Hey everybody!

I know I should be working on my other stories and I will and I thank you for sticking with me but this one keeps coming back and I wanted to start writing it.

Tags to episodes 1.22 2.01

Thoughts are in italics


Nobody saw the 18 wheeler barrelling down the road towards them, nobody noticed until they felt the impact and were knocked unconscious.

Now Sam and Dean were back at Bobby's and both were dealing with the grief of loosing their father differently. Dean was angry constantly and was taking it out on his car while Sam had completely shut down and would spend most of the day in the room upstairs.

Bobby had just finished making sandwiches and had one on a plate to take out to Dean.

"Hey Dean I brought you something to eat." Bobby said setting it down on the cooler beside the impala.

"Thanks Bobby." Dead said giving the tire a kick before grabbing his lunch and sitting down on the cooler.

"Have you talked to Sam yet?" Bobby asked

"I can't Bobby, not yet." Dean said

"Dean I know I cannot tell you what to do, but Sam has completely shut down and he's stopped eating completely. I don't know what to do. I know you are mad at him and again I can't tell you not to be but you really, really need to talk to him. At the very least get him to eat something, anything. I can't have another Winchester die on me." Bobby said

"Just wait here and Ill go up." Dean said grabbing half of his sandwich

"Can-do." Bobby said

Dean walked inside and went for the stairs towards the room they were supposed to be sharing but weren't. Dean was sleeping in the living room. Dean went up to the door and took a deep breath before turning the knob and opening the door.

Sam was curled in on himself and he had been crying. Dean set the sandwich on the night stand and went to shake his brothers shoulder.

"Sam?" Dean said

Sam rolled over in the bed to see Dean overtop of him.

"Dean?" Sam said

"Bobby wanted you to try and eat this." Dean said

"Not hungry." Sam said

"You haven't eating anything!" Dean said raising his voice in annoyance

Why couldn't Sam just eat the damn food?

"I'm not hungry Dean, please just let me sleep." Sam said

"Bobby is nice enough to let us stay here the least you could do is act like you are grateful." Dean said

Sam picked up the sandwich ate it and rolled back over waiting for Dean to leave. When Sam heard the front door closing he ran to the bathroom and threw up the sandwich. He flushed the toilet brushed his teeth and went back to bed.

Dean was walking towards where Bobby was sitting drinking a beer.

"So how'd it go?" Bobby asked

"He ate it when I saw you could appreciate you letting us stay here." Dean said

"So no progress was made then?" Bobby asked

"Nope." Dean said

"Well you keep working on your car and I am going to see if I can put your brother back together." Bobby said

Dean didn't say anything and went back to working on the impala. Bobby got up grabbed Dean's plate and walked back towards the house.

I hope the kid is alright, I don't want anything to happen to him he's like a son to me.

Bobby set the 2 plates down in the sink and made his ascent to Sam's room to see if he could get the kid some sunlight. He didn't bother knocking because he figured Sam would be asleep anyways. Bobby pulled over a chair and sat down at the side of Sam's bed.

"Sam." Bobby said nudging his shoulder

"Hmm." Sam said

"I need your help with something." Bobby said

"What is it Bobby." Sam said

"I want you to come into town with me. I need to pick up some parts for your brother." Bobby said

"I don't think Dean wants my help Bobby. I already destroyed the impala, I don't want to ruin it a second time." Sam said

"Don't you worry about your brother. I will deal with him, now come on before the store closes." Bobby said

"Okay but I am not driving." Sam said

"That's perfectly fine son." Bobby said

Sam changed into clean clothes and put his shoes on, he started walking down the stairs when he felt a blinding pain in his back. He decided not to worry though because it was most likely from laying in bed too much. He walked outside and hurried to Bobby's car so Dean wouldn't see him.

Bobby came out a few minutes later and saw that Sam was already in the car and Dean hadn't seen him come outside.

"Sam and I are running into town Dean!" Bobby yelled but no response followed

"Things will get better Sam, just give it time." Bobby said starting up the car

Sam didn't respond and the drive into town was completely silent and it was beginning to get on Bobby's nerves because Sam always had something he wanted to talk about. The only noise was coming from Sam when he winced every time another vehicle went past.

"You alright over there?" Bobby asked

"Sorry. I know that I am a Winchester and I hunt monsters and I'm not supposed to be afraid of anything but being in a car almost makes me have a panic attack." Sam said

"It's going to be alright Sam, its going to take sometime to get back to not being afraid but that's alright. Everything happens with time." Bobby said

"Thanks for understanding Bobby." Sam said

"No worries son. Now are you coming in with me or are you saying in the car?" Bobby asked as he turned the car off

"Ill come in." Sam said before opening the door and emptying the water he had drank earlier and some bile

"Sam!" Bobby said coming around

"I'm alright I just think the car ride made me a little un-easy." Sam said

"Why don't you lie down in the back on the way home, that way you can't see the traffic and just in case you do pass out you are already lying down." Bobby suggested

"Sounds like a plan to me Bobby." Sam said standing up and walking towards the store with Bobby