A/N: Some action in this chapter. Hope you enjoy. Please review. Thanks for the follows and comments.

Daryl saw the first group of walkers push through the door and immediately fall over the table blocking the door. Paul had moved forward with his knife and began to stab heads and the first three quickly succumbed. Daryl snapped out of his shock and ran forward to get in the fray. He quickly stabbed several walkers and a bottle neck formed, effectively blocking the entrance from the other walkers, who were struggling frantically to get in.

Paul fell back, panting heavily and surveyed the scene. They probably only had a few minutes before the struggling mass would break through again, so they had to do something. He turned to Daryl, who was eyeing the scene critically. The hunter glanced at him and Paul winced slightly. Daryl's face gave nothing away about what had transpired a few seconds before.

"Got anything?" Paul asked as he glanced around the closed room. Maybe more furniture at the door?

Daryl glanced up at the ceiling and noticed the large hole caused by its partial collapse. He nodded up and Paul followed his gaze.

"That may not hold," Paul said dubiously, but really what choice did they have? "But maybe long enough to get out of this space."

There was a surge of activity at the door revealing that a walker had managed to climb over the table and his fallen comrades. Daryl walked over and handled that and two more behind it before returning to stand next to Paul.

"You can stay if you want, but I'm getting out of here," Daryl said coolly, and Paul nodded, determined not to think too much about that statement. There was a small desk near the hole and both men hurried over to it and pushed/pulled it under the hole. Daryl jumped up on the table and Paul went to stab a couple more walkers that he could easily reach through the hole in the door.

The ceiling was a bit high and the plaster and material used was wet and weak. Daryl knew that it wouldn't hold his weight if he grabbed at it. This wasn't going to work.

"I'll boost you," Paul said quickly, coming to the table and hopping up on it. "We don't have much time." He bent down and locked his hands, indicating that Daryl should jump up. Daryl hesitated.

"That ain't gonna hold."

"Come on, Dixon!"

Daryl huffed, but another walker was coming through so he couldn't do anything about it. He stepped on Paul's hand, grabbed his shoulder and Paul hoisted him up into the ceiling. Daryl felt around a bit, trying to find a solid grip and managed to grab a pipe. It was wet and slimy, but Daryl clung to it. Paul pushed him hard and Daryl flew up into the space. He floundered a bit, but managed to get upright along the pipes. He peered down at Paul, who was eyeing the door and the closing horde.

"Give me your hand!" Daryl shouted, reaching down as far as he could. Paul strained up to reach it and had just managed to grab his fingers, when Daryl shouted, "look out!"

A walker had broken free and had entered the room and was reaching out for Paul's leg. Paul kicked it away, but it managed to snag his pant leg and Paul was jerked off the table and tumbled to floor, out of sight of Daryl.


Daryl could only hear grunts from Paul as he fought the walker, but his attention was drawn to the door and suddenly two more walkers had managed to climb over the pile and were coming in. Daryl realized he'd have to get back down and help. He couldn't let the other man die like that. He had just started to move when Paul popped into view and killed the others. He jumped back up on the table and again reached for Daryl's hand.

But just then, the horde finally broke through the impasse and pushed into the room. Several hands reached for Paul, who was still standing on the table. Daryl grabbed his hand and pulled as hard as he could, and Paul grabbed his arm, almost wrenching it out of its socket. Daryl grunted in pain, but held on, trying to pull him up.

Then suddenly there was an even louder noise and the room shuddered. Daryl almost lost his grip on Paul, who started sliding back down into the fray. Then music to their ears sounded in the room. A car horn, loud and blaring.

"Hey! Hey! Over here!" A voice shouted and Daryl almost fainted in relief to hear Heath's voice shouting over the din.

The car horn continued to blare and several walkers turned, distracted by this new temptation. Many of them pulled away from the door and shambled away, and Paul landed back on the table. There were still walkers in the room, quite a few in fact, but he started killing them quickly. Daryl leapt back down and finished the stragglers and they cautiously climbed the pile to peak outside into the hallway.

