never could have imagined that the young man would have ended up joining Shinichi's party, and for a brief moment, he almost couldn't help but be suspicious about these all too fortuitous circumstances- before he dashed aside such a thought as foolish.

Still, before he got to his own matter, he had to deal with the matter that had brought them to Ekoda.

Clearing his throat, Hakuba rose to his feet, the polite smile that crossed his face something born out of practice, though on the surface it no doubt appeared to be effortless. "Well met, all of you. I am certain that you have heard of me before, but I am the prince of this country, Hakuba Saguru."

...the young knight seemed to mutter something under his breath, though Hakuba couldn't quite catch what it might have been. He couldn't shake the impression that it had been something rude, though.

"I have been informed by my palace attendants that you are currently in pursuit of the princess of Beika Kingdom." Hakuba continued, deciding to put it from his mind for the moment. "I do apologize for the fact that they could not keep her here until your arrival, but I will pledge as much of my support as I can to help find her."

"I heard that you were out on a case." It was Kudo Shinichi who first spoke up, cutting out any preamble in a way that would have made Hakuba blanch under different circumstances. "In that case, it's we who should apologize for calling you back in on such short notice."

"No, not at all." Hakuba said, shaking his head. "If anything, there is a chance that we may be able to help each other, Kudo-kun."

"Of course, I will have my men keep an eye out for the princess and her two companions." Hakuba spoke again, preempting any questions that might have otherwise interrupted him. "It does please me to hear that you seem confident that she is in safe hands, at the very least. Still, I am quite certain that you wish to have her returned to you as quickly as possible."

"...especially given certain happenings in the world."

"I get the feelin' that remark was directed at me." Hattori Heiji, as he had been introduced to him, now took the chance to spoke up, locking eyes with him in a fashion that nearly made his skin crawl.

Blue eyes, ringed with a lighter shade of blue... a witch's child, to be sure. But there was something more in those eyes, an intensity that for a brief second, almost made it hard to breathe, till it eased as if it had never been there before.

"Yes." Hakuba said simply. "We have come to learn about the state of your country recently, Hattori-kun, though only through so much as hearsay. Still, your presence here would seem to prove that there is some truth to the rumors."

"What, they've already spread this far?" Heiji asked, arching a brow. "Then, that saves me the trouble of why I'm here, at least."

"Indeed it would." Hakuba said, unable to help but take note of the rather rude tone in which he spoke. For someone who spent most of his life flanking a royal princess, it seemed strange to him that he had been allowed to keep such rough speech- but perhaps things were different in Naniwa than they were here.

It was, after all, a country that had close ties to witches. It was to be expected then, that the people living there would be somewhat eccentric.

"I hear that you are searching for your own princess as well." Hakuba observed. "In that matter, we are more than willing to lend some men as well."

"Well thank ya." Heiji said, his tone not sounding entirely grateful, for all that. "I'm sure it'll help a lot."

Clearing his throat, Shinichi tried to get the topic back on track. "If you say that we can help you with your current case, Hakuba-san, I would be more than willing to assist. What is it that you request of us?"

"Answers, should you have them." Hakuba told him, his gaze once more turning back towards Heiji, frowning at the way he all but flinched at it. "Do pardon me if I am mistaken, Hattori-kun, but there was a young man of your description asking questions of a missing girl seen in a small village on the Ekoda Beika border. Is there any chance that might be you?"

There was a slight pause there, and for a moment, it almost seemed as if he were debating answering the question. "...yeah, that was me. What of it?"

"I see." Hakuba said, his expression turning grave. "The truth is that my current case is a rather mysterious one. When you were there, Hattori-kun, I am certain that you likely noticed a huge tower in the forest, did you not?"

"Maybe I did." Heiji said, shrugging his shoulders. In truth, he had, but had stayed far away from the place- there had been something about it that had given him a bad feeling, so he'd given it a fair breadth. "What of it?"

"It would seem that there was a young girl living there." Hakuba began. "Who is now no longer. I have been tasked with finding her."

"A girl?" Shinichi asked. "I'm a bit familiar with the tower of which you speak, but you mean to tell me that there was someone actually living there?"

