Love. Sadness. Fear. Regret. These were the emotions Sakuya had been feelings more often than not. Sadness and regret for lying to Mahiru about who he really was - what he really was. Fear for when and if Mahiru ever found out - what Mahiru's reaction would be. Would the sweet brunette cower in fear? Would he throw hateful words at the subclass? Or would he perhaps look past Sakuya's murderous self and - no. Sakuya knew the brunette would never accept him once the truth was learned, which was why he had been doing everything he could to prevent Mahiru from figuring it out. All these emotions plus, love. Sakuya knew he had feelings for Mahiru deep down, knew why he always wanted to see that sweet smile. Sakuya had fallen the second he saw Mahiru, and had only proceeded to dig himself deeper and deeper into these emotions with each passing day. Each time they were together, each radiant smile directed at him Sakuya knew he had fallen hard for Mahiru.

Sakuya slammed his head into his desk, earning a few concerned looks from his classmates. 'Stop thinking of him like that,' the subclass thought to himself 'You're a monster - someone as sweet and pure as Mahiru could never think of you like that' Sakuya frowned as the voice in his head kept nagging at him. He was honestly getting tired more and more of the doubts everyday, especially since they were beginning to wear him down emotionally.

"Are you alright Sakuya?" The vampire's thoughts were cut off by the item of his affections. With a quick turn of his head Sakuya was able to stare into Mahiru's warm and concerned brown eyes.

Glancing around the room to be sure no one had heard Mahiru talking, Sakuya considered his reply. Should he say he's fine? But, tha would be lying and Sakuya had made a promise to himself to never hide anything from the other except who he was.

Nervously, Sakuya looked at his desk and shrugged. "Well.. I-I'm not perfect right now.." Looking back at Mahiru, Sakuya flashed his best grin. "But I'm sure I'll be fine so don't worry." Sakuya waited impatiently as Mahiru studied him, already feeling warma all over under that intesnse gaze. After a few seconds, Mahiru's stare softened and he smiled that smile that made Sakuya's legs feel weak.

"Just tell me if you don't feel well or need anything, I'm your friend so if somethings wrong then who's better to help than me!" Mahiru finished his statement with a grin that caused butterflies to form in Sakuya's stomach and heat to flood his cheeks. With a final nod, Mahiru turned back to face frontwards in his seat, unawar of his friend's lingering gaze and blush.

Sakuya stood quickly as the last bell rang, stretching his arms into the air and doing an exaggerated yawn. "I thought that was going to go on forever!" The subclass quickly turned to his brown haired companion, an excited look on his face. "Mahiru! Let's go see a movie!" Sakuya felt his smile triple in size when Mahiru smiled and nodded back.

"A movie sounds great Sakuya!" Quickly slinging on his backpack, Mahiru started walking towards the classrooms exit, Sakuya following close behind. The duo immediantly starting chatting about what movie to see as they left the school building.

The two had settled on a new romantic comedy that had been released recently, and had decent reviews. Sakuya had bought the tickets while Mahiru had bought the snacks for them, so there they were in the top back row of the theatre, their own respective drinks and cnady boxes and one medium popcorn bucket nestled in Mahiru's lap.

As the movie started, Sakuya couldn't stop himself from staring at Mahiru. The subclass silently admired how bright Mahiru's brown eyes looked, reflecting his curiousity for the movie and the movie images themselves. Absent mindedly, Sakuya chewed on a gummy bear as he let his gaze travel to Mahiru's plump lips, loving the sight of the soft and slightly pale pink skin and silently wondering how they would feel against his own. Swallowing thickly, Sakuya adverted his gaze to observe the other occupants of the theatre and noticed there were only about five other people, all sitting a ways away from Mahiru and himself.

With a small sigh, Sakuya relaxed in his chair and reached towards the popcorn bucket in Mahiru's lap, fully intending on grabbing some buttery popcorn but stopped when his hand met another. Looking up, Sakuya saw Mahiru staring at him, a light red tinting his cheeks. "Sorry Sakuya.. I-I didn't see your hand there.." Mahiru's words trailed off as Sakuya took a firm hold of his hand and looked at his friend with slight confusion.

Sakuya felt sweat begin to form fro the slight fear he urrently felt. What was he doing, what was he holding onto Mahiru's hand for? It felt as if Sakuya went onto autopilot, let something else take control as he leaned forward and captured Mahiru's soft, enticing lips in a gentle kiss.

Sakuya held firm against Mahiru, letting up only a little when Mahiru stiffened up. 'Supid, stupid, stupid! Now he probably thinks I'm a freak and-' Sakuya's train of thought slipped when h felt the smaller male move his lips against his own, shyly returning the kiss, as if dipping his toes into a pool to test the water temperature. Feeling a smile play onto his lips, Sakuya pressed closer to Mahiru, now more confident about his actions. 'Maybe.. this will work out.'