A/N: Whooo! Another OUAT Captain Swan fanfiction! This one will consist of FIVE parts - no more, no less. I have them planned out so they only need editing before posting which means I will hopefully post as a minimum, weekly! College is keeping me busy so I cannot promise for certain but I will do my best to keep to schedule.
Enjoy this chapter!
Arwen4eva xxx
"Your family needs you. If anyone deserves to go to the underworld, it's me." Killian says, his breath coming in short bursts as he tries to withhold the darkness trapped within the blade that is Excalibur.
Emma looks at him, her breath beginning to regulate after Nimue's actions but her heart breaking all over again. She sees his hand violently shake as Excalibur continues to glow a deadly red.
"You're right," Killian continues. "I was weak. So, let me make up for it now by being strong."
A tear slips from Emma's eye, followed by another and another.
'Not another goodbye. I don't want to lose him. But... this is my fault. I cannot let him pay for my mistakes; I must make this sacrifice.'
Emma uses her powers to freeze Killian, along with everyone else where they stand. She walks up to Killian, Excalibur unaffected by the enchantment as it quivers before she takes the sword in hand, immediately feeling the power trying t escape.
"Swan? What are you doing?" Killian asks, trying to fight the hold on him but failing. He stares at Emma who glances down at the sword before looking back up at her love, her breath catching at the pain in his eyes. "Please, let me do this."
"I cannot let you pay for my mistakes." Emma says, her voice breaking.
"Emma! Don't do this!" Snow pleads with her daughter and Emma turns to face her parents.
"I'm sorry. I love you both, so much. I'm so glad I found you and if this is the price to keep you safe, then so be it."
"Sweetheart, please." David says, trying to make his daughter see sense. Emma shakes her head, her hand beginning to shake more violently now. "Please..."
"Emma, you cannot do this. Hook was meant to die in Camelot but you changed that - let him right that wrong, stay here in Storybrooke." Regina says, her tone of voice not to be messed with; but Emma never listens, they all know it.
"I can do this. This started when I became the Dark One to save you, and the rest of Storybrooke. It can end with me too." Emma says.
"Mum, please don't do this." Henry begs, cutting over Regina's voice. Tears are falling down his face now, his voice pleading. "I cannot lose you."
Emma looks down at Excalibur, the red glow looking increasingly threatening as the darkness begins its full attack to be released.
"I'm sorry, Henry. But, you will be okay. I love you so much, kid. I always will and I am so incredibly proud of you." Emma says, looking at her son before looking up at Robin and Regina who flank him on both sides. "Look after him, Regina; and you too, Robin. Help him grow into the man he wants to be, and can be. Always make sure he has his best chance."
"Emma-" Regina tries but is one again cut off.
"Have the happiness you deserve, Regina. Your happy ending is here, I helped you find it as I promised I would; take it and live a good life."
Regina remains speechless as Emma turns back to her parents. The sword shakes even more and Emma knows she needs to hurry now.
"Look after Neal and tell him that his big sister loves him." Emma says, facing both of her parents fully. "You deserve to be happy, all of you. Soon enough, the pain will pass and you can continue your happy ending. I love you both and I am so glad that we had this time together - it was worth the wait."
Emma takes a deep breath before turning around and walking back so she is in front of Killian again. He has tears falling down his face and it breaks Emma's heart impossibly harder.
"You told me that you were a survivor, on many different occasions." she mumbles to Killian so only he can hear. "That wasn't true before when we were back in Camelot so I changed everything to ensure that you would remain a survivor. You may have hated me for it, you may still do, but I do not regret that decision as I spent more time with you.
"Now is the time for you to survive, Killian. Take care of my family, take care of Henry. But most importantly, do not let yourself be consumed by hatred and revenge again - remain the hero that you are; remain the man you want to be."
Emma jumps forward quickly and presses her lips to Killian's, both hands gripping the hilt of Excalibur tightly.
"Emma, please don't do this." Killian says, his voice pained when they break apart.
"I love you, Killian." Emma says, her voice breaking now.
"I love you too. So much." Killian says, helpless to do anything else.
Emma steps back before lifting Excalibur. Her eyes trace over her name resting beside Killian's on the blade before darting her eyes back to his. With a deep breath, she smiles reassuringly then turns Excalibur inwards and squeezes her eyes shut.
