I do not own Naruto, this is a fanfiction only, but that there might be some ideas from other animes and there might be some other characters showing up in this story for some cameos from time to time and we might let a character or characters to stay in the story permanently if the readers like them enough.

I want to wish Hero100100 a happy birthday and a happy Halloween to all of our readers.

Turns out Yami was not kidding, Asura Otsutsuki really was that stubborn against even talking with me, much less teach me the fabled Talk No Jutsu, and it turns out what Tsunade's grandfather taught her were in fact very long lessons on the art of diplomacy, so no he didn't actually know the Jutsu in question, he just assumed it was the same thing.

You be surprised how much you can accomplish in two solid months of doing training, the gravity training chamber needed to have a few more built like it because we honestly had to wait for it to be vacant for people to use it, it got so bad that we went into in groups. Meaning Minato and Kushina, me, Tsunade and Yami, and Hiro and his four wives, how the ended up coming and me not noticing I don't honestly know.

Anti pregnancy Jutsu was used every single day, and in two months of doing nothing but training and reading from the library, I slept with Tsunade and Yami so many times, that I honestly have gotten so used to them sleeping on the same bed as me, as naked as the first time I woke up with them, and not be bothered by this at all.

Tsunade pretty much called it the longest honeymoon in recorded history, and Yami considered it according to her the happiest she has ever been. Tsunade kept working on her seal, Yami actually developed her own branch of Ninjutsu, which no surprise was largely based on the powers someone would expect from a Shinigami.

Hiro and I both tried our best to send messages to Yami's sister to try and convince him but nothing worked, we tried everything from telling him this would make his life when he reincarnates better, to do this favor for us since we were basically his descendants, the only reply we ever got was that he would not do something that would mess us with the reincarnation cycle.

So in the end Asura was against it because he thinks that teaching us that one Jutsu would prevent him from being reborn. So it wasn't because we could abuse it for own benefit, which in theory we could, it wasn't because it was too difficult because it might be, no, it was because he fears not being able to return to the land of the living, his own needs and desires was the thing that prevented us from learning it.

On the Kushina and Kurama front well let's just say that me being a member of the Uchiha clan was more of a hindrance than anything else, Kurama has an absolute hatred of my clan, and I especially since Hiro had the brilliant idea of telling her that I am Madara Uchiha's grandson.

Kushina was no better, she blames Kurama about everything from the death of her grandmother, to indirectly causing the destruction of Uzugakure. She didn't talk with Kurama as someone who she wanted to be friends with, she made accusations and demands, that Kurama should do what she wanted her to do, and when Kurama told her to jump off a cliff first, she used the power of the guilt trip, which of course it didn't work.

So the two were stubbornly against even talking to each other, so having them work together turned out to be an almost impossible task, and this is coming from a long term ANBU, "Kisaru we can stay in here indefinitely, we are not running out of food, water, or other necessities, but I didn't make this place to be my tomb."

"How can we get Kushina to listen to reason?" I found one way by accident while reading some books in the library, it seems the library collects information by itself or Hiro has not read this particular book. It was rather crusty, the pages you needed to be extra careful how you handle it, and the cover didn't exactly make anyone think the subject in the book was about anything positive.

"If we could travel to Turtle Island, there is a place where we could get started on trying to calm them both down, getting them emotionally centered so they can at least talk to each other, the book described a place where Jinchuriki would train, and this place was called the fall of truth, it was according to the book a massive waterfall that could become a mirror to a person's soul, and have the person face their most negative side of themselves."

"I have to admit, I been on that island a few times during my previous life, I especially liked how serene and peaceful it was, to be honest, it was one of my favors places to go fishing." Hiro laughed and looked at me with his smile I know so well, he simply walked over to a section of the white landscape that was in the seal.

"No problem at all Kisaru, I know the place rather well myself, so only thing I need to do is recreate it here, we both got the Rinnegan and we can both use creation abilities to make that waterfall, thanks to Ying Yang Release, we can make that place no problem, in truth this could be easier than even trying to convince our ancestor."

Well no point arguing that after we spent two months trying to either get Kushina and Kurama to talk with each other or trying to get one of our ancestors to teach us one of his Jutsu, well never going to do that again let me tell you. I happen to know he is reincarnated as Naruto, and Naruto was never this stubborn, makes me appreciate the times with my kid brother all that much.

