Same Old Song and Magic Dance

Chapter One~ Fairytales Are Shit

30 Years Later

How was it possible to feel so much anger towards someone whom you loved so much? So much hatred? The moment she had gotten to work that morning and the rain had started, lightning flashing, she knew that something was wrong. Her stomach had clenched as soon as her feet had carried her out the apartment door. Claiming sickness, she had left her meager waitressing job two hours early and trudged home through the pouring rain. Lightning zipped through the air, the crack of thunder fast behind it, leaving the smell of ozone permitting the atmosphere. Everything about the day was bad, she could feel it in her bones. It didn't get any better when a bird swooped past her right next to her head. Raising her face to the stinging rain, she caught sight of it once more and watched it swirl up towards the clouds, fighting against the blistering wind that tried to blow it back to the ground. The bird, she could tell now it was an owl, seemed to just be going in circles. Of course that may have had something to do with the near maelstrom it was flying into. A sudden gust of wind nearly blew her over, making her grasp at a street sign beside her. Above her head, she heard a screech. The owl had been hit by the same gust, yet had righted itself almost as soon. Turning her face away from the sight, she hurried on home.

And now, Acacia stood in the middle of the bedroom, staring down at the man she had loved with all her heart for nearly four years, laying in bed trying to cover his naked form as a woman she had never met before began gathering up her clothes. Everything in her was telling her to beat the shit out of both of them, but she could do nothing more than stand there. Derek was slipping on his underwear. "Baby, please, you have to believe me-"

"Believe what? That you didn't mean it? That it just happened?" She said calmly, her voice completely even. Never giving away at the roiling storm inside her that perfectly mirrored the one outside. "Don't play me for a fool, Derek. I thought you were better than that. I thought you were different." She didn't yell, she didn't scream or cuss or threaten either of them. Her icy calm actually frightened the two more than if she had.

The red-headed woman watched from the corner of the room as Acacia began solemnly putting clothes in a suitcase. She hadn't known about her, and she tried to speak up, to claim innocence. But the look the drenched brunette gave her froze the words in her throat. She looked dead almost, the only emotion in her teary eyes being sadness. Could she really claim to been completely oblivious of her existence? Had she truly not known that Derek was infidelious? Acacia knew it wasn't the other woman's fault. She hadn't known. So, why did she blame her? It was all his fault. She ignored his words as she continued to gather up her few belongings. The rushing in her ears drowned out all other noise, save for her own heartbeat. She knew he was speaking, knew generally what he was saying. But she couldn't hear it. At least, not until she felt his warm hand on her arm, trying to spin her around.

In one smooth movement, her fist came around and backhanded him across the cheek. Then it all came flooding back. The storm outside, the screaming of the woman in the corner, the slap of Derek's skin meeting the tile floor. Acacia staggered backwards, gasping. Her knuckles burned where they had met his face. With a choked sob, she grabbed the handle of her rolling case and duffle bag, then turned to the door. "I wish you well, Derek. I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you." To the other woman, she said, "Once a cheater, always a cheater. Remember that before you consider continuing your relationship with him." The woman nodded, as if she really was thinking about it.


It hadn't taken long for Acacia to find a place. The area she lived in was spattered with hotels. The hotel she found was nice enough, with thicker walls, windows that actually opened, and a large bathtub that she sat in for nearly an hour, just sitting. Once the water was cold, she let it drain out. It was still raining while she sat on the bed in her pjs, staring at the TV while not really watching what was on the screen. Tears made tracks down her face, turning her usually even skin red and blotchy from constantly rubbing them away. After a while, she jolted up from the bed and went over to where her bag sat in the chair. The window opened easily enough; hot, sticky storm wind blowing her hair back as she breathed in the smell of lighting and we vegetation. Every once in a while, it would blow just right and raindrops would hit her. Making sure her door was securely locked, Acacia sat down next to the window and lit the freshly rolled joint.

That first lungful of smoke was heaven. It had been way too long since she last smoked. Derek had not exactly been all that approving of it. But, fuck him. He wasn't important anymore, it didn't matter what he approved of. A few hits in and she started coughing. That's how she knew that she was getting to the finish line. Then the haze started. Suddenly, the rain was no longer individual pat pat pat of rain. Now, it was just a dulled roar that slipped into her soul and wrapped her up in comfortable white noise. Her eyes strayed outside. Lightning cracked across the sky, making her jump when it illuminated the courtyard below her, and the tree beside her window. In the branches sat a large barn owl. It wasn't all that uncommon, there were owls all over the place. But something about this particular one was a bit strange. Without thinking, Acacia stood and reached her hand out to it. The owl didn't move except to tilt it's head at her.

She giggled. "Such a funny bird, aren't you? What are you doing out in the rain?" Leaning over the railing, she felt the tip of her fingers connecting with the feathers on it's chest. They were so soft. Her arm was getting wet from the water coming off the roof, but she didn't care. "Did you get kicked out of your home, too?" The feathers beneath her fingers ruffled as the bird shook it's head and fluffed itself up. "Mmh, maybe not. But, it's no fun. I wouldn't wish it on anyone." Her other hand came up to cup her chin as she cooed to the owl. "I don't know what I did, friend. I thought we were great together. Think you can help me? Owls are supposed to be wise, right?" The owl twittered at her and nipped at her fingers where they were stroking it's head. "Yeah, I guess you're right. No point in bothering with it. I just wish I knew why it keeps happening. I seriously thought Derek was different." She sighed. "Are you different, pretty bird? Would you stay with me if you were human or I was an owl?" It hooted, stretching out it's wings and flapping away back into the storm. "Guess not."

Once she was sure the room was adequately aired out, she closed the window and went to lay down on the bed. Acacia turned the TV off, then hit the switch on the lamp beside her. As she sat there, waiting for sleep to take her, her mind began to wander. Down dirt roads it went, through stone walls that rose to the sky. Miniscule creatures passed in her vision, chattering as they went. In the distance, the spires of a castle rose over the edges of the maze's wall. On the wind music reached her ears in her haze and she smiled.

"I almost wish the goblins would come and take me away right now."


A/N: So, here's the start. Next part coming up soon, just needed to get the first one up before I went ahead and took two weeks to write this and not move on. Let's Dance, Real Boy, Leap of Faith, and The Secretary all have new chapters coming along too, so I'm a tad overworked atm. I'm only really able to write in the evenings when my two year old goes to bed. Also, I just had my birthday this week, so I won't write much over the weekend because I'm going to be so busy. Love you all, drop me a review and make my day :D
