"She's fine guys." Rick spoke into the phone. "She's resting right now, don't worry. The doctor says this is really common. It was just false labor pains. We're gonna leave as soon as she wakes."

"Thank god!" Sasha huffed. Bring her home safe Rick.

"Actually" He smiled "I need your help with something."

"What is it?"

"Do you think you could pack a few of her things? I was thinking she could spend the night with me. I just want her close."

"Rick, that's really sweet and all but with your mom home I don't think that's a good idea."

"No. Not there. My place, well our place. I got an apartment. It's a long story. Look can you do it or not?"

"Ok, ok. Jeez calm down!"

"Thank you. I'll have her call you tomorrow."

A few minutes later Michonne stirred awake.

"Rick? What happened?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head. Everything is fine. You just need rest."

She closed her eyes then nodded. Then out of nowhere a huge smile made it's way to her face.

Rick looked at her wondering what was going through her mind.

She lifted her hand showing off the ring he had proposed with earlier. He then understood the smile on her face and soon he was smiling too. Rick grabbed her hand with his own and linked their fingers.

"Can you hand me my phone?" She asked.

Once she retrieved her phone from him she took a picture of her hand and sent it to the group chat.

Andrea was the first to respond.


then Maggie

'Omg congrats! I'm so happy for yall!'

Sasha's reply was next.

'Seriously? I JUST got off the phone with Rick and he didn't tell me shit. Tell him I said screw him. And congrats babe!'

Last was Rosita

'Aww, I always knew you'd be the first to get married. I love you guys I can't wait until the wedding!'

Michonne smiled at all there warm responses. She didn't know how she'd get through life without them. They were the best friends she could have ever asked for. They were like her sisters, they supported and loved her as much as she did them. It was a truly special bond they had.

"How long before we can go home?" Michonne asked him.

"Whenever you're ready." He griped her hand tightly again.

"I'm ready when you are." She smiled

"Ok, we gotta stop by Sasha's first, get your stuff."

He guided her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss there.


When they walked through the door to their apartment, Michonne couldn't stop smiling. Their apartment. Theirs.

She covered her face with her hands and released a squeal, Rick just chuckled softly.

They walked into their bedroom hand in hand.

Though she was comfortable around, he still made her nervous from time to time and even a bit insecure. The way he stared at her like she was his key to life.

"Um..d-do you want to shower first?" She stuttered through her question.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her as close as he could with her belly making it slightly awkward, then whispered in her ear. "Why don't we shower together?" He smirked

Michonne opened her mouth to decline his offered but no words came out.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, I just think... isn't it too soon for stuff like that?" She avoided his eyes.

"Michonne? We just got engaged and will be raising a son in a couple months."

She nodded her head. "I know, I just... We're gonna wanna do other things and I'm not ready."

She bit her bottom lip hoping he would understand.

"Ok." He kissed her forehead, "you first. "
After she finished showering she had changed into her pjs and was laying on her side.

It didn't take her long to start falling asleep then she was awaken by the dip of the bed

She still had her eyes closed facing him.


"I love you."

Rick reached over touching her face gently.

" I love you too. Is everything ok?"

"Everything is fine." She answered sweetly. "I just want to take things slowly. I'm really happy with you but I'm not ready for sex yet. Is that ok?"

"Anything you want. There's no rush." He kissed her forehead again

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just, I'm pregnant and I don't really feel...pretty...maybe we should wait until after Andre is born. It's not much longer."

"Sure, we can wait. But I want you to know something." He paused. "You are more than pretty, you're beautiful, how I view you hasn't changed just because you're pregnant. I still want you, same as always."

"Thank you." She smiled. "That...really means a lot."

She changed the subject to something lighter.

"Ugh I missing sleeping on my stomach. I'm just so ready to meet him, I feel like I've been pregnant for years."

Rick chuckled softly. "It'll be over soon." He rubbed her belly.

"He's moving." She smiled fondly at her belly.

"Goodnight buddy." Rick kissed her protruding stomach.

"Goodnight to you too my love." He kissed her lips softly.



