Hihi, happy new years everyone! Here is the next chapter for this story~ please review if you can and enjoy!
The day was going smoothly for Reborn, it's only been 8 full hours without his delightful beverage of espresso. Though, Tsuna purposely hid all of the coffee beans he loved to make sure the espresso loving male kept his word. The brunet was confident he was gonna win this bet but if he lost, he'll tone down Reborn's addiction regardless, it was basically a win/win. This literally made Reborn peeved actually, Tsuna really was up to no good again, after all his lover usually doesn't do these things. After training and forming a relationship with the said brunet, his sadism grew almost on par with the hitman's.
But at first, it was only with his guardians taking his full sadistic wrath, resulting them actually being scared when he smiles even though he's suppose to be extremely mad at them. Main reason why half of them run while the other half gets chained down and dragged along as he hunts down for the others. The only guardian who never was troublesome for the brunet was Chrome, his other mist who was rather shy and had a good will carved into her very being.
Reborn though could feel himself a little energy lacking from going 8 hours so far without his espresso. Of course it wasn't anything he couldn't handle, after all, this bet was extremely important for him. He practically craved intercourse everyday with his very attractive ex-student. Now that they are both adults and age wasn't restricted on them, he could finally go all out. He absolutely loved to dominate him in bed, those gasps and moans, begging him to take him more. Yes, it was something Reborn loved to hear from him.
Reborn, of course, held back. As much as he wanted to do such explicited things, he couldn't afford to throw the Vongola off course from his selfish reasons. Tsuna had paperwork that could last a lifetime, along with guardians who loved to seek trouble and add more paper. Sometimes the hitman felt he should have chosen better ones in behavior if it wasn't for their physical capabilities to make up for it.
"Reborn~" a rather seductive tone of voice whispered from behind the said raven's ear making the said hitman turn around to see his beloved Tsunayoshi's slightly disheveled suit and sweat dropping down his neck. Those beautiful caramel eyes slightly droopy in exhaustion, obviously coming back from chasing his guardians. Those short breath pants while the brunet leaned against his and practically snuggled into the hitman's body. Reborn's eyes couldn't help but stare at his lover's actions with high interest. He knew the brunet wanted something.
"Could you purr-haps lend me your gun~?" The younger male flirtatious spoke with a mischievous voice as he batted those lovely eyelashes. Reborn wanted to laugh but he went along with it and pulled it out of his holster, knowing the body was up to no good. Reborn was going to hand it over easily but where was the fun in that?
"Only if you beg for it." He demanded in his husky voice that could make any person fall in a pile of goo. Tsunayoshi pouted before pulling the raven closer and placing his arms over his lover's shoulders.
"Please Reborn~ I need it really badly." The brunet spoke in his best behaved but sexiest voice he could muster as Reborn smirked, he loved it when his cute lover did that. Reborn handed Tsunayoshi the handgun, but the second the brunet reached to grab it he was only pulled into a deep kiss. Their tongues practically danced greedily on one another as Reborn pulled away first before it became too much for him to bare. Tsunayoshi on the other hand only licked his lips with a smile adore on his face as he slipped the gun to his hands during the kiss.
"I'll give it back to you tomorrow~." He sang out, giving the gun a kiss on the muzzle before skipping off happily to god knows where with it.
(A few moments later)
Loud gunshots echoed throughout the halls making some maids and butlers nervous as their boss dragged 3 presumably dead bodies of his guardians on the floor that trailed lots of blood.
Reborn only groaned in displeasure, he could really use some espresso right now. He went out on a mission to scout out a new family uprising only to find out that he was missing his gun. Right, he forgot his lovely boss had it and used it on his 3 obnoxious guardians today. Now let's just say, sadly Lambo, Mukuro, and Gokudera had a pleasant trip to the hospital for causing the ball room to explode. Adding to more stress because Tsunayoshi basically played hooky when it came down to the designing and signature bearing.
"What's wrong~? Thinking about your co- espresso?" Tsunayoshi corrected himself as he appeared in their bed quarters with a smile adored on those cute lips.
'Yes.' Reborn immediately thought in his mind but, "No." Was what his mouth spoke.
"Aww, that's not cute, you aren't being honest Reborn! You can't hide those withdraws from me~." The brunet couldn't help but tease as his lover glared at him, clearly not amused from the insulting again.
"I wouldn't be feeling like this if the boss decided playing hooky wasn't as a great idea and leave all the paperwork to his right hand man. Oh wait, someone sent him to the hospital so it was landed on the Trusted Adviser." Reborn spat out as the brunet walked over and sat on his lap, straddling him. The hitman only snaked his hands on those hips happily, letting that calm him down as he stared up those bright dark caramel eyes.
"Forgive me, I was feeling enlightened in the bathroom." Tsunayoshi spoke with a smile as Reborn only smirked before leaning in and kissing the younger male's neck.
"For 4 hours?" Reborn questioned jokingly as the brunet smiled kissed his lover's forehead.
"Technically 3 hours and 58 minutes but yes." The young boss replied as Reborn could only smirk more from how adorable the other was.
"I guess we can spend 3 hours and 58 minutes extra in our sex session in 2 more days." Reborn challenged as the brunet male gave a small laugh in smugness.
"You think you'll still win? How laughable." Tsunayoshi laughed out as Reborn slipped him underneath him to dominate his lover who didnt seem to care in the slightest.
"Of course I do. You might want to stretch yourself out these next days, because I'm going to savior this moment." The raven haired male spoke before getting pulled a little off the brunet so they could stare at eachother.
"Oh please, it's been one day and you're already craving it." Tsunayoshi rolled his eyes as he slipped out of Reborn's hold. He had lots of work to do. Reborn only frowned as his lover was already quickly by the door.
"You or the espresso?" Reborn smirked as the brunet only giggled in reply from those words. Reborn soon got up and took long strides to reach his lover as those beautiful eyes stared up.
"Both perhaps?" Was the cute male's respond as Reborn only pressed his thumb up against those soft but kissable lips with a growing smirk.
"More the espresso though." The hitman replied, earning a full front smack to the head.
"Ass." Tsunayoshi spoke grimly.
Sorry its short but it's not suppose to be a super long story just something to ease your mind~
Please review since it really does encourage me to write more! Until next time :heart: Ciao!