"Yes, though I was not aware of it myself until recently." Hakuba told him, nodding his head. "She goes by the name of Nakamori Aoko. My current client was a childhood friend of hers, and discovered her missing when he came to ascend the tower the other day. I should give mention to the fact that shortly after her disappearance, the tower as a whole collapsed into rubble."

"What, a tower princess?" Heiji asked, tilting his head. "Sounds like somethin' more out of a fairytale. Ya sure yer client isn't just pullin' yer leg?"

"I don't think anyone would go so far for a mere joke." Hakuba merely observed.

"And?" Taking a step forward, almost as if she was uncertain if she were allowed to speak or not, the one who had been introduced to him as Mouri Ran finally did so. "What is it that you need of Hattori-kun, your highness?"

"Even if I was in the area around the same time, I can't really say that I saw anythin'." Heiji said simply, shrugging his shoulders.

"It is in relation as to why this young girl was in the tower in the first place." Hakuba told them, drawing in a breath. "Who it was that took her is not so much of a mystery to us as it is where she was taken to."

"Oi, you can't..."

"That is correct." Hakuba told them, his expression more grave than ever. "The one who placed her in the tower, as well as the one who took her away... she is someone that Hattori-kun here would have cause to be familiar with, I think."

It would seem that everyone gathered here was familiar with Heiji's story- for the one who spoke next was the final member of their party that he had been introduced to, Hondou Eisuke.

"...the raven black witch."

"Yes." Closing his eyes, drawing in a long breath, Hakuba gave them a curt nod of his head. "That would be right."

"I see." Almost letting out a faint snort, Heiji closed his eyes. "So that's why ya thought I could help ya. Because of what happened ta my country, ya think I might hold some kinda clue ta either her intentions or whereabouts, right?"

"It would be rather helpful if you did." Hakuba remarked.

"'Fraid not." Heiji told him, opening his eyes, a certain frankness to his voice. "If I knew somethin' like that, I'd storm the place myself."

And either lose his life or his remaining humanity in the process. Still, that sort of thing wouldn't have him even thinking twice about it- if there was a chance he could accomplish something by doing so, he would do it without hesitation.

So long as it didn't bring harm to Kazuha, that was.

"I see." Letting out a rather disappointed sigh, Hakuba did not give way to the urge to allow himself to appear defeated, even in the slightest. "I will admit, that is a shame. Still, I will not draw back on my offer to assist you with your quest to find either of those that you are looking for."

"Ah," there was a slight pause there, as Hakuba directed his gaze back towards Heiji once more, "...but if you could provide us with a description of the royal princess of Naniwa, it would be much appreciated. I am afraid that we have nothing to go off of, considering how isolated your country is."

"Ah, if that's all, I can help ya out there." Heiji told him. Well, there was something about this guy that didn't sit right with him, but if he was frankly offering to help, he wasn't about to turn down the offer.

He might act like he wasn't that worried, but the sooner he could confirm that Kazuha was safe, the better.

"That reckless princess of mine has brown hair, wears it in a ponytail with a ribbon, like so," holding up his hands behind his head as if to demonstrate, Heiji continued, " eyes too. I would say that she's around Neechan's height here, an'-"

"...what is it?"

"...actually, we may already have an idea as to where she is."

But not as to where she had gone.

It was frustrating- super frustrating- to come this close, and yet still be so far away. But the knowledge that she had been spotted here, not even that long ago, while frustrating, was at the same time reassuring- because it was exactly the kind of news that he had been hoping to hear all this time, ever since he started looking for her.

That she was safe- at least for now.

Still, to think that out of all of the places that she could have ended up... that it would be with the very same princess that those two were searching for. He had more or less of an idea as to what Kazuha's motives were for joining up with her, if not the how of it- even he had to admit that in that matter, they weren't really that different.

The reasons as to why they wanted it, though... those were completely different.

No wonder his prophetic dream had lead him here- at first, he had thought it really had been just about that stone, but it would appear that if he followed along with them, he really would find everything that he was looking for. Both the princess, and the royal treasure alike.

...but for the moment, it seemed as if he was going to have to put up with this stuffy palace environment for a bit longer. At the very least, it didn't seem as if he was the only one that felt completely out of place here.

