Chapter 5
OMG so sorry I haven't updated, I have had a research paper for my English class which was taking up a lot of my time. I promise I should be back on track now that I am done with the paper. I decided I am going to have Farkle transfer to Northeastern in Boston. I will of Joshaya adventures coming up in a few chapters but first I want to put in some character development to Tessa Chris and Farkle's transfer. Hope you enjoy =)
Riley looks at her best friend, boy friend, uncle, and FARKLE all in the eye. Running to them she and Maya jump into each other's arms. "Thunder!" Riley yells holding on to Maya as if to make sure she was real. Maya can't help but smile at her best friend's crazy antics.
"Lightning!" Maya chants in response before shimmying out of her best friend's death grip, giving Riley a chance to go give Farkle and Josh a hug. At first Riley pouts at Maya's release, but then she sees Farkle and is too happy to care. She runs up to Farkle and he lifts her slightly off the ground. "I missed you Riles." Farkle says with his big goofy smile "I have some good news for you but say hello to Josh and Freak Face first."
Riley does as he says, walking up to Josh, she pulls him into a tight bear hug. Then, she goes to Lucas and he pulls her into his chest, 'I don't think I'll ever get enough of this smell' Riley thinks to herself with a smile before pulling back slightly to look at Lucas stunning green eyes. "Babe?" Riley questions, "Did you know about this?" And with a simple nod her lips are on his, but to stop either of them from deepening the kiss, Maya clears her throat gaining their attention.
After dinner, which was a delicious ribeye with salad and garlic bread, they all sit around in Lucas and Riley's living room. Josh is in one of their overstuffed red chairs with Maya on his lap. Farkle is on the the navy suede loveseat, laying across it. And Riley was sitting on the floor with Lucas, he was leaning against the coffee table with her between her legs.
"So Farkley Sparkley, what was that big announcement you had for us?" Riley asks arching her eyebrow at him. She felt so comfortable and safe right now, surrounded by her friends and in Lucas's arm, she absolutely loved.
Farkle couldn't help but chuckle at is old nickname, but he tries to stay calm while looking at all his friends faces. All full of anticipation for what he had to say. "Well…" he starts "I will be transferring to Northeastern in two weeks time. Which means by the end of this lovely month I will be here in Boston!" Farkle exclaims.
Riley is instantly hugging Farkle. "OMGOMGOMG! Farkle I can't wait!" she squeals. Lucas stares at her in awe for a second, then everyone bursts out into a fit of laughter.
"Fark, if you need some place to stay when you first getting settled in the city, you are more than welcome to stay in mine and Ri's guest bedroom." Lucas offers as Riley beams nodding her head.
"Thanks guys, that would be great." Farkle exhales, "I promise I won't intrude for too long though." He ensures them, even though he knows they could care less. Although Riley can't help but wonder why he was going to transfer. She needed bay window time.
"Okay," she all but shouts, "Josh, Lucas go get ice cream." Riley commands and without question both of them stand up, Lucas gets his wallet and keys and they leave. "And you two" she states turning to Farkle and Maya, "follow me." Riley orders before walking down the hall to the bay window in her and Lucas' room.
Soon after Riley sits, her friends join her, Maya on her right and Farkle on the left. Riley looks around her room with a smile, it was just so homey. The walls were brick behind the bed, and a pale blue on the other three walls. The bed had a duvet and pillow set, black and pale blue floral print on a silver background, along with brick red and silver accent pillows. The dresser was a light wood with jewelry and pictures scattered across the top of it.
"Okay, why are you transferring Mr. Minkus?" Maya quizzes, as if reading Riley's mind.
Farkle looks down ashamed before taking a deep breathe and answering the lingering question. "Smackle goes there, with her husband. Apparently, she was able to graduate high school early, married this guy named Zay that she had met in Vermont, and now is very pregnant. I just, I thought I was over her, but after finding this all out and seeing her all the time…" he trails out sighing. Farkle was so embarrassed that a girl was the reason he was leaving Yale. " I couldn't do it just not alone." he finishes letting a single tear run down his face.
