(I don't own divergent but I do own all my mistakes that I no doubt over looked)

I just reread this story and thought that it need a ton of work. I mean, there were parts that didn't even have punctuation. I have no freaking clue what was wrong with me when I wrote this story.

So yes people, I'm redoing this story and fixing it up to make it better and more readable for you. I will also be making some changes but the plot of the story will stay the same.




It has been two years since I finished first in my dauntless initiation class.

Twenty months since I fell in love with my instructor, Tobias Eaton.

Twelve months since I stupidly moved in with Tobias.

Five months since the first time he shattered my heart and soul then put me in the infirmary with six broken ribs and one hell of a concussion. Not to mention all the many bruises that covered my entire body from all the terrible beatings that he told me I deserved. He told everyone I was just really clumsy, and made it look as if I fell from a moving train. I seriously cannot believed that everyone bought that crock of shit.

...And now finally, it's been two months since I became a shell of who I once was, and let that sick bastard continue to kill the strong dauntless woman that I worked so hard to become.

I am broken now. The man that claims to love me has completely broken my worthless soul.

I'm still with Tobias because he'll kill me if I leave him; I have no other choice but to stay with him. I know that he still loves me. How do I know this? He says it all the time; even as he hurts me.

They say actions speak louder than words right? Well, his words are always loud and clear. I mean, he says that everything he does to me is all for my own damn good and that he just wants me to be better.

"You should be better, Tris!" Tobias yells at me for the thousandth time.

"You're a horrible person Tris!" He screams at me for the millionth time.

"But I still love you, because someone has too.So, it might as well be me, Tris." The soulless monster Laughs at me, at least once a day!

I really fucking hate Tobias Eaton, with the burning passion of a thousands suns, but I tell him that I love him too because in our relationship my words are louder than my actions and the pain he puts me through is so much more than pleasure.

So... I digress like I always do because who would love me, right? Besides a monster like him...

Absolutely no one, that's who… I am a worthless person in the eyes of everyone that I once thought were my friends and family, and no matter how hard I try, I will never live the Dauntless life that I chose all those years ago.

I'm not brave anymore, and I'm not as strong as I once was; or hell, maybe I was not strong to begin with. Now though, I am just a dead, stupid woman that will never have a life that is fit for Dauntless, or any other faction for that matter.

I am nothing.

The only thing that I have to looked forward to in this life will happen tonight as the warrior faction sleeps. Once Tobias leaves to go have his nightly playtime with either Lauren or Christina I will visit the most dangerous place in dauntless and free fall into my long awaited death. I've always loved the Chasm, even after Peter and his friends attack me and tried throw me in. I wish they would have succeeded in killing me then. It would have saved me a lot of pain and trouble.

I wonder if it was freeing for Al when he jumped into the chasm? I don't know, it's possible. I do know that, without a shadow of doubt, it will be more than freeing for me...

My pain will finally end tonight.

For the first time in two weeks I was allowed out of my apartment to eat dinner in the mess hall alone while Tobias is working.

I wish I could work away from home again, but Tobias took that away from me as well, and made me quit my job as a Dauntless ambassador and forced me to do the payroll and book keeping for the control room employees so that I could work from home.

I had to lie to Max to get that job and I knew that he wasn't fooled one bit but the terrified and pleading look I gave him and his sad reaction to it, made me think that he knew what was going on and that I would get put in the infirmary again if I didn't get the job. So he gave me what I wanted and another sad smile full of pity to go with it. He then told me that if I needed any help that I could always come to him or Eric and they would help me. He made it sound like he was talking about the job, but I knew the offered help had nothing to do with work and everything to do with my terrible situation.

I'm hiding in my little corner of the massively packed and really loud mess hall. That way no one can see me and talk to me because I know that Tobias is watching my every move from the control room.

I can already see three cameras pointed straight at me and I know that Tobias is watching my every move like a hawk, just begging for me to step out of line so that he can have some fun and hurt me. If someone so much as says hi to me, he will see it and the pain I'll endure as soon as I get home will be so much more than the usual.

