Last chapter! If you guys haven't read my other stories, I'd love it if you would. I will be doing another AU since this one was so fun. (I also have Padme's story which relates to my other fanfics but not sure if I want to post) Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading and enjoy the last chapter of Roommate by Force.

It was so. Damn. Hot. I've always hated the dry weather from the sun. The only good thing that came from the summertime was the cool night air and Rey's lighter wardrobe.

I guess the little night dresses were ahint towards something. When I started to say something about them, she got bashful yet more enamored with me that I noticed. I didn't complain that she started being more affectionate; she just caught me bysurprise.

However with her wardrobe change,I grew a stripping habit once school was done for the day.

I usually slept in a plain t-shirt and sweatpants but the heat was killing me.

Rey was laying next to me in one of her little things.

"Gosh, Luke gave us a lot for the study guide."

She rolled over on her stomach, kicking her feet up in the air. "It's probably your fault for flirting with that girl who sits next to you."

She looked over her shoulder with a smile before looking back at her psychology book and flipping the pages.

"Shit. I hate summer."

I yanked off my shirt and threw it across the room.

My hand went straight to my hair, combing through it. I leaned back against the pillows and sighed before licking my lips.

Rey climbed on top of me, pinning both my wrists down.

"You need to stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

She leaned down, pressing her lips to my ear.

"Tempting me."

I turned my face to her jawline. "It could be worse. I could be wearing less," I smirked.

She lifted her face away and sat up hiding behind her hands. "You and your dumb face."

My fingers played along the lining of the silk on her skin.

I felt my heart beginning to race and I could tell hers was too by the way she was avoiding my gaze.

I sat up, pulling her hips closer to mine. Her legs crossed behind my back.

My hand travelled down to her thigh, squeezing it before placing my lips on her exposed shoulder.

"Ben," she sighed.

I looked up and caught her mouth with my other hand. She looked...hurt. What? She looked uncomfortable.

I pressed my lips against hers lightly.


I gave her a second kiss with more urgency before pulling away.

"Okay what's wrong?"

I loosened my hold on her.

"Nothing,"she said as she pet my hair.

"Why aren't you responding? Am I not tempting you like I was ten seconds ago?"

She pushed herself off me and started grabbing her books.

"No I... I need to study. Our finals are tomorrow." I got up after her and pushed her hair away from her shoulder before leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"You need to relax sweetheart."

She pushed my hand away. "I can't-"

I began taking her books from her and setting them down. She picked up each one that I set down.

"Later flyboy."

"So. You're graduating today."

I bit my lip. "Yeah."

"And getting married tomorrow."


My dad grunted before taking a sip from his drink.

What could break this silence besides negativity and stating the obvious?

"How long have you known her?"

I knew this would tip him off.


"Han, it's so nice to see you again."

Rey came running in and hugged my father once he stood up. I stood as well when my mother came in.

A wave of relief came over not having to answer that question.

"You know what, I think I have to go get ready so I'll see you all later."

I gave them all a wave and Rey a quick peck on the cheek before running out to my graduation.

During those entire two and half life drawing hours of the hottest heat in my life, I realized that thinking of taking off my robes and seeing Rey in those little dresses cooled me off.

When I did have to get up, I was relieved to move and feel a slight breeze as I walked. I couldn't hear anything other than fans and fat bugs.

I don't understand how Rey could stand this weather. She's lived in it all her life. It was gross. At least with the cold, you could decide how hot you wanted to be.

I dazed out so much just thinking of how I could cool off later.

This ceremony made me feel ten times older once it finished.

I couldn't even see Rey after the ceremony since her and my mother had "so much to do still".

My dad sat across from me in silence.

"Your mother and I were thinking you should've just been homeschooled."

"Why's that?"

"Well, for one, you wouldn't have that gnarly looking thing on your face, and two, you wouldn't be rushing into marriage."

I stood up. "I'm not rushing into anything. Why'd you come if all you can do is criticize?"

He stood up as well. "I'm not. Rey is a nice girl and she's young. She's just not your type-"

"Who is then?! Who is good enough for you, because I'm definitely fucking not!"

"Look kid don't get all upset-"

He reached out to put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm going to be upset! 18 goddamn years. You weren't there. You didn't care what happened to me at all because I realized I didn't want what you wanted at a young age. You left me there with no help. You're the real disappointment, not me. I feel
/disgusted for calling you my father."

He looked taken aback, almost as if I pierced him through the core.

Tears were running down my face.

"What can I do then, son?"

"Nothing. It's too late."

I grabbed my robe and left him there to wallow in his own pit of despair.

Surprise, surprise. He wasn't there for the wedding.

My mother said he had work but I knew the real reason. Even Uncle Luke was here.

There really weren't a lot of people: fifty at the most. I didn't care, as long as I got to see Rey and be with her, I was happy.

I've been asked all day "how're you feeling?" "Are you nervous?" And all I'd respond with is "I don't know yet."

Except when I stood up at that altar waiting for her, time flashed before my eyes. Everything around me blurred as I awaited her arrival. It didn't take long before everyone stood up and the doors opened.

The End