As soon as that alarm went off… so did the entire school.

The raven quickly vanished once more as he began to flee the scene, but before Cole knew it both the androids had stayed behind and harshly grabbed hold of his arms, forcing him along with them. He groaned and panted as he tried to escape from their tight hold, terrified upon noticing the change in eye colours. Their eyes were now a bright, neon red and their expressions were firm and unmoving.

He shouted and yelled for the others to come back, but to no avail. The sound of quickening footsteps from other areas and rooms in the school echoing all around him.

"Your heart rate is exceeding unhealthily." Zane state, not looking down at the traitor. "Stop panicking and shut up."

Cole sighed loudly, closing his eyes for a brief moment or two. He shivered uncomfortably as the lights shut down. This wasn't happening… It couldn't be… If only I just let myself get hit, no of this would be happening.

Quickly they came back on again.

"What are you gonna do with me?" He stammered. "H-How did you get me?!"

"Take you to Master Wu. And we are advanced with thermal vision." Pixal explained, monotonous then ever. "This is not the first time he has dealt with a traitor." This peaked Cole's interest, now oddly hopeful.

"Can you tell me about this person?"

"Confidential." They both spoke in unison, quickening their pace a considerable amount. Cole grimaced as he could hear his previously trustworthy friends in the distance; of course Kai would be swearing.

"Stupid fucking school!"

He offered a nervous chuckle, hoping to find some kind of joy in his current situation. "Ah!" Cole hissed as Zane managed to hold him tighter, Pixal following in suit. Uncomfortably his arms began to frantically thrash about, as well as his legs, frustrated groans and yells escaping his mouth as the too Androids flipped him painfully onto the floor.

Cole could only let out an almost sinister giggle of joy, kicking his legs upwards in enjoyment as he squirmed about in front of Zane and Pixal, giving them both one last wink before he disappeared into the ground quicker than a second.

Kai broke out into a sprint as they all headed through the school, trying to find anywhere to hide. Skylar and Lloyd had ran off in the opposite direction in search of their parents, whilst Jay and Nya trailed behind the Fire Master as quick as they could.

"W-Where do we go?!" Jay exclaimed as he began to panic. "I've never experienced this before!"

Suddenly all the corridor lights flashed off, the distant screams of other students in the school making it even worse. Immediately Kai lit a flame in his hand and began pacing back and forth. "I remember Wu saying that this would happen, about the lights, and then they should–" Above the three the lights slowly began to flicker back on, but this time they were an unsettling shade of dark orange. "– do that." He flicked his wrist about, extinguishing the flame, and turned back to the others.

Jay blinked, his skin paling by the second as he sharply turned on his heel and rushed over to a nearby trash can. The two siblings grimaced as the Lightning Master rightfully threw up into the said bucket, wishing they could do the same.

Nya slowly slid down the sides of the lockers, resting her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands. "We need… We need to find a member of staff…" She breathed, her head beginning to hurt slightly. Kai continued to stand up, feeling as though he couldn't just give up now, and watched intently as Jay removed his head from inside the trash can. He wiped his hand hastily with his sleeve, panting as he shakily sat down against the lockers opposite his girlfriend, blankly staring at her as he gradually regained his breaths.

"I'm going to look around for some staff." Stated Kai. "You two are okay without me, right?"

Nya scoffed, chuckling lightly. "Yeah, sure, because a sick Elemental Master will do just fine with a less dangerous elemental Master."

"Just do what you did in the arena the other day; shooting Jay with water and electricuting himself. That should work on other things."

"What… What do you mean 'other things'?" Jay slowly looked up at Kai, cocking a brow questioningly. "Cole's the only threat… Right? It's not like he could've set off a chain reaction?"

"Apparently this has happened before in the past; Master Yang said that his entire class got…"

"… killed off." Nya finished. The three exchanged nervous glances, not liking the sudden realisation. It was odd, seeing how dangerous the school had abruptly become; distant shouts and crashes breaking whatever, eerie silence was left. God forbid someone was already dead, let alone injured. Now knowing that one of their closest friends was on the wrong side… who knew what damage he could've already caused.

"This is all my fault!" Nya suddenly exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air as her began sobbing quietly. "I-I saw him! We'd finished that test, and he kinda zoned out, staring over in your direction."

Kai coughed hastily into his fist as he felt his cheeks heat up slightly, turning his back on the two for a couple seconds. "M-Me?"

"Yes… I guess he didn't realise I was staring at him, because his hands were fading in and out of, well, visibility! When he saw me looking they flickered back to normal; he didn't even know he was doing it."

Jay chewed his lip. "So he can't control it? Is that what you're saying? Because if that's the case, we shouldn't really be in this situation!"

"He obviously can control it, dumb ass." Kai snapped, growing more and more impatient. "He fucking disappeared before he was hit! That seems pretty controlled if you ask me!" He angrily scuffed his foot into the floor, grunting as his voice became louder "God dammit! Stupid fucking school!"

They all looked down in slight discomfort at the new sound of Cole's screams and demands for help, Kai tempted to run out there and confront him himself. Suddenly a loud crash was heard as the three grimaced, Jay subtlety moving himself closer to the trash can.