Riley and Maya hug Farkle, neither knew what to say. Riley is the first to talk. "I'm scared about Lucas… there is this girl that he knows from when he was younger in Texas. She doesn't remember him, but he remembers her, she helped create Texas Lucas. Plus, they are partners for a project too." She lets all her worries out.
"Missy is still around. She may of been kicked out of the dorms but she is still at the school. She is always around trying to get with Josh. Also, all my teachers hate my art and don't believe in me. I wish I knew what to do but I'm clueless." Maya states. None of them realized how hard this was gonna be and not seeing each other 24/7 was not helping.
"We'll get through this." Riley assures, "I mean come on Farkle you aren't alone, you have us and if you need a shoulder you got one." She smiles then turns to Maya, "Remember freshman year when the art teacher didn't like your work until he figured out the meaning behind it and you found yourself? Well that is all you gotta do, find yourself in your art." They all sit there smiling.
Only Riley still didn't have any reassurance. "Lucas has changed Riles." Maya tries, "He isn't Texas Lucas anymore and as long as you are with him he never will be." It worked. Riley pulls her friends into a hug and just stays in the moment as long as possible.
"I miss this." Farkle says, "We should continue this through skype and facetime once a week, every Friday before bed, it will help us all." He really was a genius.
The next day…
Maya and I were at a cafe called Render Cafe, they were trying to spend all the time together possible before Maya left that afternoon and before Riley's English class at one. They were talking about random stuff like Riley Town when a familiar girl with bright red hair came up to them. "Riley! How are you?" Tessa Chris asks before she notices Maya, "OH! Who is this I don't recognize her!"
Riley smiles up at the girl. Today Tessa Chris was wearing a dark blue dress that was pretty much the same color of her eyes, it hugged her body till her waist where billowed out ending right above her knee. "Hello Tessa Chris. This is my best friend slash sister Maya, she goes to school in Chicago. Her, my uncle who is her boyfriend, and another one of our friends decided to come out and visit me and my boyfriend." Riley says as she gestures to the girl next to her.
Maya just laughed at the look of disgust on Tessa Chris's face when Riley said that her uncle was Maya's boyfriend. "Don't worry sweetie, Uncle Biong is three years older than us. It isn't anything gross unless you're Riley." she informs.
Riley looks at the time 12:35 "Oh my God! Peaches you have to get to the airport and I have to get to class!" Riley exclaims jumping up and putting some money on the table. "Umm… I'll see you later TC and Maya say goodbye to Josh and Farkle for me." She states before heading off to her class. Tessa Chris walked with her…
"Riley I was gonna tell you but you got distracted," Tessa Chris starts. "There is this super cute guy in my English class that I get to work with and I can't wait! I'm going over to his apartment now and I am kinda nervous." she explains.
Letting out a girlish squeal, Riley pulls the girl into a hug. "Don't worry, you look fabulous and if he doesn't see how amazing you are it is his loss."
Lucas took a deep breathe when he heard a knock on the door signaling the arrival of Tessa Chris… he dreaded it. He looked around the living room at his and Riley's odd but perfect furniture. He noticed, surprisingly, that there was no pictures of him and Riley in the room, they were all in the hall or kitchen or office or bedroom. That had to be fixed.
Slowly, Lucas walked towards the door and opened it, revealing a very nicely dressed scarlet haired girl. He couldn't stand it, to many bad memories went through his head. "Hello Tessa Chris, come on in." Lucas says as he backs up giving her room to enter, she is hesitant at first as she studies his apparel. He had on a pair of black joggers, red converse, and a red NIKE sweatshirt; it was a much more casual outfit.
"So this is your apartment?" she questions, sounding almost unimpressed as while she studies the room. "It's quite—lovely? I kinda expected something a little more…I don't know, but it works." Tessa Chris turns to face Lucas, a giant smile on her face. "Well, come on! Let's get started." she quips heading over to the couch.
'This is gonna be a long night.' Lucas thinks to himself
After about 2 hours of working Lucas and Tessa Chris were about halfway done. Had finished her class about ten minutes ago and was on her way home. Tessa Chris had made it her job to be as close to Lucas as possible, always touching his hand or leaning on his shoulder. Once, it even seemed like she had tried to kiss him and Lucas tried his best to ignore everything. In reality. He just wanted it over.
