Camp Disney - A Crossover Fanfiction...

A/N – Well, here is chapter fourteen! Yeah! Anyway; thanks so much for all the reviews it means the world to me it really does! So again, thank you!

Now; I apologize for the almost month wait (I know; I need to stop apologizing!) but at least it was only a month and not two this time! Lol.
So; good news! I'm all moved into college now yeah! And, once again, my schedule depends on when I will update, but I am still updating so no worries there!

Secondly; with Luke's Visit I have decided that there will be five parts. So, chapter fifteen and sixteen will be his last appearances in the fanfiction.
Then, we will only have about four or five chapters left of the story. I haven't decided on how long this will be, about twenty-thirty chapters probably.

Finally; I want to thank you all once more for the best support and loyal readers ever! Because of you guys I am still updating this crossover and made it this far with my writing!
So seriously; thank you all so much!

This Bunk'd (Crossover) story is dedicated to all of the Disney Channel/Disney fans out there :)

Now I will stop talking so you all can read lol.
Disclaimer: I sadly own nothing from Disney!

Chapter 14

Luke's Visit Part 3

Camp for that afternoon oddly went by fast for Emma and Ravi. While they hung out by the camp fire as the evening sun began to sink into the horizon; the two siblings couldn't help but feel as if something was off the entire time since they've been back from the hiking trip. What is was? They weren't sure. And, from the way things were going right now; they weren't really concerned about it at all.

As Emma and Ravi hung out by the camp fire as part of their daily activities; Luke and Zuri continued their search for the legendary Kikiwaka. However; as they searched, they soon came to a fork in the rode and neither one knew which way to go.
Looking back and forth, the two knew it was getting dark; but at the same time, they wanted to keep their search for Kikiwaka on. So; neither one said anything and tried to figure out which way to go with the fork in the road.

"Which way?" Zuri questioned with confusion as she and Luke eyed each path.

One path went to the right, while one path went to the left. And, as easy as it seemed to get back to the camp grounds; neither one of them remembered which way they came from earlier.

Luke shrugged breaking the silence, "Not sure." Luke replied as he sighed.

"Well, maybe we can flip a coin." Zuri suggested as she and Luke turned to face one another at the solution.

"– And, luckily; I have a coin in my pocket." Luke finished as he pulled a quarter out from his back-pant pocket.

Zuri looked at him in confusion. "Why do you have a coin in your pocket?" Zuri questioned as she knitted her eyebrows in thought.
She then noticed the look Luke gave her. "I mean; no offense; but, we don't use money at camp and our parents are rich." Zuri finished with simple explanation.

"I don't know." Luke finally replied as he eyed the coin in thought. "I guess because this is a fanfiction and the author of this story made me have one." Luke finished as he shrugged.

"Yeah well – "Zuri began before trailing off as another thought came into her mind. She eyed Luke with slight annoyance. "– Did you just break the fourth wall?" Zuri questioned as she crossed her arms.

"What's the fourth wall?" Luke wondered with even more confusion as he avoided eye contact with Zuri.

"Ugh, never mind." Zuri stated as she flung her arms in frustration before placing them on her hips. "Can we just flip the stupid coin so we can figure out which way to go!?" Zuri questioned with impatient.

"Alright, alright…" Luke stated as he held up his hands in defense. He then got ready to flip the coin. "Head we go right, tails we go left." Luke finished as Zuri nodded in agreement.

Another round of silence came over the two siblings as Luke flipped the coin. Once the coin was flipped; the two eyed it and watched as it missed Luke's waiting hand to catch it, and fall onto the ground.
Both siblings leaned forward to look at the coin. The coin, had landed on tails…

"Well, here we go!" Zuri stated as she grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him towards the path and into the unknown…

Meanwhile; back at camp; Emma and Ravi were still just enjoying their free time with their friends. Marshmallows; smores and camp songs filled the night air as more people joined them as the sun set for the evening. As everything went on; the two siblings and their friends chatted and laughed while relaxing. To say the most; it was really peaceful and a very beautiful night.

Um, at least until Lou brought something up, "Hey Emma, Ravi; Where are Zuri and Luke? I thought they were joining us tonight?" Lou questioned as she pulled a marshmallow of her stick and eat it.

"They were supposed to." Emma stated as she shrugged. Just then, another thought came into her mind. "But, uh, now that I think about it, I haven't seen either one of them since the…" Emma trailed off as she stopped in thought only to know exactly where Luke and Zuri were. She stood up instantly; "…I think Luke and Zuri are in trouble!" Emma finished with slight panic.

