Hello everybody my name is TheAwoken54321 and welcome back to The Rogue Hero

First I would like to say and foremost, Thank you everybody for your patience.

Yes the story is not much yet, the chapters don't go as quick as most of you expect it to be. But I am trying to give a detailed description on what you guys should picture in your mind when you read this. How certain scenes play out. And what might happen in the future.

Plus my unfortunate laziness has taken a great toll on me. Mainly because graduation is almost upon me... and then I'm moving to Florida in order to attend a University. Yeah, shits going down for me.

So again, thank you all for your patience.

Now! Without a further a do...

Let the story continue.

Enjoy... or not, your choice.

The nightly sounds of the streets flooded ear drums of every living being. For every second that happened to come, the sound of men and women alike chattering amongst each other as they walked up and down the streets with entrepreneurs trying to indulge them in their products or other personal services.

These were the only sounds Naruto heard as he roamed the streets of a city within South Korea. And for some odd apparent reason, it felt pleasant to listen to.

It was dark out, everyone was either heading home for the night or off doing who knows what at this time of night.

Looking to his right as he walked down the sidewalk, he saw clubs of various sources of entertainment for adults. Looking to his left, there he saw diners, stores, shacks all selling their own products in hopes for a furthering their business.

The sound of giggling caught his ear. Looking back to his right, he saw a couple of girls in uniforms, staring at him with interest.

Not knowing what to do, he sent a gentle wave in their direction.

Giggling again from the mans gesture, the girls turned and ran off down the walkway, gossiping to each other about the man they made eye contact with moments ago.

Feeding no attention to them, Naruto pulled his hoodie down a little more and continued down the sidewalk. Swiftly making his way through the large abundant crowd.

As he continued forward on his walk to anywhere his eyes caught the sight of an ad, a very large ad, televised on a screen attached to a building.

It read

Fighters of the Storm 2

The Fight for the Crown

Tomorrow Night at 10:00 pm in Seoul!

Featuring all time gaming champion Hana Song!

Tickets Only 100,000

"Hana Song..." Naruto eyes closed at the thought of her. She's an interesting individual to him so to speak. Almost every time they've ever conversate with each other, she will always respond to him in her 'Gamer Tongue' only few have developed. Not like he didn't mind or anything, it's just compassionate in a sort of way. There aren't a lot of men and women that speak in a Gamer like fashion. Mainly because it's awkward to speak it in public.

Reading through the ad once more, he put on a soft smile as he closed his eyes "Hmm, it's been a while since I've last met her. I wonder how she's doing." He then looked straight ahead before continuing on his little walk. "Maybe I should pay her a visit..."

With that settled in his mind, he continued his nightly walk on the sidewalk, disappearing within the flock of men and women alike as if he was nothing but a ghost.

It was shining bright the next morning. The gleaming ray of sunlight shined brightly along the buildings of Seoul.

However, on top of the International Finance Center, the tallest building in Seoul, stood one man.

Well sitting to be honest.

His feet were dangling from the edge of the tower as he watched the sun encase the rest of the city in its light.

It hasn't been the first time he's seen a sunrise. It wasn't second either. Or the third. It was a number of times he can admit that. One which he lost count of.

In Seoul, Omnics were welcomed unlike various other places within Korea. It was almost fitting city for everyone alike. Almost like a utopia of some sort.

Closing his eyes and sighing in frustration, Naruto vanished from sight only to re-appear inside an alley before walking out into public view. Turning his way towards downtown, he proceeded in its direction, passing through fellow pedestrians along the way all while trying to keep any form of suspicion maintained.

Surely he's still a criminal in the eyes of the public, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to keep a low profile. His shirt was equipped with a hoodie that he can use to keep his face from being revealed fully. Like always, he can't risk the chances of any form of authority to locate his whereabouts.

At least not yet.

As he made his way through the crowd flocking up and down the road, his ears twitched upon hearing the sound of something... of someone familiar.

His footsteps came to a sudden halt as he gazed at the curtains of a local restaurant. He continued to gaze at the curtains for quite some time until he, unknowingly, stepped into the restaurant.

The first thing that struck against Naruto was the heat this place was radiating. Then the smell of the food. And finally the scent of alcohol roaming through the air.

The first thing he noticed were the 4 young men sitting at their own booth of the restaurant drinking away to their hearts content.