"Yer Kuroba, right?"

...what was that? There was no reason for him to startle so badly, not when all he was doing was calling his name. This guy, he couldn't possibly...?

"Ah, sorry. I was thinking about something."

...or not, he guessed.

"Well, seein' as yer childhood friend is missin' an' all, can't I say I blame ya." Heiji remarked, with an easy shrug of his shoulders. "Seems like there's a rash of those goin' around right now."

"So it would seem." Kaito replied, finally halting in the pacing that he had been doing ever since they had been told to wait here- and to be honest, Heiji couldn't be more glad for it. It stirred up something far more base in him, the restless manner in which he paced the floor.

Kuroba Kaito, or so he had been introduced to him as. The childhood friend of the girl who had been trapped in that tower, and that detective prince's client, apparently. There was something about the guy that almost bothered him, but at the same time, he got the feeling that he might be able to get along with him, at least a little.

...honestly, what was the deal with meeting all of these people that in other circumstances, he might actually be able to earnestly befriend? At the very least, if they were all like Eisuke and Hakuba, he might not be so bothered when he had to eventually betray them.

...though, given that witch herself was here, he might not actually have to. Judging from the way that she acted around this Kaito person, it would seem as if the two of them had some history together- and now that he thought about it, his scent was actually just a little bit familiar to him, as if he had picked it up from somewhere before. though. If only he could put this nose of his to use in finding Kazuha, then at the very least, this curse of his might actually be useful.

"Sorry though. From the sound of it, that Blondie was expectin' me ta help ya out with that." Heiji said, shrugging his shoulders. "But I can't tell ya about what I don't know. Can't say I can't understand how anxious ya are though, given that black witch is involved."

"I'm sure Aoko will be fine." Kaito told him, though to be frank, he didn't sound that convinced. "If that witch wanted to harm her, she would have probably done it a long time ago."

"Well, provided that she wasn't just savin' her fer somethin' special." Heiji noted, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, given what I've read of that woman, I wouldn't be too surprised if keepin' princesses trapped in towers was just a hobby of hers."

"You've read about her?" Kaito asked. "Now that you mention it, you're from Naniwa, aren't you?"

"That's right." Heiji told him. "But before that, I came from Lamia. Still go back there from time to time. Though," shrugging his shoulders, he gave him something of a helpless grin, "...that's probably impossible right now."

"From the sound of it, yeah." Kaito said, nodding his head, finally seeming to become interested. "So? You're looking for a princess? Sounds like those other three are as well."

...odd. Heiji was almost certain his scent changed a little when he mentioned those other three- as well as the princess they were searching for. Some shift of emotion, probably... but while he had gotten used to his senses enough to determine that much, as for what kind of emotion it was, he couldn't say.

The guy certainly wasn't letting it show on his face though. Like he thought, he definitely had his guard up.

...which was strange in and of itself. Why? Did he really give off the kind of aura that would make him think that way? It wasn't as if he would have known about anyone's suspicions regarding him at this point- but he was almost certain that was part of what Shinichi and Eisuke had gone discuss with Hakuba, especially since they had sent that Neechan away to arrange some lodging.

Well, that was to be expected. The only odd thing was that they hadn't invited Akako to the meeting with them- he would have thought for sure that they would want to ask a full fledged witch her opinion.

Well, he might say that, but she only appeared that way on the surface. But if she wasn't going to say anything about him, he sure as hell wasn't going to say anything about her.

That reminded him though. Since it looked like they were going to work together on this, he should try and find a chance to speak in private with her. If he could call his deal with her off, that would be a load off of his back. If she could obtain Pandora with her own two hands, there was no reason for him to get involved, was there?

Even if he did owe her a debt.

"Sure am." Heiji said, rubbing the back of his neck. "A total pain in the ass princess."

"Did you really not notice anything back in the village though?" Kaito asked, a tight frown on his face, one that wasn't quite suspicion, he thought. "Thought that someone who declares themself a detective would be a little more observant."

"Like I said, I can't tell ya what I don't know. If I didn't see anythin' it was because there was nothin' there ta see." Heiji told him, shrugging his shoulders. "My thoughts were a little full at the moment anyways, in case ya haven't noticed. I didn't have the time ta worry about anyone else."

