Chapter 1

Gravity Falls 6 years after defeating Bill.

Mabel and Dipper are 18 now turning 19, both finished High School still unsure with what to do with their lives in the future.

After weirdmageddon the teens kept visiting Gravity Falls every year when summer started, this one wasn't an exception.

Everything seemed quiet and normal after the chaos Bill caused 6 years back, gravity Falls kept being a magnet for the weird. One group of fairies here, the gnomes on the other side and the casual fights with the unicorns but every year was the same, it was calm for what gravity falls used to be.

But Dippers nightmares about Bill never ended, he started having these after weirdmageddon, he kept talking to Bill in his dreams, seeing him as if he had never disappeared even if he knew he was dead, causing Dipper insomnia once in a while.

Dipper thought they were just dreams of his past trauma until this summer.

Dipper, Mabel and of course Waddles arrived at Gravity Falls, this year finally with their own car Dipper drove the whole way from California to Oregon since Mabel hadn't gotten her licence yet. Mabel had eaten too much sugar once again, which made her hyper, she couldn't stop talking about boys on their ride to Oregon and she had to hold herself back from puking rainbows again. When they arrived at the Shack Dipper felt relieved that the annoying: "are we there yet" from Mabel had stopped.

Their Gruncles returned to Gravity Falls every summer so they could spend time with the twins, Soos and Melody were also waiting with Stan and Ford in front of the Shack for the kids arrival.

Mabel leaned out of the window yelling before the car had stopped: "Gruncle Ford Gruncle Stan!"

While Dipper was still getting out of the car Mabel already jumped at their gruncles to hug them, then she went to Soos and Melody already telling them about the boring ride with Dipper.

"Hey Kiddo, come here and give your gruncle a hug" Stan directed at Dipper in his usual demanding and grumpy voice everyone loved, Dipper hugged both his gruncles, it ended up being one of those awkward family hugs, Dipper coughed awkwardly and they loosened the hug. Soos grabbed Dipper and held him up in their air. "Woah dude, you have gained some weight and it seems like your whistle voice is gone haha"

Dipper let out an embarrassed chuckle, "It's good to see you too Soos" Ford patted Dippers back as he was laid down by Soos and said: "come on kids let's go inside, there is much to catch up to"

They all sat in the living room telling each other stories about their past year, Soos and Melody remodelled the Shack a little bit so it had enough bedrooms for everyone, Stan and Ford spend their past half year sailing through the Bermuda triangle trying to find the cause of the anomalies there, Dipper and Mabel just told about their last year in high school and what they were planning in the future.

After dinner and everyone was done talking Stanford asked dipper if he could follow him to his lab. "The code hasn't been changed since last year" he uttered.
Ford went ahead, Dipper he finished cleaning up the plates with Melody.

Afterwards dipper went straight to the lab to find Stanford working on some kind of gun like device.
"So Dipper did you do what I asked you to?" he turned around and stopped what he was doing. Dipper pulled out a small journal from his Pocket, it wasn't bigger than A5 and handed it to Stanford.

"I see" Stanford murmured while looking at the journal. "I thought there would be more than just gnomes in California"

"Yeah... "Dipper replied with a disappointed face." I've seen fairies flying around but nothing that seems out of the order"

Stanford asked Dipper if he could keep track of the unnatural in California, he did this every year since he was 14.

"Do you mind if I keep the journal for a while just to study it a little bit further" Ford replied.

Dipper just nodded still having some kind of sorrow in his face.

"What's wrong Dipper the insomnia hasn't stopped, you didn't write anything about it this time in the journal?" Ford exclaimed with a worried face while he started working on his project again.

"No I keep seeing him everywhere... as you said they are just dreams"

"Dipper it's been 6 years since we defeated him, Bill is dead he isn't coming back, you need to start to get over it somehow, maybe seek some help"

"And tell them what? That I've nightmares of a yellow triangle with one eye that tried to kill us all!? "

"No but that you can't sleep because of nightmares, or maybe confront him in your dreams. Think that he disappears then your subconscious might just do the rest..." There was a pause between those words "Dipper try to relax today you had a long ride today we might have some milk upstairs, drink some and go to sleep"

"Warm milk are you serious?"

"Dipper I've 12 PhDs I'm always serious, now go to bed"

Dipper didn't even dare to ask about ford's project at least not for today, so he headed upstairs "good night great uncle Ford" he muttered before leaving the lab.

