A/N – Okay guys, last chapter. I actually got a little sad writing this. I loved writing this story and I'm so glad you guys enjoyed reading it. I'm sad to say goodbye to the OC's I created, I had a blast writing them and developing them. I love this story so much, and I like this chapter a lot, I hope you guys do, too. I'd like to thank my three most common reviewer's. AmbientSpaceNoise, TieDyeJackson, and Novakovic. You guys always make me smile with your reviews, and I hope to see you over at my next story. Thank you guys so much, and as usual, I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Disclaimer – Read the first chapter's.
July 4, 1999
Twelve years later, Eric and Jackie were living comfortably with their children outside of the city. They moved away from New York City and to Woodstock in 1992, because they wanted to have a house where the kids could grow up and call home.
They lived in a nicely sized house a few minutes out of town. Woodstock wasn't very big and it had a huge hippie population, for obvious reasons. Everybody who lived in the area was really nice, everybody was likeable.
They were currently having a Fourth of July cookout at their house, all of their friends and family came. They just had a pool installed not too long ago, they had saved up money forever to get one for the kids to play in, and they were having a blast.
Niki was now twelve years old, and his resemblance to Eric never faded. He still had blonde hair, but it was starting to get a little darker now, and his blue eyes were as bright as ever. He was currently shooting his siblings with a water gun as they played in the pool, he was having a great time as he usually did.
In 1989, Eric and Jackie had another kid, James, or Jim for short. He was the daredevil of the household. He's been that way since he learned to walk. He looked like Eric as well, he had the blonde hair and blue eyes that ran on his side of the family.
Then, in 1991, another Eric look alike came around and his name was Matthew. Mattie was a momma's boy, he was always hanging around her. He liked helping her with everything she did and he was always begging her to take him to the park or just go out into the backyard and play. He was the sweet, sensitive one of the family.
Then 1992 rolled around, and Tyler was born. Finally, a kid who looked like Jackie, and he really looked like Jackie. There wasn't really an Eric feature on that boy, except maybe personality wise. He was sarcastic, but very sweet, just like his father.
Then both Eric and Jackie were surprised in 1996 when Jackie got pregnant with the twins, Mason and Mary. They had curls like Eric did when he was a baby, but their hair was a bit darker. They were both sweet and both Eric and Jackie could tell they'd be little jokesters when they got bigger.
Peyton was twenty-seven now, and she was married to a man named Fabien. He was a nice guy, but a little strict. They had three kids together, seven year old Arianna, six year old Kara, and two year old Diego, all of them very sweet and a little feisty.
Bruno was now twenty-one and he was studying Engineering in Maddison. He liked school and was a very bright boy. He hasn't changed at all, he's still the same sweet, charming, funny Bruno he's always been.
And Leo was seventeen now and still living at home, since he was only a junior in high school. He was charismatic like his siblings and sweet and funny. He was quite the ladies man as well, which sort of confused him, because he wasn't the tallest most buff guy in the world, he was actually the smallest in his family, which Bruno always said he would be. It must be his charisma. Who knows.
"I don't want to get in, the water's too cold!" Mattie cried, staying away from the edge of the pool.
"Come on, Mattie, it's not that bad," Niki tried as he waded in the deep end of the swimming pool.
"All you gotta do is jump in really quick, then you're used to it!" Tyler cried, trying to get his older brother to get in the pool.
Mattie shook his head, a sort of scared look on his face, "I don't want to."
"Don't be a wuss, Matt," Jim snapped, rolling his eyes.
"Shut up, Jim, don't be mean to him," Niki scolded; he was always a little protective of Mattie, since Mattie was the most sensitive and naïve of all of them.
"I'm scared," Mattie said, clasping his hands together in front of his chest.
Mattie never learned how to swim, which made Jim tease him a little, because even Tyler knew how to swim and he was younger than Mattie. Mattie was scared to do a lot of things, he's always been this way.
"Don't be scared, I've got you," Niki said, swimming over to the edge of the pool to help his brother.