So I keep my hood over my head and my eyes locked on my untouched plate and prey to whoever is listening that no one sees me and tries to talk to me.

I have no clue why I'm worried because for one; no one ever sees me anymore anyway. And two; I'll be at the bottom of the chasm and free soon enough.

My suffering will be no more after tonight. It's kind of poetic that today is my birthday and the day of my death. It's the best gift that I can give myself, and that's exactly what it will be; my very last birthday present.

Earlier when I walk into the mess hall I locked eyes with the only person that has ever tried to help me and doesn't condone what Tobias and everyone else is doing to me. Uriah smiled sadly at me and mouthed 'Happy birthday' to me.

About two months ago Uriah tried to stand up for me when he realized my terrible situation, and what I was going through. Well, just put it this way; he took one hell of an ass whooping from Tobias and Zeke for trying to help me. So I told him to just leave it be so that he's not hurt on my account, and that I was not worth it. He tried to complain but I just pushed him away and told him and Mar to just forget about me. I'm really not worth it.

I Guess that Uriah was my only friend and I had to completely disconnect from him so he didn't share my fate. I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to him on my account. He is too good of a person for me to allow that to happen to him.

"Tris" I jump nearly out of my seat when I hear the deep voice of the man that I so wish I could have had the chance to get to know, but I never and will never get that chance.

I have had a serous crush on the young leader, ever since I transferred to Dauntless. When I first saw him standing on the roof waiting to greet the new initiates, I thought to myself that Eric was, is the perfect Dauntless soldier and I wanted him more than anything, but Eric was cold to everyone and always kept people at a distance. So I never approached him; instead I just silently watched him and prayed that someday I would get the chance to know the man behind the mask.

I never got that chance, because of Tobias fucking Eaton.

My heart is pounding erratically and almost completely out of my heaving chest. My breathing is becoming shallow and almost non existent. I feel like I may pass out at any moment. Oh god please don't let Tobias hurt Eric for talking to me...

"Tris," He says once more breaking me from my panic but his strong tone is much softer this time and he lightly grasps my arm as he leans down closer to me. I close my eyes, momentarily getting lost in the smell of his masculine but very sweet smell. God, Eric smells so damn good. "I really need you to come with me right now, darlin." Oh no please, Eric. "Come Tris, we really need to hurry." What the hell is going on and where are we going?

Fuck, Tobias hates Eric, almost as much as I hate Tobias. Almost. So Please god if you are listening, don't let Eric get hurt for talking to me and touching me, please...

"I..." I swallow the lump in my throat and try my damnedest to keep my tears from falling. To keep my body from shaking out of my own skin. To keep from passing out at the immense fear that I feel in this moment. The fear that I'm feeling is not for me at all though. "Please Eric, just leave me alone. I don't want you to get hurt because of me." I plead with him weakly, not looking up from my still untouched dinner.

Oh shit, I think I'm gonna be sick. I look around and cringe when I see Will, Christina, Lynn, Shaun, and Peter looking at me with wicked smiles on their faces. I also notice Christina talking frantically on the phone. She no doubt just called Tobias to let him know that I'm talking to Eric.

Oh God...Tobias is going to kill Eric and make me watch while he does it. He'll then more than likely torture me with the help of his friends.

"I can't do that anymore, Tris. Now please sweetheart, come with me. We really really do need to move." Eric says softer than I knew him capable of as he looks at the people that are going to help kill us both.

Eric's soft and caring tone causes me to gasp again and look up; right into his gorgeous gray eyes. "It's okay Tris, that sick monster will never hurt again. I won't let anyone touch you ever again..." Eric continues as he helps me up from my seat; supporting most of my weight as he leads me away from my table. "I promise, Tris."

"W-What?" I gasp out then look all around us frantically, as quickly he leads me towards the door. I notice the cameras that were positioned on me, are now following our every move. Each camera that we pass follows us as well. "I can't, please Eric..." I'm close to hysterics as we walk out of the mess hall.

