Chapter 5

Hey guys Musashi here. Here's chapter 5 hope y'all would like it.(^_^)!

Also I'm currently lookin for a Beta reader I really need one right now for both of my stories. If any of you are interested just PM me. I really need one to help me in my stories lmao.

WARNING: Some or most of the characters are OOC, you had been warned.

I woke up 5:30 as usual, even though I haven't had enough of sleep last night because of a certain someone waking me up. But here I am wide awake even if I didn't like it, I guess when you do it like almost everydayyour body will get used to it. Well I guess I should just do some jogging instead of wasting my time. As I put my clothes and shoes on, I got out of my house to start jogging. After I finished my daily morning routine, I got inside the house and headed to the fridge to get something to drink. When I got the kitchen, I saw Miura there drinking what looks like a glass of milk.

She noticed me and had a surprise face. 'What don't think I'm a morning person?' I thought to myself.

"Y-yeah, I thought you're more of a lazy person, looks like I'm mistaken." She said while scanning my attire.

"You're partly right, before I was much more of a lazy person but, due to some circumstances I tried to do some outdoor activities and I guess it became a habit for me to wake up early." I said while frowning a little bit when I remember what happened during middle school.

She noticed my frown and makes an apologetic face. "I-i'm sorry, I guessed I touched a sensitive topic." She said

"It's okay, actually if it wasn't for that I'd still be the old me." I said while scratching my back

"How about you? I never knew you were a morning person as well." I said while grabbing a MAXX Coffee.

"To tell you the truth I wasn't, I just couldn't sleep well tonight because, you know, what happened last night." She blushed while she's saying that.

I also blushed when I remember what happened last night. "O-oh, a-about that, I'm really sorry for last night." I said

Her eyes widened when she heard me apologize, 'that's rude, You think I'm that kind of a person that doesn't aknowledge my mistakes?' I thought

"I-it's okay, you don't have to worry about it." She said while waving her hands side ways.

Usually I would listen to her and just forget about it, but I really felt guilty about what happened last night so I insist on apologizing.

"I insist, it was my fault for letting you play that game and got you...pffft... So scared,pfft." I tried to contain my laughter when I remembered the events that happened last night.

She noticed that I'm containing my laughter and she turns beet red from embarrassment and anger as she also rememberered what happened last night.

"Ok, I'll forgive you" She said. "If you'll g-g-go with me this s-s-sunday at the m-mall." She said while looking at the ground to hide her blushing face.

"A-a-are y-you asking m-me on a d-d-d-date!?" I said also blushing furiously to what she and I had said.

"Wh-wh-what are you saying!? D-d-don't misunderstand I-I just wanted to stop you from apologizing, I-i-it's n-not a d-d-date!" She shouted with her face getting redder and redder as seconds pass by.

'Then say it from the first place! I almost misunderstood it as a date!' I thought, 'I need some MAX right now... Gulp*. haaah that's better, nothing's much greater than a MAX Coffee in the morning! Feeling calmer after I drank a can of Max, I could now think more clearly to why Miura would want me to come with her at the mall this sunday. After a few moments of thinking I now had an answer to why she would want me to accompany her, and that is..

'She want to buy something and wants me to pay for it!'

Hah, good job brain! I know you could do it. NOT! Its clearly not that, because if she needed money she could always get some from her dad. So if that's not it then what was her reason to make me accompany her? She wants me to be her lackey? Her bag holder? Aaaaaah, I couldn't think of any logical reasons at her request! Wait, maybe I'm just overthinking this? Maybe she's telling the truth, that she only did that to shut me up? Yep I guess she's telling the truth.

"S-so, will you come with me this s-sunday?" She asked while she's playing with her locks and blushing.

'That's actually kinda cute you know, I didn't knew you had that kind of side.' I thought as I look at her fidgeting.

If my conclusion is correct then I don't mind I guess accompanying her this sunday, I mean there's no harm on going out this sunday.

