Chapter 1: Just a talk.

Having no memories didn't suck as much as you would expect, because quite simply, you remembered nothing, and you didn't care, being in the maze was bad enough to hold all your attention. But feelings, you can't recall a feeling, you experience it, and over time your feelings deepen, as they mean more and more to you. Feelings can't be denied, like basic needs, you must fulfill them. Your stomach growls, so you eat. You're lonely, so you find someone to talk to. No big issues there.

But love, love was a muddle, far more complex then those examples. Newt sighed, as he looked at the maze. Thomas and Minho were in there, exploring their area for today. He regretted not being able to join them, entering the maze terrified him, but now, losing them to the maze seemed a far worse thing. ''They are probably making out. Now stop staring and get to work.'' a familiar voice whispered in his ear.

Gally, he loved making Newt anxious about his feelings for both Minho and Thomas. ''Piss off.'' he told Gally, as he turned to stare angrily at the builder. ''Ooh, strong language, coming from you. Face reality Newt, those two shuckheads are into eachother, and here you are, just being their friend, and nothing more, until they realize you are less than that to them. And you could have so much more, if you'd just accept my offer.'' Gally said. Newt snorted. ''I'll be dead and rotting before I accept your offer.'' ''You almost did, and you failed at that too.'' Gally replied. Newt turned red, but before he could strike Gally, he heard Chuck shout, ''They're back!''

''This talk isn't over.'' Gally said. Newt rolled his eyes, before heading towards the gate. Thomas smiled as he talked to Minho. ''Did you happen upon something interesting?'' Newt asked, as he drew closer. Instantly, their laughter stopped, and they turned to Newt with serious faces. ''Not really.'' Thomas said, and Minho nodded. ''It's a maze, pretty much everything looks the same as when you ran around.'' he added.

''See, nothing ever changes. Get some food.'' Gally told the two runners, who shrugged and headed to Frypan. ''Nothing changes around here, Newt. Including their feelings.'' Gally told him, before heading of to the shelter. ''Newt!'' Thomas headed back, making the blond smile. ''Something wrong, Tommy?'' he asked. ''Well, I came back on behalf of Minho. I mean, I don't know why you stopped being a runner, but he doesn't mean it like that. I could tell you what happened over dinner, if you'd like.'' the brunette offered.

Newt couldn't help but smile a bit. That was Thomas for you, always caring, making sure everyone was alright. Tommy was probably his best friend in the whole wide world, or at least the glade, and that kind of sucked. ''I'd love to.'' he told Thomas. ''Great. So, what did Gally just say, because after he said something, you looked as if you were about to kill him, which I understand, but usually you are more patient.'' Thomas rambled. ''Oh, nothing important.'' Newt said, because, really, his feelings for Minho and Thomas weren't that important, right?

''If you say so. Just tell me or Min if he's bothering you though. At times that klunk is just a big bully.'' Thomas said. Newt quirked his eyebrow ''At times?'' he asked. ''At times, most of the time, always. Same difference, seeing he's only got two expressions.'' Thomas shrugged, before holding up an arm. ''May I take you out for dinner?'' he joked. Newt smiled, as he nodded and took the arm. ''Let's grab something to eat.'' he replied, as they headed towards the so-called 'kitchen'.

''What took you shanks so long?'' Minho asked, who was already seated with three plates in front of him. ''No particular reason. Did you skip breakfast, or are you that hungry?'' Newt asked. ''No particular reason doesn't cut it. No, two of these plates are for my friends.'' Minho teased. ''What friends?'' Thomas teased back, as he took one of the plates. ''One of them is a nosy, curious, wannabe runner, and the other has a British accent.'' Minho replied, shoving the other plate to Newt, who silently thanked him, by offering him a nod.

''Doesn't sound familiar to me, do you know those bloody shanks he calls friends, Tommy?'' Newt asked, and the brunette shook his head. ''Oh well, must be a figment of your imagination.'' Newt shrugged. ''Okay, enough of this. How was your day, Newt?'' Thomas asked, before proceeding to take a bite from whatever Frypan had made. ''You know, same old. Supervising the others performing their tasks, watering the unripe vegetables, pick some of the ripe ones. Nothing that special.'' Newt replied. 'Aside from keeping my feelings from you and dealing with a certain asshole, but I'm not telling you something that bothersome.' he added in his mind.

