"So... before I start, do you want to tell me what got you here in the first place?"

Jeremy was still in shock, if he'd known this morning when Elena left him in Damon's care that this was going to happen he would have stopped her leaving. He had been free to do whatever he'd felt like for as long as he could remember and no one had really bothered to do anything other than occasionally shout at him.

"No? I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself here, Jer." Damon's voice was condescending and it stirred up more anger in Jeremy.


"Ok, then." Damon tightened the grip around Jeremy's wrists, holding them secure behind his back, "let's start and see if you see things clearer on the other side, shall we?"

Jeremy had had his fair share of fights and pain in life but Damon's palm suddenly landing swat after swat on his bare skin hurt in a different way. It wasn't the adrenaline filled pain that made him want to fight back, it was a dull slowly building pain. At the moment the humiliation and shame from it outweighed the hurt and he tried twisting around to get up and tell Damon that he was completely out of order. He couldn't possibly think this was right.

"I get it," he spoke as he tried to wiggle out of Damon's grip with no success," you're stronger than me. Now stop being such a jerk!"

Damon had thought that just being draped over his knees would stop Jeremy's attitude but as that clearly wasn't the case he just continued landing swats, focusing on Jeremy's sit spots, watching the boy struggle to get out of his grip only made him slap harder.

Jeremy was still fighting to get up, it had started seriously hurting now, he wasn't sure if it was Damon using more force behind each swat or because he seemed to only keep slapping the same area over and over again.

"OK... OW... I'm sorry alright," Jeremy tried to free his hands and to his surprise Damon let up his hold on his wrists but didn't stop spanking him.

"You can hold onto my leg or the chair or whatever you want if you need it, Jer. We're not even close to being done yet but I trust you know better than to try to protect yourself with your hands."

Jeremy immediately put his hands palms down on the floor and tried pushing off Damon's lap.

"Jeremy?" Damon sighed, "Did I not just say?"

"Ow! Just let me go!"

Damon looked down at the struggling boy and sighed, it was going to be hard to break him but giving up now would be pointless, nothing would change. So instead he increased the force and speed making Jeremy more desperate to get free.

Jeremy was becoming more vocal, letting out all sorts of threats and curses and grunts of pain. He spat out an especially long breath of insults when Damon grabbed and restricted his wrists again.

Damon was getting slightly worried as Jeremy's skin was turning from a rosy red to a dark crimson and sighed in relief when the swearing turned to hitched breathing and moans of pain, knowing that he was almost done.

"Right," he held up for a moment, "tell me what got you here." he gave Jeremy a minute to catch his breath before he repeated the question.

"Because I got expelled."


"And because I called you a dick."


"I don't know."

"And because it's not safe for you to go hunter in front of people! Do you understand how badly that could've ended?"

Jeremy reluctantly nodded, he hated Damon for what he was doing to him but as much as he didn't like admitting it he could see where he was coming from.

"So for the attitude and for getting expelled you're getting ten with this good ol' paddle. Plus the ten that your earned earlier."

Jeremy felt Damon pick up the object he'd put to the side earlier and his insides went cold. He had thought that was it and he had to fight his instincts to try to get free again.

The first slap of the hard paddle against his skin shocked him. He hadn't expected it to hurt so much and it was a sting that stayed burning until the next one hit him.

Damon could feel him starting to fight again but just held his wrists tighter and let the next slap land a little harder, making Jeremy cry out in pain.

It took ten more slaps with the paddle for Jeremy to stop struggling against Damon's hold and for the aggressive cursing to turn to violent sobs.

He was blubbering apologies and pleaded through tears for Damon to stop.

Once Damon felt him relax and submit he landed a few more blows to make sure that it would sink in that these are the consequences for bad behavior and for screwing up intentionally.

Jeremy didn't even noticed when it stopped, he just suddenly found himself sat on the floor with his pants and sweats back on, crying silently with his head in Damon's lap.

Damon let him cry it all out, one hand at the back of Jeremy's neck, until the sobbing stilled and the breathing got back to normal.

"Right, up you get. Time to get into bed."

Jeremy got up in silence walked to the bed, hissing in pain as he sat down on the edge of it before he rolled over to one side.

Damon sat down next to his head and let his hand rest on Jeremy's shoulder.

"I just want to make sure you understand that when you do things like you did today, there will be consequences, and they won't be pleasant. You're officially done being a rowdy annoying teen, you now have someone that will set you straight. Whether you like it or not."

Jeremy was too exhausted to reply and he was still pissed that Damon had spanked him, but as he heard the door shut behind Damon as he left, he felt oddly safe and calmer than he could remember feeling in years.