As we got done with the platform, the way the water would fall, and even the special runes and seals to make the place exactly the same as the one on Turtle Island, we filled the thing with water, we also added a few dozen varieties of fish and plants that the fish could feed on. Basically, we made an ever-ready fishing spot, the sage knows that we may need it if we are going to spend a few months watching Kushina argue with herself.

"You know Kisaru, we might as well test it out to see if it works you know. We might not have gotten the seal placements correctly." So Hiro wants me to test this thing, great, like I need to meet my own negative side of myself this is going to hurt quite a bit I think.

I sat on the platform and began to concentrate, the second I did I saw the waterfall become like a mirror, much like Naruto explained, and from the water came something horrible, truly horrible, a version of myself I didn't think would exist. "Oh stop being so pessimistic and take a look at the wonders of the world, we both know this entire thing is a joke, a bad joke, so why aren't you laughing?"

Great this is my negative side, the opposite of myself, "What is there to laugh about, Kushina and Kurama are both being stubborn and if I don't get them to at least become able to care about each other, they will both end up dead."

Dark Kisaru looked at me as he sat down next to me and began to pat me on my back, "I get it, you are me after all, you worry about those two, but worrying like that will end up messing you up, relax, enjoy life a little, why so serious all the time? You are going to end up looking like a grandfather before you are one if you keep this up."

Relax, my dark self is telling me to relax and laugh, "I guess you are right, why stress over things I have no way of changing when the only way to change them requires those two actually listening and not be so stubborn. Would you like to hear a joke?" Dark Kisaru laughed like a maniac and smiled as he said would I ever.

"Two crazy people are in a mental hospital, they are standing on the roof terrace of the hospital, across from them was their village, after months they both realized that they didn't like being in the hospital anymore, so in the middle of the night both went up to the terrace."

"One of them came prepared he tied a rope he stole to a large metal ball and threw it, it landed on the terrace on the building outside of the hospital fence. He walked on the rope and got to the other side no problem, but his friend had another problem you see, he was afraid of falling."

"His friend told him he would hold the rope making sure it was steady, the other guy looked at him and said, are you mad? What do you think I am crazy? You know you will cut the rope when I am halfway across."

This made Dark Kisaru laugh so much that made me laugh and that is when both Light and Dark accepted each other and I felt much serene, almost like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "I say Hiro that works just fine, maybe you should give it a try one of these days, why are you looking at me like that? Why so serious?"

Hiro for some strange reason he found me telling him that really funny, "Alright tell me what you told that dark version of yourself, the entire joke." So I did, and Hiro began laughing hysterically and said for me to stop if or I am going to end up killing him with that joke. "So Hiro, I know I been to Turtle Island a lot of times, but how in the world did you ever know of it?"

"Turtle Island is a place that is constantly moving, and not many people know of it since it is an old Jinchuriki training ground. I come here at least once a year because it is such a relaxing place, nothing relaxes me more than a solid week of camping here, considering the stress ANBU get it is also a matter of my health."

Hiro looked at me and he just nodded his head as he walked over the platform and concentrated, it took me ten minutes but that show off, he did it in less than five-second, what the bloody hell did that pervert see that he accepted his dark version of himself and that dark version of himself accepted him so easily?

"Alright confess, you done that before haven't you? There is no way you could get through that so fast otherwise." He laughed and told me in fact he did, years ago, I wasn't the only one that likes to camp at this island, and according to him we both also like fishing and hunting.

That damn Hiro, he told me he knew of all the good fishing spots on the Island so I know he is not lying. "I did it when I was eighteen, way back then I was really shy, and really didn't share my feelings with anyone, it took me three hours to finally get through it back then, but since I know what I am seeing, I got through it so fast this time around, but you are right Kisaru, the fall works just like the one on Turtle Island."

Well at least I still have my camping ground at the Forest of Death, I still can't believe I got used to that place thanks to Naruto, he was not kidding that forest really is the best grocery store in the entire world. You could live your entire life without buying a single piece of fruit if you knew the forest as we did.

Sure the beast is scary, but that is simply because they don't know you or trust you, and I don't care what beast it is, a baby or a child version of that beast is adorable. So spending so much time there every one of those beasts knew me and in a sort of a weird way, I knew them.