Right as Tessa Chris had another failed attempt to hold his hand, Lucas heard the rattle of Riley's keys. Smiling, Lucas looks at Tessa Chris who has a confused look, he can't help but smile more since he knows that he is saved. Lucas stands up, followed in suit by Tessa Chris who was still confused, as the door opens and his princess's voice fills the room. "Hey Cowboy, I'm home. How's the project going?" Riley gretes as she looks up after entering, but then Riley's face looks instantly shocked as she stares at Tessa Chris who has the exact same expression.
Now Lucas was the one confused as he looks between the two girls. "Umm… well… I don't know what's up with the shock… " Lucas muses before walking over towards Riley giving her a hug and kissing her cheek. "But it's good to see you sunshine. Maya get to her flight alright?" Still no response which confuses Lucas even more. "Okay, one of you speak."
Riley is the first one to break the stare and answer "Soo… TC. This is the hot guy you told me about? The one you were excited to work on the project with?" Riley glances at her friend quickly before she directs Lucas. "And that must mean that Tessa Chris here, is the girl you told me about?" Stricken by the obvious fact that Tessa Chris and Ri were friends, he just nods is head.
"Yeah this is." TC answers Riley's question. "I did not realize that he was that he was the boyfriend you told me about. But, why did you seem worried when you asked Lucas about me?" she interrogates. Riley nor Lucas care to answer, Riley just moves further into Lucas embrace.
"You know what Tessa Chris? I think it would be best if you just left." Riley states and for the first time since they met not calling her TC. "Now!" she states more sternly. Riley wanted Tessa Chris out of her home and was fighting the urge to punch Tessa Chris.
Looking hurt, Tessa Chris walks towards the door, "Riley, what the hell just changed? I thought we were friends? If you're mad because I hit on Lucas I am sorry but…" She doesn't get the chance to finish before Lucas interrupts.
"Tessa Chris please just leave. It was a bad idea to be alone in the same room with you and now I would appreciate if you did as Riley asks before she punches you."
Confused and kinda dazed, Tessa Chris leaves. Riley and Lucas stand in silence for a short while. "Bay window." Riley sighs before heading towards the bedroom.
Riley let Lucas sit down first, then she sat on Lucas' lap. He held he for a second but it didn't last long. After about 30 seconds of thinking in Lucas hold Riley turned to him, pressing her lips to his in a feverish kiss. Her hands snaked into his hair, tugging and pulling him closer. His hand pulled her waist closer to him and soon enough she was straddling him. Leaning down, Riley pushed to deepen the kiss and her wish was granted as their tongues danced in his mouth.
It had been about 3 minutes when they broke apart, resting his forehead against Riley's Lucas takes a deep breathe before speaking. "Nothing happened between us, with my history with her and the fact that I am hopelessly devoted to you Ri, I could never even consider touching her." he assures her. This declaration earns him a small peck on the nose and a cute little giggle.
"Trust me love, I wasn't scared about you, I trust the man I am hopelessly devoted to, I just don't trust her." Riley explains, "I've been scared of what will happen to you because of her since you told me that story." Another peck on the nose. "So, trust me I know you would never do anything."
She gets off of Lucas' lap and walks over to the closet, grabbing one of his shirts. She she pulls off her sweatshirt, which also happened to be Lucas's, and her jeans—replacing them with the Yankees shirt she grabbed. The whole time Lucas just stares and the beauty that is all his.
Lucas gets up, taking off his joggers and sweatshirt, leaving him in boxers and a black tee, then he gets in the bed and is soon joined with Riley. She snuggles up close to him and he wraps his arms around her small frame, they fit perfectly together. "Goodnight City Girl." Lucas softly whispers into her hair.
"Goodnight Subway Boy." Riley sighs into his chest with a small laugh and a big smile.
A/N: Again I am so sorry I haven't been updating. I hope you liked it and please review. Also, because I am posting this chapter now I will not be posting this Friday