Zoro woke up, feeling the cold biting at his bare arms at the absence of the blond he had been hugging that night. Squinting he looked around the room, Sanji was perched at the end of the bed smoking, wrapped up in the large maroon cardigan he had been wearing when he came round the night before. Sanji felt Zoro move on the bed and turned to him.

'Morning.' He slid from the foot of the bed to about halfway up the bed so he was sat in line with Zoro's stomach, he swung his left leg onto the bed so he could face the marimo easier.

'Morning.' Zoro rolled fully onto his left side, propping himself up with his arm.

Sanji lean't forward and put out his cigarette in the ash tray on the bed side table that Zoro had purposefully bought for when he came round. He turned to flash Zoro a warm smile. Even though the curtains were closed the rising sun of spring was glowing through them, illuminating the fly away hairs that surrounded Sanji's head as if he was an angel or a saint from an old painting. Zoro could hardly believe Sanji came from that family, the fucking Vinsmokes, a bunch of assholes that were somehow related to the blond sat in front of him. Admittedly Sanji could be annoying as hell sometimes but he never really meant it, his brothers on the other hand were horrible people through and through, their father too, Reiju was the only one who was half decent but even so she sat back and let them hit Sanji without ever challenging it.

That was the problem with the entire shitty town, everyone knew what abusive assholes they were but they all just looked the other way. Their teachers growing up had always put it down to 'brotherly love' and 'boys will be boys' when the other three would beat Sanji in the playground, even when the class of eight year old could tell it was far more sinister. And when Sanji came in with bruises no child could have given it the teachers would joke about what kind of violent games they would ply at home for Sanji to end up like that. Zoro had always hated them anyway.

When Judge would be yelling at Sanji in the street people would look the other way, cross the street, tell their kids not to stare, but not one of them would even comment about it being wrong. No adult could possibly believe there could be any justification for calling a ten year old worthless, right?

And yet, despite it all Sanji was an amazing person. He was kind and compassionate, he'd cook for his family knowing they'd never thank him for it. Zoro was stumped by it, if it were him he'd spend every waking minute planning his revenge, hell he even felt like doing that anyway, but not Sanji, he could look past it all. In a way Sanji was stronger than all the adults in town.

'Did you sleep all right marimo?'

'Yeah, you?'

'Yeah but at one point I woke up and my entire leg was out of the covers and, well obviously you can tell its fucking cold, and my joggers were rolled up to my knee so my calf was out, but I couldn't sort it out cause you were latched onto me, it was dreadful.' Sanji chuckled, they lived on an Island with a weird weather pattern, for mot of the world it was summer but for them they were drawing to the end of autumn and moving into winter.

Zoro had been thinking for a while about stealing Sanji away from his family and his life, getting in Zoro's car driving away and never coming back, maybe going on one of those ships you can take your car on and going to Saboady Archipelago, it sounded nice from what he had heard. His dad wouldn't mind, he spends all his time travelling anyway and is barely home. Plus he hates the Vinsmokes almost as much as Zoro does, Mihawk had to be stopped by his son a few times before he actually went to kill Judge.

'What are you thinking about?' Sanji had tilted his head to observe Zoro.


'You've just been staring into space.' Sanji opened the covers and got back into the bed.

Their relationship was a weird one, they weren't dating or anything, but Sanji slept at his house whenever his dad either hit him or kicked him out. Cuddling was the most intimate thing they ever did but they both really felt something when they did, though neither of them would admit that. To everyone else they seemed like an odd friendship as they were at each others throats a lot.


'Yes marimo?'

'I was thinking,'

'Ohh that's new.'

'Shut up shit cook, I was thinking, we finish school next week and I've got money saved up from working at the dojo, plus my 18th birthday money.'

'Where are you going with this?' Sanji pulled his head back to look at Zoro.'

'How about, how about we leave next week? Leave in my car, drive off and never come back here again? Seeing my dad won't be a problem cause I know the address of our house in Alabasta and you can escape your shitty family forever, what do you think?'

Sanji's eyes filled with tears, and he buried his head in Zoro's chest.

'Yes.' He spoke shakily. 'Yes, yes, yes let's go and never look back!' He wrapped his arms around the larger mans body.

Zoro found himself on the verge of tears, he could save Sanji, he really could.

'Okay, by this time next week we'll be long gone, shit cook.'

Hello there :)

After recently remembering this accounts login and getting back into one piece again I was inspired to write this ZoSan fic!

It wont be very long only 3-4 chapters (5 at most) so enjoy~*

Note: it will get a bit smutty later on.