'This is the right thing to do.'
She doesn't feel the pain at first but then it hits her and she cries out, breaking her hold on everyone. She just about hears the gasps and cries from Regina and Snow over the sudden ringing in her ears. Killian runs forward and holds Emma up, her strength from her knees disappearing. His hooked arm goes around her waist, resting on her back whilst his hand goes to the sword buried in her stomach. Emma's palm goes to Killian's cheek before she rests her forehead against his, connecting them.
In a blinding light, Emma changes back to her old self; her once again blonde hair draping over her shoulders and her signature leather jacket on her body instead of her deathly white bun and black leather clothing.
"Mum!" Henry shouts, being restrained by Robin and Regina but Emma's ears are pounding, her senses diminishing and she doesn't hear him. She is just aware of Killian, her hand on his cheek with her thumb moving over his scruff.
The pirate pulls Excalibur out of Emma's stomach before chucking it away from them. His hand goes to Emma's cheek before sliding back into her hair. Snow cries loudly as Henry continues to shout to go to his mum.
Suddenly, Emma's knees buckle and Killian follows her down, softening her landing and gently laying her down. His hand remains behind her head until she is laying down completely before he pulls back slightly. He feels stinging on the side of his neck, the wound from Excalibur returning and Emma's eyes grow wide. Her arm raises and her palm rests against the festering cut. She channels her remaining darkness into the wound and after a moment, it disappears; the darkness dying and removing the wound, leaving a very slight scar in its place. Her arm then falls limply to her side as the darkness combined with the wound in her stomach drain her life force.
Henry finally breaks free from Regina and Robin's hold and goes to his mother, the opposite side to Killian. His eyes land on her stomach where a red stain quickly spreads on her white jumper, almost blending with her red jacket.
"No, mum! Please!" Henry shouts, shaking Emma's shoulder. Emma doesn't have the energy to do anything other than look at Henry for a moment, tears falling out of her eyes. Blood bubbles forth from her mouth and begins to dribble own her now ashen skin.
Killian quickly raises his hand to her cheek, wiping away the blood with his thumb and pointer finger. She tries to keep breathing but instead it sounds like she is choking on her own blood, her eyes growing wide before they land on Killian. Her breath becomes slower before she struggles to receive any air at all. Emma's eyes flutter shut, a final choking breath escaping her before she grows completely still.
Snow screams out in anguish and despair and David grips her tightly, tears falling down his own face. Regina buries her back into Robin's chest before holding tight to his arms as they come around her, her eyes focused on her son, the Saviour and the pirate. Henry bows his head, gripping Emma's left arm in his hands and he buries his face into her shoulder; his sobs joining the others.
Killian cries, his hand still on Emma's cheek. His thumb rubs the other droplets of blood that left her lips away from her skin before he runs his knuckles over her cheek, trying and hoping to wake her.
"Emma, please."
Snow's sobs have not let up, and neither have Henry's. He is back over with Regina and Robin after she pulled him back from Emma's body. He is currently crying into Regina's shoulder and she holds him tight, a hand stroking the back of his head and her lips leaving kisses to the side of his head. Gold had offered his condolences before going back to his shop in a solemn mood, leaving the group to mourn.
Emma's body is lifted by the two paramedics and placed onto the gurney from the ambulance that Regina called. A cloth is draped over her body as Killian holds her hand, his hook on her wrist, with his fingers laced between her limp ones. The cloth is then placed over her now peaceful pale face, hiding her features from those she loved; who love her back.
Killian is close to sobbing once more, tears still falling freely, as they try to roll her away. Instinctively, his grip swiftly tightens on her and the paramedics struggle to push the gurney away. Robin rushes forward and grabs hold of Killian's shoulders, pulling him back and away from his love.
He cries out now and Robin pulls him into a fierce hug, holding him tight as Emma is taken away. His hook digs into Robin's back and he lands down on his knees as they buckle, similar to Emma. Henry, having turned around when he heard Killian's cries, runs to him, away from Regina and embraces him from behind, his arms wrapping around his shoulders.
Robin moves away and Killian turns around, sitting up a bit before pulling Henry in and holding onto him tightly.
"I'm sorry, lad. I'm so sorry." Killian whispers before they cry together, kneeling on the grass as they allow their grief to consume them.
