Vivat rex

"That wont save him, and it wont save you form having to kill him." Morgana said pointedly. "Oh, Merlin." Morgana pulled a small vile from her bodice. She removed the small stopper and poured a metallic silver liquid over Excalibur's blade. Her eyes flashed gold and she gave a small contented sigh. "Just in case the prophecy is true."

"Meaning?" Merlin demanded monotonously.

"I'm ensuring that should you two find each other again in another life that he will not remember you. Now, go kill me a King." She whispered conspiratorially.

Merlin fought the compulsion. He fought so hard. He did, he swear he did, but he had to do it. The order going on repeat in his mind. Kill Arthur Pendragon. Kill Arthur. Kill him. KILL! He no longer had a choice in the matter. It wasn't his will to obey but he did anyway. And, yet, it didn't feel like he was being controlled. It was like he suddenly didn't want to resist. It was like his mind was infected with a virus that made him think this is what he wanted to do. So, he did it.

Merlin took a step forward starting his hunt for Arthur. Merlin wanted to feel something other than the need to murder his best friend. Anything, but he only felt a drive to complete a mission. He was sure that this was wrong. He wasn't suppose to kill the Arthur. Arthur was a part of him. So why kill the king?

Because you want him to suffer. You want to see him dead. A whisper pierced his thoughts, crisp and angry.

No, I don't. You do, Morgana. Merlin hissed. He screamed, shouted, cursed and pounded on the bond that compelled him to follow her commands.

Merlin's pace quickened. He searched the halls for Arthur. He stretched out his magic in search of him. He didn't have to search far. He felt Arthur just outside the inner walls. Merlin followed the path outside. He rounded the wall and he saw Arthur. He just stood there. Shoulders tense, arms at his side, head bowed. He didn't look up as Merlin approached and Merlin didn't stop until he stood in front of him. The weight of a sword never felt so heavy.

"Arthur." Merlin whispered. Arthur looked up at Merlin. His eyes sad and oddly accepting. "What are you doing?" Merlin demanded desperately. "You could have run. Why?"

"You're my brother, Merlin. I wont leave you." Arthur squared his shoulders.

"If you stay you will leave me because I will kill you." Merlin shouted, frustrated with the prat.

"No, you wont. I know who you are. I have faith in you."Arthur assured.

"You idiot!" Merlin shouted. "You are such a fucking idiot. When are you going to realize you don't know me! I'm not the clumsy manservant you have taken for granted or the best friend who road into battle by your side. I am a monster. A villain. I am what your father feared. I am what the darkness has made me and she has all the power now."

He said these things but in his mind he just kept chanting over and over. I can't do this. I can't kill Arthur.

You will, Morganas power whispered back, louder, harsher and more compelling. Merlin shook his head. His arm rose and he pointed Excalibur at Arthurs heart. Merlin looked at his arm in betrayal. It took a great effort to put it back by his side but he finally managed.

He looked up from Excalibur to Arthur. An idea forming. "Kill me." Merlin begged.

At first Arthur was too stunned to answer. Was he joking? How could he? Everything in him cried out in denial at the very idea. He shook his head. "No,"

"Please, Arthur. You have to kill me." Merlin pleaded with him.

"I wont be the cause of your death."

"God damn it, Arthur! Your death has been on my conscious for years." Referring to the preview he had of Arthurs death in the crystal caves. Knowing that after everything, everything, he still failed Arthur.

"And to have to have your death on my conscious?" Arthur challenged. "And who is to say that killing you saves me, or the kingdom? Morgana still has control."

"Don't you get it? Kill me and you kill her."

"There has to be another way. I wont do it." Arthur shook his head, stubborn to the very end.

"If you don't kill me I will kill you, Arthur." Merlin shook his head. He had to, he couldn't fight this one. It was as if it was supposed to happen because it was so easy for Morgana to gain control.

Merlins features tight, and heart in a knot, he asked Arthur once more. "I have done everything for you and have asked you for nothing." Merlin said maddened. He paused. He took a softer voice. "I'm sorry to ask this of you. But you will do this for me."

"I can't ask you to die for me." Arthur shook his head.

"You didn't need to." Merlin said earnestly. Cobalt met baby blue as they glared at each other in companionable misery.