Then there were other customers who were seemingly sitting quite a distance away from the group of men as they tried to enjoy their meals. But this isn't what he came in for... he knew he heard someone familiar. Someone he was sure he hadn't seen for at least a decade.

He once again scanned the place again until his eyes settled upon one person.

It was an Omnic. The Omnic was wearing Guru pants as he meditated alone on a stool at the edge of a bar and from the looks of it he was an Omnic Monk.

This Omnic Monk name was Zenyatta. A fellow friend that helped Naruto ease his troubles years ago. They've even became friends soon after.

His Orbs were dancing around as a soft bell rang every few seconds in a soothing tone. The Omnic Monk was in a deep form of meditation. A form in which the softest sound could be heard miles in his ear. He was in harmony as he always refer to it. A sense of state in which only few have mastered.

"Oi! Knock of that ringing will ya? Stupid Omnic." A drunken Irish man spoke from his booth of the four men.

The men waited a good few seconds for the ringing to stop. But it never did. Much to the men's annoyance the ringing seemed as if it will never stop. It continued for a long while, aggravating the men until they finally snapped.

"My god shut the bloody hell up already!" The Irish man stood up and threw the bottle towards Zenyatta head only to have it shattered in mid-air.

The surprise written on the man's face was utterly speechless. He didn't know what happened. One moment he threw the bottle of liquor towards the Omnic, the next, it bursted into pieces as it flung towards the carpeted floor. It must be the booze the man thought in his head.

"I'm sorry... is my presence disturbing you friend?" Zenyatta was now staring at the man with an arm outstretch. His orb flew back towards him aligning itself with the rest of his orbs.

"Yeah it is ya freak. Just lookin' at ya makes me mad." The man stated, ignoring the fact that his bottle is laying broken in pieces on the floor. By this time, the three other men from the booth stood alongside the Irish man as they all glared at the Omnic. "Piss of now will ya?"

"As much as I'd like to I'm afraid I can not. It seems like you gentlemen had enough to drink this morning so I would like to kindly ask you all to leave." Zenyatta inquired. "We do not want things to get out of hand, do we now?"

"He...Hahahaha!" The four men started to laugh in ignorance at Zenyatta's proclamation.

"Oh you're a funny one you wee little can. Makes me wanna grind you up until your nothin' but scrap metal!" The Irish man smiled amusingly. His eyes then narrowed as a smirk was now etched on his face. "But now I'm gonna kick yer ass..." With that said, the man charge straight for Zenyatta with the intent to pummel this Omnic to the ground.

"I see now..." His dropped his head a bit "...there is chaos within you." Zenyatta said as he got off his chair and started to float. He then swished his hands a bit as if they were floating and directied his palms outward towards oncoming man. "Allow me to teach you a lesson in humility."

The man tried to charge a right jab at Zenyatta's face. However, the Omnic only leaned to the side before kicking the man in the stomach. He then grabbed him by the back of his shirt and tossed him over the counter-top leading him to collide face first on the shelves with bottles of liquor.

By this point all other customers were leaving or were already gone before the fight even broke out.

Zenyatta then turned around to the three other men. "Anyone else?"

The three men looked at each other hesitantly before they all charged towards the Omnic yelling in rage.

Zenyatta shook his head in disappointment. "In anger, you defeat only yourself." He dodged a strike from the first man and struck him in the face with his foot causing him to fly back with a bloody nose. Quickly ducking under the second man's fist, he countered his opponents attack by shooting his Orbs on the mans head twice before kicking his back with his right foot, and finally he leaned his face to the side from an incoming fist from his third attacker before grabbing a hold of his arm and flipping him to the ground before smashing his foot against his head.

Reverting back to his form of levitation Zenyatta placed both palms together as if nothing has ever happened. He stood afloat there for quite sometime before he finally spoke up. "I can feel your presence young one. Won't you show yourself?"

The sound of laughter filled the room around him.

"I can never hide from your senses, ain't that right Zen?" Naruto flickered a few feet in front of Zenyatta the moment he spoke.

"That is incorrect. I could only sense you for your mind seemed troubled old friend." Zenyatta responded. "These past years have not been so kind for you Naruto. Care to explain?"

Naruto gave a soft smile as his eyes looked devastated. "I'd rather not old friend... at least not yet."