"Shh, it's alright." Eric whispers to me as he pulls me out of the room, allowing the doors to slam behind us.

I'm just waiting for Tobias and his minions to jump out and kill us both. Oh God, I still can't freaking breathe.

Once Eric and I are away from prying eyes, Eric looks at me with so much concern as we continue to walk at a very fast pace. "I'm helping you sweetheart. I'm going to get you the fuck out of here so four can't hurt you anymore, okay."

Eric places his hand on the small of my back and continues to lead me to the compounds garage where Max and a truck are ready and waiting for us.

"I have everything you'll need for a few days already loaded, Eric. Here are the keys to the cabin and I already have your route programmed in the navigation. There's also a small arsenal in the back seat in case you guys run into trouble." Max says as he looks at Eric, then addresses me. "My wife packed you plenty of clothes and female supplies, Tris. She and I will be out there in a few days to check on the two of you and, we'll bring you more food and essentials." Max and Eric shake hands before Eric quickly helps me in the truck.

"Thank you, Max." Eric mumbles as he helps me with my seat belt.

"Yeah, no problem and be safe guys." Max tells him before turning to leave.

After Eric shuts my door he turns to the camera in the corner of the garage and holds up his middle finger. Once he's finished taunting my murderer...Our murderer, he walks around the truck and climbs in.

"Ready?" Eric gives me a brilliant smile.

"Um..." I say dumbly and turn to him fully. "I don't understand, Eric. Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?" I sniffle. "I'm not worth the trouble that all this will cause you."

Eric sighs and shakes his head then growls menacingly while pointing out of my window. I turn and see Tobias, Zeke and Peter running towards us. I instinctively grab Eric's hand tightly and begin to panic at the thought of them hurting Eric for helping me.

"That's why, and you are more than worth it, Tris." Eric grins at me as he quickly puts the truck in drive, and peals out of the garage before they can reach us. We nearly run over Peter and four in our hasty exit. "Don't worry Tris I won't let that sick fucker anywhere near you ever again. And before you ask; no they can't follow us because the only other truck in the compound is Max's and his truck will not start without his hand print and a security code." Eric grins at me once more.

"Okay, but seriously Eric, why are you doing all this for me?"

"Tris I have sit back for five months and watched four destroy you, and I simply couldn't do that any longer. So this morning I stormed into Max's office and told him that if he didn't help me get you out of this hell four put you in, I would leave dauntless and disappear with you, become faction-less." Eric says as he glances down at me a few times throughout his confession.

"I'm not complaining Eric, but why do you care? I mean I'm nothing and really not worth it..." My voice was so low that I'm sure he didn't hear me but he does and cuts me off with a growl.

"Because this is happening to you, sweetheart and I care for you, Tris." Eric tells me quietly, not look away from the road. "No one deserves to live that way; least of all you. I'd die before I ever let you live that way again." Eric stops and looks at me intently. "You are more than worth it Tris, and you matter to me; more than you'll ever know, darlin."

I don't know what to say to that so I say nothing as stare out of the window and quietly cry like a freaking baby.

After an hour of silence Eric turns down a dirt road and I look out the window only to see nothing but trees, it's very beautiful and really peaceful out here.

"Where are we, Eric?" I ask as I continue to look at my surroundings in wonder.

"Max found this place year's ago and refurbished it for his wife. I've never been here before now. He and his wife come out here every summer and Christmas just to get away from the craziness that Dauntless has to offer. No one knows about this place but the two of them and now the two of us." He smiles at me and I realize I've never seen him smile before today. Eric is simply gorgeous all the time but when he smiles like that, he is beyond sexy.

"You should do that more often." I whisper softly and look down at my hands in my lap.

"What?" Eric chuckles while tilting his head to the side and at the same time he's looking at me like I'm the most important person in the world to him?

