The Raynewood Orphanage


The tome closed atop the night elf's lap. All of the knowledge and wisdom bound within this powerful book had been imparted upon the children. She watched them wretch in agony. Tears filled their eyes as they continued to share their contempt and protest over the story that had been told.

"This can't be real!" Nalias begged. The young night elf child clutched onto his fellow brothers Meileath and Fyadren while sharing in uncontrollable weeps. "You're lying!"

"It's okay," begged Kaitlynn while comforting the younger female child beside her. Lysash was frantically blubbering in her arms. The elder child tried to bear her sorrow but couldn't stop her own tears from falling atop the little one's brown hair. She attempted to reassure the young girl as they sat together in a grieving embrace. Whether she was saying these words for Lysash or herself could not be said for certain.

The others continued to sob and convulse where they sat. Not a single detail had been spared. They all believed themselves to be ready. It wasn't until the ending sank in that they finally realized just how foolishly ignorant they truly were.

Narula had feared the worst with sharing this harrowing tale. Her initial trepidations were grossly underestimated. The orphans had come to know and love Rayne as one of their own. He was their light in a world of darkness. Hearing of his tragic sacrifice was just too much for any of them to bear. They had already been forced to deal with the loss of their parents. Listening to the tragic demise of the Templar Knights had nearly broken them entirely.

The only one among them that seemed to keep any semblance of composure was the young draenei Claudis. He was looked upon with high regard by the other children in the orphanage. However, not even his great resolve could silence the pain in his heart. The young draenei stared at the night elf with a pair of thick tears rushing down the sides of his gentle blue face.

"Please, say it isn't true," pleaded Claudis. His stern voice had become meek and frail. "Is Rayne really…?"

The young draenei choked on his own thoughts. He couldn't even begin to speak the question everyone was desperately seeking the answer to. They had all admitted they were ready to hear this story but by their reactions thus far, it couldn't have been further from the truth.

"My child," the night elf tenderly began. She carefully knelt down and reached for Claudis' face and wiped away a tear with her slender thumb. "Do not weep."

All of the children's gazes had fallen upon her. For a brief moment, their tears had stopped. A short smile crept upon Narula's lips. They had displayed quite the resolve in listening to the final heroic tale of the Templar Knights. The night elf knew she was in for a long evening. The only thing Narula had left to offer them were the stoic words that could free even the darkest souls from the brink of despair. She looked upon each and every one of them and prepared to utter the phrase that would slowly begin to lift their spirits as it had become a blessing to her.

The night elf reached over with a single hand and lovingly stroked the young child's rippling black hair before pulling her hand back and tenderly clutching her stomach. Narula's smile immediately widened upon hearing the encroaching footsteps outside their home.

"The light does not abandon its champions."

And then there was a knock at the door.