The walkers were pouring out of the building through a newly created hole that Heath and Spencer had done by driving through. Daryl and Paul followed a prudent distance behind, listening as the car horn kept blowing, drawing them away from the building.

Sure enough, once they reached the hole, the walker group were following the car and had more or less abandoned the building. Their car had been pulled up closer and it was a short run. Daryl prayed they had left the keys in it. On an unspoken count, the duo dashed for the car, knowing that some walkers had spotted them and had turned towards them again, but they didn't care. They jumped into the car and Daryl gunned it, in reverse, to get the hell out of there. He ran over some walkers in the process, and it felt satisfying.

They got back to the main road and saw the other car waiting. Daryl pulled up behind them and climbed out, making sure to mark that the horde was far enough away. Spencer and Heath hurried up to them, their faces pale and wide-eyed.

"We thought you guys were goners!" Spencer said, vibrating with energy. "I almost left. Thank god Heath thought to ram the car into the building! Shit!"

Paul narrowed his eyes at that and Daryl snorted. "Takes a bit more than a few walkers to bring me down." Daryl said snidely and he nodded towards the cars. "We get anything?"

"Couple of things, not much though." Heath said. "Trip's kind of a bust."

"Yeah, let's get out of here." Spencer said looking around nervously.

Daryl nodded and watched the two men walk back to their car and get in. Daryl turned to Paul who was looking towards the building, keeping an eye out on the walkers.

"Yeah, let's get out of-"

Daryl's fist flew out and slammed against Paul's cheek so hard that the other flew off his feet and landed in the ditch a few feet away. He advanced on the other man as Paul rolled over and jumped to his feet, spitting out blood.

"The fuck was that, back there, huh?" Daryl snarled, readying for another punch, "you think I'm like you? That I'm some fucking fag?!"

Paul wiped his mouth, flinging blood to the ground. He looked at Daryl and gave a short, bitter laugh. "I thought I was gonna die back there, okay? Just wanted one last kiss with somebody. It was my bad luck it was you." He then glared at Daryl. "So much for you not being a homophobic prick, ya dick!"

"Fuck off, Rovia! Keep your goddamn lips to yourself, you asshole! Next time I'll let you die." Daryl stomped to the car, ignoring the hurt look that crossed Paul's face at those words. Daryl got in the car, ready to leave his ass there in the dirt again, knowing he'd be in the right. Paul deserved to get left behind. Daryl started the car and glared through the windshield at the other man, who was just standing there like an idiot. Finally, he walked over to the car and got in, closing the door quietly.

Daryl pulled off and cranked the radio up as loud as it would go. Paul sat silently and stared out the window, not bothering to notice the loud music. They rode like that the entire way, Paul silent and the music blasting. Daryl glanced over at him a few times, but Paul never looked back at him. Daryl started to get irritated with the silent treatment. Wasn't he the one who was wronged? Paul had violated him, not the other way around. If anyone had the right to be sullen and silent, it was him, not Paul.

By the time they got back to Alexandria, Daryl was a simmering pot of rage. Paul had ignored him the entire trip, not uttering a word. This asshole! Daryl wanted to re-arrange Paul's face with his pack of arrows. Let's see how pretty he looked then.

Daryl pulled in through the gate behind the other car. Other residents were already heading towards for the usual inspection of their goods. Too bad they were going to be disappointed this round. As Daryl shut the car off, Paul suddenly came to life and turned towards, startling him.

"I'm sorry, Daryl. I never would've done something that like without your permission. I really did think I was going to die and I just wanted a little human contact before that happened. You never have to worry about me anymore, okay?" And with that little speech, Paul jumped out of the car, spoke to a few of the residents and disappeared. He was gone by the time Daryl got out of his seat.

Daryl did his greetings, but then he too left the group to head to his room. He was tired and filthy, but not really hungry. His nerves were shot and he just wanted to shower and go to bed. Put this whole trip behind him.

Once he got in bed, sleep didn't come right away. He lay there, his mind in turmoil and uneasy. Paul had kissed him against his will and he'd settled that score. So why was he not feeling settled about it? Why did he feel like a dick? The hurt look on Paul's face made him feel guilty and his walking away from him felt permanent. He hadn't liked the silence in the car and even though he was mad, he'd rather the other man have talked to him.