Mattie shook his head, "I don't know…"
"Don't worry, you'll be fine," Niki said, looking around Mattie briefly to see his parents and their friends on the back porch talking as they cooked dinner.
"This is stupid," Jim said, rolling his eyes before he swam over to the shallow end, where Mattie was standing. Jim suddenly reached up and grabbed Mattie's hand, pulling him into the water, Mattie crying out in fear before he fell.
Niki smacked his brother on the arm and glared at him, "He can't swim you idiot!"
"It's the shallow end, he can stand," Jim said, turning to look at Mattie as he broke the surface of the water and gasped for air, coughing a little bit.
"Are you okay?" Niki asked his little brother as he went over to him, patting him on the back to help him cough up the water.
Mattie wiped his eyes of water and tears before he looked over at Jim, "Why'd you do that?!"
"You were being a wuss," Jim said, crossing his arms.
"Do you always have to be such an ass?" Niki asked, glaring at Jim.
"Do you always have to be such a prude?" Jim asked in return, sending a glare his brother's way.
"Hey, you two watch your mouth," A female voice suddenly said, and all the kids looked up to see Betsy Kelso sort of grinning down at them, "You wouldn't want your parents to hear any of that."
"Betsy!" Mattie suddenly cried as Betsy stepped down the steps of the shallow end of the pool and got in the chilly water.
She let Mattie wrap his arms around her and she furrowed her brow a little in confusion, "What's wrong, bud?"
"Jimmy's being mean again," Mattie said, trying to stop crying.
"Did he pull you in the water again?" Betsy asked, giving Jim a scolding look.
"Yeah," Mattie said, nodding as he looked up at Betsy.
"Jim, what have you been told about doing stuff like this?" Betsy asked, one eyebrow raised.
"To not to," Jim pouted.
"That's right, and?" Betsy went on.
"To be nice to my brothers and sister," Jim said, "I'm sorry, Mattie."
Mattie sniffled and wiped his eye as he looked over at Jim, "That's okay."
Jim smiled and went over to the side of the pool, lifting himself up and getting out of the water, "I'll go get you a floatie, okay?"
Mattie smiled, "Okay."
Then Jim ran up to the porch in search for a pool floatie for Mattie to get in. Betsy held onto Mattie's hand as they waited for Jim to come back. Betsy looked around at the group of kids, paying attention to what they were doing. Mattie was keeping a grip on her hand, and Niki was just standing in the shallow end quietly, keeping an eye on Jim as he searched for a floatie. Tyler was just having a good time swimming and the twins were up on the porch with their parents and the other adults.
Everybody's had a pretty good life in the past decade. Donna eventually married a man named Leonard and they had two kids together. Lewis, who was an eight year old obsessed with race cars, and three year old Willow, who was the sweetest little thing. She loved to sing and dance.
Then of course, Betsy was now twenty years old. How the time flew by. Eric still called her Bug, which she expected he'd always do. Betsy finally did get a little sibling though, Mark. He was thirteen now, and quite the smartass. He looked like Kelso, sort of acted like him too. He was a lot smarter though. He was actually an honor student.
Fez and his wife Barb only had the one kid, Stevie. He's fourteen now and probably the nicest guy you'd ever meet. Fez and Barb moved to Woodstock as well and just lived a couple blocks away. It was nice and quiet out here, they loved it.
Steven and June got married in the Spring of 89. They were the perfect match, they never fought, which everyone found a little odd. Nobody's ever seen a couple get on so well. If they ever argued, it was usually about something really stupid. Every couple had arguments, but it was very rare to see it between those two. It was probably because they were both so laid back. They ended up having two kids of their own, ten year old Courtney and seven year old Chris. Courtney was a daredevil, but she was sweet, and Chris was a bit shy. He played baseball, which he was always going on about.
David and Maya finally got married in 1994, nobody ever thought it would happen. They still reside in Manhattan, and they have two little ones of their own. Danny, who was two, and Stella who was three. They were both very charming and adorable.
Ayrton was in a relationship with a woman named Pattie. She was a very nice girl, Jackie and Eric both absolutely adored her. They both lived in New York still, not far from where they all used to live. He was very happy, as he should be.