"Yeah, sure I'll go with you." I said nonchalantly.

When I said that she had a bright smile on her face. 'Nooooo, the light it's too bright! I'm gonna die when I'm exposed with that bright light!' I joked to myself when I saw how bright that smile on her face is.

"Okay now that its's all settled, I guess we should start prepare ourselves for school?" I said to divert our topic

"Yeah, I guess we should."

"Oh, Miura can you cook for breakfast today? Something quick to cook is fine, I just need to take a bath now as I'd just finished excercising." I instructed her

"Ok. Hmmm, is toast and eggs ok for you?" She asked

"Yeah sure, I'm fine with that." I said

While walking towards the bathroom I only realized it but, 'Ain't what we're doing looks alot like what married couples are doing?' I thought then blushed as I thought about me and Miura getting married and doing the same thing we had done a minute ago. 'What are you thinking brain!? Marriage is too far ahead and why Miura? There's no way we are gonna get married you know, so stop thinking about it!' I mentally scold myself from thinking such things.

After I'm done taking a bath, I wrap a towel on my lower body then start to head to my room. As I got on the second floor, I saw on the right hallway was, my room mate who's flabbergasted and also blushing furiously. As I still didn't know why is she like that, I tried to ask her so I start to walk towards her, which cause her to blush more, she also covered her eyes though she still put a little hole to peek on it.

'Why is she doing that?' I thought. Then I only realized that I just had a towel covering my lower part and my upper body is exposed, 'Ohhhhh...




"KYAAA~!" Before I get to defend myself, she slapped me and shouted. The shout was so loud that the sleepyhead she tried to wake up or komachi got awoken and opened the door.

"Why are you shoutin this early in the mo-" komachi said while wiping her eyes from her sleeves, when she finished wiping she saw me with only a towel on my lower body and a blushing Miura. She then assumed what had happened, she them look at me with eyes of pity.

"Onii-chan, I know you're not that desperate enough to get a girlfriend by seducing them using your toned body." Komachi said with a tone of dissapointment on her voice.

"I-i-i'm not seducing anyone! And what are you talking about 'toned'? My body is not that toned." I explained to her, she just facepalmed herself when she hear what I said.

"Are you an idiot onii-chan? You call that not toned!?" She said, "Yumiko-san, do you think his body is 'not' toned?" She asked Miura who is still blushing to what she's seeing. Also why did you emphasize on the word not?

"I-I-I forgot I need to arrange the table downstairs, I gotta go!" She said quickly then run towards the stairs then head towards the kitchen.

"Tch, I thought she would answer my question." I heard komachi mumbling something.

"What are you saying komachi?" I asked

"I said you should start to get dressed and head down." She said with a tired voice.

After I'm done dressing on my uniform, I head down towards the kitchen to eat breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, I saw that they are already starting to eat so I head to my chair and sat. I started to ate my toast and eggs from my plate, 'Delicious' was the first word I could think of when I ate the food Miura cooked.

"This is delicious Yumiko-san!" My sister squealed while praising the dish Miura cooked.

"Yeah I'm impressed this really is good." I added

"R-really? T-thanks." Miura said with a small smile

"I never thought you could cook Miura. I always thought you're a spoiled brat who waits for her meals to come." I said teasing her

"What the hell's that for!? I can cook you know!" She shouted

Woah, woah, hold your horses woman, I'm actually impressed at you no need to shout this early in the morning. Well the way I said it feels like an insult, I guess I shouldn't had said it that way. Meeh who cares how she feels about it anyway.

"Yeah, you're the 'best' cook in the world." I continue to tease her as it's amusing to see her reactions.

"You don't believe it don't you?" She said with a lowered voice.

"Oh I believe you alright." I said sarcastically to her which cause her to be more angry as her face got redder and redder.

"Fine! I'll make you believe that I'm good at cooking!" She said while slamming the table with her fists.

