A/N: I'm back! I'll leave the big note for the bottom. Enjoy!

It was almost 11pm as Sakura walked into the hotel's bar. It was darkly lit and slow, cool jazz music played in the background setting a casual, yet upscale atmosphere. It looked like a classy enough place; everything was decorated in black with a red trim and the bar tender was very well dressed. Judging by the less than a dozen people in it and the overly priced drink menu, Sakura was sure nobody would be bothering her this evening.

She had been invited to an award ceremony for up and coming young surgeons and Sakura, being a young and up coming trauma surgeon, had won an award for Most Potential in a Surgeon. The entire award ceremony had been quite the production. The list of guest speakers and award recipients was nothing short of star-studded and the dinner afterwards was marvellous. The Konoha Police Force had provided security for the event. Though, the Royal Konoha Hospital was known to be one of the top hospitals in the world. It shouldn't have surprised her that security was so tight.

Sakura sat down and waited for her green apple martini. The conference had been fun, but she was looking forward to taking off her dress and high heels, letting her hair down, and relaxing in the Jacuzzi in her room before sleeping for 12 hours. She had been generously offered one of the two penthouse suites for the next two days and she planned on taking full advantage of it. The view of the city from her room was an amazing bonus.

Her drink arrived half way through her ponderings and she took a sip. It was delicious. The pinkette ordered another one and quickly finished the first. She planned to drink the second slowly before returning to her suite and enjoying a small glass of champagne in the Jacuzzi. After all, Sakura had just been named one of the most promising surgeons of her generation and she was going to celebrate it; even if it was by herself.

Sakura sipped her emerald drink slowly while enjoying the quiet bar and the slight buzz from the alcohol. Her life was so busy and chaotic she had almost forgotten what it was like to relax like this. She was halfway through her drink and pleased that no one had bothered her so far. She was still wearing the elegant dress (that did wonders for her body in all the right places) she had worn at the award ceremony and it wouldn't exactly surprise her if one of the young men in the sophisticated bar approached her.

Her mind eventually drifted back to the Jacuzzi and she found herself trying to remember if she had seen bubble bath in the room as she continued to sip her drink. She was brought out of her musing as she felt a hand touch the back of her shoulder intimately. She sighed internally. Sakura knew a night of peace and quiet was too good to be true.

"I'm not interested in keeping company tonight." Sakura stated curtly. She hoped who ever was behind her would take the less than subtle hint, but instead she was met with a soft chuckle.

"I suppose a beautiful woman should know how to turn down a man."

The sound of the familiar voice caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand on end. She recognized it right away, the way he enunciated words with a voice that was deep and rich and downright seductive.


"Such a formal way to greet me after four years, Sakura."

Sakura turned around in her chair to meet the smoky gaze of a handsome man with an irritating smirk in front of her.

He was dressed impeccably, but that didn't surprise her. He was Itachi Uchiha; the youngest ever head of the Konoha Police Force, and one of Konoha's most eligible bachelors. He was practically a local celebrity. He was too busy to date though; Sakura had experienced this first hand six years ago. They had dated for a couple years when Sakura was completing her surgical residency and Itachi was working his way up the ranks, but had mutually broken it off due to both parties wanting to further their careers and not having enough time for each other.

"As I said earlier…" Sakura turned back to her drink and quickly tipped the remaining half into her mouth, an attempt to indicate she was leaving soon. She had been feeling a bit buzzed earlier but she would certainly be feeling tipsy in a few minutes.

"You wouldn't allow me to buy you a drink and catch up for a moment?"

Itachi sat down beside her. Clearly his proposition was more of a formality as she could see he planned on sitting down and chatting for a bit, regardless of what she said.

As soon as he sat down the bartender appeared and he was given a glass of what looked to be scotch, and another apple green martini was placed in front of Sakura. The bartender nodded to them and disappeared behind the back of the bar, likely getting ready to close down soon. There were only a few patrons left in the bar aside from Sakura and Itachi.

Sakura narrowed her eyes at the drink before giving Itachi an irritated glance to the side. She was still sitting pretty much forward with her legs crossed but Itachi sat down and angled himself towards her with his own legs crossed, coming dangerously close to touching one of her own. His broad shoulders and posture oozed powerful confidence and the young surgeon couldn't help but find it infuriatingly sexy. He looked as good as the day she met him, if not more alluring. She could see his smug expression as he brought the scotch filled glass to his lips and watched her.

Itachi had always been like this; perfect, arrogant, well-read, charming, sinfully handsome, perfect, intelligent, well mannered, perfect, in way too good of shape for what little free time he had, did she mention he was perfect?

Sakura had worked hard all her life to be where she was now. No scratch that, she had worked herself into the ground to be where she was today. Sleepless nights, missed family events, sacrificing her social life, and studying like she was the best there was then working harder than anyone else had put her where she now was. Itachi was a born genius and everything came naturally to him. Sakura had found him a combination of irresistible and maddening from the moment she met him. The man was good at everything and she would be lying if she said it didn't get on her nerves every once in a while. It had been the root of a couple of fights she remembered having with him. But Kami it led to the most mind-blowing, passionate sex; the man was literally good at everything. She was beginning to forget why they had even agreed to split up in the first place.

She let out a sigh at his persistence to visit and waited for him to speak. The man enjoyed probing people for reactions and she knew he found her especially entertaining. She was one of the few people as intelligent as he was and often caught on to his games. She kept him as intrigued as he kept her.

"Congratulations on your award tonight."

Her eyes slowly left his and focused back on her drink. She took a sip and felt a light blush dust her cheeks as the alcohol from her previous drinks began to flood her system.

"Thank you, it was an honour to receive such an award."

"Have you gotten to where you've always wanted to be?"

Sakura placed her drink back down.