Everyone looked at her in surprise and confusion. "WHAT!?" Ravi, Zuri, Lou, Xander, Lucas, Farkle, Shelby, Cyd and Teddy all questioned in slight panic and worry too as they stood up.

Emma nodded her head and turned to Ravi. "Remember earlier when we were on that hiking trip? Maddie and Lilly were telling all of us about a new legend called Kikiwaka." Emma explained as Ravi made an "O" face in understandment.
Emma turned to face Xander, Lou and the rest of their friends. "I think Luke and Zuri went to look for Kikiwaka in the woods that surrounded our hiking trail." Emma finished with a frown.

"Why!?" Lou questioned as she flung both of her arms to the side in a confused why. "Why would they do something like that!?" Lou questioned with slight annoyance as she places her hands on her hips.

Ravi groaned, "Because their Luke and Zuri. Once a mission is set on their mind, they do whatever it takes to complete it." Ravi finished as he and Emma eyed one another as if too agree.

"Alright, no one panic!" Lou stated as she frowned and held her arms out in defense. "No one panic! Sure, we have two campers missing but it will all work out, I know it will." Lou finished as she eyed everyone.

"Not panic!?" Ravi questioned as he stood up instantly. "This is Luke and Zuri were talking about! If anything, we should be panicking!"
Ravi finished as he flung his hands up to his hair and began to run in circles while shouting something in Hindi.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and eyed Ravi, Emma, Lou, Xander, Lucas, Farkle, Shelby, Cyd and Teddy funny.

Xander stepped forward. "Nothing to see here folks! Just continue on with your lives!" Xander finished as everyone eyed each other and then went back to what they were originally doing.

"Okay – "Teddy began as Ravi kept running around and panicking. "– The way I see it, we have two problems! One, Luke and Zuri are missing and we need to find them and two, does anyone know what Ravi is saying? Because, I have no idea."
Teddy finished as she pointed to Ravi who was slowly started to calm down.

"Oh, that's easy; Ravi was yelling "AH! WERE IN DEEP TROUBLE IF WE DON'T FIND LUKE OR ZURI!" and "I'M GOING TO KILL THOSE TWO WHEN WE FIND THEM!" Emma finished while mocking Ravi slightly.
Emma only stopped in mid movement when she noticed everyone looking at her oddly. Emma shrugged, "What!? When you live with Ravi and get into a lot of panicky situations; you pick up a few things."
Emma finished as she held her hands up in defense while the others nodded in understandment.

"Well, that answer's Teddy's first question; but what do we do about the second question/problem!?" Lucas wondered as he crossed his arms and frowned with worry.

"For one we need to tell Mr. Brown and – "Xander began as Emma shook her head and interrupted him.

"– No! no, no, no, no!" Emma stated as she shook her head and waved her hands back and forth as well.
"We cannot tell Brown! If we do, Ravi and I could lose our chance of becoming Camp Counselors next year and I'm pretty sure neither one of us want that to happen!" Emma finished as she gestured to her and Ravi who nodded in agreement.

"Well then, what do we do!?" Xander questioned as he started to feel slight panicked once more.

"First, we need to calm down!" Lou stated as she sighed and smiled slightly at Ravi and Emma. Truth was, she really didn't want them to lose the chance of becoming Camp Counselors too. She really believed they had great potential for it. "Secondly; we need to look for Zuri and Luke ourselves because truth be told, I don't want Emma and Ravi to lose their chances either and I think if we worked together we could find the two and bring them back before anyone else notices that their missing."
Lou explained as she placed her hands on her hips in thought.

"Say we might agree to help – "Shelby began as she and Cyd looked at one another in thought. "– How would we go about finding the two?" Shelby questioned as she raised an eyebrow at the group.

"We can split into two groups." Emma began instantly as everyone looked at her in surprise for the second time that night. "One group goes and searches the woods for the two while the other stays here and search the grounds in case they come back.
Then, when we do find them, we kill them." Emma finished as everyone gaped at her. "Nah; I'm just kidding; were not going to kill them…" Emma trailed once she noticed everyone's look. Everyone else sighed in relief and relaxed a little.
Then, Emma spoke up again. "…No promises…" Emma finished with a mutter to herself while others eyed her oddly.

Xander shook his head, "Weather there is killing or not of the two Rosses we still need to work together. So; the Woodchucks and the Grizzlies will be our two groups – "Xander began as Lou interrupted him.

"– Right! And the Woodchucks will go looking for the missing two while the Grizzles stay here in case they come back and keep people from finding out." Lou finished as she and Xander eyed one another.