"I see..." Zenyatta nodded in understandment. "You don't have to travel down this road alone my friend. I'm always here if you need me."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Thanks Zen... but I think I'm ok for now."

Zenyatta looked thoughtful for a moments notice until he finally responded. "As you wish." He then floated towards Naruto before placing a hand against his back. "Come my friend, we have much catching up to do."

With that said, the two proceeded out of the shop and back onto the streets in order to catch on each others motives for good times sake.

It has been hours since the incident back at the local restaurant. Hours since Naruto and Zenyatta have been sharing their experiences between these past years they haven't spoke to each other.

Now, the two were out strolling within a public park early afternoon. Wandering about between their social lives along with both social and political reforms they'd like to see changed within the world and the issues Naruto has been facing ever since he's been on the run.

"I see." Zenyatta muttered as he placed a finger on his chin. "I apologize for such incoherent challenges you've faced. I never knew such problematic issues would fall upon someone such as yourself."

Naruto waved it off. "It's ok, there's nothing to apologize for. I don't expect you to understand what's going on anyway."

"And what is that suppose to mean?" Zenyatta stopped in his tracks before turning his body to face his companion.

Naruto slightly looked down smiling with his eyes closed. "It's exactly what's it's suppose to mean." He then started to walk ahead of the Omnic Monk.

Zenyatta gazed at him as he continued to walk ahead. "I'm not seeing the full picture of this am I?"


Zenyatta hummed in response. "And what of the people who framed you into criminality? Have you got a lead on them?"

The blonde stopped in his tracks upon hearing this. His eyes narrowed, recalling the moment that led to the outcome of the very life he's living right now. After a moment of silence he finally responded. "All I know is that the people responsible for what happened to me is a group called Talon... Nothing else."

"Talon..." Zenyatta spoke surprised. He then placed a finger on his chin in thought. "I recall my friend Mondatta speaking about them months ago."

Naruto perked up at the thought of this as he turned toward his Omnic friend.. "Do you remember anything he told you about them?"

"Not much my friend. All I recall from him was that Talon is a terrorist organization that believes humanity is made stronger through conflict in a global scale." He looked up in thought. "But... If I remember correctly he did mention uncovering a council member that was working as a Vishkar official. Whomever it maybe he has not told me. My best bet would be searching there."

Naruto nodded. "I'll make a note of that. Thanks for getting me a lead on them Zen. I appreciate it."

"My pleasure, however, if you wish to know more about this Talon you must speak with Mondatta. I hear he will be hold a public rally at Kings Row in a few days. This is the best I can do for you so far."

"That's more than enough." He then bowed slightly in appreciation. "Again thank you for your assistance." He then stared at him questionably. "If I may ask though, what are you doing here in Korea?"

Zenyatta tensed a bit as he hovered motionless in place for moments. "Ahaa~ Well it is nothing of importance really..." Zenyatta rubbed the back of his head nervously.

Naruto smirked. "You're telling me that you've come here out of free will. I highly doubt it."

Zenyatta seemed jittery as this conversation continued. "W-Well if you so insist. I actually came here to spectate the Fighters of the Storm Tournament." His voice started to slightly become more high pitched. "I've been fascinated of these 2D and 3D games for a while now so I thought why not come witness one live? Ever since-"


Zenyatta nodded in confirmation. "That is correct, ever since Genji introduced me to them I've been allured to their concepts and stories. It's intriguing to know how much you can learn from a simple video game."

Naruto chuckled at this. "I should've known. I guess his old habit for entertainment still lingers within him."

"You'd be surprised of the old habits that still lingers among us all." Zenyatta literated.

Naruti laughed at this knowing that he still has his old love fot Ramen craving within him. "You got that right." After a moment, his laughter died down allowing silence to engulf the air around them. All of a sudden his mind back relocated back to the tournament they were speaking of not to long ago. There was a matter that had him in question. "Say... How'd you manage to get a ticket in? Last time I checked tickets were sold out an hour after they released them."

"Ah~ well that is because I'm an acquaintance of one of the competitors." Zenyatta raised a finger. "Not only that but I was given a backstage pass. I can maybe talk to the staff and have you come along with if you'd like."