And finally, in 1988, Andrea and Rachel got married. Eric was best man, Jackie was the Maid of Honor. The wedding was beautiful, probably the best wedding Eric and Jackie had ever been too. Besides their own, of course. Andrea and Rachel had kids, surprisingly. They always just thought they'd be the Aunt and Uncle who would spoil their godchildren, but no, they had two kids. Peter, born in 1992, and Jimmy, born in 1993. Peter was exactly like Andrea. Shy and brutally honest, but also sweet and funny. Jimmy was sensitive and sweet, both the boys were adorable.
"Hey guys," Eric suddenly spoke as he stopped at the edge of the pool, his swim trunks on, "You having fun?"
"Daddy!" Mattie suddenly cried, releasing Betsy's hand and reaching his arms out to his father.
Eric smiled and slowly got into the cold water, tensing a little bit as a chill ran down his spine, but he adjusted quickly and held out his arms for his son. Mattie grabbed ahold of Eric and hugged him, looking up at him fearfully.
"What's wrong, bud? Did Jim pull you in again?" Eric asked, looking down into his son's blue eyes.
Mattie nodded, "Yeah… He's getting me a floatie."
"Well, that was nice of him," Eric said, but he looked over his shoulder with a sort of scolding look as he searched for his ten year old son.
Jim eventually returned with a floatie and gave it to Mattie, Eric told his Jim not to be mean to his brother, and then they all played around in the pool for a while. They didn't get out until Jackie walked over with Brooke and they were both holding towels.
"Alright guys, it's getting a bit late, we don't want you guys catching colds," Jackie said, and was immediately met with a collective disappointed groan. Jackie smiled sarcastically and rolled her eyes, "Oh, I know. Mom's so mean."
"We won't get sick, Mommy, it's warm outside," Mattie tried as he kicked his feet under the water, his arms draped over his pool floatie.
"But the water's cold," Jackie said, holding an unfolded towel in her hands, "Besides, you guys have been in there for a while, you need to get out. The others are playing baseball, why don't you guys go play with them?"
"Okay," Niki, Jim, and Tyler all said, the three of them swimming to the edge of the pool or to the stairs and they got out, but Mattie stayed where he was, causing both his parents to frown.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" Jackie asked the pouting boy.
"They don't let me play with them," Mattie said, resting his chin on the floatie, "They think I'm too little."
"You're bigger than Tyler," Eric told him, his eyebrows furrowed curiously.
"But he's stronger than me," Mattie said. Mattie got his physical features from Eric, and not just his facial features. He was as skinny as a twig like Eric was, or is.
"Okay, so what you're little, look at me, buddy," Eric said, gesturing towards himself, "I was exactly your size when I was your age, but I was a dang good basketball player."
Jackie smiled, "He was actually pretty good."
"See?" Eric smiled, wading over towards his son, "Just because you're smaller than the other kids, doesn't mean you're not good at things. You just got to try."
Mattie shrugged, still pouting, "I don't know…"
Eric looked up at Jackie and she smiled sweetly down at her son as she was reminded of something, "Hey, you've never met Chris have you?"
"Who's Chris?" Mattie asked, looking up at his mother.
"Uncle Steven's son," Jackie told him, "He's a little younger than you, but a whole lot smaller and he plays baseball, he's pretty good. Maybe you should ask him to play?"
Steven and his wife lived in Chicago, they didn't get to see each other that much anymore until just recently when Steven and June moved here. Everybody loved it here, and now Steven's family, Fez's family, and Andrea and Rachel's family all lived here.
"He's smaller than me?" Mattie asked.
Jackie nodded, "A lot smaller."
Mattie looked over at his father briefly before looking back up at his mother and he nodded, "Okay. I'll try."
"Atta boy," Eric smiled, reaching his arms out towards his son to help him out of the pool, "Now come here."
Eric grabbed Mattie under the arms and pulled him through the floatie before the both of them got out of the pool. Jackie bundled her baby in the warm towel as soon as he got out and started shivering. She rubbed his wet arms, trying to dry him a little bit and then she kissed him on top of the head, "Go get dressed."
