Disclaimer: I own nothing. Supernatural and Wynonna Earp are owned by the CW and Syfy respectively.

"Sam, I'm so sorry."

Sam heard what Cas, even processed a little, but couldn't open his mouth to response. Dean was dead. He was dead and this time he wasn't coming back. It was like his whole world was falling in around him. Because it was.

"If you want to talk...I'm here if you need anything." Castiel offered.

"Hello, hello." An accented, female voice neither of them had heard before said calmly. There was suddenly bright light as the angel disappeared.

"Cas!" Sam shouted, jutting out of his stupor. Then he was the intruder; a petite neatly dressed woman with her blonde hair pulled back.

Sam reached behind for his gun, but the woman was quicker and drew on him first. "Don't," She warned, then started talking so quickly Sam couldn't get a word in edgewise, "Sam Winchester. Toni Bevell. Men of Letters, London Chapterhouse. Oh, you won't have heard of me-us. We're very traditional. Keep out of the way, keep to our studies."

"You, um..." Sam began, not really understanding what was going on, "What?" This was all going way too fast for him. First the universe was on the brink of destruction for the umpteenth time narrowly got pulled back for the umpteenth time, his brother was dead, and now his only remaining friend had been blown to Oz by this preppy British woman who had somehow got into the bunker and was telling them she was with some British branch of the Men of Letters, who to his knowledge up to this point was all but gone. It was all too much. No wonder he couldn't come up with a coherent response.

"They sent me to take you in." The woman, Toni, apparently, explained, her tone never changing.

"Take me in?" Sam responded. That didn't sound good.

"Assuming the world didn't end and -Yay." Toni continued, seemingly paying Sam no heed.

Sam had just about had enough. "Look, lady-"

Toni, however, was on a roll. "We've been watching you, Sam. What you've done, the damage you've caused-archangels, the Leviathans, the Darkness, and now, well-the old men have decided enough's enough. I mean, let's face it, Sam. You're just a jumped-up hunter playing with things you don't understand and doing more harm than good. Now, where's Dean?"

"Dead." Sam said, as if he needed reminding, "Listen, Lady. I don't know who the Hell you are or what the Hell you want-" He started walking towards, Toni.

"Stop." Toni ordered, a hint of fear in her voice. As unqualified as she thought the Winchesters were, she stilled believed them to be dangerous.

Sam, however, didn't think Toni was that much of a treat as by her own admission this was probably the closest thing she had ever see to action, and continued to approach her, saying, "Put the gun down."

"I said stop." Toni said, in a way that did not change Sam's opinion of her.

"You and I both know you're not gonna pull the trigger." Sam responded.

As soon as the words got of his month, Toni fired, and Sam felt a sudden sharp, burning pain in shoulder.

Sam put his hand against his shoulder , looked down and saw blood seep through his fingers. "She actually did it." He thought, backing away.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be." Toni urged, thinking now that he knew she meant business Sam would come to heel.

"Not gonna happen lady." Sam thought, blotting for the nearest hallway.

"Sam!" Toni called out, aiming her gun to shoot again, "Sam, stop!" By then he was too far away and she was forced to give chase.

While injured and alone, Sam did have one advantage. The bunker was like a maze, especially if you had never been it before. He and Dean had got lost many times during those first weeks. Now, however, Sam had the home field advantage.

He turned a corner as he heard her come down the hall. After a few more corners he was starting to fell woozy and it dawned on him what was going on. All the bunker geographic knowledge in the world wouldn't help him with the all the blood he was losing. Making it to the safety of the computer room, he slumped down against the device and started pray. "Cas, assuming you weren't stabbed to death by a dozen angry angels the minute you landed, I could really use some back-up here."

That was his last though as the black slowly closed in on him and he lost consciousness.