"Well I should hope not, my potential in my field was just recognized with an award. I need to continue to progress."

His lips returned to a smirk and Sakura's eyes dropped to them for hardly a second before returning to his eyes. She knew Itachi had seen right her though. She was trying to come off as being uninterested and irritated that he had interrupted her peace and quiet (which she was) but she couldn't deny her attraction to the man. She was happy to see him again, and damnit if he didn't look as good as ever.

Itachi finished his drink as another appeared in front of it.

"Another drink for the lady?" The bartender asked.

"She's fine thank you." Again, the bartender disappeared behind the bar.

"Ambitious as always." Itachi commented as he took a sip of his new drink. He noted that Sakura's drink was hardly touched and realized she was feeling the alcohol from her first two drinks.

"You would know that best." She responded.

She waited for him to respond with a witty retort, but it never came. Sakura finally looked over to the man to see her staring almost pensively at his drink.

"Sorry, that was rude." Itachi met her eyes again and took another sip.

"Do you miss me?" His gaze returned to his drink as he asked, and he began to swirl what remained of the liquid in the glass.

Sakura would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised by his question.

"Are you trying to tell me you miss me, Uchiha-san?"

"Would that surprise you Sakura?" She felt a blush immediately rise to her cheeks from the unanticipated reply.

"Uh, yeah I guess so."

She lifted her new drink to her lips for the first sip, hoping to cover up her blush that wouldn't go away.

"How's the drink? I know it's your favourite."

She placed hers down and looked to see Itachi was almost finished his second.

"You're beating around the bush."

"I thought you'd want to sip on this drink unlike your last two."

He raised an eyebrow to her as a challenge. How long had he been in the bar then? She had sworn she hadn't seen him when she walked in, she was a surgeon for Kami's sake, there was no way she would miss a detail like that.

"What do you actually want Uchiha?"

Sakura grabbed the stem of her martini glass once more, fully prepared to finish it all at once so she could escape where this conversation was going. The man pulled her in like a magnet and she knew where this going. Though she was curious what he would say next now that she had called him out of playing games and into the open.

"Nothing in particular. I was in charge of security for the award ceremony and heard your name called for your award. I was too busy to talk earlier but I'm busy not now."

Sakura adjusted herself in her seat only to notice that Itachi's leg was now resting gently against hers. She looked down at it, looked back up to his face, and then narrowed her eyes. She was definitely feeling tipsy and a little more brazen than her usual self.

"So you want to talk now?"

"We're already talking."

"I think you want me."

"I want many things, Sakura?"

"Am I wrong, Uchiha-san?"

"You don't miss me like I miss you Sakura?"

The way he said her name just wasn't fair. He knew exactly how to caress it with his mouth in a low masculine tone. It was seductive and she knew he knew it.

"Well I guess that depends how you miss me, Uchiha-san."

She gave him a smile but was met again by that enticing, slight tilt of the corners of his mouth.

"Finish your drink and spend the night with me."

His game was up.

"I thought you wanted me to sip my drink this time."

But Sakura wasn't done playing.

Itachi downed the rest of his drink and placed money on the table. He stood and looked at her expectantly. She wasn't sure how she felt about downing the rest of her drink, but the liquid courage sure wouldn't hurt in dealing with this infuriating man. She knocked it back and stood to leave with him.

The elevator door closed with a ding and Sakura's front was immediately pressed against the wall. The elevator was dimly lit and all Sakura could feel was the cold handle against her stomach, and Itachi's lean torso press into her back as he grabbed both her wrists with one of his hands and pinned them above her head. The sensation sent a shiver down her spine. The elevator began its journey to the top floor.

"Uchiha." She whispered breathlessly. She could feel his breath fanning the back of her neck followed by goose bumps forming down her spine. She began to turn her neck towards him but suddenly felt his masculine snake up her neck and into her hair to gently pull and expose her neck. She could feel his breath as it fanned across a few loose strands that had escaped his grasp. His mouth was so close to her neck and her body tingled in anticipation. She could almost feel his lips ghosting over her pulse.

"Itachi, Sakura. Call me Itachi."

'Just as assertive as I remember him.' She thought.

Her mind's brief wandering was abruptly halted as he sunk his teeth playfully into the junction of her neck and shoulder before soothing with his tongue and sucking lightly. She relaxed her neck to him completely and he responded by exposing more of her slender neck for himself. His body was fully pressed against her back and she arched against him. She couldn't help herself from leaning back into him fully to feel him closer. He used a foot to spread her legs apart and slowly grinded his hips into her rear. She let out a sharp gasp at the unexpected but welcome sensation. Having Itachi's form around her was absolutely intoxicating. His grip remained in her hair as he kissed his way up her neck until her reached her ear and exhaled huskily over it. Sakura was in her own world anticipating Itachi's next move when she vaguely registered another ding in the background.

She was suddenly facing forward again and Itachi was no longer pressed intimately against her. They were somehow both facing the door and Itachi had separated a respectful distance from her. She shot him a look of confusion but he only aggravated her by continuing to look forward. Right as Sakura was ready to give him an earful, she heard the elevator door open and was greeted by someone else getting on the elevator.

A/N: Let me know what you think? This is part 1 of 2 parts. I have most of the second part drafted, just gotta finish writing it! This story was also inspired by the song Closer, and it's my first attempt at ItaSaku. I just love them together!

I'm all moved out and back in school. It sure has been busy! An anonymous reviewer asked me what I'm taking so to answer, I'm doing a BSc. with specialization in Immunology & Infection.
It'll be a busy year for me, I'm doing school, volunteering with first aid and at the blood bank, working in a research lab and working once or twice a week. Busy busy! But I'm gonna try to keep writing throughout the semester :)
I also haven't forgotten about Sometimes! I plan to update soon.