"Henry, come on." Regina says, her voice soft and she pulls on his shoulders. He and Killian have spent the last ten minutes together before Regina decided that he needed to deal with his grief privately. "Let's go home."
Henry pulls back from Killian and looks at the centuries old pirate. He continues to sob but allows Regina to pull him to his feet before wrapping an arm around his shoulders. As they walk away, Regina makes sure to pick up Excalibur, still covered in Emma's blood, to place somewhere safe.
David takes hold of Snow and they begin to walk back to the loft, tears streaking both of their faces as it really sinks in that their daughter has once again been taken from them; this time in the most cruellest way possible.
"Come on, mate." Robin says, quietly. He helps Killian to stand before supporting him and helping him walk towards the house; the house that was meant to be their house.
They stop down the street when Killian sees Emma's yellow bug sitting outside.
"I can't." Killian says, his voice rough. "Not here."
"Come on, Killian." the archer insists, trying to pull him forward but Killian doesn't budge.
"Alright." Robin says, changing their direction as another place pops into his head.
They walk to the docks but the once calming sight of the water and the Jolly Roger just unsettles Killian. He stops, looking at his beloved ship and finds that just like the house, he cannot go in.
"Killian, you have to try." Robin says, looking at the ship before looking at Killian.
"Please, Robin. No." Killian says, on the verge of breaking down.
Robin sighs. "Okay, Killian. I know a place I can take you."
Robin opens the large door and guides Killian in who has remained silent since their discussion at the docks. Regina walks forward from the kitchen, her brow furrowed and eyes red rimmed. She pushes back her hair, tucking it behind her ears and sniffing.
"Robin?" she asks, looking at Killian before looking at the man she loves.
"He has nowhere else he will stay at the moment." Robin explains, looking at Killian with concern as he stares into space. "I could only think to bring him here until we sort something out."
"He won't go into the house or on his ship, will he?" Regina asks, knowing the answer already. She takes hold of Killian's arm and gently guides him into the living room, towards the couch.
"No. He begged me not to make him and I didn't want to push him, Regina." Robin says, following behind.
"You made the right call bringing him here. He shouldn't be alone right now." Regina says before making a blanket and a few pillows appear on the couch. "He could do anything."
Robin guides Killian so he sits on the couch before turning and laying down on his back, his gaze straight ahead of him.
"Is Henry alright?" Robin asks, unfolding the blanket.
"He went straight upstairs and I did follow him but he locked his bedroom door. I didn't want to force him to talk to me so just told him I was here whenever he wanted me." Regina says, a tear falling down her cheek unchecked before she brushes it away. Robin drapes the blanket over Killian's body and Regina places her hand on the pirate's arm.
"I'm sorry, Killian." she says, squeezing slightly.
Killian doesn't reply, his gaze vacant but filled with pain and despair... so much pain.
"Killian, do not close yourself off. I know you have dealt with loss before with Milah but do not revert back to that." Regina begs, her grief creeping up on her. "Doing that will not allow you to be the man you want to be, the man that Emma wants ... wanted you to be."
When Regina receives no reply again, Robin pulls her up, pushing her hair behind her ear again before placing a kiss on her forehead.
"Give him time." Robin whispers. "You should get some rest. I'll be up in a minute."
Regina nods, sending a look to Killian before slowly walking out of the room. Robin kneels beside the couch and places his hand on Killian's arm, similar to Regina.
"I know this is hard, Killian - trust me, I know. When I lost Marian, I thought that I would never find happiness again. But, I did. The pain dulls with time. I know that you lost Milah but I also know that Emma meant a lot more to you."
"She was everything to me." Killian whispers, broken. "This is all my fault."
"No, don't think like that." Robin says. "This was no one's fault. Emma did what she did to keep everyone safe - she has always done that."
Robin remains silent for a moment, hoping to get Killian talking more but he is disappointed. Killian remains quiet.
The archer sighs before standing and looking down at his friend.
"I really am sorry, Killian." he says, before leaving the pirate alone with his thoughts.
He gives up on trying to sleep - even more so when he realises that the sun will be up in a few hours and he has not closed his eyes once. His eyes remained fixed on the ceiling, the image of Emma plunging Excalibur into herself on repeat in his mind.