"Okay," Mattie said before he quickly made his way up to the house where everybody was.
Jackie smiled at the boy as he ran up to the porch, Eric grabbing the last towel and drying his damp hair.
The next week, Eric and Jackie decided to help Andrea and Rachel get the last things out of their apartment. They also wanted to see the apartment again. They haven't been up to visit much since they moved to Woodstock. When they moved away, David, Andrea, and Ayrton were all living there, and after Eric, Jackie and the kids left, Maya and Rachel moved in, so there wasn't really a whole lot of room for the married couple and their six kids plus their three adopted ones after all of that happened.
They wanted to show their kids where they lived for a while. Where the best moments of their lives happened. The boys probably barely remembered it, Niki wasn't even five when they left. Leo was excited, he hasn't been to New York for a while.
"Alright guys, this is New York," Eric said from the front seat, garnering the attention of the distracted boys in the back seat.
Niki was listening to music on his MP3 player, Jim was playing on his game boy, Mattie was taking a nap, and Tyler was trying to entertain the three year olds in the back seat.
"Wow…" Leo smiled, looking out the window in awe, "It's just as beautiful as I remember it."
"This is New York?" Tyler asked looking out the window along with his younger twin siblings.
"Wow…" Mason said, peering out the window as his sister Mary just ogled over the towering skyscrapers.
"Niki!" Jim suddenly cried, grabbing his older brother's arm and shaking him roughly, obviously annoying the boy.
"What?" Niki spat, annoyed that he was disturbed from listening to Blink 182.
"Look! We're here!" Jim cried excitedly.
Niki then looked out the window and was instantly taken aback by the beauty of the city. He only ogled for a moment before he turned to a sleeping Mattie and gently shook him awake, "Mattie… Mattie, wake up. Look! We're in New York!"
Mattie groaned sleepily and slowly fluttered his eyes open, inhaling a deep breath as he stretched a little, "What's going on…?"
"Look," Niki smiled, pointing out the window.
Mattie slowly looked over towards his window and peered out, but it took him a moment to fully process what he was seeing, but when he finally did, he beamed and looked up towards his parents in the front seat.
"This is so cool! We used to live here?!" Mattie asked, beaming as he turned his attention back to the city.
"Yep," Eric chuckled at his son's enthusiasm, "It's pretty cool, huh?"
"Cool? This is amazing! Why'd we ever move?" Jim asked, not really understanding why his parents would want to leave a place like this.
"Well, it got a little crowded in the apartment we used to live in with six kids," Eric said, "We didn't make enough money at the time to afford a place to live on our own up here, so we looked for something somewhere else."
"We wanted a place where you kids could grow up," Jackie said, "A house. Each of you would have a bedroom, a big backyard, a neighborhood with nice neighbors, a good school… Woodstock was the perfect place. The houses aren't overly expensive, everybody's nice, the teachers at your school actually care. You guys have a place you can call home. I'm glad it's Woodstock."
Jim smiled and thought about it for a minute before he nodded contently, "Yeah… Me too."
"We should still come visit here more often," Niki said, looking out the window still, "I miss everybody."
"Yeah, I want to see Uncle David and Aunt Maya," Tyler said, looking up at his parents.
"Yeah, and Ayrton too, I miss him," Mattie said, his bottom lip stuck out in a pout.
"We should come visit more often," Eric said, nodding, "It's just hard with my job. You guys know I'm really busy. I wish we could come up here a little more."
"We know, dad," Niki said in understanding, "We're here now, at least… This is really cool."
"I've missed it up here," Leo said with a sad smile, "I think whenever I graduate I'll come live up here."
"That'd be cool," Jackie smiled, looking over her shoulder at the teenager, "I'm sure Ayrton wouldn't mind you bunking with him until you found a job… Just don't try to leave us too soon, okay?"
Leo smiled sweetly, "I won't."