Rick awoke to the sound of Michonne's sobs.

He eyes snapped opened. He scooted close to her frantically.

"Baby? Baby, what's the matter?"

She shook her head.

"These are happy tears. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you love me. Thank you Rick. "

"Hey, shhh." He shushed her. "You don't have to thank me, I'm just as lucky. "

"I'm sorry, I swear it's the hormones." She sniffled whilst he wiped away her tears.

"Don't apologize baby, it's ok." He smiled.


Rick served her breakfast in bed. Eggs, bacon, pancakes and a tall glass of orange juice.

All of her servings had been doubled. The closer bigger she got, the more she ate. While this was to be expected, Rick was always amazed at how much she could eat without being stuffed. Come to think of it, Michonne always had a big appetite. Maybe Andre did too.

He smiled to himself as he thought of her.

This was all still so surreal to him. Here he was, watching the love of his life stuff her beautiful face, in their bed, in their home. He was willing to do absolutely whatever it took to give her the greatest things in life. Starting with happiness. He knew for a fact that he could give her that. Nothing made him happier than to make her happy.

Her phone rang and he looked down to see who it was.


"Your mom's calling." He said handing her the phone. She grabbed the phone and answered it.

"Hi Mommy guess what?!"

"Hi lovely"

"Mom guess what?" She reprated.

"What is it?"

"I'm engaged!" Michonne covered her face to contain her happiness.

"Really? You know what you're doing? You're not moving too fast?"

Her mother's concerns were perfectly reasonable.

"Yes mom, there's actually something else you should know, Rick and I are living together.

"Oh my, you two are really getting serious." Her mother giggles over the phone.

"It's been serious." Michonne giggles too.

And it has been serious - since they'd decided they would raise a child together it was a sealed deal. No going back.

"Good point - I was just calling to check on you, see how everything's been going."

"In great and everything is fine. Thanks for calling mom, you're going to come down when Andre is born right?"

"I wouldn't miss it. You'd better call me as soon as your water breaks young lady."

Michonne nodded even though her mother couldn't see her.

"Yes, yes, I know."

"You'd better. I have to hang up now. I'll see you soon."

"You will?"

"I meant I'll t-talk to you soon not see you soon!" Her mom stuttered.

"Ok... bye mommy."

That was weird, her mom never stuttered unless she was lying.

As soon as hung up the phone she shrugged choosing to ignore it and finished diving into her food.

Rick palmed her protruding tummy and sighed in content. "This baby growing inside of you is our future."

He said softly. She smiled down at him and placed her hand over his. "He is. This is just the beginning for us."

When you finish eating, get dressed in something pretty. There's somewhere we have to go.

She smirked at him. "Are you taking me on a date?"

Rick shrugged, "we're going someplace to make memories."

"Are you being cryptic to keep me at the edge of my seat?"

He snickered at her. "Just get dressed. You'll see what I have planned when we get there.

Michonne hurried and finished her food so that she could her dressed.

She ended up wearing a pale blue sun dress that stopped right above her knee. Rick dressed himself according to what she had chosen, it was easy for hin, he wore a pale blue t-shirt and khaki cargo shorts.

"Are you trying to match me?" She smirked.

"I am." He admitted.

She covered her face with her hands and giggled. "You can be so cheesy sometimes."

"Hey, you love it though."

She smiled at him before kissing his forehead. "I do."


They both sung along to any and every song that played on the radio, both if them sang off key but they had fun nonetheless.

Rick parked and exited out the car to help her do the same.

"Thanks." She said with one hand on her stomach and the other on her back. She groaned as she did so.

"You feeling alright?"

"I'm just stiff, I swear I'm good."

"Tell me if anything changes, if you start feeling sick let me know."

"Okie dokie." She held up her pinky letting him know it was a promise.

He looked down smiling. "How are you so adorable?

She shrugged playfully.

The linked their hands and walked up the path leading to the local park.

Michonne looked around and saw all if her friends and even her mom. A little to the right was what seemed to be a professional photographer.