"...well, that's true." Kaito admitted.

"Still, ya've got three detectives on the case now." Heiji told him, grinning from ear to ear as he got to his feet, closing the gap between them. He didn't miss the faint that he flinched as he reached out to pat him on the shoulder, but decided to not make mention of it- at least for the moment. "Ya should be feelin' reassured, if anythin'!"

"I guess that's true too." Kaito admitted again- and now Heiji was damn sure that faint emotion he was picking up from him was apprehension.

What, did this guy have something to hide from detectives? Well, well. Wasn't that interesting? It seemed like he wasn't the only one here that was keeping secrets.

"Right?" Heiji told him, drawing his hand away, tucking it back into his pockets. "Don't worry. My princess, yer princess, Kudo's princess... we'll find them all in a flash, with the three of our brains put together!"

"...though for all that, they didn't seem to have let you in on the meeting." Kaito couldn't help but observe.

...he might actually have to take his earlier remark about liking this guy back.

"What was it that you needed to speak with me about, Kudo-kun?"

His gaze briefly hanging on Eisuke for a moment longer, Hakuba gradually turned it back towards Shinichi. Though he couldn't deny that any matter that involved the raven black witch was grave, the gravity of the expression on his face caught him somewhat off guard. Brows furrowing together, he couldn't help but wonder as to why he had requested that he alone should speak with him.

"It's about that raven black witch, actually." Shinichi spoke up. "If we're going to be working together, then it's only fair that I share some pertinent information with you."

"Is this perhaps information that Mouri-san and Hattori-kun are not aware of?" Hakuba asked.

"Not Ran, at least." Shinichi told him, his expression growing somewhat strained. He didn't like keeping things from Ran, but if he was wrong, he didn't want to risk alienating Heiji either. "As for Hattori-kun..."

"The matter is about him." Eisuke spoke up, before pausing, glancing over towards Shinichi, a faint hesitation in his eyes. "...this is what you called him hear to discuss, right?"

"...right." Nodding his head, Shinichi gave him a nod of his head. "It's about Hattori."

"Very well." Pulling his chair forward, Hakuba steepled his fingers, a look of clear interest on his face. "Do tell."

"As you know, Hattori's country was subject to a powerful curse from the raven black witch." Shinichi began. "Of which he fled from alongside the currently missing princess."

Or not so missing, he supposed.

"It's how they were separated in the first place that concerns me." Shinichi told him. "Are you familiar with the rumors about her familiars?"

"Yes, I am." Hakuba said, nodding his head. "Currently, we have reason to believe they're more than simple rumors."

"Of course they are." Eisuke piped up. "Miyano-sensei wouldn't have sent me out this far if they weren't true."

"What Eisuke-kun is trying to say is that we have reason of our own to suspect there's truth the rumors." Shinichi told him. "Though we have no evidence of our claim either. It would seem that before they were separated, both Hattori and Princess Toyama were attacked, by that witch's familiars."

"Attacked-!" Hakuba remarked, his eyes bolting wide open. "Surely you cannot be suggesting..."

"We are." Shinichi said, his gaze drifting in the direction of the door, a slight frown on his face. He'd told Heiji to spend his time acquainting himself with Hakuba's client, so on the off chance he'd left the room, he would at least be able to ask the young man later. "We have reason to doubt Hattori."

"If that is the case, why bring him with you?" Hakuba asked, drawing back. "And furthermore, into my palace?"

"Because at the moment, we're lacking in answers." Shinichi told him frankly. "Pandora vanishing not long after the raven black witch makes a move in this world again... I can't think of it as merely a coincidence. If she has sent us one of her familiars in the form of a human, I cannot help but wonder why."

"You are hoping he slips up." Hakuba observed. "Still, it is dangerous, you must know that."

"It's that, and also the fact that Hattori..." Trailing off, Shinichi's brows knitted together, trying to think of the best way to phrase it. "...he has suspicious points, to be sure, but he doesn't appear as if he is truly in anyone's thrall. He's far too independent for that."