Merlin watched Arthur for a sign that he would defend himself, but there was none. He really wasn't going to kill Merlin.

You really want him to kill us? Morganas voice drifted through his mind. You want to give him a chance to defend himself. Fine. Fight to the death.

The air shimmered between them and suddenly a sword appeared speared in the earth. Between them. "Pick it up, Arthur." Merlin snapped.

Merlin felt the need to attack rise up. The urge far too strong to resist. He swung Excalibur. He couldn't stop himself from swinging but he did his best to slow his momentum. Arthur ducked but didn't grab the sword.

"Defend yourself, you damn prat!" Merlin swung again. And again Arthur ducked and didn't grab the sword. Merlin kept up his assault. He managed to nick Arthurs arm. Guilt, frustration, dread and rage coursed through Merlin in one fell swoop. This can't be happening. Merlin faked a high swing and went low and hit his thigh.

"Pick up the sword." Merlin shouted, the true beginning of panic bubbled up.

Finally, Arthur listened to Merlins Plea. He couldn't take hearing the disrepair and panic in his friends voice. If only to put up the appearance that he would fight to save himself and damn a friend. Something that was against his nature. Arthur took up the sword.

Merlin crowed inside with a painful kind of joy. Arthur is a great swordsman, but Merlin knew he would win. Arthur was not much of a match in this moment because Merlin was no longer hindered by restraint as Arthur was, as well as fueled by Morganas rage.

Merlin circled Arthur. Both had swords raised. Merlin attacked. He lunged for Arthurs neck, but he blocked it. Arthur parried and thrust with a flurry of swings that were wide and maladroit. He wasn't even trying. Merlin growled. He pushed back with Excalibur and swung at Arthur uninjured leg. He missed by mere centimeters. Merlin kept up the assault with one swing after another Arthur didn't have time to deliver any of his own, even if he wanted to.

Merlin knocked Arthur back o give them both a quick respite. They looked at each other, both panting in the freezing air, their breath coming out in white sharp clouds. Two sides of the same coin. Two friends. Brothers. The sound if steel on steel and the sharp panting breaths of both men filled the cold air. The sound of battle in the distance was coming to an end. As was the life of a king.

A frustrated growl rent through his mind. Morgana was getting impatient. If he wont play along then finish it already. She snapped, sending more magic, more command into her words.

Merlin cried out inside. Begged and pleaded Morgana not to make him do this. He would do anything, anything just don't make him do this. But no matter what he did, what he said, or what he bargained, he could not stop what was about to happen next. He shut down so he wouldn't experience the full effect of it.

Against his will he faked right but went left and circled around. Arthur did very little to stop him. He followed Merlin as he circled him but he didn't block the coming strike. But before Excalibur hit its mark Merlin pulled back. The very tip resting against Arthurs sternum.

"I'm so sorry, Arthur." Merlin panted. Sweat beaded on his brow from the fight, but dripped down because how hard he fought the compulsion.

"It's okay. Remember the Prophecy. I'll see you again someday."

Merlin let loose an unintentional sob. Even if Arthur rose again when the kingdom was in most need and he did see him again, Arthur would not remember him. He opened his mouth to tell him as much but Morgana clamped his mouth shut. Merlin felt fingers of magic tug at the bond. Demanding his attention. Do it. Kill him. Now!

Merlin pressed his lip together. Tears flooded his eyes and spilled down his cheeks smudging the dirt, grime and blood on his face leaving small rivulets of clean-ish skin to shine through. He shook his head in misery. Morgana pulled on his will and jerked his arm forward.

"No!" Merlin groaned like a dieing animal. With a satisfying and horrific sound it went straight through Arthur heart. A fatal blow. "No, no, no." Merlin pulled Excalibur from his chest and fell to the ground with him in his arms.

Merlins heart raged, his eyes blazed gold, the wind swept up, it howled in the coming darkness, sending flurries of fresh snow scattering. One moment they were there, Arthur in his arms and then the next they were both miles away in the forest just outside Camelot.

"I can fix this. I can fix this." Merlin lay Arthur down, his head and back resting against a bolder. He reached his hands out over his wound and chanted a healing spell. At first nothing happened, and then the wound stopped bleeding.