The kids all looked out their windows, all of them in awe over this city. They've never seen anything so beautiful. They were quiet for the next several minutes as their father drove through the traffic that he seemed to be an expert at weaving through.
It wasn't until they slowed to a stop that they were jerked out their curious gazes and they all looked up towards their parents.
"We're here," Eric smiled as he turned the car off.
The kids all looked back out the window curiously. They saw a two story building right outside up on the curb. The first floor was made of red brick and it looked brand new, but they knew it's probably been there forever. The top floor was a mint green color and there were a few windows that looked crystal clear.
"This is where you guys used to live?" Jim asked, a little in surprise, "It doesn't look that big."
"Wait until you the inside," Jackie smiled as she unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to look back at her kids, seeing the excitable grin on Leo's face as he rushed to get out of the car and go to the building, "Come on, let's go."
Eric and Jackie got out of the car, along with their seven kids and then they went up on the curb, looking up at the building that hasn't changed a bit since they last saw it. There were so many memories made in this place, they missed it sometimes.
Eric opened the door to the bar, making the little bell jingle above it and he held it open for his family to walk in past him. They all went into the empty bar that looked like it was going through some renovations. It was a little odd seeing it differently, it didn't look like the place Andrea used to own.
The family quickly made their way upstairs, and once they were to the door, Eric knocked firmly, and then invited himself in.
"Honey, I'm home!" Eric called as he entered the apartment that was now mostly empty.
"Eric!" Rachel's cheery voice suddenly said as she came around the corner, a huge beaming smile on her pretty face, "How are you?"
"I'm fine, how are you?" Eric smiled, letting Rachel hug him.
"Good," Rachel smiled as she pulled away and then she saw Jackie, "Hey Jackie."
The two best friends hugged, both of them squealing a little bit in excitement. The hug didn't last long, because two little voices suddenly cried, "Eric! Jackie!"
Peter and Jimmy suddenly tackled the couple in a huge hug. Jimmy hugged them both tightly, but Peter's hug was more timid and loose like his father's.
"Hey boys," Eric chuckled as he hugged the two, "You guys excited about moving to a new place?"
"Yeah! Because all my friends are there!" Jimmy beamed as he looked up at Eric and Jackie.
"All your friends being us?" Jim suddenly asked the younger boy.
"You guys came too?!" Jimmy beamed excitedly.
"Yeah, mommy and daddy wanted to show us the city," Mattie said shyly, staying right beside his eldest brother.
"Where's Andrea?" Eric asked Rachel as he let the kids talk.
"He's in the bedroom getting some of our clothes together," Rachel said before she looked down at the boys, "Come inside, guys. There's plenty of room."
The family of nine came into the apartment and Jackie closed the door behind them all. The boys stayed in the living room and talked to Peter and Jimmy for a minute as Eric and Jackie followed Rachel to one of the bedrooms where Andrea was. They went into the bedroom and saw Andrea packing a bag full of last minute things, looking very concentrated.
Andrea hadn't changed a bit in the past twelve years, not in any way. He looked the same and acted the same.
"Hey Andy," Eric smiled as he watched the older man shove a shirt into the bag.
Andrea looked up and saw his old friends standing in the doorway and he smiled, "Eric. Jackie. How are you?"
"We're doing great," Eric said as Andrea approached them; he held out his hand robotically for Eric to shake, to which Eric just rolled his eyes and shook the man's hand, "You never change, do you?"
"Why would I change?" Andrea asked with a smile before he turned to Jackie and held out his arms for a hug, to which Jackie obliged and wrapped her arms around him tightly.
"Why does she get a hug?" Eric complained, though he was smiling.
"It is common knowledge that if your friend is a man you shake his hand, but if your friend is a woman, you—"
"Hug her, yeah, I know," Eric said with a smile and rolled his eyes, "Do you need help, or what?"
"And this is where me and your father used to sleep," Jackie said as he showed her children around the apartment.
"This place is so cool," Niki said as he entered his parent's former bedroom, "Did Uncle Andrea really sell it?"
Jackie nodded, a little sad at that fact, "Yes, he did."