''Jeez, sounds kinda boring.'' Thomas said. ''Sometimes it's more fun, some times more serious.'' Newt explained, before adding, ''Tell me about the maze.'' Minho and Thomas shared a look, before the Asian said, ''It really wasn't that special. We didn't discover an exit, and it was more or less the same as usual. I'm going to the dead-heads. See you later.'' he said, picking up his plate, and walking away.

''Minho!'' Thomas yelled, but Newt stopped him, before the brunette could chase after the other runner. ''He's probably busy. I don't mind, Tommy.'' Newt said. ''He isn't busy, he is... I'm going after him.'' Thomas said, before taking his plate, but adressing Newt once more, ''I'll be back soon.'' he promised. ''It's alright, really...'' Newt said, but Thomas was running of already.

'I just wanted to talk..' Newt thought, before someone sat next to him. ''Told you so, they can't even hang with you for a minute before needing some private time.'' Gally smirked. ''It has been a long day, and they did a lot of work. They are tired, that's all. Is there a reason you keep bothering me, or are just looking for a fight?'' Newt asked. ''Just messing with you, that's all.'' Gally ruffled through Newt's hair, but Newt pushed his hand away.

''I don't appreciate it.'' Newt said, and Gally shrugged. ''I'm trying to help you, wouldn't like seeing you get hurt. But fine, suit yourself. You can always talk to me, you know, when I end up being right.'' Gally told him. ''You're getting on my nerves.'' Newt warned him. ''Better your nerves then your feelings, the first are less delusional.'' Gally said.

''Okay, that's it!'' Newt nearly shouted, grabbing Gally's collar, but before something could occur, Alby arrived, breaking them up. ''Easy Newt. Gally, resume your supper. Newt, follow me.'' he ordered. ''This isn't over.'' Newt hissed, before following his friend towards the woods. Alby was quiet, maybe Newt had gone too far. He had never seen Alby angry before, scared, worried, but not angry. He hoped it wasn't the case, they weren't the first two to fight.

''He was aggravating me.'' Newt said eventually, making Alby stop in his tracks. ''I can see that happening, Gally is difficult at times. Still, you're second in command. You're responsible for everything, and if you argue with Gally, allowing him to get on your nerves, it could go awry. People would stop looking up to you, and wouldn't take you serious any longer. You need to be careful, we both know Gally would love to get a say at how we do things at the glade.'' Alby said.

''No one'd be insane enough to listen to him.'' Newt crossed his arms. ''He knows how to persuade someone. What if I dissappeared one day, and people do start a riot, because he tells them so?'' Alby asked. ''Why are you lecturing me? I know I wasn't exactly in the right, but..'' ''I can lecture him, and he'd do everything in his power to make it happen. I'm warning you, because I'm trying to protect you.'' Alby said, before smiling, ''So... how is your leg doing?'' ''Making small talk?'' Newt asked, and Alby nodded. ''It's doing fine. I'm not able to run, but I can still make myself useful.'' Newt replied.

In the meantime, Thomas had caught up to Minho, who sat, working on the maze. ''You were really mean back there.'' Thomas said. Minho remained silent as he studied the maze build replica. ''Minho, you're hurting him and yourself eventually. He's had a rough day as well, and you don't even want to talk to him.'' Thomas said. ''It's not that I don't want to talk.'' Minho said.

''Then what is it? Why are you being so difficult?'' Thomas questioned, before adding, ''I thought you liked him.'' Minho gave him an odd look. ''Of course I like him. He's my shucking friend.'' he told Thomas. ''I mean... like, ehr never mind that.'' Thomas rambled. Minho gave him another look before shrugging it off. ''It's complicated.'' he told Thomas. ''Nothing you can't talk about, I'm sure.'' Thomas, ever the good soul, told him.