Daryl finally fell asleep with the thought of soft lips on his.

It took Daryl three days to realize he hadn't seen Paul at all. It took him a week to realize that it bothered him.

After the first day back and he had rested and calmed down, he took a moment to process the events that had taken place. He could've died. Paul certainly would have, if Heath and Spencer hadn't showed up when they had. He realized he hadn't even thanked them properly for saving his ass. And in his musings, he also realized that Paul had more or less sacrificed himself to let him get to safety first.

And his response? He'd punched the guy and called him a faggot. Fuck.

He'd probably told Aaron what he said and wouldn't that just be peachy? Aaron and Eric were good people; they didn't deserve to be called that. Hell, Paul didn't either.

Did he really just kiss him because he was the only person standing there and thought that was the end? If it had been Maggie or Michonne or Carol, would Paul have kissed them? He hadn't been thinking about anything like that, but he could admit that he thought he was going to die. His only thought had been to go down fighting, not worrying about kissing another human being. But maybe that was the difference between him and Paul. Or anyone else for that matter. Hadn't he decided that he needed to establish some sort of connection with someone, so he could feel something? Or to be honest, so he would stop thinking about the wrong person's eyes.

Either way, he shouldn't have said what he did. He may have been justified in being upset about being kissed like that, but it wasn't that big of a deal. It was just a kiss; something that he hadn't had in ages. And Paul had saved his life. And he repaid him by having a temper tantrum.

He felt that he had to make it right. Now if only he could find the guy.

He found out from Rick that Paul had left for Hilltop the day after they returned from their disastrous run. Daryl subtly asked when he was to return, but Rick didn't know for sure, so Daryl was left to wait it out. In the meantime, he probably should at least make an attempt to get to know some other people in Alexandria. Specifically, someone with some tits.

There had been a couple of women who had given him the eye over the last several months so it made sense to at least see what could happen. That was normal. The right thing to do. So let's do it.

He didn't want to do it.

But of course, as soon as he talked himself out of it, he found himself face to face with the woman, courtesy of Maggie. He had just returned from doing a bit of hunting and was holding two squirrels and he didn't look particularly clean when Maggie accosted him on the sidewalk.

"Daryl, we're going to have a community meeting soon and we'll need you to report out on the runs, okay?" Maggie said with a smile. "Carol's group will give the inventory."

Daryl nodded and casually glanced at the short blond haired woman next to her, who proceeded to give Daryl a hesitant smile.

This seemed to give her some courage. "I've been wanting to thank you. All the stuff that you got from Walmart. Great job."

Daryl gave a shrug. "It was nothing. We needed things."

She smiled at him fully then, showing slightly crooked teeth. Daryl decided that he didn't mind that and that she was cute enough, even though her eyes were a plain green color. He told himself that he was not disappointed that her eyes weren't brighter or more appealing.

Maggie was looking from him back to the woman and she gave a smirk.

"Melissa, I didn't know you knew Daryl. He's so quiet and shy," Maggie said with barely concealed amusement. "He's extremely modest as well."

Melissa…that's her name.

He barely had time to glare at her for all that nonsense, when Melissa threw a complete monkey wrench in his plan of not wanting to get involved with anything and remaining alone and aloof.

"So, Daryl? I was wondering if you'd like to…well…I'd like to invite you to dinner. If you're not busy or anything."

Daryl blinked and then coughed. "Dinner? Uhhhh…you don't have to do that", he muttered. "Don't go to no trouble."

Melissa gave an even bigger smile. "No trouble, Daryl. I've been wanting to get to know you…I mean…your group better anyway." A nice blush began to color her face and Maggie bit back a snort. She glanced at Daryl, who was looking more and more like a mouse who'd just been seen by a cat.

"Daryl loves a good meal, Melissa. Even though he can't seem to stop hunting for those squirrels," she nodded at Daryl's haul. "Bring home a nice deer, next time."

"Would love to find one of those," Daryl said, glad that the topic had changed away from yet another dinner invitation. "That'll be some nice eats for a while."

