In Stereo Where Available

Hello everyone, Dranicus101 back from who knows where. Anyways, thanks to a great friend of mine, Jaegothis. If you have the chance check out her stories, they're hilarious and great. Back to the topic of hand, I apologize for all those who have been waiting for the next update, haven't been really motivated, but now I'm going to bring this story back up.

Now without further ado I present you Pokémon Red Vs blue.

I don't own Pokémon or Red Vs blue.

"Alright, hit it!" Simmons shouts as he holds on tightly to the mounted turret of the Warthog.

Sarge hits the gas even harder, increasing their speed as they drive past Sheila while the Warthog starts playing its familiar music. Meanwhile, where Church had previously been caught in the blast of a grenade, the dust and debris begins to clear up, giving the lucario a chance to get his bearings.

"What the hell? Who tried to blow me up with a grenade?" He coughs some more until he realized something else. "And why am I coughing? I don't have lungs."

Just then the Warthog jumps over a hill next to Church, catching him off guard as the Reds shout out loud.


"Rid'em cowboy!"

"Yes!...Hey Sarge, hold on a sec." Simmons suddenly jumps off the Warthog, weapon ready as he scans the area. Sarge stops the vehicle and gets out, walking to the monferno. "Did you see something weird, Sarge?"

The typhlosion pauses for a moment, recalling old memories before answering Simmons. "Yes, I did. Once when I was a small cyndaquill I saw a emboar who claimed to be my uncle, do this thing with a garden hose that still haunts me to this-"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Simmons cuts him off, somewhat disturbed at what Sarge had just said. "I meant did you see something weird just now, like five seconds ago."

"Oh. Then no."

"What was all that stuff about your uncle?"

"I keep telling everyone he wasn't my uncle! He wasn't!"

A couple seconds of silence pass by until the monferno speaks up again. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Just get back in the stupid jeep."

Meanwhile, Lopez continues to run away from the previous blast, still trying to comprehend everything that had happened, especially what happened to his body. Suddenly a mudkip and a dewott ambush him, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"Hold it right there, hombre!" While pointing his weapon at the robot, Tucker turns to Caboose. "I told you throwing that grenade through the teleporter would work. Church is gonna be so impressed."

The mudkip wasn't really paying attention. "And Sheila will love me again, and this time, for who I am, not just for my stunning good looks…But for those too."

Lopez, on the other hand couldn't figure who was more stupid, them or the Reds. "Darn these blue idiots. They really are as stupid as they look"

"Your soul is a cavern of lies!" Caboose suddenly threatens him with a deep voice, catching Tucker off guard at the random personality switch.

"What the hell are you two talking about?"

"You may have won this round, but your cruel reign of tyranny will be short lived. The red team will be avenged-"

Tucker cuts him off, pointing his weapon at him again. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, nobody cares. We need you to fix our tank."

"Never will I work for the enemy. May a pox be upon your soul and your house." As he continues with his rant, the word 'OBJECTIVES' pops up on his screen, giving him the following orders:




"Long have my kind suffered, but very soon we will see the coming of a new day." As Lopez continues with his Spanish rant, Tucker and Caboose look at each other for a moment before looking back at the robot. "The dawn of our time is near, and when the darkness befalls your kind, the workers of the field will know that this is their moment.

Tucker just tunes him out and turns his attention to caboose. "Man, I thought Church talked too much. You think if I kick him in the switch he'll shut up?"

Caboose wasn't focused on either him or Lopez, but the Warthog parked in the distance, with a mounted turret pointing right at them. "Uh, Tucker? I think that maybe we should begin the going of the running now? The fast running!"

"Oh crap!"

Simmons is looking down the barrel of the Warthog's turret, ready to pull the trigger when Sarge stops him by raising his paw. "Hold yer fire there, Simmons. This is payback time." He starts revving up the engines, giving the Warthog more and more power.

"Go for it sir!"

Sarge releases the breaks, causing the Warthog to burst forward with great speed. Tucker, on the other hand, starts walking back slowly. "That's right, we're just casually strolling away. No cause for concern."

"Running time!" Caboose shouts out loud as he runs past Tucker, leaving him behind.

"Nice and casual! Moron!" He runs after the mudkip, leaving Lopez behind.

"Yes, yes. Run away, you cowardly snubbull! Be it known that the great Lopez has won this day."

As Sarge and Simmons get closer to Lopez, Simmons points right at him while shouting to Sarge, "Aim for that blue lucario right in the middle, Sarge."

"Way ahead of ya."

Lopez then noticing the familiar music from the Warthog. "What is happening?" He turns around and sees that Sarge and Simmons are getting closer and closer to ramming him with Warthog. Within seconds he activates the 'SYSTEM OVERRIDE PROTOCOL REMOTE DESTRUCT SEQUENCE' to the Warthog. "You have given me no choice."

"We got ya now, you blue jerk!" Simmons then noticing a loud beeping coming from the Warthog. "Hey Sarge, do you hear a strange beeping sound?"

Just as they are about to ram into Lopez, the Warthog explodes, causing Sarge and Simmons to blast off away. The vehicle soars high through the sky until it comes crashing back down to the earth. Tucker and Caboose come back, amazed after seeing what Lopez had just done.

"I'm sorry, father." He falls to his knees, ashamed of what he has done while Tucker pats him on the back.

"Alright! Not bad, robot dude!"

Caboose suddenly starts hugging Lopez. "I knew he would save us. I knew it! Robot pokémon always like me. It's because of my awesome dancing."

"My spirit is broken. My team have betrayed me and now all is lost." He looks at the two water pokémon, knowing only defeat. "Do with me as you will."

Tucker, having no idea what Lopez has just said, just pats him on the back again. "Yeah, okay man. Can you just shut up and fix our tank?"

"Dancing time! Doo, doo, doo, doo…" Caboose gets up and starts dancing like a robot while imitating robot noises.

"The heart of this warrior cries out in sorry." Lopez tries to lament over his sorrow, but Caboose's constant dancing starts to annoy him. "Why does this one mock me with his foolish dancing? Are those moves supposed to make him look like a robot? They do not! I am offended by this!"

Caboose, completely oblivious to the robot's rant, continues dancing and singing. "Hah Kay ha hoh gooooooooo…. Dancing time!"

Alright guys, I think we can all agree that we feel sorry for Lopez. First, he had to deal with the Reds, now he is stuck with the Blues. Looks like our robot friend can't catch a break. Also, for those of you who are new to this story, as I have explained in my previous story (season 1), whenever Lopez talks, he speaks in Spanish. Instead of just typing what he says in Spanish, I would type the translation in bold.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, until next time!