''How can you know?'' Minho asked. ''I assume the bond between you and Newt is strong enough to-'' ''It's not inbetween Newt and me.'' Minho said. ''It kind of is, I mean you ignored him, and-'' Thomas started. ''Not that, I meant the reason why.'' Minho told Thomas, giving him a stern look. ''What do you mean?'' Thomas asked, unsure of what Minho was talking about, but Minho just said, ''Think about it, and you'll understand, eventually. I don't want to hurt any of you, and a good leader takes distance when he's about to hurt some of his loyal friends. Go away.''

''Min, I don't get any of this. Don't make this more confusing then it already is.'' Thomas said. ''Leave me alone.'' Minho nearly hissed. ''Fine. I'm going to see how he's doing, you know, being a good friend. Might want to remember how to be a friend, rather than a leader, shuckface.'' Thomas said, before taking his leave. Minho sighed, why couldn't he be selfish for once? He shook it off before continuing to study the miniature maze some more. There had to be a way out.

Alby and Newt were making their way back when they found someone wandering near the edge of the woods, muttering to himself. ''Ben?'' Newt asked, making the boy look up. His breathing was ragged, and his usually blue eyes were bloodshed. He was holding his right arm against his body, as if in pain. ''Ben, are you alright?'' Alby asked, frowning, but Ben gave no reply.

Alby and Newt shared a look, something was off. ''Get back-up.'' Alby muttered. ''And leave you alone? What if he got stung? This won't end well, both of you could end up dead if you fight.'' Newt reasoned in a hushed voice. ''If we don't do anything, something will happen to the both of us. I won't fight him, for as long as long as I can stall, so act fast.'' Alby said, and Newt nodded, slowly backing off. It wasn't like he could run, and they were close to the center anyway.

As Newt backed away, Alby slowly drew near, but not too close. ''Ben, are you by any chance hurt?'' he asked, trying to confirm whether Ben had gotten stung, or if he was hurt and hiding out here for his own reasons. He soon got his answer, as Ben merely grunted, giving Alby an angry look. ''Ben, this is for your own good, you know what happens next. We're trying to help you, so you must let us. We know you got stung.'' Ben let out a roar, as he charged at Alby.

Newt almost reached the others, maybe he had used his leg a bit too much today, but Alby was in serious trouble. Gally walked up to meet him, probably to talk about what he had said, and why he was right. ''Alby is in danger. I think Ben got stung, he needs back up right now.'' Newt said, before Gally could say anything. Gally's expression turned to worried, before nodding curtly. ''Go rest, I'll get back-up.'' he told Newt.

''But..'' Newt started, but Gally shook his head. ''Your leg is hurt. I'm not going to risk getting you hurt, you need to lead us in case something does happen to Alby. Go on and rest.'' Gally said, before quickly gathering some other people, and heading off to the woods with them. Just in time, as they heard a loud yell. Newt looked over his shoulder in concern, but Gally was right, he was in no condition for combat these days.

He sighed to himself, before walking towards the shed, but making slow progress as his mind kept shifting to Alby and Ben. They were both needed, but Ben could have been stung. Death was most likely to follow after being stung. ''Newt, are you okay?'' Thomas ran up to him. ''Tommy! Not really. I think Ben is stung, and now he and Alby... but Gally already went there. Help.'' he rambled.

''You aren't making any sense. If Ben's stung, then Alby is most likely handling it. Did Gally bring any back-up?'' Thomas asked. Newt nodded slowly. ''Then he should be fine. I don't really know what being stung does, but it can't be that bad, can it?'' Thomas asked. ''It is. It's really bad when you get stung. No one survives being stung. In it's worst case, it gets more victims before the person being stung dies.'' Newt said, but before Thomas could ask more questions, the group from the woods was heading back.

Gally was leading them, as two people were supporting Alby and two others carried a seemingly lifeless Ben, unclear whether he was breathing or not. ''Alby...'' Newt said, wanting to run to the leader, but he could only walk. His legs were done for. ''Gally, what happened?'' Thomas demanded to know. ''Nothing you need to know, greenie.'' Gally said, as he watched Newt stumble and fall to his knees. ''Get Newt, and go to the shack. He needs rest, and he doesn't need to see what happens next, neither do you.'' Gally said.