"You eat deer?" Melissa said, her mouth a moue of disapproval. "Such beautiful animals, it's a shame to butcher them."

Daryl looked at her incredulously and was about to let her know where she could stick her disapproval, but Maggie gently touched his arm and smiled at her.

"Well until we can get some beef or some other type of meat, we've had to make due with what protein we can. And yes, they are beautiful creatures. But it's about survival."

"Damn right," Daryl gruffed out, annoyed that she would try to judge him on eating whatever to survive.

Melissa sensed that she had angered the hunter and she quickly recovered. "I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sorry. I just wish we didn't have to kill all of them." She looked at Daryl with hopeful eyes. "I really want you to come to dinner." She looked at Maggie. "You too, of course, Maggie. And Glenn."

"Thank you. Let us know and I'm sure we'll be there." Maggie said politely as she discreetly nudged Daryl. Daryl shrugged and Maggie sighed.

"Great! Next week, then. I'll give you the exact date." Melissa said enthusiastically, eyeing Daryl again. She walked away and Maggie watched her go. She then turned to say something to Daryl and was surprised to see he had already disappeared.

She sighed again. It was about time that her friend found someone so he could stop being so alone.

The following Friday, Daryl found himself sitting at a table in Melissa's house with Maggie and Glenn, dying to get out of there.

Oh, the food was decent, a canned chicken casserole that was a bit dry, but edible. There wasn't any dessert because Melissa didn't know anything about baking and hadn't asked anyone to help her. She was from California and had been in Washington, DC for graduate school when the world had went to hell. She was majoring in English literature and had been a feminist and a vegetarian.

And now she had a huge crush on him.

Daryl wanted to be flattered, but he couldn't seem to muster the energy to do so. She was nice and attractive, but he just couldn't seem to give a fuck about it. He knew he should be trying to make a connection, to want to be with another human being, but he'd been alone so long that maybe now he was broken or something. But there was this small annoying voice way deep down inside him that whispered something else. Something that he refused to even hear.

Daryl watched Maggie and Glenn, both of them loving and comfortable with each other. He'd been there from the beginning and no matter what happened, the two of them remained deeply in love and committed to one another, never giving up. Why couldn't he have that? Why didn't he want to have that? He looked at Melissa, who was currently laughing at something Maggie was saying. Come on, Dixon. Pull your head out of your ass.

Melissa turned to him then and leaned towards him. "How'd you learn to use your crossbow? You're like Katniss from the Hunger Games."

Daryl just stared at her, while Maggie and Glenn fought to keep from laughing.

Daryl sat on Rick's porch smoking a cigarette, idly watching the smoke trail float above his head. It was well after two in the morning, but Daryl couldn't sleep. He couldn't shut his mind off, as preoccupied as it was with the revelation of his total non-interest in Melissa the Airhead. As cute as she was, he was totally turned off to her. Her voice, her conversation, her not wanting to eat meat. Just stupid. But it didn't make any sense.

The world was ending, partners were scarce. He should be lusting after the first thing that even looked like a woman. But he wasn't. He hadn't been. Not even before he came to Alexandria. He wasn't interested in Carol or Beth. Not Maggie, Andrea, Michonne, Rosita, Sasha, Tara…none of them had even interested him in the slightest. There were others too, over the years…and he hadn't even got hard thinking about any of them. He had originally chalked it up to things were too unstable, dangerous. Living day to day. Just trying to survive the walkers, other groups, starvation.

But others had managed to be involved, even with all of that happening. Like Lori getting pregnant with Judith and Maggie with Glenn. And what about now, that things were settled? They were safe in Alexandria for the moment, had been for months now. So why wasn't he settled? What was wrong with him?

Melissa had clearly shown interest in getting to know Daryl better after Maggie and Glenn left, but Daryl had also begged off, not even trying to notice her vast disappointment in his lack of interest in kissing her. He'd practically fled the place and had ducked out to walk the woods, his mind in turmoil. By the time he'd got back to Rick's, he'd been forced to listen to the bedsprings and the moans again and he couldn't stand it tonight. So porch it was.

