"No please, stop" I begged as I ran "why are you doing this?"
Everyone was chasing me, throwing things at me ,even the adult who looked after us.
"Get out of here, you freak"
"Don't ever think of showing your face here again"
I arrived at the door and pushed it open, I ran not looking back but I could near cheering as I continued to run.
Ok so let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm Jasper and the place I just escaped from was the orphanage. I never knew my parents, they died when I was a baby I keep a picture of them in a locket. I lived at the orphanage until now but everyone hated me there even the grown ups.I know why they hated me two reasons. 1 I'm a fox and 2 I have blue fur.
They wouldn't allow me to play with them, they wouldn't let me eat with them,they'd put me a corner and make me eat alone. Whenever mammals came in to adopt us they would make sure I was hidden.
"No one would want to adopt you anyway" I hear the echoes of the cruel voices.
And today they just kicked me out, told me they had enough of me. That I wasn't worth the money needed for feeding and clothing me.
I was happy to be out of that place,I'd rather live on the streets. But all my life I dreamed of having a family.
I always fell asleep dreaming of a mother and a father who would give me kiss and hugs, make me laugh, someone who I could talk to when I feel sad.
Everyone in the orphanage always laughed at and mocked my dream. They told me it would never happen.
I wondered why my fur was blue. My mums fur wasn't blue nor was my dads.
I began to walk around, I saw mammals staring at me. It made me a bit uncomfortable, so I looked down at the ground, hoping they would ignore me.i heard them whisper.
"What's with his fur?"
"Looks like he ducked in a barrel of blueberries"
My eyes filled up with tears looks like everyone is gonna pick on me I thought
I ran away from everyone into a park. I looked around there was a few children there a elephant, a goat, and a kangaroo. I sighed and wondered around.
"Hey look a freaky fox" I heard one of them say. I turned round to see the three animals snickering and I began to walk away but they all surrounded me.
"Where you going?" the kangaroo asked "we wanna play with you"
I gulped by the way he said play, I knew he didn't mean a nice game of football or something.
"Yeah" the goat laughed "we could do with a laugh"
I sighed "look I just want to be left alone" I said "so please let me go"
They all looked at one another and began to laugh. "Let you go, no way"
Just than the goat from behind me stepped down hard on my tail, making me cry out in pain.
"Aw, did that hurt ya?" Taunted the elephant
"Aw, are you gonna cry?" the goat asked
They all chuckled. I felt my tail go in between my legs in fear. "Please just stop" I begged them
"Please just stop" mimicked the elephant in a high pitched voice he than pushed me down on the floor. I looked up and saw them all crack their knuckles.
"I'm gonna enjoy this" sneered the goat.
I closed my eyes, I was never any good at self defense so all I could do is take it and wait for it to be over.
"hey leave him alone" yelled a voice I opened my eyes to see a bunny and a red fox in police all stopped and backed away from me.
The bunny cop helped me up. "Are you alright?" She asked me gently. I nodded and looked over at the fox who was speaking to the children
"You're lucky we don't tell your parents about this" he scolded them
"We're sorry officer" the kangaroo said.
"Yeah we'll leave now" the goat said.
The two cops smiled at me "Are you alright son?" The fox asked
"Yeah thank you, uh I'm Jasper" I said.
"I'm Judy" said the bunny and this Is Nick, How old are you"?
"Oh uh 10" I replied.
"Where do you live?" Nick asked
"I um I don't live anywhere" I sighed. They both looked at me with shocked faces
"So, you have no home?" Asked Judy.
"Not anymore, I use to live at the orphanage, but they, they kicked me out"
"They kicked you out?" Nick asked
I nodded "They said they hated me because I'm a fox and have blue fur"
"Judy, I think we need to go talk with this orpahange,that's abuse and abandonment
Judy nodded you're right Nick, Jasper do you want to go back there?"
I began to cry at the mention of this "No please, don't make me go back there,it's awful everyone bullies me, no one would ever want to adopt me"
"That's not true Jasper" Judy said
"Yes it is everyone says so even the grown ups there, I mean who would want a fox with blue fur" I sniffed and wiped my tears.
"We would" Nick said I looked up at him and he smiled at me
Judy nodded "that's right"
"You would really let me into your family?" I asked shocked
"Yeah, but first we need to sort out this orphanage" Nick remarked.
"So I can be your son" I gave a small sad smile
They both nodded my dream had come true.