~Chapter 26~

Usui opened his wife's office door still his men followed him, Misaki after seeing his bloody jacket, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!" she burst.

"Sweetheart, calm down the baby!" he tried to calm her.

The soldiers behind him shivered at the hormonal wrath of their general's wife, "How can I calm down if you're bloody looking like that!" checking his wound by pulling up his sleeve, "And sit down!" pushing him to sit opposite to her desk.

Sighing that's already been treated, "Are you that scared you brought your whole platoon?" she glared as she dart that glare on to the armored men.

"Babe, please calm down, I'm gonna explain things, and as to all of you please wait outside" he sighed and started to explain things.

"Honey, you see, remember when you voted and assigned me to that special department?" he stated.

"And?" he angry features never left.

"I thought of some things and planning how to frame up and those responsible on your threats and surprisingly they all from the Senate"

"So you're responsible for all of the killings?"

"I didn't want to tell you because you would think I'm a killer or something, also I don't want you to worry about me that much every time I go on a mission" he sighed again cupping her cheek as he kneeled at her while she sits on the chair Usui supposed to sit.

"I don't care if you kill those people, what I care is about your safety, remember the time you were asleep for a week, it torn me, Takumi!" she burst out crying.

"Shhh… I promise today is the last day, I finished the mission, have I no more threats" kissing her.

Meanwhile outside, what's happening?" said by the soldiers when the PM rushed to congratulate Usui, only to be stopped by the lady staff.

As they listened to the shouting, soothing, crying and calming again, everyone thought of Usui on how he'll survive it, surprisingly they saw Usui unhurt and opened the door surprised to see the PM, inviting him in the couple offered some tea and talked about business regarding the a lot of things happened on the government, the PM started to get new and trusted Senate members from the lower cabinet, while Usui checked their back grounds and had them under probation by using a spy.

Misaki was proud of Usui completing the secret task however she wasn't amused by the fact he put his life on the line many times as he said, mean while outside Usui's men still looked worried about him hearing no reactions inside the room.

"Is General fine?!" the boys almost panicked.

Suddenly Aoi's phone ringed and read the e-mail, immediately he then turned his PC on, the ladies were surprised he didn't burst crying seeing his boyfriend on his screen.

Logging on to his account, suddenly a familiar face appeared, "Hey babe" the ladies behind giggled at that greeting, taking a peek at the man who talked.

He was half naked covered with a piece of sheet laying on his stomach holding his phone facing him.

"I presume you just woke up?" Aoi giggled at his sight.

"Yea… I've been in rough duties for days, trying to make my self busy, I miss you" he groaned.

"Aoi-chan had been crying every time he sees your picture" laughed by Erica, the soldiers who had no idea Aoi was a guy and had a crush on him was devastated knowing he had a boyfriend and that on isn't to mess with.

"Ohh… hi there everyone!" he groggily greeted, "If I can cry I would cry also, I miss you so much too, I had to keep myself busy and do lots of stuff for something" he sighed.

"Aww… don't work to hard baby, I don't want to see you all patched up like your idiot brother" Aoi consoled.

"Speaking of idiots, where's my brother?"

"His as is being woooped by his ever loving wife" everyone burst at that comment.

"I guess he got caught?"

"And you knew something?" Aoi threatened.

"Actually I knew a lot since I'm the same as him" he admitted.

"you're happy I'm not around so your ass is saved?"

"Nope, I actually want my ass wooped" he joked.

"I guest I got you trained then?" Aoi jokingly replied.

"Maybe?" he winked.

Aoi groaned, "Serously, just don't get hurt alright?" Aoi worriedly said.

"I will, and where's junior?"

Aoi lift the sleeping puppy, "Still not used to the time zone" he sighed.

"he better protect mommy from predators there" glaring at t some men at the back.

"Don't worry" Aoi assured, will I got to get to office now" he sighed as he stood revealing that his only wearing a very short and tight Under Armour elastic boxers, Aoi had to keep himself lip biting as his boyfriend messily scratch his hair.

"Babe, I gotta go, I need to get washed and freshen up, or you want to join me?" he joked.

"Aoi shot his computer blushing.

