5 nights of loud



ATTENTION EVERYONE! I'll be briefly breaking my Hiatus and having a Halloween contest. I'll be posting Halloween themed stories, horror themed, or one's that end with a cliff-hanger! The story that gets the most reviews, will be the one I update on Halloween!(and maybe a few other surprises. heh. heh.)

And don't forget to check out my new "Shake Up the Falls" Challenge!


Lynn Loud whistled a merry tune as she roller skated into the driveway then pivoting into the street-


Lynn Loud gasped as she woke up from her nightmare up. She looked at the cast her broken leg was in and sighed. She heard a commotion downstairs. Oh, right. It's movie night. Thinks Lynn to herself as she hobbles downstairs.

Sure enough, her family was fighting over the remote. All the punching, kicking and screaming...man I miss that... Thought the girl depressed.

It's then that she noticed something...something off... "Hey, where's Lincoln?" Asks Lynn out loud suddenly. And just like that...the fighting stopped. The girls looked around...and sure enough...Lincoln wasn't fighting with them.

"That's weird...usually Lincoln is right in the thick of it...especially when his 'ghost catching' show will be on!...which it is!

It's then they notice their only brother trying to sneak out the front door.

"Hey Lincoln! Where you going? Don't you want to watch your show?" Asked Leni.

Lincoln frantically looked at his watch. "Uh...no time! I need to go or I'll be late for my job!"

The sisters briefly remembered him saying he got a job at some Pizza joint...but they hadn't really thought about it until now.

Lori walked up to him "Surely you can blow off one night? It's movie night! Don't you want to tussle and try and watch your show? It's like our favorite family tradition." She asked curious.

Lincoln was sweating now, looking at both the door and the time. "No! I can't! Sorry...but hey ! You'd probably beat me anyway- Besides seen one ghost caught, seen them, all! No big dea1!" Stated Lincoln frantically as he once more headed to the door.

The sisters gasped. Lincoln admitting defeat to us without a fight...AND bad mouthing his favorite show!? They all thought as one.

Before Lincoln could leave, Lori grabbed his arm. "Okay, Lincoln. What are you up to?" Stated Lori suspicious.

Lincoln winched in pain when she grabbed him, but he focused on trying to break free. "Lori let me go! I need to leave!" He shouted frantically as he tried to pull away.

Lori held firm. "No, not until you tell us what's going on! Your acting weirder than usual, and-


Lori was so shocked, she let go and Lincoln ran from the house. The other sisters were just as shocked! Even at their worst...Lincoln had NEVER spoke to them like that!

"Okay, dudes. Something is definitely up!" Exclaims a concerned Luna.

Lori nodded. "I know. What just- It was at that moment, Lori noticed her hand. "EW! Did Lincoln eat a hot dog or something!?" Snapped Lori as she went to wipe off the red glob on her hand.

"Wait! Let me see that!" Insists Lisa. She looks at the red stuff...and pales. "This...this isn't ketchup."

"Really? Okay, what is it then?" Asked Lori confused.

Lisa...lisa looked lost. "It's...it's blood...Lincoln's blood..."



AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.

But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas?

Love me, flame me, review me