He'd just flung his cigarette away when he saw a familiar looking shadow walking crossing one of the streets in the distance. Daryl stood up and squinted. Was that?



Daryl felt something move through him at the sight of the other man. It'd been almost three weeks since Daryl had seen him. He'd been wanting to apologize, but had started to wonder if he would ever come back from Hilltop. He'd never been gone this long and Daryl realized with a jolt that he'd missed him. They'd been through a lot together, saved each other's asses over the course of the last year.

So Daryl left the porch and headed down the street towards Paul, who had been walking towards Aaron's home. He put on a burst of speed, wanting to intercept him before he went into the house. As it turned out, Paul had sat on the porch steps as well and was looking up at the stars. He lowered his head when he heard Daryl approach and then just watched him.

Daryl suddenly felt nervous and he cleared his throat.

"Hey man."

Paul nodded at him and then looked up at the stars again and Daryl knew he'd fucked up. Paul seemed closed off now, none of the friendly smile or bright eyes for him.

"Look…I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it." Daryl said in a rush, and his hand flew to his mouth to start biting his nails. He was definitely nervous.

Paul looked at him, silent.

"I know you don't believe me. But I'm serious. I…don't know why I said that. It was fucked up and I just…it just came out. I'm sorry, Paul. I really am."

"If it just came out, that must be how you really feel, Daryl. Not surprised though. Look where you come from. Some back hills in Georgia? Some trailer park?"

Daryl snarled at him. "Hey asshole…I'm trying to apologize, aiight? I admit I was wrong and I shouldn't have called you that. I don't have a problem like that. My father and brother did and they said it all the time. Don't make it right, but…I fucked up, okay? I'm trying to make it right. You saved my life back there and I…took it all wrong. I should've thanked you and I didn't. I want to thank you. For saving my life. And I'm sorry."

Daryl turned to leave, angry at himself for the whole thing and pissed at Paul for being a dick about it. Paul didn't have to accept his apology, but Daryl kind of assumed he would. Paul was such an easy going guy. Hell, he forgave Rick for killing that asshole friend of his at Hilltop and he barely knew Rick. So much for his attempt to make things right.


Daryl slowed but he didn't turn around.

"Why out so late?"

Daryl turned around and stared at Paul for a minute and then stated, "Too noisy at Rick's."

Paul smirked. "I'm sure. Walked in on them, remember?"

Daryl made a face and Paul laughed. "They called out, Jesus! And I said, yes, I'm here?"

Daryl gaped at Paul and then laughed out loud. "You're a dumbass." And just like that, the tension melted away.

"I've been called worse," Paul said lightly as he stood up. "Maybe it's time for you to get your own place here. There's nothing but empty houses around here. I'd say you earned yourself one."

Daryl opened his mouth to deny that, but then stopped. His own place?

"What would I do with my own place?"

Paul grinned at him. "Well for one, not listen to sex you're not having." He nodded at him and then jogged up the steps. "It's been a long day, so I'm saying good night."

Daryl watched as he disappeared into the house, leaving him to ponder the other man's words. Get his own place here. He hadn't even thought about it. Maybe it was time to get his own. Now that Rick and Michonne were a thing, they would want some privacy. They already had Judith and Carl to contend with, he was just taking up another room.

He went back to his room and got back in the bed again. He had something to think about, but before he could really weigh his options, he was sound asleep. Something had obviously soothed his restless spirit, but he was going to pretend he didn't know what that was.

Carol blinked at Daryl, who was leaning on the counter in her kitchen and sharpening his knife.

"You're getting your own house? What brought that on?"

Daryl shrugged. "Bout time. Rick and Michonne need some space. Never really had my own. Lived with Merle or some other asshole, or my pops."

Carol peered closely at him as Daryl continued to sharpen his knife. "Have you picked one yet?"

"Nah…but Maggie gave me the list of the empty ones. I'm gonna go look."

Carol wiped her hands on a nearby towel and nodded. "I'll come with you."