He stands with a huff, pulling the blanket from his body and leaves Regina's house. As he walks down the street, he pulls out his flask from his jacket pocket, uncorking it before bringing it to his lips. He drinks the burning rum steadily, drowning his sorrows as he wanders around Storybrooke, trying to find somewhere hat doesn't remind him strongly of Emma.
Granny's, the Sheriff Station, heck, even the street reminds him of Emma.
He ends up sitting at the docks, staring outwards into the fading darkness. The light of the moon on the waves is usually calming; she knew that. Now, it only brings him pain. He keeps his eyes away from the Jolly Roger; the home he gave up so Emma could have hers, so he could have his new home.
He takes one final swig of his flask, draining the last of the rum from it when he hears a hoarse voice.
"It isn't your fault." Henry says, walking up behind Killian before sitting beside him on the wall, legs dangling. Almost certainly like Killian, he looks like he hasn't slept at all as well and his eyes are very red from obvious crying.
"Your mother is... dead because of my actions. If I didn't call the Dark Ones, she would not have sacrificed herself to save you all." Killian says, trying to hold in his tears.
Henry is silent for a moment before speaking again. "You were angry and the Darkness was controlling you. I don't blame you."
Killian looks at Henry sharply, surprised by his words. He places his hooked arm around Henry's shoulders and pulls him close to his side.
"I'm sorry, Henry. I am so sorry." Killian mumbles and Henry rests his head on Killian's shoulder.
They sit together and watch the sun rise over the horizon at dawn, fresh tears running down their cheeks as they silently try to comfort each other. They don't move, just making sure that they are there for comfort.
"I know that it will be hard, Killian, but I need to feel close to her in some way." Henry says, his gaze still out at the horizon. "Can we go sailing on the Jolly?"
Killian takes in a deep breath before looking down at Henry. They stare at each other for a few moments before Killian looks down at his lap again, swallowing thickly.
"Alright, lad."
Both very reluctant, they make their way onto the Jolly Roger and set sail, Killian at the wheel to guide his beloved ship out of the harbour and away from Storybrooke for a while.
Henry disappears below deck for a few moments before reappearing with a blanket around his shoulders, another under his arm and a cup in each hand.
"It has become cold." Henry says, placing the cups down on the side before handing Killian the blanket from underneath his arm. Killian takes it and wraps it around his shoulders before nodding to the cups, a questioning gaze on his face. "It's water; I thought you may be thirsty and it may help since you have had a lot of rum."
Killian mumbles his thanks, taking a sip from one of the cups before gazing out at the water before him. He glances behind and notices how far they have sailed and decides to drop anchor for a while.
They sit on deck together, blankets about their shoulders and listening to the sound of the waves. It isn't long before midday when Regina suddenly poofs on deck, looking a complete mess; her hair in disarray, he coat hastily thrown on and instead of her regular pantsuit, she is in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt.
"Henry!" she exclaims, rushing forward and falling to her knees before bringing him into her arms. "Don't do that again. I was worried sick."
"Well, I'm here." Henry says, his voice a monotone.
"You could have left something, Henry. I know that yesterday was horrible and that it is hard to accept what has happened but when I woke up and went to your room to see nothing but an unmade bed and the storybook open on a certain Princess Leia and Prince Charles..."
Killian looks at Henry and their eyes meet, both filled with pain.
Regina pulls back, placing her hand on Henry's cheek and wiping away the tears that have freshly fallen.
"You aren't going through this alone, Henry." Regina says. "We are all here for you."
Henry nods before standing up and walking to the bow of the ship, looking out at the water.
Regina sits and looks at Killian who has his gaze fixed on his hook, his jaw clenching.
"We need to talk about Emma's funeral, Killian." Regina says softly. Killian's breath catches at her words. "I know it is hard."
"When?" Killian asks, his voice strained.
"Two days from now is a good time. We can have everything organised for then." Regina looks out at the water, trying to keep the wobble out of her voice. "Granny can cater the wake for us afterwards and we can make it very special for her; just as she deserves."
"She doesn't deserve a funeral at all." Killian says, allowing a few tears to break through and fall down his face. "If anything, it is my funeral that should be planned, not hers."
"What's done is done now, Killian. It cannot be changed; no matter how much we wish we could do something." Regina says, looking over at Henry whose shoulders are shaking as he cries.