Dipper and Mabel got the attic room again as they did every year, Soos bought new beds for them and new furniture so it would feel more comfy. The only thing that remained intact was the triangle shaped window above them.

It was already late Dipper started unpacking things while Mabel was already texting like crazy with Candy and Grenda, with an occasional screech probably because of some boy talk.

Dipper finished unpacking and threw himself onto the bed. "What's wrong bro-bro? Mabel asked putting her phone down.

"I'm not sure... It just feels weird being in gravity falls again" He replied

"Uhhhhh is it because of Wendy? Huh? Huh? "She said while winking twice.

"I'm over Wendy and you know it! "

"Well it took you long enough" she let out a snort laugh while saying that. Seeing his expression she noticed something was wrong with her brother.

"Is it because of the nightmares? Do you want Waddles to sleep with you? "She said that being totally serious about Waddles.

"No Mabel, I'll be fine. "He turned around facing the wall and closed his eyes.

Dipper fell asleep, his dream started as every dream other good dream he had, being on an adventure or solving mysteries those were the best. At some point in the dream he heard the same familiar voice: " Pinetreeā€¦" whenever he heard that voice he became aware that it was a dream and tried to calm himself somehow or try to wake up. This time it was different everything turned white, Dipped saw himself alone in a blank room and he kept hearing the same voice over and over : "Hey Pinetree~"

Dipper turned around, trying to find out the source of the voice and going crazy with it at the same time. He sat down grabbing his hair and thinking over and over: "it's just a dream it's just a dream!"
"Woah there Pinetree you wouldn't want to go bald" The yellow demon appeared before him. Floating just in front of dipper twirling his cane in his hand.
Dipper stood up almost jumping up because of his fear at the sight of the Bill.

"You are just in my head, you are just a bad memory I will never get rid of, ugh"

"If I'm just a dream then try to make me disappear" Bill laughed at his own words.

Dipper couldn't do anything this dream was different he couldn't control it or do anything against it as he usually could. But his resolve didn't let him stop from trying to make the fancy dressed triangle disappear, confronting him might work as Ford said. He would really do it this time... "B... Bill!"

Then the fiend shut up him before he could even start talking: "I know want you want kid, so how about we make a deal about it" Bills cane disappeared as blue flames lit his right hand stretching it out to dipper.

"What do you want this time?"

"I want you to stop dreaming about me" the demon demanded.

Dipper couldn't understand what the demon wanted, but maybe confronting him might have already done some work and his mind was already trying to get rid of the pizza with a hat.

Since it was just a dream and Bill was dead Dipper shook his hand, the blue flames engulfed Dippers hand just as it had when he made his first deal with the treacherous being.
"A pleasure making deals with you Pinetreeee~"

Dipper sensed some kind of smile coming from the demon, just as the fiend snapped his fingers dipper woke up. He was all covered in sweat and panting.

It was already morning Mabel was still sleeping but he could hear that someone was already up downstairs.

It took him a minute until he was fully aware of what happened. He shook his head and headed straight to the shower. He let the warm water run on his face this always relaxed him. He thought about the dream over and over again, realizing he might have finally done it. He might have killed his inner demon.

Mabel started knocking heavily on the door: "Dipper hurry up! Waddle needs to use the bathroom!" Still not understanding how in hell his sister taught a pig how to use the bathroom he finished showering and went to dress in their room.

After getting all done he looked at his phone, Wendy messaged him about coming to the shack today.

Even if he was over his crush on her or at least almost he changed into some nicer clothes before going down to breakfast.

"Where are you going so fine in the morning?" Mabel asked when she entered the room with Waddles".

"Uhh nowhere why I would be going anywhere?" He answered with his voice cracking.

"Hmm" Mabel saw dipper hiding his phone behind his back just like when they were kids, he has always been an awful liar.

"If you say so bro-bro I'll be downstairs I'm a few minutes, go without me "
Dipper left his phone on his night table charging because he forgot to plug it in last night. As he left the room Mabel picked his phone trying to find out what got him so excited.

"Ugh it's locked" she thought what her brother might have as a lock pattern then it came to her mind. She drew a triangle on the pattern and the phone unlocked "he has always been obsessive with things" she said to Waddles who only responded with an "oink" after reading through his text messages she dressed and went downstairs.

So what's up guys~

Rin here this is my first facfic so... I will do my best, there will be quite some smut just warning you~ Also fluff...

There will be a small "OC" she isn't important to the major story, I just needed a girl to fall for Dipper and many names were never mentioned in the series or in journal 3 so I had to create a minor character for a few scenes.