"Hey Kids," Mari smiles at the kids as they enter the diner. She tosses the rag she had been using to clean the counter over her shoulder.

"Hey, Mari!" They say in unison.

"What brings you here?" Mari smiles.

"Mom's working late. Nuha's on a business trip. Dad's on an emergency call with the temple. And Ezra's helping…" David pauses not knowing where his father has been called to this time. Recently, they seem to be occurring with increasing frequency. "Someone. So, we're on our own for dinner."

"Well, hopefully, Ezra'll come back soon." Mari rolls her eyes. "I need at least one waiter whose not green behind the gills. A loud crash echoes from the other side of the diner. Mari sighs. "Sit where ever, kids." She marches towards the crash. "Kriff it, Taylor."

"Don't repeat that word," Kemen says to the twins as they slide into a booth.

The ten-year-old girl blinks up at him with fake innocence, "What's wrong with 'Taylor'?"

"Hopefully, nothing." A blonde sixteen-year-old in an apron and an armful of menus says. David's mouth dries up as he stares at the waiter. "I'm Taylor. I'll be your waiter for today." Taylor hands them the menus. David's slip through his hand. A blush of embarrassment spreads across his face as he picks up and buries his head in it. Kemen smirks in amusement as his brother squirms. "I'll give you a moment to look over the menu while I grab you guys some water."

Kemen struggles not to chuckle, "Please take all the time you need."

David's eyes follow the waiter as Taylor heads to get them water.

"You think they're cute?" Aibek asks, eyebrows shooting up.

"No! Well yes, but…" David says.

"Okay! Leave it to me!" Aibek smiles. Fajr and Kemen burst out laughing.

"Aibek! Please no." David says as Taylor comes back.

"Please do!" Kemen says. His laughter starts again as Taylor returns.

"Is there anything else I start you off with?" The waiter smiles.

"Are you single?" Aibek asks.

"Oh, First Light! Aibek you can't just ask that!" David protests.

"He just did," Kemen says barely repressing a smirk.

"No worries." Taylor smiles. "I have two siblings of my own. And to answer your question. Yes, I am single but I think you're probably a little young to be dating."

"I'm not asking for me. I'm asking for David!" Aibek blurts out.

David slowly sinks under the table. Fajr places a hand on his shoulder and pushes him further down.

"And just to make everything clear." Kemen deadpans, "David is the one doing a fantastic impression of the bench cushions. Can I get a chocolate milkshake, two cokes, and a sprite? One veggie burger, two regular burgers with ketchup only and a smokehouse with extra bacon on it? Did I miss anything?" He looks around the table.

David looks about as red as the cushions. Fajr just shakes her head. "Wow! We're predictable."

"Got it." The waiter smiles before heading back to the kitchen.

"Aibek, you can't do things like that." Kemen sighs. "No matter how funny it is." A crumpled up napkin hits him in the face. Kemen meets David's glare.

"Why not?" Aibek asks, looking at David. "If you like him then you should just ask. You're making this way more complicated than it needs to be."

"No, I'm not. It's not that simple." David says, before turning to Kemen with a sigh. Aibek didn't mean to embarrass him. "You know Father calls smokehouse burgers 'heart attacks on a bun', right?" David says.

"I know, but what Uncle Vegetarian doesn't know won't hurt him." Kemen smirks, reaching over and ruffling his hair.

"Hey!" David swats the hand away. "Father always knows. Like Mom always does. Especially if someone tells him." He glances at Aibek.

"Hey, don't look at me. I'm not stupid." Aibek rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to tell. Fajr on the other hand…"

"Hey!" Fajr huffs kicking him under the table. "Of the two of us, who is getting mentored by a University professor, Dork Breath?"

"That's only because of Uncle Ezra, Bantha Brain. And I am not a 'Dork Breath'!" Aibek snaps back.

"Should we stop them?" David looks at Kemen.

"Are they hurting anyone?" Kemen shrugs before changing the subject. "So, have you heard back from that publisher?"

"Rejected." David sighs, fiddling with his glass of water. That was the third publisher to reject him.

Kemen reaches over and squeezes his hand. "Don't worry about it. They wouldn't know a good story if it bit them on the as- forehead." David rolls his eyes but smiles none the less.

They continue like that through food arriving and the following meal.

"Would you like the bill split?" Taylor asks as food is finished.

"Nope," Kemen says, pulling out the credits their mom had given them for dinner. "You just moved into town, haven't you?"

"Ah, that obvious?" The waiter smiles rubbing the back of their head.

"Yeah, well, most people know that we're all siblings. And you asking if we wanted to split the bill was kind of a dead giveaway that you didn't." Kemen says, clearly having way too much fun messing with the guy.

Taylor blushes. "I'm so sorry."

"Nah, it's fine," David says glaring at Kemen. "Most people make that mistake. It's something we're used to."

"You shouldn't have to." Taylor shakes their head, heading off to get the check.

David sighs. Seriously, why is dating so hard…

A few minutes later, the waiter places the bill down while rushing to deliver another tables food. Kemen opens the folder and laughs.

"What?" David asks.

"Good job, Aibek," Kemen says between laughs tilting it to show Aibek and then handing David the folder. On top of their bill was a com number.

"See I told you. You were making it too complicated." Aibek smirks.

David grumbles a "thanks" as he turns as red as the cushions.

I love these siblings.

Thank You Time! Thank you, RebelStarbirdPadawan, for following. Thank you, Ghost-Spectre-1, for following and favorite. Thank you, Midnight Luna and Inner Fangirl, for reviewing. As for Zeb and Kallus's relationship, it is there. This focus more on Ezra's post-war life, which has more to do with Kanan, Hera, and the kids because he lives with them. But the entire Ghost crew is still ridiculous close, so they are very much involved with each others' lives. If it is background, minor or whatever I can't say. It will just be there.