"Hoooh, what are you going to do?" I taunt her

"I'll be the one cooking for dinner tonight!" She said, "I'll make you acknowledge my cooking." She said challenging me

Sweet! I'm not going to cook dinner anymore. Oh wait it's only for tonight right? Come on, can you just cook dinner for like, everyday? I promise I'll acknowledge your cooking everyday for the rest of my life if you'll cook everyday.

"You, make dinner? Oh, I'm soo gonna wait for it." I keep teasing her more making her angrier.

I kept teasing her, hoping she would say that she would cook everyday, 'come on say it! Say the magic words' I thought as I tease her I thought for an idea, an idea that could maybe urged her to say that magic words. 'Hope this would work.'

"Ok Miura, I'll acknowledge that your cooking is the best if and only if, you would cook for dinner everyday." I challenged her as I hope she would say it as her anger is making her to not think first and act.

As I noticed her expressions changed, I was hoping that she would accept my proposal. 'Saaaay it!' Is what my face is saying right now.

"Ok fine I'll-" she almost said it until someone interrupted her.

"If you both don't want to be late for school, stop your lovers quarrel and start to prepare your things!" Komachi shouted which cause Miura and me to blush at her words.

"W-we are not a couple!" She shouted blushing

I just stood there blushing, though inside my mind I'm crying because I was so near to get Miura to cook for dinner everyday until komachi interrupted. 'I was so near, so close to it, why? What kind of timing did you have komachi? Or maybe you did it on purpose? You didn't right, I know you're not doing it on purpose.'

"We're going first onii-chan if you still stand there!" Komachi shouted

"Okay." I said with a depressed tone as blue lines is what I imagined is on top of my heas right now.

As they heard that they quickly get out of the house so that they won't be late. After a few minutes of brooding over it I get out of my house to go to school also, as I look at my phone to check what time is it, I notice that I only had 10 minutes left to get to school which takes me atleast 20-25 minutes to get there with a bike. 'Oh shit, I'm gonna get killed by hiratsuka-sensei's punch if I'll be late for homeroom!' I started to feel nervous as I rushed towards the school when I remembered how destructive Hiratsuka-sensei's punch is.

"Hikigaya...hmm, where's hikigaya!?" I heard hiratsuka-sensei calling my name,

"Haa*...I'm...Haa*...Right here..." I said with out of breath while opening the door which gave me a look of curiosity of my classmates, 'please spare me no heed, I don't need attention right now as I'm going to face the wrath of sensei here.' I thought as I noticed everyone inside is looking at me with a look of... Confusion, fear?, and disgusted.

"Ok go to your seat, and we'll talk later after homeroom." She said

As I sat down, I notice some stares were heading towards me, as I look for where the stares are I saw that the stares are coming from one of my clubmates and from my princess.. Uhh no its from Totsuka yup, it's from Totsuka! You had not read anything. I also felt some stares coming from the blue haired delinquent though when I looked at her she immediately averts her eyes away from me.

As soon as homeroom ends, my classmates began to get noisy again. I say noisy because all they say are all nonsense things. I just put my earphones and start to find a song to play, as I had found a song I began to play it and start to lay my head at my arms on the table. As I wait for the next teacher to come while listening to the song, I took a peek at the noisy group at the corner of the room, that group was none other than Hayama's clique. I can't help but wonder what they felt when they heard or watched the news about the house of Miura getting caught on fire, I guess they were all worried for her safety and her family, I mean even I would be worried if someone I knew got their house on fire. But still I wondered, did no one bothered to let her live on their places? No, it's possible, Yuigahama is her friend and I knew Yuigahama love her friends, there's also Ebina. So if there's a possibility of them letting Miura stay in their respective homes, why does Miura keeps on living on my home?

As I keep thinking about why Miura is still living on my house, the teacher came in and scold the noisy students. 'Well, I think I should just ask her in the future.'