"KYAAAA! How far did you go?!" pressed by the girls.

"None of your concern!" and he walked out.

Later that afternoon Misaki came out with a fresh look, the ladies even the soldiers wondered how she still looked beautiful even if she wailed for an hour, but dismissed it, the Prim Minister and Ambassador who's head of the authority of such mission awarded those remained loyal to the government, while other countries immediately heard of the news that the Japanese government had immediately responded to those corrupt politicians and people on positions, however, the Prime Minister still thought of those who's still silently corrupt, thus tasked a certain new official to follow up.

As for Usui he liked his new office beside Misaki's he can easily check up on her and help her with heavy work such as piles of paper works.

A week later as for the news quickly spread except thing that Usui and his men did, the Prime Minister was then praised while the truth was it was the couple, Misaki with the idea and Usui with the action however it was a good publicity to the Prime Minister and a quiet life to the couple, their heavy security lessened.

A year have passed Misaki have given birth to two cute boys that looked like mini Takumis, Aoi remarked something funny even the Prime Minister's wife laughed so hard, "No wonder you needed your husband 24/7, that explains why you craved him more than food you asked him to bring" the family laughed minus his boyfriend due to some mission overseas.

Aoi and the ladies even recalled when Misaki really wanted to eat a hot ramen fresh from Kyoto, Usui as a funny and reliable husband and a man in command even took matters to his hands, he took one of the choppers and flew to Kyoto, packed the food to a hot container and brought it in a hurry only to be rejected after when Misaki felt like eating ice cream from a nearby convenience store.

The prime minister then said, "The struggles of being a husband" as he laughed it off.

The babies are now few months old and was allowed to be brought to the office, funny how the Prime Minister always barge in her office and play with the crawling babies on their wide play pin.

Misaki giggled at the thought where Usui had troubled time assembling the whole thing also the toys that comes with it.

"Are you sure you need no help on that one, sir?" asked by Naoya holding on to little Richie, the oldest of the twins nibbling on his bottle.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Usui said as he sat on the floor wearing his military clad scratching his head with the screwdriver.

"Sir, boss said that she wants that one done when she comes back" reminded by Ikuto added, this time cradling the ever bouncy youngest Takuma which resembled his mother's active and fun personality.

"And apparently she'll be back from the meeting 5 minutes by now" Ryu added.

"Well, I'll prepare for the worst then?" he sighed.

Back at Misaki having a meeting, "Gosh dear, can I play with the twins later?" said by the lady sitting beside her as she replied with a nod.

Also there's this one time she also thought of seeing her green eyed superman in a panic, she had to hold his three boys at bay not to help him, Usui trying to calm one baby after another, Richie cried the other would also when one would calm down the other would start another fit, the process repeated.

Presently the couple are now about to head to their office, Misaki and Usui holding their babies while Naoya drives and the two others got the baby things and the couple's bags for the office.

As they were on their way, while at the office.

"Good morning, Hiroto-san" greeted by Honoka to the new official.

"Is Aoi-chan already here?" the poor man never figured out that Aoi was a guy and started to court him despite he knew Aoi's dating someone, brushing it off that the man lives overseas and not knowing the unknown boyfriend is one hell of a killer, 'literally'

As the man dressed formally in classy suit and has a military badge and Japanese flag on his chest standing with a strong build of muscles leaning on Erika's table, "Sorry, sir, but Aoi-chan isn't here yet" the ladies avoiding calling Aoi Him nor her to trick the arrogant man in to something he'll regret soon enough, the other male staff and soldiers that works in the building agreed to give him a lesson because they hated him too, even Misaki.

When later on, "Is my love arrived yet?" a familiar man appeared, clad in plain khaki pants with six pockets, dessert colored military boots, plain shirt and his brown full collar leather jacket, a flower and chocolates in hand and a big smile.

The big man has a long messy blonde hair and a thick beared.

"Scott!" the ladies happily greeted, Hiroto was confused whom he called love, "Aoi-chan didn't arrive yet"

"That's perfect, I have surprises" he smiled, "And I have souvenirs for you guys too"

"You're the best big guy!" Erika patted him.

The man didn't like the respect the staff gave to the man.