"Smile." I whisper and laying my head against the window and close my eyes.

"Maybe I will, Tris. But you have to smile more with me." I hear him chuckle before he squeezes my hand and I just now realize that I'm still gripping his hand tightly. And fore some strange reason I can't let go, so I don't.

The cabin is beautiful but small in a very cozy way. Once we got everything inside Eric pulled me into a tight hug telling me that he will bring me back to life, if it's the last thing that he does on this earth. If Tobias finds us, it just might be. I told him as much but he just scoffed at that, then grinned as he also told me that Max said that if Tobias or any of his friends somehow finds us, we are authorized to kill them on sight. I smile at that and in a way I really do hope that the mother fucker finds us just so we can kill him.

"Have some faith in me, sweetheart." Eric strokes my cheek and smiles down at me. "I will die before I let anything else happen to you, Tris. I promise."

"Faith is hard to come by these days, Eric." I tell him as I continue to gaze out the window in the cozy living room noticing a huge lake out in the distance. "But I really do trust you."

"Thank you Tris." Eric continues to stroke my cheek. "That means a lot to me."

There's a brief moment of silence between us as I continue to stare out the window at nothing in particular and going over today's events in my head. I still can't believe that I'm far away from my personal hell and the demon that was slowly killing me, and the fact that Eric was the one to save me from my terrible fate. My birthday has completely turned from the worst to the best in a matter of just a few short hours. I'm finally free and safe.

"It is really beautiful out here." I mummer quietly and realize that my head was resting on Eric shoulder and his arm is wrapped around my waist.

"Yes it really is." He laughs lightly. "I could stay out here forever."

"Me too."

"Hey Tris?" Eric turns me around and holds me in his strong arms tightly. "Happy birthday sweetheart."

"How did you know?" I look up at him with a small smile.

Eric shrugs. "I know more about you than you can imagine." Eric leans down and kisses my forehead.

I nod, not really knowing what to say.

A few moments later I pull away from Eric's arms and walk around the cabin with Eric following me; the both of us getting a feel for the place. I notice there's only one bedroom, and before I can tell Eric that I'll take the couch; he beats me to it, telling me that the couch is all his and that I can have the bedroom.

"Go get ready for bed Tris, you look like you haven't slept in months." He tells me before I can argue with him about the sleeping arrangements.

I snort out disdainfully. "I haven't slept in months, Eric." I reply with an unusual hardness to my voice. "Every time I close my eyes I would get scared that they would never open again or I would wake up to Tobias hurting me." I tell him quietly as I turn around and head to the bedroom.

Before I can enter the room Eric spins me around and pulls me into a tight warm hug. I can't help the flinch that passes through my body from the surprise contact.

"Sorry Tris, but I really needed to hug you." He mumbles into the crook of my neck before he squeezing me tighter then lets me go and looking me in the eyes. "I'm going to teach you how to be strong again." Eric grins at me sadly, like he knows exactly what I'm going through. "Okay?"

"Okay." I tell him softly then wrap my arms around his waist to hug him once more. "Thank you Eric, for everything." I look up at him and smile a genuine smile for he first time in a long time. "Really, thank you." I lean up and kiss his cheek before turning back to the room.

"No problem Tris and you never have to thank me for that. Now go get some sleep." He leans down and kisses my cheek then smiles at me one last time before he turns back and walks towards the living room.

After a long hot shower and a good cry, I brush my teeth then put on some shorts and sports bra that I found in my bag before crawling under the thick and really soft covers.

It's takes a good while of tossing and turning before I fall into my normal restless sleep…

I open my eyes only to see Tobias standing over me and laughing evilly. "I told you Tris," He slaps me across the face hard."I would kill you if you ever left me and now I get to kill Eric as well for helping you." I begin shaking my head and crying harder.

I try to move but I'm tied to a chair in front of a beaten down and bloodied Eric. Oh god, what have I done?

"Tobias please stop this, I'll go back with you, but please stop. Don't hurt him. Oh god, please don't hurt him." I begin to cry harder, causing Tobias to grin at me.