Killian looks over at Emma's boy and his already shattered heart breaks further.
"We should head back." Regina mumbles after a few minutes. "Can you steer us back and I will talk to Henry?"
"Aye. Although, Henry may no longer wish to talk and may help steer us home instead." Killian says, standing whilst making sure the blanket remains around his shoulders to help fight off the chilly breeze; he doesn't care much but does not wish for more attention to land on him - which it will if he falls ill.
Killian goes over to the side of the ship and pulls the anchor back in. As he walks to the mast, he hears Regina trying to talk to Henry but then footsteps come towards him and Henry helps him set sail once more.
Just as he predicted.
Once they return back to Storybrooke and disembark the Jolly Roger, Henry insists on going to the loft. Killian has no choice in whether he wishes to or not - Henry grabbing his hook and pulling him along. They knock on the door when they arrive and David opens it, baby Neal in his arms. He has tears down his cheeks and he steps out of the way, bidding them entry. They slowly enter and turn their heads to see Snow sitting on the couch, staring blankly outwards with Emma's baby blanket in her hands.
Regina closes the door behind them as David puts Neal down in his crib before tensing. He turns suddenly before walking straight up to Killian and punching him in the jaw, knocking him down.
"Grandpa!" Henry exclaims, rushing down to help Killian up from the floor. Regina goes to push David back so he cannot hit the pirate again.
"That is for my daughter sacrificing herself because you were petty and you wanted revenge all because you didn't keep a promise and she desperately wanted you back." David spits.
Killian says nothing, his hand going to his jaw as it begins to throb. Henry, once he is sure Killian is firmly on his feet, goes to David and pushes him down into a chair at the table, talking to him quietly. Regina heals Killian's jaw with a wave of her hand before moving over to the couch and sitting down beside Snow, looking at her with concern. Killian sits in the armchair, his head down.
They all sit around Snow and in complete silence.
"I spoke to Killian about it earlier, but we need to talk about Emma's funeral." Regina says.
Snow's face immediately contorts and she begins to sob again, bringing the blanket up to her face - smelling her baby girl on it. Henry's head bows. Killian stands, a strong pain in his chest and walks upstairs to Emma's room.
Killian stops at the top of the stairs, looking at the neatly made bed before moving over to it. He lays down on top of the covers, breathing in the soft scent of her still lingering in the fabric. He turns onto his left side, pushing his hook beneath one of the pillows before burying his face into it. Silent tears evacuate his eyes and he begins to struggle to regulate his breathing as he sobs uncontrollably. He tries to smother his cries in the pillow but they are not easily concealed; so pained, so broken.
He feels a hand on his back, pulling him around and he sees David before he is pulled up into a hug. David holds him tightly and allows Killian to cry into his shoulder. Any awkwardness isn't considered as their grief for the one they love surrounds them.
"I'm so sorry." Killian says, repeating those three words constantly as he grasps his breath.
"You love her so much." David says, his voice strangled. "She died because she wanted to save us. She loved us all."
Loved. Just another reminder that she is gone.
Killian goes to Gold the next day. He had slept another night at Regina's, everywhere too painful and despite his willingness to just find a bench to sleep on, Regina insisted; as did Henry. But, he disappeared before dawn after another sleepless night and wandered the streets.
'It should have been me.' he thinks constantly as he walks. He sips from his flask, newly filled, and focuses on the burn in his throat. He looks up in one moment and his gaze focuses on the front of Gold's shop.
He remembers how he summoned the boat to bring the previous Dark Ones to Storybrooke; Rumpelstiltskin's blood. He quickly sets his destination and walks in to the shop.
Despite the early hour, Gold is behind the counter, writing few things down.
"You're going to help me, Crocodile. I need to get Emma back." Killian demands, stopping a pace from the front counter. Gold looks up and adjusts his cane, shifting his weight slightly.
"Captain, I am no longer the Dark One. I cannot help you with anything."
"You do not need to be the Dark One to use your blood." Killian says and Gold narrows his eyes before widening them again; understanding what Killian is saying.
"You're going to get her back, aren't you?"
"Aye. You will summon that bloody boat and I am going to rescue the woman I love."
Gold hesitates for a moment before nodding.
"When will you be going?" he asks and Killian looks down for moment, swallowing hard before returning his gaze.
