Final chapter of Episode III is here.






Revan and Ahsoka panted as they moved quickly using the branches to evade one of the Trandoshans following them. After a few more minutes of running they hid underneath a large branch as the lizard following was directly on top. The couple quieted their breathing while waiting for him to leave, when a hoverpod levelled with the branch. "Where is she?" the lizard flying it demanded the other. "These ones were faster than most. I have lost the scent." he replied. "He can't hide forever! Mark my words, i'll have his hide and nail it to the wall for killing my son!" the lizard in the pod snarled. Revan was tempted to go up there and give the slimy bastard the same fate his son suffered but knew Ahsoka would be put in danger as well. The Trandoshan lowered the pod so the other one could jump in and the two Jedi moved to the other side of the branch silently as the Trandoshans looked at the spot they were just hiding. A few seconds later they took off and the couple climbed back up before taking off towards the tree the younglings lived in.

The couple reached the entrance just as it was nightfall and jumped in. "You made it." Jinx said as he and O-Mer noticed them. "We feared the worst." O-Mer said as the two stood. Ahsoka walked towards the other side of the unlit fire pit with her head down. "Where's Kalifa?" Jinx asked. "She didn't make it." Ahsoka answered, looking at them for a second. "She's dead? I- I can't believe it. She's been here longer than any of us and now…" he trailed off. "We're all going to die here. It's only a matter of time." O-Mer said with a tone of hopelessness and sat back down. "If it's only a matter of time that we die, I say we go down with a fight." Ahsoka replied. Jinx scoffed as he sat back down and crossed his arms. "That is suicide." he said. "You've said every few days they release new prisoners on the beach. I say we attack that dropship head on. They'll never expect it." Ahsoka suggested. O-Mer sighed and looked at Jinx. "Is it worth a shot?" he asked his friend. "Maybe it is." he replied as they stood up.

The four left the tree and made their way to the beach before hiding behind some trees. "Get ready, we'll have to be swift." Ahsoka told them. "The drop point's not far." O-Mer said as they looked up to see the slave freighter come through the fog. "Now!" she exclaimed as they all ran towards it before using a long jagged rock as a way to gain extra height. The couple landed on the cockpit window, much to the surprise of the lizards flying, before crawling up to the top just as a hatch opened and one of them crawled out with a blaster. rifle. Before he could shoot, O-Mer kicked him in the head, knocking him down. He and Jinx quickly jumped on the lizard before he could recover and pinned him down. "We'll take the pilot." she said as her and Revan dropped through the hatch.

The couple attempted to sneak up on him and barely managed to dodge a blast from his ACP Scatter Gun as he spun around quickly. They dodged two more blasts before she kicked the gun to the side and pushed him against one of the control panels. The ship suddenly leaned to the left and was turning slowly. The lizard grabbed her before tossing her at one of the side consoles then attempted to shoot Revan. The Knight Force pushed the blaster to the side as the trigger was pressed before Force pushing the lizard's upper body out the window, knocking him out. The console she was thrown into sparked a bit before one of the front ones exploded and the ship was spiralling to the ground. The back part of it blew off and the two Jedi attempted to try stabilizing it when Jinx jumped onto the glass. "Get out of there! Come on!" he said urgently. "But the prisoners, they'll die!" she replied. "Hit the release! Hurry!" he urged.

Ahsoka pressed the button and the four escaped and landed safely on the ground as more of the ship exploded and fell as it descended. "Well, I guess we won't be escaping on that ship." O-Mer said. "We'll find another way." Ahsoka assured before they heard a Wookiee growl and turned their attention the big inac piece of the ship. "What was that?" Jinx asked. "A survivor." she replied as they ran up to it. "It could be one of the prisoners they were dropping off." she said before a Wookiee approached them. "What is that?" O-Mer asked. "It's a Wookiee." Ahsoka answered as the Wookiee growled.