"That would be great but I'm afraid I have to decline. I don't wanna raise any suspicion about you inviting a strange hooded figure along." He politely declined

The monk nodded understandingly. Not every suggestion he made was the best. After all, he still makes mistakes here and there.

Realizing that there was a short awkward silence, Naruto decided to change the subject. "Say, do you know what time it is?"

Zenyatta perked up a bit upon hearing this. "It is approximately 1:42 pm. The tournament won't start for at least another 8 hours."

Naruto smirked as he punched his left palm "Well then, that gives us 8 hours to kill before the big fight." He then scratched his head in thought. "8 hours is a long time though. I wonder what we can do to pass the time."

"Well... if you're not against it... we can go visit young Hana. I'm sure its been quite some time since you've interacted with any of your companions."

A frown formed on his face as his eyes soften.

Zenyatta was quick to apologize upon seeing this. "My apologies, I should be more careful with my words. I did not know such matters still inflict such wounds upon you."

"It's fine." He quickly replied with a wave of his hand. "You didn't know. These tragic matters are for me to deal with alone. I got myself into this mess. I'll eventually get myself out."

"Again with this nonsense." Zenyatta sighed frustratingly. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Nothing of course." Naruto smiled cheekily. "I'm just to stubborn to accept any form of help."

The Omnic chuckled softly at this. "Now that is something we can both agree on."

The two continued to walk quietly along the walkway in silence. There minds were at ease even if it were only for the time being. As seconds turned into minutes, the two companions finally put a halt to there little stroll.

"It's been nice catching up with you Zen... and thanks for everything."

"My pleasure, I trust I can see you in Hana's big event tonight, yes?"

Naruto gave a smirk. "Maybe." As he walked away, he raised his right hand in a farewell gesture before flickering away leaving a gust of wind in his place.

Staring at the spot he disappeared from, Zenyatta relaxed his body for a moment before finally speaking. "Stay safe old friend."

Seoul Nexon Arena 9:30 pm

Over the years the Nexon Arena grew dramatically from it's original standing. Once only to be able to hold only 400 spectators, it can now hold up to 10 times more than what it originally started with. And, like all other global arenas, the Nexon has always hosted some of the hottest gaming tournaments that's ever been known. And with the appearance of a legendary gamer known worldwide, the crowd has been rather hectic to get in.

A lone figure stood atop of a tower overlooking the arena below. He gazed across the landscape as neon lights flared up and down and shimmered all over. There was security placed everywhere across the rooftops and entrances so it's going to be a little tight getting in. Figures, with someone as her as the star of this event there's no way security would've hung loose.

He stood there analyzing the place for a moment more. Feeling satisfied with his decision he nodded to himself before flickering away.

"All units, status report." A guard spoke through his comms.

"West lounge clear."

"Backdoor clear."

"Main entrance clear."

"East lounge clear."

"Lobby clear."

"Backstage clear."

"Rooftops cle-"

The radio frequency went silent causing security to be on alert.

"Jackson come in."

Nothing was heard but the sound of static.

"Jackson, do you copy."

Again, static was the only thing that was heard.

"D-uuugh. Read you loud and clear."

The guard sighed in frustration thinking Jackson was only messing with them. "God damn don't do that again ya dumbass. It ain't funny. What's your status report?"

"Yeah sorry about that sir. Rooftops clear."

"Good. Stand by for another status report in 30."

On the rooftop of the Nexon Arena

A dark menacing chuckle was heard before the person responded with a voice changer active. "Got it. Over and out." The person then tossed the radio next to the downed guard, who was gasping for air with a wire wrapped around his throat, before letting a pleasing groan. Reaching under his black vest, the man then pulled out a shotgun before attaching a silencer on barrel it. "You know what's the difference between you and I?" He spoke in a cracky-like voice.

The red-faced guard could only cackle with his hand pulling tightly around the wire as he watched the skull-faced man raise his weapon towards him.

"I'm a dead man walking."

That what was last heard before a silent shot echoed softly into the night.

Walking towards the edge of the rooftop, the skull-faced man then crouched as he gazed across the thousands of spectators within the arena. "Now... where is that little girl?"

The entire arena faded in color as contestants exited out from their ideal waiting lounge. The crowd went wild as the players walked down the aisle. Each and every one of them were having their gamertags shouted by various fans around the Arena. As the contestants made their way upstage, each and everyone of them put on a big smile upon their faces as they were seated in a designated order. The eagerness in their eyes only burnt brightly within them as they waited to see which opponent they would be facing off against in the upcoming match.