"Tomorrow - after the funeral. Be ready and tell no one; unless you wish to feel my hook in your chest and finish you for good."
The next day is a gloomy, overcast day, as the entire town gathers for their Saviour's funeral. The skies open up a few minutes after Regina, as Mayor, says a few words to thank everyone for coming.
Her family and closest friends are at the front of the large black crowd and they watch as Emma's coffin is lowered into ground. Snow has no more tears to shed and stares as her daughter's body disappears. David stands beside her, Neal in his arms and he spares glances at his wife. Regina grasps hold of Robin's hand as they stand beside Snow; Roland in front of them. Regina leans further into Robin's side, holding up the umbrella over them as she watches Henry. He is standing beside Killian who has his arm around the teenager's trembling shoulders.
Killian has consumed two and a half flasks worth of his rum in an attempt to numb his brain before he came to the funeral, dressed in his leather jacket, finally out of his Dark One jacket, and a black button down shirt instead of his regular navy blue. He arrived separate from everyone else, tucking his half full flask into his jacket before standing in front of Emma's coffin. It was less than a minute later that Henry, followed by everyone else, joined him.
Killian remains zoned out until he sees Regina going over to the small pile of dirt beside the open grave. She picks up the shovel, lifting it and pouring her shovel full of soil over the coffin below. Robin follows Regina and helps Roland to put his own shovel's worth down as well. Snow walks slowly, hesitating before throwing the dirt down. She takes Neal from David so he can do his.
Henry moves forward, sobs escaping him as he drops the dirt down. He roughly throws the shovel next to the pile of dirt before looking down at the coffin. Killian moves forward, stumbling over a step and grabs hold of Henry's shoulder. He pulls him in to his chest, holding him for a moment before Henry draws back and moves back to his place.
Killian doesn't pick up the shovel. Instead, he reaches into his jacket and carefully extracts a single middlemist bloom; the exact one he gave Emma back in Camelot. He inhales its sweet scent before releasing it. Killian watches as it drifts down before landing on top of the dirt; a stark contrast to the darkness down there.
He walks backwards until he is once again side by side with Henry. He hears muttering behind him as people begin to leave, having paid their respects, and head for Granny's.
Granny walks forward, holding Robin's daughter, and expresses her condolences. She presses a kiss to Henry's forehead before taking Roland's hand.
"We'll see you at the diner." she says before walking away with everyone else.
Belle comes forward, standing on Killian's left and places her hand on his arm. She moves around so she can do the same to Henry.
"I am truly sorry for your loss." she says, looking back at Gold who stands silently with a frown on his face. She looks up at Killian, tears in her eyes that mirror his own. "If you ever need anything, let me know. Both of you, okay?"
Both Henry and Killian silently nod before she moves over to Snow and David. They talk for a minute or two before Snow hands Neal over. Belle cradles the sleeping babe in her arms before informing them that she will meet them at Granny's.
A few more minutes pass and only Killian, Snow, David, Regina, Henry, Robin and Gold remain at the graveside.
Henry chokes out another sob and Killian doesn't hesitate in wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulders and pulling him into his chest again so he can cry. Henry holds on to Killian's jacket tightly, fisting the material in his hands.
Killian holds onto him, allowing more of his own tears to fall now at the sound of his cries. He looks over and sees Robin tenderly wiping away Regina's tears and Snow clinging to David. His guilt, his grief, his anger collides within him at the sight of the couples and he knows that he needs to get Emma back.
'It is the right thing to do.'
Killian presses a kiss to the crown of Henry's head before pulling away slightly.
"I'm sorry, Henry." he whispers, pressing another kiss to Henry's head before turning and walking away; towards the lake where Emma made her sacrifice.
They all watch as he walks away, stumbling slightly thanks to his level of intoxication. They grow confused when Gold begins to follow.
"Gold?" Regina speaks up. "Where are you going?"
Gold ceases moving and turns around. He appears to be nervous and Regina moves out of Robin's hold to stand in front of him.
"Killian is up to something, isn't he?" she asks, her posture warning Gold about lying to her; especially since he is sans magic now.
Gold looks down before looking back up and nodding.
"What is he doing?" Henry asks, his voice rough from his crying. He takes in a few breaths to calm himself enough that he sounds slightly better. Gold remains silent. "Grandpa, what is Killian doing? Where is he going?"