Before I can utter another word Tobias lifts Eric's head back and slitshis throat from ear to ear.


"Tris I'm right here, baby!" I hear someone yell above me and I feel a weight on my entire body. "Tris, wake up sweetheart it was just a nightmare. I'm here..." I open my eyes and I'm immediately staring into Eric beautiful stormy gray depths and he's laying on top of me restraining my hands. "You're okay Tris. He's not here; he can't find us. I promise that Tobias will never find us. You. Are. Safe!"

I take a deep shuttering breath and relax, but just barely. My body is still trembling beneath Eric's as he keeps me restrained while murmuring gentle and soothing words to me as he caresses my cheek lovingly. I never thought that Eric Coulter would ever be so caring and gentle with anyone, let alone me.

"Oh god, Eric." I begin to cry harder. "He's going to kill us both."

"I won't let that happen sweetheart, I promise." Eric tells me with his soft lips against my neck. I tighten my arms around his neck and begin to sob loudly.

After a while of me crying into Eric's neck, I'm not sure exactly how long we lay there just holding each other but eventually Eric raises his head from my shoulder and looks at me intently while running his finger through my hair.

"You're okay, Tris." He whispers softly as he moves his hand down and runs his fingers across the side of my neck and into my hair once more.

"I'm Okay..." I mimic his words but shake my head in the negative as more tears begin to fall. "Will you stay with me, please?" I plead to him with my eyes as well as my words. "He'll come back if I'm alone. I don't want to be alone anymore, Eric."

"You'll never be alone again, Tris." I feel his lips on my temple before he finally rolls himself over to lay under the covers next to me.

Eric pulls my back against his warm naked chest, with my head resting on one of his arms and his other arm is wrapped tightly around my waist. I feel so safe and protected in his tight embrace. I'm also completely and utterly content for the first time in a long time. I feel like I just might survive this nightmare. I actually want to start living again; that I just might have something to live for and be happy about...

I smile and close my eyes when I feel Eric's warm and very soft lips on my neck and shoulder. This sweet and loving action causes me to shiver delightfully in his strong and protective arms.

I sigh happily as I place both of my hands on Eric's arm while cuddling impossibly closer to his body. I turn my head and look into his warm gaze that tells me my life and happiness means so much to him.

Eric kisses my neck once more as he holds me tight to his warm body. "I've got you sweetheart, always."

I'm so damn happy that it's Eric here with me. Ever since I joined Dauntless and met Eric, I have had crazy but enticing feelings towards this strong and scary, yet very sweet dauntless man. And I get the feeling that Eric feels the same for me. That he would do anything to keep me safe and make me smile. He wants me to live again. Just as much as I want to live now.

Just only hours ago I was planning to kill myself to escape but now I really want to live and I honestly think that a good and happy life is possible.

Before I fall into a deep sleep, I make a load promise to myself that I intend to keep; even if it kills me to keep these promise...

I will do everything in my power to live my life to the fullest and be happy. I will not let the terrible things that Tobias has put me through hold me back from trusting and loving another man. I will be happy and put Tobias and all the pain behind me and never live in the past; never, ever live in fear or pain. From now on; until the day that I die, I will live my life to the fullest and learn to trust and love with all that I have.

I will be happy and strong enough to kill all the demons that try to take my happiness. I am not and never will be that broken little girl, ever again.

I am strong...

I am fierce...

I am brave...

I am Dauntless...

I will be happy, and I will most definitely learn to love and trust once more. Starting with Eric Coulter because he is my saving grace; my rock, and I will never ever take this wonderful dauntless man for granted. Never.

I will fight until my last breath to keep the fire in my now healing soul blazing like an inferno.

I promise that I will kill Tobias Eaton, if it's the last thing that I do...

Stay tuned...

I hope you all like the new and improved version of my more serious story.

You guys know what to do...


*That's an Eric Coulter size order*