Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto Or DC

(Justice League Headquarters)

Orbiting Planet Earth a billion dollar space station, home to a variety of heroes, human and alien alike held a very somber mood. Gathered together in one of the stations many conference rooms five of the founding members of the Justice League stared at the newswoman reporting another villain's death at the hands of the New York City vigilante. "Witness say the Villain FireFly attacked down the street from where I'm standing now. Just weeks ago this same man was arrested in Gotham after being defeated by the Batman and once again escaped imprisonment after being transferred to the new state of the art Prison here in NYC. And once more, an escaped villain falls at the hands of our very own Hero. The Government is at odds with the people as many can't find it in them to care about the death of a madman. Many believe and I quote that "It's about time someone stopped these guys from running loose." This is Amy Satran on channel eight signing off."

"Can you believe this madness. A whole city, rallying behind a murderer." Clark Kent aka Superman said glaring at the television. Heroes put away killers they weren't them. "This man is no hero; he's a vigilante a murderer."

Unanimous nods went around the table, Batman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman all agreeing with their Kryptonian friend. They defeated and caught criminals, but the Justice system decided what the punishment for the crime was. That was how the world stayed in order and didn't dissolve into chaos. When one murderer was allowed to kill then, the rest would think they had the same right.

"Have you got any leads on him, Batman?" asked Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern. He had killed before in the line of duty and understood that sometimes that was the only way. But whoever this Vigilante was killed because he decided alone that his victims didn't deserve to live.

Shaking his head Bruce Wayne aka Batman scowled at the monitor. He had reached out to some contacts in New York, but miss Satran had been correct when she said no one there wanted the city's 'Hero' to be caught. "I found one person of interest; a 17-year-old Naruto Uzumaki moved to New York about a year ago, the same time as the Vigilante started showing up."

"Surely you don't think a child would be able to do this?" Barry Allen aka the Flash had always respected Batman for being an average human and fighting off super powered beings, but sometimes the man's paranoia was a lot to handle.

"Flash is correct I do not think a mere boy would be capable of murdering our enemies." Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman spoke up for the first time. Her island had told stories of the land of man and while some turned out to be true others didn't. Along her way to becoming the hero she was today she had to find her own beliefs and a murdering, child was not something she could believe.

"I didn't say it was him, I had him watched and when he was home, or even in public the vigilante was spotted so it couldn't have been him."-glaring at the group Batman stood cape billowing-"I'm heading back to the cave to see if I can find anything else."

With Batman's departure, the meeting closed all heroes heading back their respected city each having the same thought. If they did catch the New York Vigilante would he be prosecuted or let loose to stop more villains permanently?

(New York City, City Hall)

"I would like to thank you all for coming." Naruto Uzumaki said face hidden behind a fox style ANBU mask. In front of him seated in their chairs at city all the New York Mayor of New York and the Mayor-council nodded politely to the Hero.

"It is of no consequence, but you must understand that this meeting can not go public." The Mayor said.

"Of course Mr. Mayor. The leaders of New York meeting with a murderer without having him arrested. Quite the scandal." Naruto got a few chuckles from the younger members of the council but, the older and wiser ones frowned at his lack of professionality. Straightening up Naruto tossed a folder onto the table in front of the Mayor. "Do you know who that is?"

"Of course we do, she is one of Gotham's Villains, currently residing in Arkham Asylum." One of the council women spoke reading through the folder as Naruto passed more copies out.

"Not for long."

"You think she is going to escape?" The Mayor asked.

Shaking his head Naruto pulled more folders from his cloak handing them out to the council. "No, I would like her transferred here to New York."

"We won't be accomplices to the murders of villains, No matter how cruel they are." Each of the council members nodded along in agreement.

Sighing underneath his mask, Naruto cursed the stupidity of councils. It seemed no matter what world he was in he couldn't escape from them. "I do not wish to kill her I would like to have her rehabilitated."

"Rehabilitate a villain. Are you out of your mind!"

"No, she didn't decide to become a villain she was forced. How long do any of you think you could have lasted before breaking like she did." Naruto questioned angrily. "If anyone of the other heroes had half a brain or anyone in Gotham could think straight they would see she doesn't need jail time; she needs help. Now are one of you going to do the right thing and sign the transfer slips?"

(Gotham City, Arkham Asylum)

"Ooh, look red it's the boys in blue. You boys here to let me go?" Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn asked pouting cutely at the guards outside her cell. "Oh come on, don't ignore me."

"Let it go, Harley. No one working her falls for your tricks anymore."

Glaring at through at Poison Ivy who was in her own cell Harley stuck her tongue out at the plant villain. "Just you wait red; Imma gets outta here soon."

"Todays your lucky day then Ms. Quinn you are being transferred." One of the cops said sliding a pair of handcuffs through the food vent. "Put those on please."

"Ms. Quinn and please." Harley laughed putting on the cuffs. "What do you think red he must not be from Gotham."

"No, I don't think so." Ivy grin dropped as the cops waiting to take Harley away smiled. "What are you idiots smiling for?"

"You never let us tell you where Ms. Quinn is being transferred to." The cop who handed the handcuffs to the blonde said smiling even wider. "The reason we are so polite today Ms. Quinn is that you should always have respect for the dead."

"Dead?" Harley asked confused. "What you three planning on busting me out then offing me?"

"We aren't going to kill you, just send you to New York."

"New York!" Harley screamed as Ivy gasped. New York wasn't the nicest place for villains. Every transfer out of Arkham or Metropolis that went near that place and escaped or tried to escape died. "Hey let me go!"

"C'mon quit struggling. I thought you clowns were supposed to be fearless."

Fighting as the cops pulled her from her cell Harley tried to get back into her cell. "We are when facing heroes because they don't kill! I don't wanna Die!"

Leave a review with what you think of story and Pairing suggestion. Harley is definitely going to be with Naruto. A harem might happen if a girl I think can fit into the story is asked for enough.