A/N: As far as fanfiction goes, this may be mild. But as a warning, this is darker and more explicit than what I normally write. And while I make BDSM references, this story is NOT about that form of sexual expression being explored in a pleasurable or mutually agreeable way. It's about a man who wants ultimate control and how he finds inflicting abuse on others a source of empowerment.

Firebenders had the reputation for being the best lovers although the claim was largely unfounded. In truth, everyone had the potential to kindle the flames of passion. Firebenders just happened to have the natural ability to heat things up… literally. Earthbenders were known for the amazing things they could do with their hands. Waterbenders could really move their bodies in the most seductive ways. And even though the Air Nomads hadn't been around for a hundred years, they were the ones who set the historical precedent for orgies. Nonbenders tended to be the most open to everything and more in tune with their energy pathways overall since they weren't overly focused on one particular element.

Even still, the Fire Nation had cornered the market on certain products of passion. Again, it was debatable on whether or not they actually worked, but the merchants didn't care. Their most popular audience became the young nobles, either the ones looking to embarrass their newlywed friends or the ones seeking a little reprieve from their rigid lifestyles. The vendors could always tell who was who. Although when Prince Iroh came to shop, they weren't exactly sure what his motives were.

Gossip about the royal family always spread like wildfire. Some rumors said that Iroh and his brother both fancied the same woman. Others said that Ozai had stolen the elder's bride-to-be. Some said that Prince Iroh had run off to get married to someone else entirely, and that the Fire Lord had threatened to revoke his birth right. Nobody really knew for sure until a royal announcement had been officially made that Prince Ozai, son of Fire Lord Azulon and the late Fire Lady Illah would marry Lady Ursa, daugher of Jinzuk and Rina of Hira'a and granddaughter of Avatar Roku.

Ozai scoffed at his brother's wedding gifts, chastising him for showing his face in the likes of a sex shop. Ursa, however, was quite intrigued by the items, intent on trying everything at least once. The Roaring Panda was an alcoholic drink, and it made her feel warm and tingly and BOLD. Ozai didn't like her dominating in bed, though, so he hid the bottle in the back of his office liquor cabinet. So then Ursa took her newfound knowledge about her husband's preferences and showed him a book she'd found among the stash. It was about BDSN which stood for Bender: Dominant, Submissive: Nonbender.

He liked it. A LOT. She said she only liked it sometimes. He finally agreed to try other things when she promised to always be the nonbender in bed. Not necessarily the submissive, he clarified. Just no bending.

Fire and Ice was a lubricant that would offset the rising body heat of a firebender with an instant cooling sensation. Ursa thought the mixture of temperatures made her feel on edge, always in anticipation, wanting… At first, Ozai noted her responsiveness with some satisfaction, but the ice part reminded him of waterbenders, and he just couldn't bring himself to stoop that low.

Burning Passion was simply a burn salve. It wasn't unusual for young or inexperienced firebenders to overheat while aroused. Accidental burns were incredibly common among teenagers. Burning Passion had become increasingly popular among the BDSN crowd as well. Just like hot and cold, pain and pleasure became complementary sensations when applied in just the right way.

And everyone's way was different.

Ozai would never burn on accident. He took pride in the amount of control he maintained as a firebender. Ursa would only tolerate a little bit of pain. She loved her husband, and if he loved her back, surely he would never want to hurt her.

Then one day, everything changed.