Guess i am turning out to be "one of those writers who never updates". Projects and whatnot getting in the way, and i'm awful at organizing my time. This chapter is a breakaway from the main plot, expanding on one of the flashbacks mentioned in Chapter 2. Please do not be confused.

Wrote a brief something as an interlude while chapter 3 is still in progress. Ph34R my sappy poetry!



Remember well to clean your blade.

I cannot see you in the field of blood

If you disappear beneath it, and you

Are my one solace in this evil place

Where friend and foe alike fall screaming

All about my ears, I need

Some light in the senseless despair

Lest I lose all soundness and reason

All purpose and all good. I fear

Nothing but the loss of clarity

And conviction, and conscience.

I need to see you dance

To know it will all still exist

When we emerge from the madness of killing

When the flash of steel ceases

And we embrace without touching

Because red runs off the armour and the blades,

And we stand in its vile ocean.


Neither regretted the lack of cloak or overcoat as a sudden gust of cold raked across the flat rooftops. The sound of a clay jug smashing against the street as it rolled off its high perch on one of the houses drew two alert pairs of eyes in its direction, briefly, and Agrias let go of Ramza's shoulder.

The young man turned around, and Agrias saw his eyes were dry, even though his face was a little flushed from his unabashed weeping. He was, however, a little ashamed now. The moonlight was unbearably bright, and illuminated everything in harsh, pale halos limned in shadow. Ramza caught her eyes briefly, then cast his gaze down, apologetic.

She gave him what he needed. "You have been more than strong enough, Ramza."

His lips were parted in silent acknowledgement, and his sapphire eyes glimmered as they stared at an empty space on the rooftop. Agrias almost raised a hand to brush his hair away, but she found it easier to resist than to reach out. Her body, as always, obeyed her head, but she remained kneeling, drowning a little in all that he was, soulful and sincere and…beautiful, feeling closer than the physical distance between them.

"I will not be blinded by myself…" Ramza's resonant voice carried the quiet tone of his promise over another gust of wind.

Their leader was not one for long speeches full of conviction, but out in the battlefield searching for Alma and for truth and a path to peace all of his actions abided no argument, as if there was something driving his steps along. Something that was above personal desire and comprehension. Ramza knew this just as well as he didn't know the reasons for himself being what he was, fool noble boy who would not learn to walk as his brothers did if it killed him.

Destiny in sure hands and clear-seeing eyes.

It was no wonder Agrias, lost believer looking for a sign, could not pull away as Ramza stood and drew her to her feet with a gentle hand about her arm. His breath was warm on her cheek, his lips scant inches away as he finished his sentence.

"…or you."

End chapter.

Go on, kick me. I deserve it. Be prepared to wait as long for the next installment. =P