["Erfüllung"- fulfillment; contentment; the accomplishment of one's desires; completion; fruition; to bring to an end]
"-the matter little birdie-"
"-you're going to kill him-"
"-not very nice-"
"Fuck you!"
Jason woke with a muted gasp, images of bloody feathers and an eerie cheshire grin dancing in front of his eyes. There was a heavy weight on his chest, and he almost started flailing until he just took a moment to breath.
Next to him, barely visible in the darkness, Roy's red hair was strewn messily over the pillow.
Right, Jason thought to himself, right.
He was at home, he wasn't- there. The weight on his chest was just Roy's arm flung across him, pulling him further into the other's embrace. Jason let out a deep breath, eyes fluttering closed. He was okay.
Roy stirred slightly, blearily opening his eyes.
"Jaybird? S-something wrong?" his words were interrupted by a jaw-cracking yawn, and Jason chuckled, feeling his dark thoughts begin to melt away into oblivion.
"Not anymore," he said quietly, reaching out to gently stroke Roy's cheek.
Roy gave a sappy, half-asleep grin, and in that moment Jason's heart was so warm he thought he might combust.
"Oh, that's good. I'm glad," Roy pulled him forward, nuzzling Jason's neck. His golden wings fluttered, draping themselves over Jason as he let out a happy sigh. "Go back to sleep, Jaybird. We'll all still be here in the morning."
Jason couldn't stop the smile breaking out on his face even if he tried, and he closed his eyes as he followed his partner into the dreamland.
"Shh, come on."
Someone was cracking open the bedroom door. Jason was awake in seconds, form tense until he recognized the sound. Lian's giggles drifted through the morning air, and Jason subtly nudged Roy in preparation of the attack.
Roy's wings twitched, just slightly, so Jason knew that he had gotten the message.
"Daddy!" Lian jumped on top of them with a squeal of delight, gasping and trying to wriggle away when Jason intercepted her.
Jason tugged her into a hug, smiling at Sasha who was laughing to herself at the foot of the bed.
"Well now, what's going on here?" Roy said, sitting up with a twinkle in his eyes.
"I believe we have some intruders," Jason said gravely, handing the child over to him.
"Yep, two of them!" Roy agreed, giving Lian a bunch of little kisses as she complained and tried to escape.
All thoughts of darkness and nightmares floated away on the breeze, Jason simply taking the moment to enjoy spending time with his family. A family, a real one, god. He never thought he would make it this far.
When he'd crawled out of his grave, half-insane and dead inside, he'd thought that was the end. When he'd been thrown into the Lazarus pit and his vision had been filled with nothing but hatred and green, he'd thought that was the end. During all of his many failures, he'd always had the thought in the back of his mind- maybe I won't get another chance. Maybe this is it.
Sometimes, he'd wanted it to be.
But now, things were so different. This was the best place he'd ever been in his life, and if he'd had to fight and kill and die for it, so be it.
"Alright, who wants pancakes?" Jason asked, clapping his hands together and forcibly pulling himself out of his somber thoughts.
"Oh, I definitely do!" Sasha cheered, looking more excited by the second. "Last one downstairs is a rotten egg!"
"No, I'm gonna win!" Lian shouted after her, the two of them leaving the room in order to race through the house.
Roy sighed, shaking his head with an indulgent smile. "Well, I better get down there to make sure that neither of them fell and cracked their head open or something."
"Alright," Jason nodded in agreement, sitting up. "I'll be down in just one sec."
"Sounds good."
Roy walked out of the bedroom, wings flaring in a morning stretch as he did. Jason watched in something almost like awe. He never got tired of seeing that beautiful, golden shine.
But now, he too had to get out of bed. He stood reluctantly, ruffling his hair in a vague attempt to fix the tangled mess it'd become overnight. Jason stretched widely, feeling his back muscles pull. Still, it was a good feeling. For once, he didn't feel like he was missing something vitally important- he just felt like Jason Todd. Wingless, badass vigilante. It was a wonderful thought. And he hadn't even had to do patrol last night, so he'd gotten a solid amount of sleep! Not too shabby, if Jason had anything to say about it.
Belatedly, he noticed the notifications blinking on his phone's screen. Jason reached over to pick it up from the bedside table, eyebrow raised in curiosity.
From: Dick
[11:02AM]: hey littlewing! Kori told me about u and Roy dating
Jason nearly groaned out loud, already imagining all the whining he was gonna get about not telling the others, but that all faded away when he saw the follow up messages.
[11:02AM]: I'm glad you're happy Jason
[11:02AM]: the others are too
[11:03AM]: oh btw Alfred says 'I told you so'
[11:03AM]: not even gonna ask
Jason pressed a hand over his mouth, suppressing the laughter that tried to bubble through. He had a good family.
"Hm, who was it?" Roy asked, peering over from where he was leaning by the doorframe.
Jason smiled a bit, putting the phone back down so that he could turn and face Roy directly. "Just Dick being himself."
"Bad, then?" Roy chuckled, wings fluttering slightly in amusement.
"For once... no," Jason answered honestly, walking forward to peck Roy on the cheek before moving further into the house. He walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen, rummaging around. He started to get out the supplies to make pancakes, listening to the sound of Lian and Sasha romping around upstairs. "No, it was really nice."
Roy gave him a brilliant grin. "I'm glad!"
Jason smiled back, feeling like some kind of heavy burden had been lifted off of his shoulders. "Yeah, me too."
Well, here we are at the end! I want to thank everyone so much for reading. Sorry it took me so long to get it done, but I'm just glad that I can end 2016 on a happy note like this.
Thanks again, and I really hope you enjoyed!
(also, if you feel like checking out my tumblr or have any questions about the story, feel free! :D [mm-mendell])