"He's going to Hell."
Killian arrives at the lake and stands by the water's edge, awaiting Gold's arrival. He pulls out his flask and takes another swig of his rum, smaller this time than the others earlier on in the day.
His gaze goes to the exact spot where Emma plunged Excalibur into herself; where he cradled her until she took her last shuddering breath. He angrily thumbs away a tear, fed up of crying and longing to take action and save his love.
He turns suddenly when he sees a large cloud of purple and Regina, accompanied by everyone appears.
"Hook, what are you doing?" Regina asks, walking forward to him. She stops, however, when he takes a few steps back.
"I have a feeling that you are already aware of my intentions if you are here." Killian replies, taking another step back.
"Gold told us what you plan on doing, Hook." David says, moving away from Snow to step beside Regina. "But, you cannot go to Hell. Emma would not have wanted that."
"It is all my fault that your daughter, the woman I love with all of my wretched heart, is dead. If I controlled the Darkness, if I had never been angry about her saving me in the way she did, then Emma would be alive right now. So, I'm going down there to change that."
"How?" Regina questions, moving forward, knowing that if Killian were to back up any more he would be in the water. She places her hand on his forearm, just above the brace for his hook. She softens her tone of voice, trying to make him see reason. "She is dead now, Killian. Emma is gone."
"Her parents could have been in the same situation, separated from each other but they weren't." Killian says, training his gaze on the two in question.
Regina spares a look at the Charmings herself and sees shock grow on their saddened features.
"You're going to split your heart?" Snow asks, speaking for the first time in a while.
"I would do anything to save the one I love." Killian says, his voice breaking as he allows his walls to deplete. "It should have been me. But Emma being so bloody stubborn took away my chance to right my wrongs. I should have found a way to stop her."
"We weren't to know that Emma was going to do, mate." Robin says, placing a hand on Henry's shoulder which is immediately shrugged off.
"I still should have done something." Killian says.
"You're right." Henry says, his voice slightly cold. "You should have done something."
Killian bows his head, hurt further by Henry's words and the truth they hold.
"Henry." Robin tries but the boy ignores him, walking forward until he is right in front of the pirate.
"But, you are also right that mum is... was stubborn. She did what she did to save us all, and I believe that it is time that we do what she has always done; bring the happy endings and save people." Henry rushes forward, hugging Killian around the waist. The gesture shocks Killian or a second before he reciprocates.
"You know you cannot come with me, lad." Killian says and Henry swiftly withdraws.
"You cannot stop me." Henry exclaims.
"Henry, there are untold dangers down there. Your mother would never forgive me."
"I'm in agreement." Regina says, turning Henry around. "You cannot go down there."
"I am going to help Killian save my mum. Everyone deserves their happy ending. You have yours now, so it doesn't matter for you. My mum has never been able to truly have her happy ending because she has been helping everyone with theirs. She made a sacrifice and now we are going to save her." Henry says, moving to stand beside Killian. His gaze challenges Regina.
"If you are going to get Emma," Snow says. "I am coming with you. I have lost Emma before; I never want to have to do that again."
David nods, standing next to his wife and placing his arm around her.
"I'm coming too." he says.
Regina looks at her son before looking at Robin. He nods, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"We're coming too." Regina says. "It is thanks to Emma that I have my happy ending. She deserves hers."
Killian looks at each person before him, surprised and glad that he won't have to do it alone. He smiles weakly at them before looking at Gold.
"Crocodile, it is time."
"Are you sure about this?"
"Do it." Killian says and Gold extracts a knife, sliding it across his palm and allowing enough blood to collect.
Regina waves her hand and swords appear on both Killian's and David's hip and both Snow and Robin suddenly have their bows in their hands and quiver of arrows on their back.
"Just in case." Regina says as Gold pours his blood into the water. After a moment, smoke settles on the surface of the water and the boat arrives, gliding towards them.
Regina moves forward to squeeze Henry's shoulder before standing beside him. Snow and David take each other's hands and Gold wraps his hand in a small piece of cloth, covering the cut. Killian begins to walk out into the water, followed by everyone else with Gold taking up the rear.
"I will find you, Emma. I will always find you."
End note: Please review! :)