Camp Disney - A Fanfiction Crossover...

A/N - Well, this is a new story! Yeah! Anyway; I've had this idea for a long while and have been wanting to write it and now I finally am! So I hope you all enjoy this and like it :)

Note: This is an AU Universe!

This AU Universe will include characters from all kinds of Disney tv shows and movies from past to present.

If you want a certain show/movie to be added into this story please feel free to pm me or leave it in a review! I am always open for new ideas!

Also; this story may contain musical numbers. (this is possible; I still haven't decided yet)

It will also have shipping couples (romance) and other pairings. If you want to see a certain couple be together (within the same age), please pm me or leave it in a review.

Lastly; this story will have all kinds of genera from romance, to friendship, to family, to adventure! So please; I hope you enjoy this story!

Finally; I own nothing from the magical universe that is Disney! So read on, enjoy and please feel free to pm me if you have any questions!

Summary: After Camp Rock comes to an end thanks to Camp Star; the gang of Camp Rock comes up with a new camp named Camp Disney! Join the Ross kids as they are sent to Camp Disney instead of Camp Kikiwaka and read as they get into all kinds of crazy situations with your favorite Disney characters from characters all over the world! With camp fires, singing, romance and more; join the Rosses as they learn that sometimes even family can come from the least people you would expect it to come from! (Rated T in case).

Chapter 1

Arriving to Camp Disney

The sun was out, bright, shining and warm. A breeze blew across the partly cloudy sky and the nature around Camp Disney was peaceful and relaxing.

At was until a stretched black limo pulled up into the driveway and three very different kids climbed out it.

When the three kids climbed out of the limo, they grabbed their bags, closed the trunk and began to head towards the camp grounds where they would be staying.

Upon arriving to the camp grounds, the three kids came up to one of the worker's.

"Excuse me sir; can you have these delivered to my room!?" Emma Ross (one of the three kids) asked as she dropped all of her bags on the ground.

"That would be depending on what type of camp you think I'm running." A man about as tall as Emma stated with a grin to himself. Instantly he held out his hand, "Mr. Brown - " He introduced as Emma took is nervously and shook it. " - Runner of Camp Disney; head of Camp counselors and former ex-host of Camp Rock." Mr. Brown finished as the three kids eyed him.

"Former?" Zuri Ross (another one of the three) asked with confusion.

"Yes; it is indeed a long tragic tale..." Mr. Brown stated he sighed in memory. "But; there's no reason to live in the past, today is a new day, a new camp and were gonna make the best of it." Mr. Brown finished as he placed his hands on hips and smiled.

"Right..." Ravi Ross (the last of the three) began with his Indian accent. "...Anyway; I'm Ravi Ross at your service." Ravi introduced as he and Mr. Brown shook hands.

"Oh! - " Mr. Brown stated as he came to realization. " – You're my last campers to come! The Rosses; now I remember you." Mr. Brown stated as he eyed the three children. "Weren't there supposed to be four of you?" Mr. Brown questioned as he raised an eyebrow at them.

"Our brother Luke got stuck in summer school." Zuri explained as she, Ravi and Emma nodded their heads. "Probably because he can't spell either of those words." Zuri finished as Mr. Brown eyed them with a concerned look.

"I see..." Mr. Brown stated with disappointment in his voice. "...Either way; we will make the best - " Mr. Brown began only to be stopped when he noticed a giant sized lizard next to Ravi. " - What is that!?" Mr. Brown questioned with worry as he pointed to the reptile.

"Oh that?" Emma questioned as she pointed at the lizard. "That's just Ravi's giant pet lizard Mrs. Kipling." Emma explained as Zuri and Ravi nodded in agreement.

" - And I assure you that the odds of her eating any campers are very remote." Ravi explained as he watched the look on Mr. Brown's face.

"I would still hide the bite sized kids." Zuri pointed out as Ravi sent her a look.

"Nice to know." Mr. Brown stated with a shrug before sighing and looking in front of him in thought. "If only that was on the top five weirdest things to occur in this place list, but it's not." Mr. Brown stated as the three Ross kids looked at him in surprise and confusion. "Now come on! Let's go get you three checked in with my top camp counselor Mitchie." Mr. Brown finished with a smile.

So; together the four camp members walked across the camp grounds to get to their destination. As they walked on, the three Ross kids could see that this camp was going to be unlike any other camp they have even heard of. Around them, kids of all ages were walking around, chatting, dancing, signing, and just plain hanging out. Many kids were also doing some of the camp activities and from what the Ross kids could see there were all kinds of activities. On the lake kids were fishing, parasailing, water-skiing and zip-lining. At the camp fire, kids were hanging, making food, telling stories and even singing camp songs. To the Ross kids; this looked like it was going to be a new type of paradise for them and honestly they couldn't help but have different feelings about it. While having different feelings about all the things they were seeing, neither one of the Ross kids even noticed that they arrived to the main cabin. Upon arriving inside, they were taken straight to the check in counter.

"Well, here we are; the check in counter." Mr. Brown began with a smile once they arrived to their destination. "Mitchie here will help you get your room assignments and show you around." Mr. Brown finished as the three Ross kids eyed the girl standing in front of them. Mitchie was about Emma's height, with long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a red top, blue jeans and a pair of tennis-shoes. In her hand was a clip board, a camp counsel hat was on her head and a smile was on her face. All three Ross kids waved to her and she waved back. "Alright! I'll leave you four to it." Mr. Brown exclaimed with a smile. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go checkup on dinner, remember it's at five o' clock." Mr. Brown finished as he turned and walked away with a smile.