The list included two single homes and three townhouses. Daryl wasn't sure he wanted a full house when it was just him, which seemed unfair. But he did like the yard in the backs of them. The townhouses were nice too and it had garages where he could put his motorcycle. All were very large and spacious and had several bedrooms.

They were just coming out of the last townhouse when they ran into Paul, who was walking with Heath. Paul nodded to both of them and then looked at Daryl.

"House hunting?" He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, they're too big though. Don't need all that. Just me," Daryl replied, not noticing the surprised look on Carol's face as she watched the exchange.

"Get a roommate. Have someone live in the basement or something. More people will come soon. Better grab something while you can. Aaron said he's going to start recruiting again," Paul said and Daryl nodded.

"Take a house," Carol said flatly. "Work it out later." She stepped off the curb and called back to Daryl, "I gotta get back. I'm watching Judith now. Pick one of the houses and we'll plan a housewarming."

Daryl sputters after her, "What? No!"

Carol stopped and fixed him with an icy stare. "You're having a housewarming. Deal with it." She walked away, leaving the three men silent in her wake.

As soon as she was out of earshot Heath cooed, "Get your registry ready, Daryl!"

"Fuck off," Daryl said in annoyance and walked off, leaving Paul and Heath chuckling.

The housewarming turned out to be a huge success and Daryl actually had a great time. He had selected the smaller of the two single family houses, which also was the most isolated, which suited him just fine. His family group all came, bringing various practical items for him to use as a single, angry hunter. Maggie and Glenn brought bed and bathroom linen, Michonne and Rick, kitchen supplies. Carol brought some DVD's and Abraham gave him a toolbox. Other Alexandria residents brought various household items, which Daryl accepted awkwardly.

Melissa brought him a crocheted blanket with his initials and Daryl simply gaped at her.

"So you'll think of me when you snuggle up late at night," she whispered to him and Daryl's face flamed red. Carol watched with interest. Bingo.

But Paul brought the best gift of all. Five cases of beer.

Daryl grabbed the man in a bear hug.

"That's what I'm talking about!" It was only after he'd stowed some of them in the refrigerator did he realize that he'd hugged the man. In front of everyone. It was too late to be embarrassed about it. Abraham hovered pretty close to him after that, clearly wanting a beer.

"Where'd you get these, Jesus?" Abraham bellowed out, not even waiting for them to get cold before downing it hot.

"Not revealing my stash," Paul said with a laugh, "but Daryl's going to kill you if you drink up all his new beer!"

"Damn straight," Daryl said, lifting his beer in salute.

After several hours of some drinks, laughter and food, the party began winding down and people started leaving for the night. Michonne hugged him and told them she was going to miss him from being down the hall and leaving the bathroom a mess. Daryl bit his lip and she laughed, telling him she was joking.

Carol, Aaron, Paul, and Melissa were the last guests to stay and help clean up. Carol watched Melissa closely and confirmed that the woman definitely had a thing for Daryl. No doubt she was the one who had given Daryl these mysterious gifts he'd mentioned. Now as for Paul, Carol hadn't figured out who the person was in Alexandria, but since he'd stayed so long at Hilltop, she concluded the new beau must be there. She smiled to herself, amused with her deductive skills.

Daryl had had a few beers and was nice and buzzed. It had been so long since they'd had any beer. He was truly excited about that gift and inexplicably happy that Paul had forgiven him for his mistake. The party had turned out well, and those were things he normally shunned in the real world. Or he would sit in a corner and nurse whatever liquor was available. But he'd enjoyed the night and it was now sinking in that he had his first "home". He kind of wished that Merle could see the place. They'd never had anything close to it back home.

Melissa was being a bit clingy, and Daryl still wasn't in the mood to deal with her. But he let her give him a kiss on the cheek, and she brightened up considerably when he thanked her for the blanket. He noticed Carol looking on approvingly and he winced. She'd better not be trying to play matchmaker. He was already pissed at Maggie for forcing him to attend that dinner in the first place. But luckily, Melissa was tired and was ready to go home, so Daryl didn't have to come up with a way to get rid of her.

Carol left with Melissa and Aaron, both claiming early mornings. That left Paul, who was nursing his beer on the couch. Daryl came over to join him, carrying the DVD's.