The group was back in the tree by the time the sun came up and Ahsoka was trying to translate the Wookiee's speech. "You're name is Chewbacca?" she asked, earning an affirmative growl. "Chewbacca, does anyone even know you were taken?" O-Mer asked him. Chewie gave a negative growl before saying a few more words in his language. "No, but he says his homeworld is very close." she said. "That's great but it might as well be Coruscant as far as i'm concerned. We've got no ship." Jinx said as he walked to the other side of the fire. Chewie stood up and started speaking for a few seconds before sitting back down. "He thinks he can contact his home planet if we find a way to transmit a signal." she translated. "Right, and how would we do that? Send smoke signals? We don't exactly have a transmitter lying around if you haven't noticed." Jinx said with sarcasm. Chewie spoke again and Ahsoka translated. "Chewbacca says he can build a transmitter from the wreckage on the beach." she said before he started speaking again. "Well, we can't just sit here." O-Mer reminded. "Fine. We'll do it the Wookiee way." Jinx agreed.

That night the group headed back to the beach. "Chewbacca, Revan and I will go out to inspect the crash site. You two stay here and signal us if you see anything." Ahsoka said before the three walked to the wrecked ship cautiously. "Get back! It's a patrol." she warned as they hid behind part of the wall while a hoverpod flew around and moved its searchlight around before stopping near a small ledge overlooking the beach then taking off. "Hopefully that patrol won't be back for a while. What are we looking for?" she asked the Wookiee as they walked through the wrecked cockpit. Chewie ripped off a wrecked panel before showing it to them.

"Are you still feeling optimistic about making a transmitter out of this junk?" she asked. Chewie growled as he walked over to a wrecked console. The wookiee grabbed a few more things an placed them in a metal box Revan found. "We better get going. That patrol may come back." she said as Chewie picked the box up. "It looks clear, come on." she said. Chewie growled lightly. "It's okay." she assured. "I don't know… I think Chewie's onto something." Revan said, not making a move to leave either. "I'm sure it's fine." she replied before taking a few steps into the open. A rifle shot hit the ground near her feet and the three ducked behind some cover. "Sniper! Get down!" she exclaimed as Chewie growled. Chewbacca grabbed the Trandoshan's wrist before he had a chance to stab Jinx with it and squeezed, making the lizard drop the blade. Chewie growled at the lizard before turning him around and gripping his neck with both hands. Wait! We should take him prisoner." Jinx suggested. "Fine. Chewbacca, let's take him." Ahsoka said, Chewie looked at her before tossing the Trandoshan to the ground then holding both hands to his back and heading back towards the tree."

Revan tied the lizard's hand behind his back and pushed him to the ground before checking to see if they were tight enough. "How's it looking, Chewbacca?" Ahsoka asked him after he got the transmitter together. Chewie replied in his language. "Will it work?" she asked. Chewie pressed a button and the makeshift dish moved slightly while beeping. "Well, something's working." O-Mer noticed before electricity crackled in the dish and it shorted out. "We've got a prisoner. We should be using him to our advantage while we have a chance." Jinx reasoned. "I thought the prisoner was the backup plan." she said with a small frown. "It's clear enough that we cannot rely on that device." Jinx pointed out and Chewie growled. "No offence. But we just can't sit here any longer." he replied.

"We should wait." Ahsoka insisted. "I agree with Jinx. We have to act while we have an advantage." O-Mer said. "Let's say we do it your way. What's the plan?" she asked. "We can use the prisoner to trick the enemy into flying one of their pods down to us. The we hijack the pod, fly up to their base and take them by surprise." he explained. "Ahsoka, you got us to believe in ourselves again. And, well, I believe Jinx's plan will work." O-Mer said. "Look, do what you want, but O-Mer and I are leaving with the prisoner in the morning." Jinx said as he and O-Mer walked over to the prisoner. "Their hearts are in the right place. You know we can't let them go alone." she said to the Wookiee. Chewie let out a growl. "We're not going to be able to do this without you. We need your help." she said, placing her hand on his shoulder. Chewie looked up from the transmitter and growled in agreement. "Who knows? Maybe our luck's just about to change." she said with an optimistic smirk, earning another growl.