"That blows," Jim said, looking around at the chipped yellow painted walls, "This would have been a cool place for me to live when I'm older."
"Well, Andrea and Rachel wanted something different like we did," Jackie shrugged, looking around at the room that held so many memories, "Some things just change, I guess."
"I bet you guys had the best times here," Niki smiled, looking around, "I sort of remember it."
"Do you?" Jackie asked with a curious smile.
Niki nodded, "Yeah," He pointed over towards the window, "I slept by the window."
"You did," Jackie smiled, "I can't believe you remember that."
"I used to look out it all the time," Niki said, skipping over to the window, "I used to love watching the people. Didn't I?"
Jackie nodded and followed her oldest son to the window that he was now looking out. It was so pretty out there. Jackie always loved the people of this city, it was so diverse, "You did."
Niki smiled and leaned his forearms against the windowsill, "To turn back time, eh mom?"
Jackie smiled as Niki pushed himself back off the windowsill and went back over to his brothers, but Jackie remained at the window, her eyes focused on the street. She smiled a sad smile as she watched the cars pass and then she looked down the block a little. Down that way about three blocks was the bar that they used to go to and hang out in. It was now closed, there was a shoe store there now. David told her that over the phone a couple of years ago.
Just down those three blocks is where Eric and Jackie had that stupid argument, and down three more blocks is where Eric was nearly killed in a car accident. Jackie remembers her whole world turned upside down that night, she cried herself to sleep. She'd never forget how worried she was. She still had dreams about it, and they terrified her. But Eric was always there to tell her it would be okay and that he was okay.
Jackie stood there by that window for a while, she barely even noticed that her kids had left the room and had started helping everyone get things outside to Andrea's car. He still had the red Ferrari. Oh, that car.
"This is bullshit!" Andrea cried as the man working at the mechanics gave him the estimate to fix his car, "You're going to fix my brakes and windows, and you are telling me it is going to cost eleven hundred dollars?"
"I'm sorry, sir, but that's the real cost," The man at the shop tried.
"Bullshit!" Andrea cried again, "Complete and utter bullshit!"
Jackie laughed nervously and grabbed Andrea's arm, trying to calm him down, "I'm sorry, he's got a bit of a temper."
"You think?" The man said, his arms crossed.
"Don't get snappy with me, sir!" Andrea snapped, glaring at the man.
"Please, get him away from me," The man said, trying to keep his cool, but Andrea wasn't helping matters.
"I want to speak to the owner!" Andrea ordered.
"You are," The man replied, rather smugly.
This only seemed to anger Andrea more, "You run a shit box!"
"Watch your tone, little man. You don't want to fuck with me," The man replied, his gaze hard now.
"I'm not fucking with you, I'm too busy fucking with your m—" Then Eric came up behind Andrea and covered his mouth with his own hand.
"I'm so sorry," Eric smiled nervously, Andrea fighting at his hands, "You go ahead and fix up the car, I'll cover it."
Jackie laughed a little at the memory. Andrea was always funny when he wasn't trying to be. Then Jackie remembered that that day didn't so well though. Jackie got chills just thinking about it, so she blocked it out of her mind and turned back to the room that was now just an empty shell of what it used to be.
She sighed and left the room, going into the living room, that was also empty besides the old couch it came with. Jackie smiled at the room where they actually didn't spend too much time. The only thing that was ever done in here were parties or just watching TV, other than that, not really much.
Jackie walked to the kitchen and looked around. The walls were the exact same color that she remembered. The small table and four chairs that previously sat in here were gone. This is the room where they met Peyton, Bruno, and Leo for the first time.
"And who are these little guys?"
"This is Peyton," She pointed to the girl, who looked to be the oldest, "Bruno," The school aged boy, "And Leonardo," The toddler.
Eric smiled and waved at the three, "Nice to meet you all."
The girl smiled, but it looked forced as she turned back to her bowl of cereal. The toddler was eating dry cereal, and he looked up at Eric curiously, and the other boy smiled happily up at Eric, kicking his feet excitedly, "Andrea told me you're a music teacher."