''Who do you think you are?'' Thomas yelled, but he was pulled back. He looked up to see Minho standing beside him, hand still holding his shoulder. ''Are you alright?'' he asked, and Thomas nodded. ''Then calm down. What's going on?'' he asked Gally. ''Ben got stunned, Alby's hurt, and Newt's legs aren't fully functional anymore. Alby needs medical attention, and I told Thomas to take Newt to the shack. He needs rest, and the both of them don't need to know what happens with Ben.'' Gally explained.

Minho hated to agree, but Gally was right. Newt was close to Ben, friends should be excused from that. ''Thomas, take Newt. I'll go with Alby. Gally, don't mess up and don't make it an ordeal.'' he said. Gally nodded as he made his way to the two carrying Ben, telling them to follow him. ''Minho, why did you agree? What are they going to do to Ben?'' Thomas asked. ''Doesn't matter now. Get Newt away from here, or take Alby to the medical tent. Those are priorities for now.'' Minho said.

''Shuck, Minho, you're being to vague. None of your problems would happen if all of you would communicate clearer.'' Thomas grumbled, before heading over to Newt. ''Need help?'' he asked, and Newt nodded. ''My legs grew tired. Could you help me towards the entrance of the maze?'' Newt asked. ''Orders are to take you to the shack. I'm not sure, but both Minho and Gally said you needed to be there, to rest.'' Thomas said.

Newt snorted, ''They most likely think I can't handle that. But, they have a point, I can't really walk. Do you mind taking me to the shack?'' Thomas shook his head, as he bend down, so Newt could lay an arm over Thomas' shoulder, before helping the blond up. ''What's going on Newt? What happened to your leg? What is going on with Ben, where are they taking them to?'' Thomas asked.

''You ask too much, greenie.'' Newt used Alby's words, making clear he wasn't going to answer the questions. He watched as Minho helped Alby towards the infirmary. ''Ask Alby, he'll decide whether you need to know or not.'' he added. Thomas grumbled something under his breath, but decided not to bother with it any further for now.

''Okay, here's fine. From here on I can handle it.'' Gally told the two boys who had carried Ben. They nodded, before dropping Ben, and heading back, there was some building to be done. ''You can wake up now.'' Gally said, after they were long gone, or at least, sufficiently far away to be out of earshot. Ben grumbled, before he crawled up. ''You promised me freedom in return. I've betrayed my friends with what happened just now, especially Alby and Newt, so you better deliver on that promise, or you'll regret it.'' Ben said.

''I intend to make good on that promise. You should have more faith in me.'' Gally said. ''I don't know, your orders were to take out Alby for a while. Doesn't sound trustworthy to me, Alby is a good person.'' Ben argued. ''And yet you listened.'' Gally said, pointing to the maze. ''Get in, and you'll get your instructions.'' he said. Ben hestitated before stepping in, the doors were already slowly moving.

''You'll leave Newt alone, promise me that much.'' Ben said. Gally merely smirked, before he said, ''I'll see. As for your directions, Ben, you'll find that only a dead man will find his way out. Thank me someday later, that's if we ever meet again.'' Gally said. Ben turned angry before Gally took the large stick next to the door, and pushed the blond further in. ''Enjoy your freedom.'' Gally said. ''You bastar-'' Ben's words got cut off as the doors slammed shut.

Minho slowly entered the shack, after he had taken Alby to the infirmary. He watched as Thomas talked to Newt, the latter laid down on some makeshift bed on the ground. Minho wanted to back off, leave them alone for now, but accidently hit a pot on the floor, making a loud noise, causing both Thomas and Newt to look up. ''How's Alby?'' Newt instantly asked, wanting to get up, but Thomas stopped him.

''He's being taken care off, he wasn't in that bad of a shape. I think he'll be ready to give orders in a few days.'' Minho said, before getting closer, ''How's your leg doing?'' he asked, as he sat down. ''I would be more useful, if I cut it off.'' Newt said, before asking, ''What happened to Ben?''