A passing sense of relief gave Merlins heart a jump, but it soon settled down into the realization that that was not a fix. It was only a postponement.

"Merlin," Arthur coughed.

Merlin looked up from Arthurs wound. "Leave it." Arthur smiled. "Don't worry about me. Worry about those who survive this war. Get them to safety."

"Arthur, I can't." Merlin shook his head, wretched in the inside. "Morganas hold, I cant help the people, ill only hurt them. There is no way to break this spell. Only death."

"Don't loose your faith. There is a way." Arthur groaned and shifted to get more comfortable. "You just need to start thinking less about how to break the bond and more about muting it until you can find a way to break it."

Merlin stared at him a moment, flabbergasted. "That's brilliant." Merlin said softly. "That's-"

"I think that is something we can help you with, Emrys." A deep voice spoke from the shadows of the trees. Merlin jumped to his feet ready to face an enemy, but out walked Theron, James and Cedric. Merlin nodded in greeting.

"Where is Omari?" Merlin asked, fearful of the answer. "She is wounded but Sir Percival has taken her to the Dragons Keep for further healing."

"Healing?" Merlin looked down at Arthur. He was so pale, and his lips were starting to turn blue. His eyes were glassy and unfocused but still managed to look at each with an astounding sort of clarity. "Could your way of healing save Arthur."

Theron was quiet and James looked sadly at him. Cedric spoke up. "Im sorry, Emrys. But this part of the prophecy is fulfilled. There is no saving the king."

Merlin nodded mournfully. He knelt back down by Arthurs side. "I can do one thing for you though, King Arthur. I can take the survivors to our home. They will be safe there. And so will your wife and child.

Merlin blanched. That's right. Arthur was going to be a father.

Merlin looked at Arthur. His brow furrowed. "Child?" Arthur looked at Merlin for answers.

"Cedric." Merlin mumbled softly. "Could you please find the Queen?"

Cedric nodded stiffly. His tight he and rage on a low simmer he as the rush of war ebbed and flowed in him. The dragon he was born with shifted inside him eager for more waring, but just satisfied to be acknowledged and free of those chains Cedric kept that part of himself in. Cedric felt his power stir and his body tingle and hum. In flash he disappeared from sight using a skill he and his sister honed and mastered by a young age. Something they could do with objects as well.

It wasn't but a few minutes later that Leon and Guinevere stood before them appearing in another slightly bigger flash.

"Arthur." Guinevere said on a hurried breath. She rushed to his side but hesitated when she saw Merlin. She looked at Merlin questioningly, tears spilled from her eyes. Guinevere swallowed the lump in her throat. She couldn't deny or fight how much Merlin unsettled her now, but despite that she still trusted him. He shook his head infinitesimally. Arthur was going to die.

Merlin gave Arthurs arm a squeeze and moved to stand up but Arthur stopped him.

"I forgive you, Merlin." Arthur gave a ghost of a smile. He knew from their talk in that cave which seemed like ages ago that Merlin craved forgiveness, but no one could give it to him except himself, still, Arthur wanted to give it to him. "'Till we meet again, Merlin."

"It's been an honor and a tragedy, My King." Merlin gave a tight smile. He place Excalibur next to Arthur not wanting it in his possession for another moment.

He knew that even if they did Arthur would not remember him. He bowed his head respectfully before he got to his feet to allow Guinevere to take his place. Merlin walked up to Leon. Leon tensed but otherwise didn't move. Merlin pretended not to notice.

Merlin gave a curt nod. "Sir Leon." Merlin greeted past tight lips. "Where is Sir Gwain."

Leon shifted on his feet. He cleared his throat. "He didn't receive the news very well. He went after Morgana. James went after him so Cedric could get survivors to his home." Leon paused. " I don't think James made it to Gwain in time. He was determined."

Merlin nodded silently acknowledging another tragedy. He let that set in. Gwain could be dead. But he might not either. As much as Morgana wanted to kill Arthur and everyone of the round table knights, she also wanted to punish Merlin. She couldn't do that if it a quick death and he wasn't a witness, or a participant.

Merlin, Leon and Theron stood over Arthur and Guinevere as they shared their goodbys, and happy news. Merlin only picked up small pieces of their shared words, he deliberately turned a blind ear to them out of respect, but it was enough to make him want to disappear.

