Chase Young sat alone. He had always been alone. It was... maddening.

But somehow, despite the solitude, he had never been driven to insanity. Not yet, at least.

He lounged at the table in front of him, eyeing the plates filled with delicious cakes, desserts, tarts, pies and sweet treats to try and tempt him, but it was no good.

His stomach could not be appeased with these simple treats. Instead, he thirsted for something else.

"You," he snapped at the nearest jungle cat, which was snoozing calmly on the floor, several feet away. "Bring me my soup."

He could almost taste it. The sweet, warming scent of his Lao Mang Lone soup was so enticing. One sip lingered in the mouth for hours. It had such a delicious taste. Nothing could compare. There was no euphoria like it.

And yet, he had no one to share it with.

All alone, in his giant palatial volcano home, he sat at his perfect dinner table, with his vigilant and faithful jungle cats/warriors, which tended his every need, and he enjoyed it all alone.

Then, he caught the scent in his nostrils, and he turned his head slowly towards the source.

The familiar smell of the Lao Mang Lone soup filled him up, and one of the Warriors who tended served the ornate, stone bowl at his dinner table gently. The bowl was filled with the hot, beige liquid, which steamed and smoked enticingly.

His gloved fingers reached out to grip the bowl tenderly, and he lifted the bowl to his lips, feeling the soup touch his lips like hot kisses.

He tipped the liquid straight down his throat, swallowing every mouthful gratefully, smacking his lips when he was done and sighing.

But the emptiness was still there.

It had been growing recently, becoming more noticeable.

I am growing old, he thought to himself, which made him chuckle.

Deciding he was finished staring at the rest of the food on the table, he waved his hand at the warrior who had brought the soup. "Take this away." He commanded, and the warrior quickly bowed and rushed to complete the task.

No doubt the cats would devour it all fairly quickly.

Chase Young got to his feet, feeling his long hair fall sleekly behind him. His golden armour clinked lightly as he stood upright, and strolled casually towards one of the exits to his dining room, finding the nearest bathroom.

The room was easily big enough to be someone's bedroom, with glistening marble tiles everywhere, a bathtub bigger than a double bed, and a mirror that ran along wall.

He found himself in front of the mirror, staring at those reptilian eyes of his. They glistened and shone menacingly, seeming to burn, even in the brightly lit room.

His skin glowed with fresh-faced youth. His hair glimmered with bounce and shine. He stood tall, with all the confidence of a plucky twenty-year-old.

But inside, he felt completely the opposite.

Though he knew he looked like a young, attractive boy, Chase Young was actually 1,500 years old, give or take a few years. He tended to lose track.

He could recall the first time the soup touched his lips, and he had never looked back. Never.

But now, he felt himself beginning to weaken. He almost felt as if he could see the lines beginning to appear on his face. He could feel himself growing weary, tired of the world.

"What good is ruling the world, when you've no one to share it with?" He whispered to himself purposefully, examining the mirror closely to check that those wrinkles truly were all in his head.

He could feel the animal inside of him beginning to stir. It did so occasionally, and when it did, it would whisper to him.

You need a hissed softly.

"I will have one." He answered aloud, though he did not know how to deliver on his promise.

The beast within cackled softly, and crooned four words that made Chase's heart seize up:

You need an heir.

He stood bolt upright, shocked at the idea.

An heir? A child? He had never considered children before, not had he ever considered what he would do in future.

An heir... to carry on your name and deeds. The voice hissed as it spoke, echoing inside his mind.

The idea had merit, the beast was right about that.

An heir could come in useful.

It would be someone he could teach, who could be just like him, who he could trust completely, who would accompany him in his quest for world domination, and when he decided to retire, could replace him, and rule in his stead.

And it would fill the emptiness. Something to do, while he wasn't plotting world domination. was all so simple.

"Yes..." He replied, narrowing his eyes with determination. "But... how?"

He heard the beast within cackle softly. Strength... power... you need all of these...

"Yes," he whispered back. "I will not suffer weakness."

You must have a woman, strong enough to bear the child you deserve...

Chase Young's heart thudded hard against his chest.

A woman?

He had not had a woman in many, many years. He did not even think an average woman would be able to withstand him. He had never found joy in such frivolities. Such things were for the pleasure of mere mortals, and Chase Young had no desire to take part in them.

You must. The voice commanded, and Chase Young growled back at it.

No, he could find a gifted orphan, raise it as his own.

None are as gifted as you.

I will not engage in such activity.

No child in the world will ever be as powerful as yours... The lizard whispered seductively into his ear, and Chase felt the invisible claws digging into his shoulders.

Sometimes he could feel the great weight of the lizard crushing down on him, and sometimes it would tear him apart, and the beast inside would burst free. He could not control it. His mind would cloud over, and the beast inside would take over.

You must have an heir. He could almost feel the breath in his ear, and Chase Young bowed his head forward with determination.

"I will have an heir."


"The woman, she must be strong. She must be powerful." He said, more to himself than the beast.

There is only one... it hissed, crooning into his ear.

Chase Young raised one eyebrow slowly.

"Of course."

She is the only one.

The only one who is powerful enough.

The only one who is strong enough.

The only one with enough fire to give you the heir you deserve.

Chase Young whispered her name softly, as if it was the first time he had ever heard it.


The world echoed around the room.


Miles away, at the Xiaolin Temple, an innocent Kimiko paused, mid-jump and froze, landing on her feet with an unusually flat thump, with none of her usual finesse and grace.

"Did you guys hear something?" She asked, lifting her ear slightly, dropping her guard.

Raimundo, Omi, and Clay, who were all also practising in the training yard, looked at each other blankly, shrugging.


"I thought I heard my name." Kimiko said, before shrugging dismissively, and raising the staff back as she faced Raimundo, a determined smile on her face.

"Hearing voices? That's a sign of madness, you know." Raimundo taunted, winking cheekily. He twirled the wooden staff in his hands, showing off his skills.

Kimiko narrowed her eyes, and smirked. "Bring it, Pedrosa." She raised her staff, and the two leapt at each other.