"Oh…what chu get?" Paul asked loudly and then laughed. Daryl made a face at him.

"You a lightweight like that?" Daryl said, but even his head was swimming after only three beers.

Paul waved his bottle around. "It's been a long time since I've had any. And never was a big drinker anyway. Mostly did it to unwind. I loved my job, so that wasn't too stressful for me." He leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes.

Daryl watched him and took another swig of his beer. Something had been on his mind that he'd been wanting to ask.

"You said you had a brother and sister. Nieces. What about…you know…" He gestured with his hand and almost spilled some of his beer.

"You mean a boyfriend?" Paul didn't open his eyes.

Daryl felt himself flush. "Yeah."

Paul sighed and said quietly, "Yeah…Chris. Was with him seven years. He was an agent. He was married when I met him." Paul snorted and took a sip. "Living a lie, all that mess. Didn't want to admit anything. But he approached me. Divorced her. And we were happy. Until he decided he wasn't anymore. Left me about six months before he became a walker. He came to me when he got sick. I watched him turn."

"Fuck. Sorry man. Didn't mean to bring it up."

"It's all right. Long time ago. Makes it kind of scary to open up again. But the world ending gives all of us a good excuse to not be bothered with it. But people still find a way to come together, ya know?"

Daryl mumbled in agreement and drank more of his beer. A companionable silence fell over them and they both continued to drink.

Paul finished his beer and turned to Daryl. "So what about you? Who made you feel good?"

Daryl shrugged and fiddled with his bottle. "Nobody really. Just some fuck buddies. Nothing ever serious. Maybe Kathy Lejarvis in the 9th grade, I wanted to marry her."

Paul laughed out loud and watched Daryl with drowsy eyes. "Fuck buddies, eh? You got those?"

"Nah." Daryl felt something shift inside of him and the air in the room seemed to grow a bit more stifling.

"Everyone needs a fuck buddy. Someone to make you feel good sometimes. Blowjob or something."

Daryl's throat tightened and he almost choked on his beer. He set it down.

"Uh huh," Daryl rasped out. What the fuck was going on? What were they talking about here? Daryl stared at the other man, who was still watching him with half-lidded eyes.

"Daryl," Paul said quietly.

Daryl knew what was coming next. He knew what Paul was suggesting. Fuck. He wanted to be pissed and throw him out, but he wasn't feeling outraged at the moment. He was feeling something much more disturbing. He'd gotten rid of Melissa, with no thoughts of anything sexual, but now he was feeling somewhat intrigued by Paul's hinting. A month ago, he'd punched the guy in the mouth for a kiss as they were about to die and now he was entertaining what exactly.

His dick knew what. Because it was stirring. Paul was looking at him with those eyes, those eyes that Daryl had been thinking about for months now. Fuck.

"Daryl," Paul whispered again and Daryl shut his eyes.

Say no, get up, punch him in the face

Daryl swallowed and stared at the other man. He licked his lips, trying to moisten them because his whole mouth had dried out. Paul sat up and just looked at him. And still no words came out of Daryl's mouth. It was like his brain had completely turned off for the night. Nobody home.

Daryl watched him, wary as a deer in headlights as Paul set his beer down and got up off the couch.

Daryl let him come.

Paul moved towards Daryl slowly, not wanting to spook the guy. Although he hadn't given verbal permission, Paul was going to take his silence.

The lights were on in the living room and kitchen, so Paul decided that this would be done best in the dark, so Daryl wouldn't have to really see what was happening. He didn't want the man to freak out and mess up this opportunity. He moved to turn out the lights and heard Daryl pick up his beer again. Liquid courage.

Paul walked back over to him and kneeled down on the floor in front of him. Daryl was watching him intently, the grip on his beer so tight Paul was surprised he hadn't crushed it. Paul ran his hands lightly on Daryl's legs and the other man flinched. Paul pulled his hands away. No caressing then. Gotcha.