"In the first place, even Miyano-sensei doesn't know much about how the curse works." Eisuke spoke up. "But I agree with Shinichi-kun, at least. I can't say that I fully trust Hattori-kun, but I can't say with certainty either that he has taken to her curse either. If we're wrong..."

"If we are wrong, it could hold the possibility of creating an international incident." Hakuba finished, heaving a short sigh. "I cannot imagine that the princess would take fondly of the idea of her knight being mistreated, should she learn of it should the two reunite. Even with her country in the state it is, it will still be wise to avoid such boorish behavior without any solid proof."

"Well..." Trailing off a little, Shinichi couldn't find how to express that wasn't exactly what he was worried about, but he supposed that a prince would have different priorities from him. "It's along those lines, yes."

"Very well. I understand." Hakuba said, getting to his feet. "No wonder you turned down my offer of taking up residence at the palace while you are here."

"And? Does Hattori-kun suspect you suspect?" Hakuba asked.

"I'm pretty sure he does." Eisuke replied. "But he hasn't said anything yet. That's part of what makes it strange."

"True, he does not seem to be the type who is loathe to avoid confrontation. Start it, rather." Hakuba mused. "Perhaps we cannot rule out that the issue is not so black and white as we might suspect."

"Yes." Shinichi nodded. "Eisuke-kun was sent here by the witch of our country to keep an eye on him, for the time being."

"You did mention her, yes." Hakuba observed. "The ash gray witch, correct? Regarding this matter, I would rather like the chance to ask her some questions myself."

"I will see if I can arrange it." Shinichi told him. "But on the subject of the raven black witch, Miyano seems to be awfully loathe to answer."

"I imagine most witches would be." Hakuba noted. "But perhaps she can help us find the other witch that we are currently searching for. Are you familiar with her?"

"The lunar white witch?" Shinichi asked, before shaking his head. "No, though I have heard her mentioned once in passing."

"You might be able to ask Hattori-kun." Eisuke ventured. "From the sound of it, he was born in Lamia before he was brought to Naniwa, and given her rumored relationship to the raven black witch, we might be able to glean something from his reaction to being asked."

"That is true." With a firm nod of his head, Hakuba stepped away from his desk. "In that case, let us not waste any further time. With every hour that passes, Nakamori-san could be in more danger."

"Hopefully the same cannot be said of your princess, Kudo-kun."

"Well, if it comes to that, I suppose it's all I can do to put my faith in this clever bodyguard that she hired."

"Are you catching a cold, Sera-chan?"

"Ah, no. It's probably only just someone talking about me." Shaking her head, Sera gave Sonoko a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it. More importantly, look- we're about to the exit."

"It's about time!" Sonoko exclaimed. "If I had to ride around in this dark forest anymore, I think I might very well lose it!"

"Well, that would be worrisome." Sera noted. "I'm sure you'll want to rest, but I want to get a lead on this Kudo-kun as much as possible. If he's as clever as you say, I don't think it will take him long to figure out where it is that we've gone to, especially if he suspects as to the reason why you left the palace in the first place."

"Sorry, Kazuha-chan, but could I perhaps ask you to arrange for a meal for us?" Sera asked, turning in her saddle so that she looked back towards her. "We'll meet up with you after we ask the lord of this village a few questions. The faster we can eat and refresh our supplies, the faster we can leave after that."

"I can take care of it." Kazuha said, nodding her head. "But how will ya figure out where I am?"

"In a village this small, there's usually only one tavern." Sera told her. "It probably won't be that hard."

"Really?" Kazuha blinked, a faint frown on her face. "Well, now that ya mention it, it seemed that way in a lot of the small villages that Heiji an' I passed through. Alright, I'll arrange things. But don't blame me if I start eatin' before ya! I'm starvin' after all this ridin'!"

"Do you still have the gold I lent you?" Sonoko asked. "In a small place like this, if you flash even one around, they'll probably treat you like a queen."

"Well, I was plannin' on becomin' one of those anyways." Kazuha told her, trying to keep her smile from being too strained. "Then, let's go our separate ways once we reach the village. Hopefully ya can find some good information, Sera-san."

"Hopefully." Sera said. "You too, I hope."

"Let's hope."