The next morning the group headed towards the beach. "Alright, we better get started." Ahsoka said. "Right, time to call your friends." Jinx told the lizard who hissed at him. "I'm not helping you, whelp." the lizard snapped. "Chewbacca, we need him at eye-level please." she asked before the Wookiee pushed him onto his knees. "You will listen to me." Jinx said, waving his hand. The Trandoshan chuckled menacingly. "No, I won't." he replied before Chewie punched him. "You will listen to me." Jinx said, wing his hand again. "I will listen to you." the lizard agreed in a monotone voice. "You are our captive, and now you've escaped." Jinx said, wing his hand. "I was you're captive, but now i've escaped." he replied in a monotone. "You need to call a speeder to pick you up." the youngling said, waving his hand once more. "I need to call a speeder to pick me up." he agreed before Jinx removed the makeshift binds. The Trandoshan turned his com on. "Smug, where have you been?" a voice asked on the other side. "I need a speeder to pick me up." Smug replied.

The group hid while Smug remained in the open while still Mind-tricked as a hoverpod descended towards the beach. Jinx gestured for him to move towards the landing speeder and the lizard nodded before doing so. "Get in, let's go." the lizard driving the pod said to his friend. "Now!" Ahsoka called out as she jumped from the tree and kicked him in the face. The lizard recovered and tried to hit her as he turned around before tackling her out of the pod, Ahsoka quickly kicked him off. Jinx tackled Smug and knocked him out to make sure he wouldn't try anything as Revan and O-Mer jumped onto the pod to try stabilizing it. Chewie dropped behind the other one as he was focused on Ahsoka before noticing the Wookiee behind him. Chewie punched him hard with both hands, knocking him out before O-Mer hovered the pod over to the other three. "Want a lift?" he asked with a smile, one that Ahsoka returned.

The youngling flew them up to the fortress and turned the pod around so Jinx could jump out and kick one of the two lizards standing by the railing. Chewie jumped out next, followed by the other two, and grabbed the second one before tossing him over the edge as O-Mer flew the pod away so he could turn and land it. The lizard Jinx kicked let out the same alarm cry that other Trandoshan did a few days ago. Three lizards appeared at the top of the higher ledge and two came around the corner to the right. "Kill them! Kill them! I want their skins!" the top middle one roared before the two on their right opened fire. Chewie ran up to a pod and flipped it over to give him and the other three cover. Ahsoka and Revan noticed one running towards a pod. "Hey, let's give him a lift." she suggested before they used the Force to pick the pod up with the lizard inside and throw it towards the two on their right, knocking them down.

Chewie ran out from behind the pod and started fighting one of them as they recovered while Revan Force pushed the other one's gun to the side before ducking so Ahsoka could jump over him and kick the lizard in the face, knocking down onto one knee. Two more Trandoshans appeared just as O-Mer was coming back and he opened fire on them, making the lizards dive for cover. The Trandoshan that threatened to kill them started firing at the youngling from a turret attached to the railing. Revan and Jinx tripped the one they and Ahsoka were fighting before she landed with a foot on each side of the lizard's head and tried knocking him out. The Jedi, Wookiee and lizards had to jump out of the way as O-Mer's pod crashed on the deck where they had just been. The youngling managed to ditch it and landed beside Chewie. None of them had time to get up before the lizards aimed blasters at them. "A valiant effort, little younglings. Especially you two. You will be prize trophies in my collection." the leader said, eyeing Revan and Ahsoka.

Chewbacca growled as a ship suddenly appeared overhead. 'I recognize that ship! It's the Halo! Sugi's back!' Revan smiled at their sudden change of luck as the lizards attempted to shoot it ands two Wookiees used cables to descend onto the deck before firing at the lizards. Ahsoka kicked one lizard away while Revan Force pushed another before the lizards took cover behind the pod O-Mer crashed. Two Wookiees in the ship destroyed the turret and the leader lizard took cover behind it. The Wookiee with a helmet and rifle tossed one over the side before slamming another to the ground and stomping on his head then roaring triumphantly. The leader lizard retreated into his fortress. "Can you get me up there?" Ahsoka asked one of the Wookiees. He lowered to one knee and held his hands out together. Ahsoka ran towards him and pressed her foot into his hands before he threw her up. Revan Force-jumped up to the second area as his girlfriend walked cautiously through the door as it opened.