As soon as the contestants were seated, the crowd, now realizing who was missing, started to murmur amongst each other on where was. Before they can even holler upon a missing player, the lights suddenly shut off within the entire Arena causing spectators to talk loudly amongst the darkness in utter surprise. Not a moment after, it was then relighten in a pinkish color as a bunny logo appeared on the big screen for everyone to see.

"Geim-eul hamyeon, igyeoyaji!" The voice of a young woman echoed throughout the entire Arena.

Not a moment later the crowd went wild as soon as they saw who they knew as skipping down the aisle, winking and waving around the Arena with both of her hands. As soon as she got on stage she turned around before giving a heart shaped symbol towards the crowd before her.

This of course had cause various men and women around the Arena to shout their admiration or profound love for the young Korean girl.

Young Hana grinned goofily with a faint blush on her face before making her way towards her seat in order for the tournament to begin.

On the big screen two slots were spinning wildly causing everyone to tense up as they waited eagerly to see who will be fighting in the first match..

TaunTaunt VS XyZ

The crowd started to cheer once again in excitment as both players bid each other good luck. It has been a long wait for this very moment. But, after all the tireless waiting, it finally paid off.

The games have just begun.

"There you are." The Skull-Faced man spoke in delight. Not a moment after he frowned realizing what he had to go through in order to assasinate this girl. He let out a frustrated sigh before speaking. "If only she were here this would've gone a lot smoother." He then took out his shotguns. "Well, time to crash the party."

Suddenly a kunai flew passed his head and embedded into the wall a distance away from him.

"What the-" He was caught by surprised when he was suddenly kicked in the chest sending him tumbling towards the ground. Managing to stop on a knee, he looked up glaring at his attacker, who was standing meters in front of him. His attacker wore a long black leathered coat with dark jeans and had a hood on that shadowed his eyes

"You've got some nerve attacking me." The Skull faced man growled. "Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that." The Attacker spoke as he place his hands inside his pockets. "Or do you not have one?"

The skull faced man glared at the man before him before scoffed and stood from his crouching position. "You have no idea who you're messing with do you?"

The man stood quietly in his place not even uttering a single word.

"Hmph, well if you really wanna know..." The skull faced man then crossed his two shotguns over his chest as black mist formed around his entire body. "They call me The Reaper... and this..." He then disappeared from his attackers view only to reappear behind him in gun point, catching him by surprise. "...is my curse."

Wide eyed in shock, the man barely manage to side step in time for a pellet to graze his right cheek.

Reaper didn't stop there however, he continuously shot his shotguns, shell after shell at his opponent, with murderous intentions.

The man continued to sidestep out of radius from the blast of pellets coming his away until he finally took cover behind an air duct. Calming his beating heart, he wiped the trail of blood from the cut on his cheek with his thumb before pulling out what seemed to be a small paper ball. He then started to quickly jot down a kanji symbol on it with the very minimal time he has left. It's been a while since someone injured him. I guess that's what he gets for letting his guard down so quickly.

Chuckling in delight as he started to get closer to the air duct, Reaper tossed his shotguns aside before pulling two more from under his coat. "Nowhere to run now boy."

He then quickly peered around the corner with his shotgun in front. "Huh?" Instead of being greeted by his attacker, a kunai was left in its place with the ball of paper hanging on it.

It then ignited in a flash causing Reaper to cover his eyes from the sheer brightness of it.

Not giving him a chance to recover from his blindness. The man grabbed ahold of Reapers neck from behind before flipping him back and pinning him on the ground with his arm grasping around his throat. "Why are you here?! Who do you work for?!" He demanded almost immediately.

Struggling under his grip, Reaper finally took notice of the Arena again only to notice that it was empty. Everyone who was in there just minutes ago were now gone. Even the contestants. He felt annoyed inside. First that monkey stopping his plan in Gibraltar and now his target got away?! Things just haven't been going his way lately. And he hated it.

Just then Police bursted through the rooftop doors just meters away from them.

"Freeze! Hands in the air!" They started to yell getting Reapers attacker to loosen his grip a bit.