"Oh my God! Mommy!" She held her arms out and bounced impatiently.

She would be run and given her a hug but she wasn't feeling up to running so she waited for her mom to do the dramatic running instead.

"Hi lovely." Her mother hugged her gently as not to discomfort her.

"Rick!" She slapped his arm when her mother released her.

One hand covered her mouth as the other gripped his arm. "What is this?"

"We're going to make memories, I told you that." She smiled at her.

Seeing how happy she was that he put this together made him feel accomplished. This is why he did the things he did. He loved to see her happy. He loved to see her smile. He just loved everything about her.

"Congratulations on the engagement you two. I told you over the phone but there's nothing better than face to face communication."

"Thanks mom." She cried

"Oh Lord girl, stop all that crying. You have to be beautiful for your maternity pictures not a crying mess. Get it together. " She teased.

"Thank you Rick. " She cried more.

The photographer stood to the side awkwardly watching the tearful exchange.

"Andrea, what are you crying for girl?" Sasha asked.

"It's so beautiful." She wiped her tears and fanned her eyes dramatically.

They were here. They were all here. All of her friends.

Andrea, Sasha, Rosita, Maggie, Glenn, Shane, Abraham and Daryl.

They had a few pictures taken of everyone together first.

Next was the set with only the girls.

After that was the set with only the guys.

Then just Michonne and her mom.

Last, Rick and Michonne.

Everyone awed from the side. Even people who didn't know the couple gathered to watch them.

Once the photoshoot was complete, the crowd that had gathered applauded them then dispersered leaving just her friends and family.

"That was so much fun!" Michonne couldn't hold back her excitement.

"I can't wait to see the prints. We have to get them framed and placed around our apartment. I can't believe this is happening."

"Come on babe, don't cry again please? If you cry so will I."

"I'm not going to cry I promise...can we do this again when he's born? I would love it if we could."

"Of course." The way he spoke to her sent butterflies through her body. It was a tone that he only used with her, it made her feel so special and loved.

"Let's take a selfie!" She wrapped her arm around his neck and held the other up to her face showing off her ring. She smiled brightly at her phone camera.

"You have to take it." She told him. "I ran out of hands." she laughed

He took the picture then admired it. Both of them were wearing huge smiles.

"I like it. Can I put it on facebook?" She asked bashfully.

"Go for it." He kissed her cheek.

"Oh my God look at them." Maggie whispered.

"I know. They're so fucking cute." Andrea squealed.

"I'm happy for them." Sasha said looking at them with a smile.

"Me too." Rosita agreed.

"Man can y'all believe Ricky is getting married first?" Shane asked.

"I always thought he'd be alone forever." Abraham admitted laughing.

"That's fucked up, why would you think that?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah dude, that is messed up."

"Hear me out...the poor son of a bitch was in love with her and only her, I thought he was gone be one of those saps that watches the girl he loved get married to another man then buy like twenty cats or something to cope instead of finding another chick. I'm glad he didn't. That shit sounds depressing."

"Yeah, I'm glad he grew some balls." Shane laughed.

"That shit right there..." Abraham pointed to his two friends smiling and taking selfies. "Almost makes me want to cry. That is some beautiful ass shit, tell me I'm wrong?"

"Nah, you right. You just ain't sayin it right."

"That's Abraham for you." Glenn shook his head.

"It's a beautiful sight indeed." Rosita said.

Rick held Michonne's hand to his mouth and kissed it repeatedly.

She threw her head back laughing at his silliness.

Unbeknownst to them, Andrea snapped numerous pictures.

Her favorite was the one where they both laughed so hard that it showed in their eyes.

She uploaded it to Facebook with a caption that read.

"Mich used to ask me all the time, "what is love?" Well I think now, it's safe to say she knows."

AN: It took 84 years but I'm back with an update for my Stand By aka my first love. I would love to hear your feedback. I'm getting back into the grove for writing for this version of Rick and Michonne again, it's been so long but I love this version of them and I hope I did them justice this chapter! Thanks for reading!