The couple made their way carefully into what appeared to be a throne room with trophies and a throne with a Wampa pelt on hit. 'Shit. He killed a Wampa? I'm impressed.' Revan gave a small impressed whistle at seeing one of the trophies. "You're actually impressed by all this?" his girlfriend asked quietly in disbelief. "What? No, the rest of this is sick! Those are what i'm impressed at." he said, pointing at the Neo-Crusader Mandalorian helmet and Wampa pelt. Ahsoka rolled her eyes and shook her head. They continued making their way slowly through the room and towards the throne. Ashoka jumped to the throne and looked behind it before relaxing when there was nothing. Revan barely dodged the hatchet that almost took his head off before rolling underneath him then dodging another slash by somersaulting over the lizard. The Knight kicked him in the chest then used the wall to jump off of and land on the throne. Ahsoka's boyfriend signalled her not intervene as the leader turned to face him. The Knight backflipped off before using the Force to push the Trandoshan into the wall.

Revan and the lizard walked sideways on each side of the throne as they maintained focus on each other. The leader ducked a Force push before grabbing him and slamming him against the ground. He took a knife out and the teen easily stopped it mere inches from his mask with his mechno-arm before twisting his arm away then kicking him in the side once then delivering another kick to his head. Revan kicked the knife out of his hand and the lizard blocked his next to kicks before he grabbed the Knight around the neck and started choking him. Ahsoka attempted to help her boyfriend when she hit a barrier that was made out of the Force before slamming on it with her fists as tears rolled down her face at seeing him being choked. The Knight brought his feet up and kicked the lizard in the jaw, freeing himself and landing on his feet as the lizard grabbed a rifle from its pedestal before firing at him. The teen rolled to the side before moving towards the leader quickly and Force pushed him over the pedestal and onto his back.

Revan jumped on the pedestal. "You've lost." he said. "You murdered my son! And you need to pay for what you did!" the lizard roared. "Your son died because he got what was coming to him, just like you will." the Knight said as he raised his hand near his face with the index and middle fingers outstretched. The Trandoshan attempted to grab his gun and Revan instantly thrusted his hand towards him, fingers pointed, releasing a single bolt of lighting that sent the lizard flying through the door and over the ledge. Ahsoka ran up to him and they hugged.

"Wait, I didn't break my promise did I? I know one of the promise conditions is if it's absolutely necessary. Did that count or did I just break my promise?" he asked in a worried tone. Ahsoka simply smiled at him and removed his mask before they shared a passionate kiss. "What do you think?" she asked with a flirty smirk. "Nope." he replied simply, smile on his face before they exited the room. The couple looked over the edge of the second floor railing to see the younglings and Wookiees looking at them and surrounding the leader's body, who happened to have one nasty burn mark on his chest.

Sugi took them back to Coruscant after they recovered their sabers and landed her ship on an outside platform just as it was sunset on their side of the planet. The couple along with the two younglings, some Wookiees and Sugi exited the ship. "Ahsoka! Revan!" Anakin exclaimed in relief and joy at seeing his friends safe as he ran up to them and they walked up to him and returned his smile. "It is good to see you safe, Little 'Soka. You as well Revan." Plo said softly before walking over to the others. "Guys, I am so sorry." Anakin apologized deeply. 'For what?" Ashoka asked, confused. "For letting you go, for letting you get taken. It was my fault." he said. "No, Master. It wasn't you're fault." she said softly. "I should've paid more attention. I should've tried harder, I..." he trailed off.

"You already did everything you could. Everything you had to do. When we were out there, alone," she started, looking at her boyfriend for a moment. "all I had was your training and the lessons you taught me. And because of you, we did survive. And not only that, we were able to lead others to survive as well." she explained softly. "I don't know what to say…" he replied, sounding humbled and touched by her words. "I do. Thank you, Master." she said with a smile before they bowed to one another. "You're welcome, my padawan." he replied before the three headed towards the Temple. Revan stuck his robot hand in the inside pocket of his robe and fished around a bit. 'Ah, good. It's still there. This whole time I forgot about it, and with all that jumping and rolling i'm surprised it's still in my pocket. Though I am very glad it is.' he looked at his girlfriend. 'Maybe tomorrow…' the Knight gently rubbed his thumb over the three crystals on the small silver band...

Episode III is finally done. I should have the first chapter of Episode IV up as soon as possible.