Eric smiled and nodded, "Well, not yet, but…"
"Can you teach me how to play guitar?" The boy asked, sitting up on his knees in his chair.
Eric nodded, smiling gleefully, "Yeah, sure."
Bruno smiled wider, "Awesome!"
Eric smiled at the boy, having made the kid's whole day.
It seemed like just yesterday, and now they were all grown. Leo was next to fly from the nest, and Jackie wasn't really sure if she was ready for it yet. Jackie turned and left the kitchen, going into the lounge room, which was only really an area for partying. That's all they ever used it for anyway.
It was empty as well as pretty much every room in this apartment, and it was kind of sad. Jackie walked around the lounge room, passing the small bathroom on her way around.
"Andrea? Are you still in there?" It was quiet, so she knocked again, "Andrea? Are you okay?"
It was quiet for another minute, but this time she heard the door unlock and then a moment later the door opened and revealed Andrea with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, "I cannot find my clothes."
Jackie stifled a laugh and tried keeping a straight face. The situation held more hilarity than it should have because this was the last situation you would see Andrea in. He was usually mature and a bit shy, but he held a bit of a temper.
"They're not in there?" Jackie asked.
Andrea ran a hand through his unusually unkempt hair, "No."
"Where did you take them off?" Jackie asked, a small smirk playing at her lips.
"If I knew that I would not be standing here naked, now would I?" Andrea asked, and Jackie scoffed, making Andrea glare at her, "Do not laugh at me, this is not funny."
"It's a little funny," Jackie said, finally letting herself smile.
"Can you go and get me some clothes?" He asked, but not so nicely, but he did add, "Please."
Jackie nodded, "Yeah, wait right here."
She walked back out into the lounge room and walked to Andy's room, going to his closet and just grabbing whatever she first saw, which ended up being a blue sweater and khaki pants. She grabbed some other garments before she made her way back to the bathroom and handed her roommate his clothes.
"Thank you," He said, quickly taking the clothes from her hands.
"No problem," She smiled, "Need anything else?"
"No," He replied irritably, before shaking his head and scrunching up his face in disgust, "I feel dirty, I need to shower."
Then he stepped back and shut the door in Jackie's face, but she laughed at what he said before she turned and went back into the living room to find Eric still cleaning up.
Jackie eventually found herself back in her and Eric's old bedroom again. It was so weird seeing it empty like this. It was so weird seeing the entire apartment empty like this. Sometimes she wished she could turn back time and be young and carefree again.
This is the room where a lot of important things in her life happened. It was the room where she finally vented her frustration to her mother, it was the room where Niki took his first steps, it was the room where Eric told her he loved her for the first time.
Jackie felt emotional just remembering that moment.
"I guess I had to do this at some point."
So Eric grabbed the sides of his sunglasses and slowly took them off, his pale hands shaking with nervousness. When he finally took them off he avoided Jackie's gaze, but he did look up enough for her to see the scar and what it had done to his appearance.
Jackie examined it for a second and then she smiled, "Eric… Your eyes are beautiful."
Eric shook his head, "Stop trying to make me feel better, Jackie."
Jackie shook her head and kept the smile on her face, "I'm telling the truth, Eric. You may think it's just pity, but I'm being truthful. You, Eric Forman, are the most beautiful person I've ever met."
Eric shook his head, he couldn't believe her, "I don't think so."
"Well, I do," Jackie replied, grabbing his hands again and squeezing them gently, "There's nothing wrong with you, Eric. You're just human."
Eric could feel the tears stinging his eyes. Everything that he just told her… He couldn't believe he'd done that. He actually did kind of feel a little better, but he still felt sad for some reason. Eric squeezed Jackie's hands, a little harder than she had squeezed his, making her furrow her brow curiously.
"Eric?" She said in a concerned way, and then she was taken off guard when Eric wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her shoulder.
She wrapped her arms around him a moment later, rubbing his back soothingly as he apologized, "I'm sorry for yelling."
Jackie shook her head, "That's okay."
