Her limbs were heavy with sleep, gravity seeming to increase on her already leaden appendages as she groaned quietly at the inconvenient extra weight she was apparently burdened with. She huffed as she gently rolled her stiff muscles over so that she might lay on her stomach, making it easier to escape the bed that seemed intent to hold her hostage. It went well until she seemed to run out of bed, landing instead on the cold floor. She let out an involuntary whimper as her tender muscles screamed in protest. She forced pained tears back as she gripped the bed post, pulling herself into a slouched, sort of upright position. She braced herself before letting go, slowly and carefully moving to the locked door, which was quickly disabled. She used the wall to make her way from the infirmary, intent on getting to her teammates. It was slow going, but she was determined to get to green. She was fine really.

She debated heading to green in her barely dressed state, altean hospital garments being similar to those of earth. However she decided that she would rather be late and prepeared than on time and dead, making the well worth it detour to her quarters. It took her a good fifteen minutes to get there, and she had needed to have rest periods throughout. But she forged on, slowly traversing the halls to her waiting lion.

As she got closer, she felt greens presence strengthen in her mind. Filling her with the strength she needed to continue on. When she finally reached green she jammed her helmet on her head, wincing at the panicked voices of her teammates.

"Hunk watch out!"

"Shiro they have a tractor beam"

"Stay out of range!"

Pidge shut them out, focusing instead on righting green from their brief battle with the edge of the hanger. Shaking her head in an attempt to clear it, she repositioned green, hoping to make it out the hanger without incident on her second attempt. When she finally got out of the castle she flicked a switch and felt satisfaction well within her. Pidge smiled as she felt, rather than saw green slowly disappearing from sight.

"Shiro they got me!"

"Lance! I got you!"

"Shiro! What do we do?"

Pidge tried to call out to them, only producing a scratchy hiss. She raised a hand to her throat, feeling the scared tissue that must have come from the muzzle like device. She supposed she should be thankful she had a voice it all. It wasn't painful, and pidge felt relief well in her at the realisation that the harsh sounds that escaped her throat were probably from lack of use, water, and energy rather than an injury. Pidge guided her lion to the underside of the ship, noting the identical layout of this ship and the first Galra warship they had battled. It wouldn't take her long to find the prisoners.

Slowly pidge crept about the lower levels of the battle ship, some force within her was absolutely certain that her dad and brother were on this ship. It was similar to her connection with the lion, but less "freaky altean magic" like.

Pidge finally reached her destination, inching forward on her stomach in order to stay out of sight. When the time was right she shot her Bayard, taking out the one guard standing in her way. As she stepped past she noted the blood on the floor. Pidge knew she should feel guilty for killing him, but she wasn't. She forcefully hit the button that would allow her entry to the cells. There was only two doors in front of her, this was probably where the prisoners were. She fiddled with the control panel, which she found close to the floor. Rather than bending she allowed herself to slide down the metal wall, bringing her closer to the panel and also allowing herself a small rest period. She finished her work and the first door opened, revealing a group of mildly shocked prisoners. Among them, standing out the front as if protecting the rest, was her brother.

She watched as Matt stared round the room, trying to locate the one who had opened the doors. She must have blacked out for a second, because the next thing she knew a whoosh was sounding as the other door opened, due to her falling on the button she had intended to press anyway. Whatever.

"Dad!" Matt yelled, and Pidge forced herself to look up as her brother and father embraced. She tried to stand but ended up laying on the floor, a strange, blue tinged alien with a stranger amount of eyes looking down at her. The alien growled out something that sounded vaguely like English, and pidge guessed that her translating systems were on the fritz. A hand waved in front of her face, pulling her from her distracted musing, and she smiled under her helmet as she grasped her father's hand.

"You wear the paladin armour" Sam stated, hauling her to her feet. Pidge nodded, unintentionally grasping her father's hand as she swayed momentarily.

"Are you alright?" Matt asked, stepping forward to stand beside his father. Pidge nodded, resisting the urge to throw herself into their arms. Despite how much she longed to tell them it was her, she stayed quiet. Reunions would have to wait, she didn't have time. Besides, doing so would waste vital energy. Energy she would need to get them all out of here safely.

She could have an emotional breakdown later, when she finished getting everyone out of this hellish war ship.