"So you think Kushina will take as long as you did?" I looked at Hiro and told him asked him why did he think I wanted to add that fishing spot? Knowing how thick that skull is, of course, she is not, and we are going to be sitting here waiting for her to get through it. This is the easy part, getting the Biju to give you his or her chakra is going to be much, much harder.

Sure enough, I came prepared my fishing rod, bait, and a nice bottle of tea. I sat down and after we told her what to do, I began fishing, I caught a few and threw a few backs into the pond. Hiro used a fire Jutsu to cook the fish and we could at least eat something while Kushina for all we could tell was snarling at herself.

I honestly thought it would be ten to thirty minutes, but it has been nearly five hours and nothing, she just keeps glaring and snarling at the waterfall, I honestly hope I didn't look like that when I was doing that. Cause if Minato said anything is that it was embarrassing to see Kushina act like that.

"So Kisaru, what is the purpose of doing this?" I looked at Tsunade and smiled, "How can the nine tails accept her if she can't even accept herself? For a Jinchuriki to be able to get along with their Biju, they need to learn to accept the dark aspects of themselves. It also is a great way to clear your Chakra pathways. All those repressed feelings and ideas can really clog up your pathways."

"Is there no way you can help her get through it faster?" I honestly didn't expect to see a horned woman ask me this, I never even met her before wait a second who is she? I looked back at Kushina and told her point-blank, nope, she has to accept herself, if anyone else helps her it defeats the purpose of it, becoming useless.

"So Hiro who is that lady with the horns?" Ow, Hiro didn't have to hit my head like that. "You idiot, that is Albedo, my fifth wife, she came here while doing some undercover work, but came because she was worried about me. She is a descendant of Kaguya, of course, she has horns, it would be weird if she didn't, now apologize!"

She smiled as she looked at Hiro, "Oh there is no need to apologize, I know that I may look weird to some people, but as long as you love me, Hiro, I don't mind at all. Are you sure you want this one Tsunade? Well as long as you are happy who am I to judge?"

She looked at me and then at Albedo, "Honestly at first I had a few problems with him, especially how eager he seemed to kill people, you might not believe this by looking at him but this guy once butchered a bunch of idiots and killed their gang leader because they tried to pretend to be a bunch of bandits under the control of a rogue ninja."

"The Hokage had to order him not to kill people, but once I got to know him, and we spent a few days together, I began to realize is that he only kills those that he considers a threat to the people of the village and the people he cares about. After finding that out how could I possibly not fall in love with the guy?"

"There is also the fact he told me he would never want the position of Hokage, so that means to me at the very least that he will stick around for the rest of our lives. Meaning that he is not prone to take needless risks. Makes me worry less you know, Yami also told me a few fun things about him, that made me want to keep him to myself."

Albedo looked at me and began to laugh, "Well my husband is something odd too, you wouldn't know it by looking at him but did you know he is forty-four years old? He tells me it is one of the blood traits of the Uzumaki, longevity, nobody would ever believe he is that old by looking at him."

I wonder just how long is Kushina going to keep snarling and growling at her dark version of herself, why not talk instead of acting like an animal ready o defend their territory. She finally slumped and it seems she finally accepted herself, I hope. "This chick is nothing like me, no matter how many times I attack she keeps blocking me, and I can block all of her attacks how the hell am I supposed to beat her?"

I can't believe she was fighting her dark self all this time, "Kushina why don't you come over and have some fish Hiro and I prepared, "Honestly, you didn't have to beat her, you were supposed to talk with her and see her point of view, and let her see yours so both of you could accept each other." I guess Hiro told her what she needed to hear.

"It's not like you didn't notice, the Kushina that came from the waterfall actually uses the same abilities, techniques, and way of fighting, you can block all of her attacks, and she can block all of yours. You could end up in a stalemate for days, weeks, if not longer."

She finally began to laugh and took one of the fish we cooked, "I wish that you had told me this sooner, boy don't I feel dumb for not seeing that sooner, alright, this time I am going to get her to accept my way of thinking Dattebane."

Two roasted fishes later she went right back to the platform and meditated, I hope that at least this is not going to be another snarling contest, and to my surprise it wasn't she was quiet and looked like she was actually talking with her dark self, guess this is going a lot better than I had thought it would.