"A child..." Arthur murmured in wonder.

"Yes... " Guinevere gave a gentle laugh. "...Can't believe this is happening."

"I know..." Arthur wheezed softly. His lungs filling with blood at such a slow rate that it will be a long death. "When did..."

"Just before you left..."

Merlin couldn't stay and witness this. He knew he should for punishment, but he couldn't stand witness to his failure.

"Merlin," Theron claimed Merlins attention. "Can I have a word?"

Merlin nodded and motioned for him to lead the way. They walked a few yards away before Theron stopped them and turned to face Merlin.

"I'm sorry this is where destiny has brought us. But I have a minor solution. Something the young King pointed out to you. Mute the bond. I have an amulet that could help. It is powered by a human soul. Should you wish to be free from Morgana, wear this. There will come a moment where you will be able to return this soul to a body. A young stillborn, just as the dragons did to the dragon born twins, Cedric and Omari. That life will aid you in you journey to free yourself from Morgan and reunite with you r King when the time arrives. It is up to you."

Merlin didn't know what to think, much less do. But either way he accepted it. Merlin nodded his gratitude. It was a wonder to him that anyone was still willing to help him after all he has done. Theron pulled out the amethyst that was secured to a black leather lash. It glowed a deep purple around the sanded edges and in the center a soft reddish-lavender pulsed like a heartbeat. Merlin knew what it represented. A soul. He admired the odd blend of red, lavender, and purple. There wasn't a point he could tell when the colors separated or came together. The gem was warm tot he tough and a aura of power hummed around it.

Theron handed the gem over. "I choose this one specifically. The colors represent the chastening and purifying effects of suffering. And you have suffered more than most. Some use it to aid in healing wounds, as well. I hope that this aids in the healing of your wounds."

Merlin wanted to put it on, but he had a few things to finish before he could. Because if he did put it on and go with them to safety Merlin would need to make sure that Morgana did not follow. The only way to do that would be to make truce. Merlin turned away from Theron to the tragedy happening before them. He place the amethyst in the inner pocket of his black leather coat. He glanced at Guinevere and Arthur, he didn't want to intrude but he couldn't help it. What he saw made his blood run cold. Arthur stared at him unblinkingly. Accusatory. But the was just...nothing. Empty. Gone.

Guinevere held onto Arthur so tight. She couldn't make herself let go. She felt the presents of the others hovering but was thankful that they gave them some semblance of privacy in this moment. She sniffed back her tears and leaned forward to kiss Arthur one last time. His lips were cold an sticky with blood. Arthur smiled against her lips. It sent Guinevere into another round of sobbing tears. She pressed her forehead to Arthurs with her hands gently cradling his face.

"I love you, Arthur. I love you so much." She cried for her king, for her husband and her best friend. She cried for Merlin and Morgana and the kingdom that was in ruins. She cried for her unborn child and she cried for herself.

She opened her eyes and sat up when she felt a soft breath part his lips. "I love you too, Guinevere." Arthur breathed contently. "I love you both." He placed his hand lightly on her belly.

Arthur's lips quirked up slightly and a fatherly pride lit up his face. "I wish I could have seen you grow up, little one." Arthur wheezed softly.

Arthur's eyes traveled up, up, up, until they rested on Merlin. There was so much he still wanted, needed to say to Merlin. He needed to know that this wasn't his fault, that there was a way to be free, a way to be good. But he didn't have the time. Or the ability. Merlin needed to know...needed to know...who needed to know what? He couldn't remember...what did he want to say? Who did he want to say it to? His smile fell. His brow furrowed. He was at a loss. He coudn't member... who was that raven haired man? Why were his azure eyes so sad. Was he crying?

Arthur wished he had time to figure out the puzzle but he felt himself slipping away. His eyesigh started to dim. His blood felt thick and clogged, his heart slowed.

Beat. Beat. Beat.. beat...beat...beat...beat...beat...His face cleared of emotion and his gaze emptied. His heart came to a stop.

King Arthur Pendragon was dead.

Long live the King.


I am working on a novella story that will be a sort of prequel to the next installment. It will show Guinevere and what happens to her, Merlin, James, Theron, Cedric, Omani, and Percival.

The one after that will be a jump into the future. The Once and Future King returns.