Chapter 1
It was a tiring evening for Eren. He had just finished training for the next approach against the titans. His muscles were aching all over, that psycho Hanji was repeatedly harassing him to try out another one of her damned experiments, and to top it all, that emotionless dwarf was constantly breathing down his back, watching him provisionally, in case he lost control of his titan form. It wasn't like Eren hated the short man, because that wasn't the case at all. In fact, Eren deeply admired him. He simply wished the corporal would trust him more.
"Eren, are you all right? You seem a bit dazed," A shaky voice asked him. He looked up to see his best friend, Armin looking back at him with a worried look on his face.
"Sorry, just zoned out. I'm fine," Eren asked, mildly annoyed. He really cared about his best friend and adoptive sister, but he made it clear that he did not want to talk.
"Maybe you've been training too much," Mikasa pointed out, with the same worried look as Armin, "You look exhausted,"
"You might as well say I look like shit," Eren grunted, a bit too harshly, earning a shocked look from the other two.
"Eren, I'm sure she didn't mean it like that," Armin whimpered, trying to prevent a fight. Eren sighed and glanced apologetically at his sister.
"I... I'm going to bed," Eren stated, and walked out of the room with hunched shoulders, unknowingly being watched by a certain short man.
Eren was in his room (or dungeon rather), staring at the ceiling. He didn't mean to snap at them like that. He was extremely exhausted, not to mention starving, but he didn't have the energy to get up and go back to the dining hall. Eren sighed, feeling dejected.
There was a knock on the door. It was nine o'clock in the evening. Who could it be? He hoped it wasn't Armin or Mikasa. He didn't want to see them at the moment. He didn't want to see anyone in fact.
"Open your shit, brat." A familiar voice said from behind the door. It was the Corporal's. What could he want now? Eren was sure he didn't lock his door, so why couldn't the corporal just enter?
"Levi-I-I mean sir? Is there anything you need?" Eren stammered, confused. Was he in trouble? Did he do something wrong? Perhaps it was because he didn't clean the stables the way the Corporal wanted to and now he is in trouble.
"Don't make me repeat myself, Jaeger. Just open the damn door," He said, threateningly. Knowing what is best, Eren opened the door waiting for some sort of impact which never came. Instead he came to face the Corporal who had a tray filled with food in his hand.
"Corporal, I... thank you," He said. He was still confused as to why the Corporal would do such a thing for him. Levi grunted and shoved the tray with a plate of mashed potatoes, bread and a small portion of meat along with some juice into Eren's hands.
"Move it," He said and walked into the room. He plonked his ass on Eren's bed, cross armed. "I was told to stay here and make sure you eat well. Commander Erwin told me that he noticed you weren't eating all that much these past few days. At this rate, you will become weak and wont be able to fight titans. He asked me to supervise you and make sure you remain healthy. Got that?" He explained. Brilliant! Now along with constantly telling Eren about how easily he could kill him if he ever lost control his titan form, he could also play the role of a mother to Eren. It's not like he needed another one, with Mikasa and Armin around.
"Err, right..." Eren said, unsure of what to say. He began to eat in silence. No one spoke for a while.
"Jaeger, is there something going on between you and those friends of yours?" Levi asked. The question surprised Eren. He didn't think the Corporal would ever be interested in matters like that. Levi seemed to notice that he caught the younger man off guard by the question. "I'm sorry. Its not my place to intrude. Your business is none of my concern."
"Its not like that. They think my titan training is effecting my health. That is all. Everything is fine." Eren explained.
"I see. Well, since you seem to be done, I'll be leaving. Also, don't expect this room service either. I expect you to contribute to what I'm doing here." Levi stated and walked out of the room.
After his meeting with Eren, Levi quickly made his way to Erwin's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in." He heard a voice say from inside.
"Erwin, there is something we need to discuss," He added, "It's about Jeager."
"What about him, is he giving you trouble?" Erwin inquired.
"No. I came to ask you if I may provide Jaeger with closer supervision," He said, "The boy has been neglecting his meals. He will grow weak."
"Levi, don't think I haven't noticed. I know you have feelings for Eren," Erwin remarked with a small smile on his face, "If you feel the need to watch the boy closely, I won't press on the matter. Just don't do anything that you will regret. Also, don't hurt him."
Levi was glad Erwin didn't push it further. He nodded and made his way down the corridor to his room, feeling content.
To be continued...