Desclaimer: I don't own anything. Kuroko no Basket belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi

Warning: Unbeta'd, Slash fic

The door opened with a click and a young man not older than 22 years old, entered the apartment. He didn't bother to switch on the light as he proceeded to lay on his bed without even changing the suit he was wearing.

Laying on his stomach and hugging the pillow tightly for mental support, the teal haired young man bit his lower lip; restraining himself from crying out loud. He wanted to yell, shout and scream and pour out all of this bitter feelings inside him. But he knew it would change nothing.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault..." whispered Kuroko. His once blue bright eyes were being replaced by dead and sorrowfull emotions. As if sensing Kuroko's sorrowfull emotions, the orange sky turned grey and it was drizzle. Before Kuroko went to sleep, there was only one thing on his mind...

'I wish I could forget...'

Day 1.

"...etsu! Oi, Tetsu! Wake up. Are you alright?" A pair of dark blue eyes looked at him worriedly. Kuroko then slowly took a notice towards the anxious pink haired girl behind the tanned man. He rised up slowly and looked around him. When Kuroko tilted his head in confusion, he suddenly being hug-attacked by the pink haired girl.

"Tetsu-kun! We are so worried! Dai-chan and I have been trying to call you for three days, but you didn't pick up! We thought something might happen to you! Mou, don't make us worry like that again!"

"Oi, Satsuki! You're suffocating him!" True to Aomine's words, Kuroko had started to turned blue. Momoi let go of Kuroko with a pout.

"Dai-chan just jealous I hug Kuroko first than you!" Momoi stuck out her tongue. Aomine spluttered for a moment and then they started to bicker again. Kuroko could only watched them with amusement.

"Argghhh, will you just shut up, Satsuki? Kuroko, are you sure you're alright? You seem more out of it than usual" Trying to shut Momoi up, Aomine focused on Kuroko.

"You're right, Dai-chan! Tetsu-kun, are you sick? You do seem a bit pale. Wait here, I'll grab some paracetemol in the kitchen. Oh wait, I could make breakfast for us all!" Before Kuroko could say something, Momoi already gone, headed to the kitchen. Aomine who already turned pale, started to shudder uncontrollably. For the second time, Kuroko was cut off before he could say anything when Aomine suddenly took off towards the kitchen.




Kuroko sighed as the shouts went on and on. What's going on actually? Thought Kuroko as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

'Everything was so confusing...wh-'

Then suddenly Kuroko was glomped tightly by someone. His head was placed on a hard chest and all Kuroko could see when he looked up was a blond hair.

"Kurokocchi~! Where have you been?! I've been searching for you! Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"'t breathe" The struggling teal haired finally said. The blond; Kise Ryouta, smiled sheepishly before letting go the poor man.

"Gomen, Kurokocchi. It's been a while since I saw you; I tend to get carried away immediately" said Kise. But Kuroko didn't actually hear what the blond said as he was staring at Kise with his round expressionless eyes.

"Kurokocchi?" Kise tilted his head in confusion. His eyes then went wide when he heard Kuroko's next words.

"Excuse me, but who are you?"

If it wasn't Kuroko, Kise would laugh already. But this was Kuroko. Eventhough people would always see Kuroko with his impassive face, the GoM knew Kuroko long enough to differentiate his sense of humor. And Kise knew this time, Kuroko was serious.

"K-Kurokocchi? W-What happened?"

"Kurokocchi, who? I-I'm sorry, I'm so confused. I can't remember a thing about myself. Who am I?" Questioned Kuroko. But before Kise could ask more, Aomine barged in.

"Damn that Satsuki. Oh, gomen Tetsu for the loud noise just now. That woman just don't know how to shut up. So, how are you feeling? Better?"

"I've been wanting to ask you before, but who are you? And where am I?" Again, Kuroko asked, but this time towards the tanned blue haired man.

"What are you talking abou-" Aomine laughed but then he stopped when he saw Kuroko's eyes. It was as if Kuroko is actually looking at a stranger, not at his former light.


"Aominecchi! Kuroko needs help! Something is wrong-ssu!" Yelled Kise. Aomine, after seeing the look of complete confusion from Kuroko, he knew this is a serious matter.

'I need to tell the others'

Day 4.

It took quite a while to gather everyone. By everyone, they meant the Generation of Miracles. When they received numerous calls from Aomine, they knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

After they were informed the situation by a frantic Aomine, they all dropped their stuff and brought Kuroko to Akashi's family hospital. Gathered in the doctor's office, they didn't like what they heard at all.

Meanwhile, Kuroko was on the hospital bed, reading a book. He furrowed his eyebrows as he was pretty sure he had read this book before but he couldn't remember it. Frusterated, Kuroko put down the book and let out a sigh. Glancing down slightly, Kuroko looked at the sleeping blond. Kise was sleeping on a chair next to Kuroko's bed with his head placed right next to Kuroko's lap.

Subconsciously, Kuroko reached out his hand and stroked the golden locks gently. When Kuroko realised his action, he didn't stop. He didn't know why, but it felt right; as if he had done this so many times before. But considering his situation right now, it might be the case.


When Kuroko heard that, he stopped his gesture. Then he realised Kise was just talking in his sleep and Kuroko continued to stroke Kise's hair. As he did this, Kuroko couldn't help but to feel guilty. How could he not? He didn't remember any of the people who came to see him. He saw the shock and betrayal in their eyes when he said he didn't know them. He couldn't help it as it was the truth. His memory was blank. He couldn't remember a thing. Within the silence, Kuroko asked himself;

'What could've triggered this?'