As he walked away a small silence began to form until Mitchie broke it. "Hi! I'm Mitchie Torres! Welcome to Camp Disney! You must be the Ross kids; am I right!?" Mitchie asked with a smile as she shook their hands.

"Yup; that's us!" Zuri replied with a smile as she finished shaking Mitchie's hand.

"Awesome! We look forward to getting to know you guys along with everyone else! We also hope you enjoy your stay here at Camp Disney." Mitchie began with a smile as she grabbed a few pieces of papers from another girl sitting at the check in counter behind her. When she got the paper's she handed them to each of the Ross kids. "Now; these are your cabin assignments, activity times, meal schedules and other information about the camp." Mitchie continued to explain. "Now; are there any questions before we get you settled in?" Mitchie asked with interest.

"Um - Just two." Emma began as everyone eyed her. "Why is this place called Camp Disney? And what did he mean by former ex-host of Camp Rock?" Emma questioned with interest.

"Well - " Mitchie began as she sighed and frowned slightly. " - Camp Rock was the name of the last camp Mr. Brown ran and all of us councilors went to it. But, because of the camp wars; we had to give up the camp and shut it down because we lost. Camp Star stayed and Camp Rock left. Thus making Mr. Brown very devastated." Mitchie explained as the Ross kids eyed her with thought. "So; in order to cheer him up, we (the councilors) called a meeting and made a deal. The deal was to encourage Mr. Brown to open a new camp in a new state where anyone who is anyone could come if they wanted to. Luckily for us, he agreed. Instantly we got to work! During our work, we came up with the name Camp Disney because Disney is magical, special, unique and encouraging. At our camp; we want everyone to be inspired, feel magical, be unique, encouraged, and themselves. In the end, we chose to put Disney in the name. Thus, creating Camp Disney." Mitchie finished.

"Okay; that makes sense." Emma stated with a smile as Zuri and Ravi nodded.

"Great!" Mitchie stated as she clapped her hands together and smiled as well. "Now that we've gone over that, are you guys ready to go meet your new Cabin mates?" Mitchie questioned with hope.

"You bet we are!" Ravi stated with a smile as Emma and Zuri nodded in agreement.

"Awesome! – "Mitchie replied with a grin. "– Now; if you follow me, I'll take you to your cabins." Mitchie finished with happiness.

Just like that the three Ross kids turned and began to follow Mitchie out of the main cabin. As they walked out of the cabin, Mitchie began to explain each area as they made their way towards their new destination. By the time they reached their new destination; Mitchie and the Ross kids had gone over everything about the camp. So; upon arriving to the camper's cabin's; the group was ready to go their separate ways and meet their new roommates for the summer. Yup; everything was going really well so far, and to the Ross kids; it seemed like this camp idea, may not that bad.

"Welcome; to your new homes for the summer." Mitchie introduced as soon as they walked up to the cabins. "Emma and Zuri; you'll be staying in the Woodchuck cabin and Ravi; you'll be staying in the Grizzly cabin." Mitchie finished explaining as she gestured to each cabin. Luckily for them; the two cabins were right across from one another.

"Sound cool." Ravi stated with a smile. "When do we get to meet our cabin mates?" Ravi asked with interest.

"Right now." Mitchie explained with a smile. "In fact; you three can go a head and get settled in. I'm going to go and see if Mr. Brown needs any help." Mitchie continued as the Ross kids nodded in understandment. "Now; if you need any help; feel free to ask me or another camp counselor and don't be afraid to ask you cabin supervisors as well." Mitchie stated. "So; if you excuse me, I am going to see what else needs done and leave you three to settle in. Please, enjoy your stay here at Camp Disney and see you soon at five o' clock." Mitchie finished as she waved goodbye.

The Ross kids watched as Mitchie turned and left. As soon as Mitchie was out of sight, Emma turned towards Ravi and Zuri. "Am I the only one think she was a little too peppy!?"

"I think it's great that she is! She seems like a really cool person." Zuri stated as Ravi nodded in agreement.

"Me too! She seems like the type of person who will do anything to help you enjoy the stay." Ravi commented as he smiled.

"Whatever - " Emma stated as she sighed slightly. " - Are we ready to meet our cabin mates and start camp?" Emma wondered with interest as she eyed her siblings.

"You bet! - " Zuri stated with a smile. " - Let's go!" Zuri finished as she grabbed her bags then Emma's hand and began to drag Emma towards their cabin.

Ravi smiled as he watched his siblings go to their cabin. When they made it up to the steps; he turned, grabbed his own bags and began to head towards his own cabin; ready to meet his roommates...

A/N - Well, there was chapter one! Yeah! How was it? Good? Bad? Should I continue? What do you think of the idea?

Anyway; thanks so much for reading I really hope you enjoyed it!

Now please; remember; if there's an idea you have or a show or movie you would like to see in this fic from Disney feel free to pm me or leave it in your reviews! I would love to hear you're thoughts and see what I can do to make it happen!

Well, thank so much again for reading! Please remember to review! Also chapter two of Camp Disney will be up soon!

With all my love to you! Until next chapter :) - DisneyChannelLover