"I'm so sorry. Let me help with that," Will Solace said as he grabbed a handful of rags and tried to help the waiter mop up the water and soda that had spilled all over the table and the floor. His parents had knocked it over while arguing. Frustrated, his dad had paid for their drinks with a pile of cash and stalked out to bring the car around. Will's mom went to the bathroom, mainly to avoid her husband for a few minutes. They hadn't had the chance to eat anything besides bread before their night out ended abruptly. They hadn't even ordered their entrees.

"Thank you, but that's not necessary," the dark haired waiter replied politely, but made no move to stop Will from helping, so Will continued. The moment he saw the young waiter Will Solace felt a pang in his gut. Will had moved from a neighboring town as a freshmen, knowing few people at his new school besides Lou Ellen and Cecil whom he had been childhood friends with. But Will had always made friends quickly and easily, and was well-liked by most of his peers.

Will remembered his first day of his freshman year. Stumbling through the crowded hall from his locker, trying to find his first class, a dark-haired boy had caught his eye. Wow, he's gorgeous, Will thought. He'd known he liked boys since he was a kid, and his parents both knew and were more than okay with it. Even though his parents fought constantly and, as they had told him last night, were getting a divorce, he was grateful for their unconditional love. Will was the one thing they never argued over.

Will had hoped to see the boy in one of his classes, but no luck. He kept his eyes out for the boy everywhere, in the cafeteria, on the school grounds, in the hallways, but was rarely lucky enough to see him by chance. Will couldn't remember where the boy's locker was having been so turned around his first day. But after a few months, he managed to catch a glimpse of the boy at his locker again. Will made it a habit to walk down that hallway every morning just so he could see him. After a while, he asked his friend Lou Ellen about him.

"So, you know that dark haired boy who wears black all the time?" Will asked Lou Ellen at lunch, hoping she knew who he was talking about.

"You mean Nico di Angelo?" She asked.

"I think so," Will replied. Suddenly, Nico appeared, walking down the hallway. That was unusual in the middle of the lunch hour, but maybe he needed something from his locker. Will's and Lou Ellen's eyes both followed him as he walked away.

"That's him," Lou Ellen confirmed with a nod of her head. Then she tilted it to the side, curious. "Why? Do you like him?"

"No!" Will replied with a loud whisper. Although his friends knew his orientation, he wasn't exactly out to the rest of the school, never having been in a relationship before.

"You're lying," Lou Ellen said calmly. Will's ears turned red.

"I just want to know what you know about him."

"You mean if he's gay? I have no idea," Lou was straightforward about most things. Will groaned.

"No, I just don't know anything about him. I was just curious." Will almost regretted bringing it up, but waited anxiously for Lou's answer.

"Well I don't really know much about him. No one does. He doesn't really talk to anyone, except Jason Grace. I know Miranda used to be friends with his older sister, Bianca."

"Used to?"

"Bianca died in a car crash three years ago." That was the one thing everyone at the school knew.

Will was floored. To have a sibling die, so young? Will couldn't imagine. He was an only child.

"That's awful," Will said, sadness thick in his voice.

Lou Ellen shrugged. "Yeah, she was well liked. Everyone was really devastated when it happened. The whole school held a funeral for her. I think he has a younger sister too."

"Will!" His mother called, snapping him out of his reverie. "Are you going to meet us at the car?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there," Will answered as his mother walked out of the restaurant. He looked back at the waiter. He had recognized Nico di Angelo the moment he saw him. How would he not? He'd had a crush on the boy for over a year. Will groaned internally at his bad luck that his parents had embarrassed him in front of the guy he liked. But at the same time, he was glad that Nico wouldn't have to serve him all night. That would be weird.

"Sorry about them," Will said again, looking directly at Nico. Most of the liquid had been soaked up. "I wish I could say that they're not usually like that. But it's been that way for as long as I can remember. They told me last night that they're getting a divorce. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe if they're not living under the same roof they can be friends." Will blabbed. He tended to talk way too much when he was nervous.

"I'm sorry," Nico replied, trying to give Will what he hoped was a comforting smile.

"It's okay," Will said. "Do you know me? We go to school together."

"Yeah, you're in my history class."

Will beamed, surprised but pleased that Nico had noticed. Even though Nico sat near the back, trying not to be seen, Will couldn't help but be aware of his presence. On the first day of sophomore year, he was thrilled to find out they finally had a class together. Now a week in, he hadn't figured out an excuse to talk to him in class yet.

"Will Solace," Will stuck out his hand, figuring he'd better introduce himself in case Nico didn't know his name. Nico took his hand.

"Nico di Angelo."

Suddenly, Will had an idea. Picking up the notepad and pen Nico had set on the table he wrote down his name and phone number and shoved it back into Nico's hands.

"In case you need someone to study with," he said and left before Nico could object. Will hoped his parents hadn't resumed arguing in his absence, but he doubted even that could get rid of the jittery high he got from talking to, and giving his number to (!), Nico di Angelo.

Nico watched as Will walked away, then finished clearing the table. He looked at the money Will's dad had left. They had way over tipped, especially considering they didn't order anything. He smiled to himself. Despite the disaster that table was, a good tip would help him get through the rest of the night. He couldn't wait to get home to Hazel and Reyna. And getting the number of a really cute guy had improved his night too.