Eric finally cried and Jackie just held him, rubbing his back and trying to comfort him. This is the second time she's done this now. She eventually brought her hand up to his hair and ran her fingers through it, trying to relax him.
After several minutes of hugging, Eric finally spoke, "Jackie?"
"Yeah?" Jackie responded, and what Eric said next changed Jackie's life.
"I think…" Eric was nervous, but he said it anyway, "I think I love you."
This apartment was the greatest thing that ever happened to her and it really just dawned on her that she was getting ready to close this chapter of her life forever. She felt a few hot tears run down her face, and she was only startled out her mind when the voice of her husband spoke.
"Jackie, we got everything packed. You ready to go?" Eric asked, and she could just hear the smile in his voice. He was always so happy, just like he was when she first reconnected with him. Jackie turned around to face her husband, the tears falling from her eyes causing Eric to frown and step into the room towards his wife, "Jackie? What's wrong?"
Eric grabbed her upper arms gently and she looked around the room briefly before she looked up at Eric, "It's silly, but… I'm going to miss this place so much."
Eric smiled a little and rubbed her arms soothingly, "Jackie, we haven't lived here in years."
Jackie nodded, "I know, it's just… Knowing that I'll never be able to just come and visit it is just… It's heartbreaking. We've lived our best moments here, Eric. I'm really going to miss it."
"I'm going to miss it too," Eric admitted, though he still smiled for Jackie, "I mean, we made some of the best friends here. We adopted three kids, we partially raised them here. Niki and Jim learned how to walk in this very room. Saying I'm not going to miss it would make me a liar. This place means the world to me, but… We have to go on. We have a home now."
"This is my home, though," Jackie said sadly, trying to stop herself from crying.
"Not anymore," Eric tried, "It was our home for a while, but we have a new home now. Think about it, Jackie. We may be closing this chapter of our lives, but we have an even more exciting one to start. Look at what we've created."
Eric motioned towards the window and Jackie looked down towards the sidewalk where their kids were helping Andrea and Rachel get things together. Niki was laughing at something Jim was doing, Mattie was helping Andrea put some things in the trunk, and Tyler was helping Rachel. Mason and Mary were being chased around by Peter and Jimmy, all of them had a smile on their faces. Jackie smiled looking down at them all.
"We have the greatest family," Eric smiled down at her, squeezing her arms supportively, "Andy and Rachel are moving to Woodstock to be closer to us. That's how you know."
Jackie looked up at Eric curiously, "How I know what?"
"That it wasn't the apartment that created all those memories, it was the people that lived in it," Eric explained, "This place is important to me, but what's even more important to me are my friends. We can create more memories at our house. We can watch our kids grow up and become the best people. And now, we can watch our little godchildren grow up, too."
Jackie smiled at that and looked back out the window again, "Why are you always right?"
"Because I'm a Forman," Eric smirked sarcastically, "Dumbasses don't run in the family."
"Not according to your father," Jackie giggled, and it made Eric smile just seeing her brighten up.
Eric looked out the window at their kids that were now being chased around by Leo, who was smiling brightly. Eric looked back down at his wife and smiled sweetly, "Are you ready to go?"
Jackie sighed and looked around the room one last time, taking in every little bit of it. The yellow chipping paint, the creaky hardwood flooring, the window that was a pain in the ass to open, the ceiling fan that only had one setting. Slow. Jackie then finally looked up at Eric and she smiled, albeit sadly, but there was a little happiness in there as well.
"Yes," Jackie said, wiping the tears from her pretty eyes, "I'm ready."
Eric smiled and placed a kiss on top of Jackie's head and then he grabbed her hand, using his free hand to push a loose strand of brown hair out of her eyes. Then, she followed her husband out of the room and towards the door.
Eric opened the door, and the two of them turned and looked around the apartment, both of them smiling sadly. Even Eric was getting a little emotional himself. Eric and Jackie shared a content look before Jackie nodded curtly. The both of them then left the room, but they took the memories with them.
Eric walked ahead of Jackie a little bit, but he turned to look back at her as she looked back into the room one final time before she shut the door for the last time.