"But – "Xander began to protest as Emma and Lou sent him and look, he stopped and frowned. "Fine, but you girls need to be careful. Here – "Xander stated as he reached down and randomly pulled out five walkie talkies.
"– Take these. If you find Zuri or Luke you can call us and let us know. Or if one of you gets lost; then you can call for help." Xander finished as smiled softly at everyone.

"Alrighty; then if we don't need anything else; we'll be back with Zuri and Luke soon…" Emma finished with a smile as she grabbed her flashlight and turned towards the woods to begin her search.

Without a choice, the rest of the Woodchuck cabin grabbed their flashlights as well and followed Emma's footsteps.
Xander and the rest of the Grizzly Cabin watched as Woodchuck Cabin walked off.
All of them just hoped that Zuri and Luke were alright…

Back in the woods; Luke and Zuri had watched the sun set behind the trees as they continued their search. After endless paths, twist and turns, the two had started to admit to themselves that they were both getting tired and that the search was getting nowhere.
Finally; when the two came up to the nearest clearing; they stopped to catch their breath and agreed to look for a way back to camp for the night.

But, as they sat their two catch their breath, both of them realized that neither one of them remembered how to get back to the camp grounds…

"Do you remember how to get back?" Zuri questioned the minuet she thought of the problem.

Luke shook his head. "No; I thought you knew. You know; since you've been here the longest." Luke replied as he placed his hands on his knees while he sat on a falling over tree trunk.

Zuri frowned and tapped her foot. "I only know the camp grounds; were not allowed to wonder off into the woods!" Zuri defended with sarcasm as she crossed her arms and eyed Luke with annoyance.

"This is just great!" Luke stated as he stood up and flung his arms in the air. "What are we supposed to do now!? Wait until morning to find our way back!? Or just stay here and be eating by a bear!?" Luke demanded as he began to feel panic rise in him.
Then, the thought him. "Oh no! What if we get eaten!? What if – "Luke began as he cowered next to Zuri slight before Zuri interrupted him.

"– Oh, shut up! Nothing is going to happen to us!" Zuri replied as she pushed Luke to the side slightly.

"Really?" Luke questioned with a challenging tone as he raised his eyebrow at her. "And how do you know that!?" Luke finished as he crossed his arms.

"Because, if we do what Jessie always told us to do back home, then we should be fine." Zuri explained as she smiled at the thought of their old Nanny.

"You mean, don't talk to strangers, keep your pants pulled up, don't use each other for Science projects – "Luke began to count off with his fingers as Zuri stopped him.

"– No! I meant, stay calm and think things through." Zuri explained as she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yeesh, and somehow you passed summer school." Zuri finished as she placed her hands on her hips.

Luke allowed his mouth to drop open and feel hurt a little. He closed it and eyed Zuri with a death glare, "Just so you know; I was the teacher's favorite." Luke finished with a defensive tone.

"Pft, whatever helps you sleep at night." Zuri finished as she shook her head. Before Luke had a chance to reply; she went on, "Now; if I remember correctly; we need to find the North Star. Going North will help us find our way back to camp."
Zuri began to explain as she turned to Luke. "It's how sailors and other navigators found their way in the olden days. Zuri finished as she smiled at the thought of camp.

"Fine – "Luke stated as he shook his head. "– And based on my calculations and mind, North is this way!" Luke finished as he pointed to the right from the way he was standing.

Zuri shook head as she watched Luke go the way he suggested. "Let's see – "Zuri began allowed as she held up both her hands. "– Follow the brainless nimrod who just graduated summer school? – "Zuri stated as she held out her left hand while Luke turned and allowed his mouth to drop open once more while he crossed his arms. "– Or go in the direction of the North Star that's in front of me." Zuri finished as she held up her right hand and eyed it in thought. "Follow the North Star in front of me!" Zuri finished as she dropped her hands and began to head in the opposite direction Luke was going.

Frowning; Luke uncrossed his arms and began to head after Zuri. "Zuri – "Luke began only to suddenly feel his feet slip from underneath him and fall from the main ground floor into the unknown darkness beneath him.
- And, while he was falling, he was screaming in sudden surprise. The last thing he heard, was Zuri yelling his name…

A/N - Well there was chapter fourteen! What did you think? Good? bad? Should I continue?

Oh no! Poor Luke! What's gonna happen next!? I guess we'll find out soon!

Anyway; thanks so much for reading and please remember to leave a review! Chapter fifteen will be up soon!

Until the next chapter; with all of my love to you guys and girls :) - DisneyChannelLover