Seeing the sudden moment of distraction, Reaper dispersed himself in a mist of black smoke. He then used his gas like body to enter between the vents slithers, escaping from everyone on the roof.

"Don't move!" Policemen started to yell, some even ran back downstairs in order to see if they can catch Reaper before he escaped.

Raising his hands in the air, the man stared at the policemen before he started to take small steps back towards the ledge.

Authorities took quick note of his action.

"Stop!" They yelled, some even began to run towards him in order to bring him down. "Get away from the ledge!"

However, before authorites could even grab him, the man gave a smirk before allowing his body to fall backwards off the roof.

Police gathered around the ledge looking down expecting to see a corpse. However instead of a body, only the plain street greeted them from below.

The man was gone.

Sitting just across the street from the Nexon Arena, that was now flooded with police from all around, was Hana Song. She was fuming in anger not just because of the tournament being canceled, but because it had to be canceled when it was her turn to fight.

Ridiculous right?

Just sitting beside her was Zenyatta who was trying his best to comfort her from her fit of rage.

"Calm yourself Hana. Don't dwell on what just occurred. Sometimes the unexpected is a most unfortunate outcome for us all." Zenyatta spoke. "Besides, maybe this wasn't so bad either."

Glaring at him from the corner of her eyes, Hana crossed her arms before staring back at the scene. "Oh yeah? How would you know?"

"Well for one you'd probably embarrass your opponents for defeating them so easily. They're careers would have probably ended this very night." Zenyatta joked.

Hana couldn't help but smile a bit in amusement upon hearing this. "That'd honestly be pretty hilarious actually now that I think of it."

"I agree." Sighing in satisfaction, Zenyatta then turned away from the scene before floating away. "Come, let us get something to replenish ourselves before we call it a night. My time here is coming to an end soon."

"Ok." Standing on her two legs, Hana quickly followed Zenyatta from behind only to stop in surprise upon who she saw in the distance.

It was him.

Her hazel nut eyes set upon the only pair of baby blue eye's she's seen in her entire life as his golden blonde hair shined greatly under the street light. Her body could only tense up upon seeing this. She didn't know what to do!

Was this real?

Suddenly he did something that really set her to believe it was real.

He smiled at her, not only that but he gave her a small wave as well.

That was the last straw. She started to take steps forward in his direction, her legs were already shaken in the process. She desperately wanted to touch him, to hold him, to feel him in her arms once again like it how it used to be. And now finally, this was her chance.

She smiled brightly as she was about to make a dash to him and call out his name in pure joy, but before she can he suddenly disappeared once a small cart came between the two. Blocking her view from him for that very second.

She stopped in her tracks confused on what just happen. Where was he? He was right there! She looked around a bit as her mind spinned in circles. Was it a hallucination? There's no way it can be! Can it?

"Hana." She heard Zenyatta call out to her from behind. "Are you alright?"

Hana didn't know what to say. She was still confused on what just happened. After a sheer moment, she started to finally settle her mind before she finally responded. "Yeah, yeah I am. Sorry Zenyatta, my mind was just lost in thought for a moment there."

"I see." He responded. "Do you wish to go back to your room?"

"No." She spoke quickly. "I mean... No I don't. Let's... Let's just go."

"As you wish." He then hurried from behind once Hana sped walked past him and down the streets of Seoul.

As they walked side by side as two fellow companions, only one question burned brightly into Hana's mind.

Was she really hallucinating?

Up high above the clouds flying rapidly through the air was a carrier with a 'T' insignia plastered on the sides of it. And within that carrier sat Reaper, twirling a Kunai around that he took from his opponent. After a few more twirls he grasped the Kunai tightly in his hands before staring at it.

"There's only one person I know that stills uses these." He muttered to himself. Bringing the tip of the blade up into eye level, he flicked the tip of it with his claw like hand before speaking. "Looks like someones going on my list. Ain't that right... Naruto?

And done.

Love it? Hate it? Leave a review down below.

How'd I do in this chapter? For some reason it feels like I didnt put a lot of effort to it this time. Probably because it's shorter than the last two chapters. Maybe it's just me...

I bet there's also confusion on what the hell is going on in this story. Like dude, why am I jumping from Past to Present in every chapter?

To be honest. I just feel like doing that. You know, like Beyond Two Souls.

Anyway, thank you all for reading