"Visitors in this office are not allowed in this time, or either you need to have an appointment" he sharply said.

"Oh… is that a new policy? Because the last time I was here that shit isn't existed" Scott pissed grabbing the smaller man by the collar and lifting him, noticing the badge and he was from the Air-force, "I see you're my brother's dog" he smirked, "I presume you do some hand to hand combat?"

Scott proceeded to put his flowers and chocolates (five boxes) to Aoi's table and taking off his jacket revealing his tank top that molded his own muscles, "Why don't you show me?"

Hiroto launched himself and tried to punch Scott but it was neutralized and was countered grabbing him by the collar and lifting him, his biceps swelled with his chest muscles trowing him on Erikas's table and destroying it on the process.

Aoi with the couple and their babies, rushed when Gon called and waited to them outside, he rushed to call his boyfriend's name, "RICHARD PATRICK Scott RACHESTER! STOP THAT!" Aoi shocked to see a broken table and a few pots, Scott looked at his lady like boyfriend, he threw Hiroto to the shelf.

"That is why I never go to his bad side" Usui commented as he chuckled.

"Sorry for the destroyed things" Scott hugged Aoi, lifting him, "I missed my lady boyfriend" kissing him.

"I missed you too, silly, you gave me a heart break when you didn't contact me for a month!" he playfully slapped him.

"I had some busy days to surprise you with" he chuckled.

"A months worth of paper loads just to have vacation to see me?" he guessed.

"Much better"

"Surprise me"

"A transfer" Aoi pouted. "Haha of course you need more fillers, a transfer to the Japan's ministry of defense yet I'm still under the British military and keeping my rank" Aoi was so happy he hugged Scott tightly.

"Congrats man! you finally got something that you've been asking good old prince Charlie?" patted Usui.

"Yeah… he finally allowed me to" sighing, "One more thing" he took his jacket and pulled out a velvet box, "How about a trip to New York and get you name done?" he proposed, Misaki and the ladies squealed.

"Are you serious?!" Aoi covered his mouth with both hand as his tears fell.

"You finally found your balls to ask him!" laughed Usui.

"Wait 'HIM?!" burst by the bloody man being helped by the moron trio.

"Yea… what? You didn't know? Everyone in the office knows!" Naoya said as the other two agreed.

"You mean that pretty face is a guy?" eyes wide open.

"You got a problem with that" glared by Scott.

"I'm out of here!" as he walked limping with his ripped tailored suit.

"Finally someone gave it to him" Misaki snorted.

"Everyone hates him, sir" said by Ryu.

"Well, I'm gonna surprise him by not telling him I'm his boss then" Scott said.

Later that afternoon the Prime Minister was shocked to see the poor office but brushed it off since it was being cleaned, Scott was given an office to the same building, only a few floors apart since he works for the British government.


As Hiroto working on his paper works the ladies are being nosy and squealing, Hiroto listening, "I heard we have a new hot boss!"

"More hotter than Hiro-kun?" his ears perked up.

"Also, he is a high ranking official in England and the current duke!" squealed the other.

"What does he look like?"

"Well, I saw him earlier reporting at the Prime Minister's office! He's blonde with a clean Becham cut!"

"Oh.. that one's classic!" when suddenly the man they are talking about arrived all eyes on him.

He stands 6'4 feet tall clean high and tight faded cut with a clean shave, wearing a full camouflage uniform with many patches and bage, showing his high rank, thick boots and a chest holster holding his two guns with its extra mags.

Taking off his Beret he introduced himself, the golden ring indicated that his married that sent dismay to the ladies, "Good morning, my name is Richard Patrick Scott Rachester II, the current Duke of the Hirose Family, Ranked Air marshal at the age of twenty-two, status, married and if youask to whom, it is Aoi Rachester, the Ambassador's secretary" their mouth left hanging.

"And I guess you'll be working for me, mate" he said in perfect British accent and darted his smirk to poor Hiroto giving him a new kind of 'threat' he learned from his older brother named by hs sister-in-law the 'Alien'.


A/N: I'm still thinking of making a sequel where Misaki and Usui struggle to let their twins go to their first day of school~