Daryl's breathing was heavy, as he was clearly nervous, so Paul decided to move things along and get him into it quickly, before he changed his mind. Paul moved to unbutton Daryl's jeans and unzipped them, revealing the top of Daryl's underwear. He hesitated, giving Daryl a moment to really absorb what was happening, but not wanting him too aware of it. When Paul still didn't get punched in the face, he leaned forward and slowly reached into his underwear and gently pulled out Daryl's cock.

Both men sighed heavily, almost as if it was rehearsed. Daryl's cock was still mostly soft, but Paul wasn't overly concerned yet. They'd been drinking, so sometimes it took a minute to get things going. Besides, Daryl was experiencing something new here, something that had made him become violent less than a month ago.

Paul gently stroked his cock and then leaned over and took him in his mouth, enveloping him fully. Daryl let out a deep breath and Paul began to suck him gently, sighing as Daryl's cock became engorged and filled his mouth. He was pleasantly surprised by how nicely endowed the other man was and he started sucking hungrily, alternating between deep sucks and licks around the thick head.

Daryl gave a low groan and Paul sucked eagerly. His own cock was hardening rapidly, but Paul couldn't be bothered to worry about it at the moment. The only important thing right now was making Daryl feel good and make him want to do this again. He'd wanted this for a long time and he wanted to do it right.

Daryl was breathing heavy and his hips had started to rock a bit, thrusting up into Paul's wet, sucking warmth. He hadn't grabbed Paul or touched him in any way, but his finger had dug hard into the couch arm. Paul sucked Daryl down as far as he could and hummed and Daryl cursed, his fingers scrabbling on the cushions.

Normally, Paul would be more adventurous while he was pleasuring a partner, but knowing that would probably not go over so well, he kept to the basics. No rimming or sucking Daryl's balls or anything else related to that. Daryl was responding well to what he was doing, so he didn't want to rock the boat. Paul could taste the salty pre-cum that had flowed from Daryl's thick cock head, readying for his needed release. And Paul was definitely going to give it to him.

Paul sucked in his cheeks and worshipped Daryl's length, causing the man to moan loudly and thrust hard into his mouth. Paul let him, opening his throat as best he could and let Daryl use his mouth for his need. Paul could tell he was close, because his sex had swelled even larger and had grown harder and harder with each thrust. Daryl was grunting now, his thrusting a bit erratic, his fingers practically tearing the fabric off the couch.

Paul pulled up a bit and sucked the head and Daryl cried out and Paul felt the hard pulse as Daryl pumped warm liquid deep into his mouth. Paul swallowed at each hard pump, his mouth flooded with warmth. He swallowed again and again, moaning around his length. His own cock was rock hard and aching and he'd have to take care of it very soon. Daryl gave one last groan and fell back against the couch. Paul pulled away from his cock carefully, making sure to lick any missed liquid so as not to spill any on Daryl. He then licked his lips and slowly tucked Daryl back in.

He didn't look up at him, knowing that would be probably be too much for the man.

Daryl felt like his entire body had been sucked out through his cock. It had been so long since he'd had a blowjob and then to have one so good. Paul had an amazing mouth. Paul. Paul!

Daryl's eyes snapped open and he stared at the ceiling in horror. He'd just let Paul suck him off. Paul! Shit!

The other man was still kneeling in front of him and from the movement that Paul was doing, Daryl suspected he was jacking himself. He closed his eyes again, not wanting to witness that fucking sight. He heard the sound of skin slapping quickly and then a low moan and grunt, followed by a curse. Paul was panting and then another long moan. Daryl chanced a look and all he saw was the top of Paul's head as he was looking down at himself.

Daryl couldn't believe that this had just happened. Was he that drunk? He didn't feel overly intoxicated, so he must have been very much in his right frame of mind. But why would he have allowed this? Not even a hint of protest. What the hell!

But he didn't have any time to dwell on it, because Paul was standing up. He didn't say anything, but grabbed his bottles of beer and took them to the trash. After he fiddled around in the kitchen for a minute, he came back out and headed towards the door.

"Had a great time at the party tonight. Enjoy the beer. Good night." And he walked out without another word, leaving Daryl to stare after him in confusion.

Outside on the porch, Paul smirked to himself.