Nothing much happened through out the whole afternoon and is now lunch time. I head towards the vending machine and get a can of Max Coffee, after I get my beverage I head towards the cafeteria and get a yakisoba bread, I soon head towards my usual place to eat. I soon got to the place and start to eat my lunch. While eating I heard footsteps coming from the door I came from, I look behind and saw a blonde girl walking towards me with a slow pace and had a very pale face, as I stare at her that girl was Miura. As soon as she got close at me, she looked towards me weakly and starts to mumble something.

"What? I can't hear what you're saying."

"H-h-hikio, it's a big problem." She said while stuttering

Hmm, what seems to be that problem to make the so called fire queen to be this pale? Wait, why did she come here and tell the problem at me! Could it be? No, it can't be. D-d-did someone knew about it?

"Wh-what problem? A-are you t-t-telling m-me that s-someone knew wh-where you live?" I said stuttering because of my nervousness as my face also starts to pale

"They still didn't knew but..." She paused, "they would soon know, and that's today!" She said

"What do you mean they will know? And also what do you mean today!?"

"Yui and Ebina suddenly got curious to where I currently live and they said they want to know if that place is safe." She explained.

"And you didn't even refuse it!?" I said

"I tried, I told them that they couldn't come but they adamantly said that they would go!"

"What are we going to do, Hikio?" She asked desperately

"I...also don't know what we're going to do." I said to her

"What do you mean you don't know!? You atleast kmew something, anything is good!" She shouted

"If I knew something I would tell it immediately but, right now I couldn't think of anything to do to stop them for coming. The best is to let them knew the truth about why you are living there and also to tell them to keep it a secret" I said to her

That was the only thing I could think of as I couldn't plan anything to stop them for coming. I think I could trust Yuigahama to keep the information a secret but her talkative mouth could accidentally blurt it, Ebina is also coming so she's still a problem if she could keep a secret.

"Let's hope that Yui and Ebina is good at keeping secrets because if they didn't, we're on big trouble." I said warning her about the possibilities when the secret is revealed.

"I trust them for keeping it a secret, they are my friends so I'm sure of it. She said with determination

"Oh, let's just all hope." I said vaguely as I didn't want to anger her for not trusting them.

After she told what she wanted to told about, she quickly head back towards our classroom. It was again silent, the silence is soothing me right now 'Is this what they called calm before the storm?' I can't help but imagine what will happen later when they would knew the truth.

'To all the Gods and Goddesses out there, I'm here to ask you a little favor. I know that I'm being selfish but you're the only one I could rely on. Please, please, keep Yui and Ebina's mouth shut, it's all I could ask of you just that.' I prayed as I knew that what I propose is a gamble, a risky one. This event could change my, no our life if they couldn't keep their mouth shut, so I prayed, I prayed deeply like I never prayed before.

Lunch time will end in 10 minutes so I start to head back. With my earphones on and playing my favorite songs, I activated Stealth Hikki to reduce my presence, when I open the door of the classroom no one looked at me so I thought that Stealth Hikki worked. I sat down at my chair and put my head on the table with one of my arms supporting it. I think deeply to why did I in the first place would care if they knew about Miura living at my house. I endured ru,ors about me before so I couldn't careless if they will spread ait or not so, I think and think and only one answer could pop on my head and its that... I care for her. I started to care for her, I started to think not just for myself but for her as well. I don't know when it started but one thing's for sure and its that...




I don't want to see Miura get hurt.

A/N: aaaaand that's it. Hope you like this new chapter and I'm really sorry for not updating this one. For the reasons I got two, One is that I just got lazy to update this story and my other one and the other is last week was my exam week so I stop touching my gadgets and start to use my 'Abandoned' Books so sorry for the long wait and sorry if this one was boring and short because i side my tiny little brain is still full of numbers and x's and y's and sin cos tan, that up until now I still don't know where in my lif I could apply all of it.

I hope someone would be willing to proof read my stories, haaaah~

Sorry for that, anyways hope to see you on the next chapter and if possible please leave a review or maybe fav and follow this, that's all Musashi Out! (^_^)!~